Yan Cigui

Chapter 388: He didn't dare to think of it (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 The East Palace was in a hurry inside and outside.

It wasn't until Eunuch Cao came out to help Eunuch Guo and arranged things one by one that the situation gradually stabilized.

Send Li Shao to Yuqing Palace, send people to ask for the imperial doctor, count the broken items in the east palace, and move what is left and what is taken away...

He was busy until it got dark. After hearing the replies from everyone, Eunuch Cao hurried back to the palace.

 The Holy Spirit is still approving the statement.

Eunuch Cao went in and advised, "It's time for dinner."

The Holy Master put down his pen after approving the book in his hand. He took the hot tea from Eunuch Cao and moistened his throat: "Has Shao'er moved over?"

Eunuch Cao did not dare to deceive the Holy Emperor, so he reported Li Shao's reaction after receiving the order.


 Pian Sheng was holding a teacup in his hand, and the heat in his eyes made it difficult to see the emotions in his eyes.

"His Highness was quite shocked," Eunuch Cao said, "It seemed that he was getting emotional all of a sudden. Fortunately, the guards stopped him and only damaged things but no one was hurt. His Highness' tone was very confused when he came back to his senses. "

 After all, it was Li Shao he was talking about, and Eunuch Cao did not add insult to injury by using some sharp and negative words.

 But it fell into the ears of the Holy Emperor. Imagining Li Shao's appearance at that time, I couldn't help but sigh.

Eunuch Cao said again: "His Royal Highness passed away when he walked out of the East Palace. The imperial doctor went to Yuqing Palace to diagnose him. He said that he was suffering from a sudden attack of heart and body, and that his body and bones, which were not in good condition, could not bear it before he collapsed. After that, he should rest more."

The Holy Spirit smiled bitterly and said for a long time: "I sometimes think that only when there is a cause, there will be an effect.

 Shao'er hacked something, I don't blame him.

When I was young, I was impatient and angry, and I was very careless when my temper came up. I couldn't persuade people around me. I didn't even like to listen to what Shaoer and his mother said.

 Having suffered a great loss, the price was profound. Over the years, I learned to control my temper and not make any decisions in anger.

This is how I came here myself, how dare I blame Shaoer..."

Eunuch Cao lowered his eyebrows and looked down.

The Holy Spirit needs someone to listen to his heartfelt words, not to make any judgment.

 Eunuch Cao can understand the mood of His Majesty, and also knows that His Majesty regrets endlessly when he thinks of that night at Dingguo Temple. But if he really wants to say that His Majesty had a bad temper when he was young, it is not the same as His Highness's.

Your Majesty would not listen to anything. He usually had a cold face and would only quarrel with Queen Xia when quarreling.

Empress Xia acted with great ideas, spoke with weight, but her tone was gentle. She had a small voice and couldn't make such a big fuss.

So even if the two of them quarreled, they couldn't say a few harsh words and just calmed down.

 As for the others, the Holy Spirit changed his face on the spot, and after calming down, he figured out that he would apologize when it was time to apologize.

Your Highness cannot do this.

   On this occasion, Eunuch Cao would not analyze these matters with the Holy Father.

"I can change," the Holy Master said again, "I just hope that Shaoer can also change."

How could such a huge movement in the East Palace be hidden from the people in the palace?

How many pairs of eyes stared at it, and they soon knew that Eunuch Cao had announced his decree, and that Li Shao had gone crazy and passed away.

 Some people are happy, some are excited, and some are worried.

I want to seize the opportunity, but I am afraid of falling behind. I am even more afraid that going to the Holy Master at this time will cause bad luck.

In Cuihua Palace, the imperial concubine had little appetite, so she only used her chopsticks for a few times and then put them down.

Mammy advised: "You will be hungry at night."

“Let’s talk when you’re hungry,” the imperial concubine said. “When it comes to this, I don’t know what to do. What does it have to do with me...”

Mammy couldn't help but feel distressed when she heard her moaning.

The imperial concubine said again: "Tomorrow, one by one will come to say hello. It will be you and me again. Those with sons and those without sons will be all kinds of drama. I can't help but listen."

Mammy knew her temperament, and while listening to her complaints, she served her a bowl of tofu soup.

"Those who have sons protect their sons, and those who don't have sons look forward to their sons." The imperial concubine lowered her eyes, "Everyone has hope, and I am irrelevant."

  After talking to herself for a while, she finally took the bowl of soup and used it one spoonful at a time.

 The next day.

 Yamen seal, no morning court.

Officials and ministers rested, but some couldn't rest. They gathered together to have a drink, and the little news spread.

 The flavor of the New Year is strong, and New Year’s Eve is here.

 Brand-new red lanterns were hung in the Duke Fu's mansion, and the housekeepers were beaming with joy.

 Xu Bai has been busy since early in the morning.

 The house has a small population, but it is the busiest New Year’s Eve in recent years.

The couplets on the window grilles have been put up, firecrackers are ready, and the New Year’s Eve dinner is being prepared in the kitchen.

When it got dark, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian went to the flower hall.

Not long after, Xu Miao and Liu Ping also arrived.

A round table with only four people seemed loose, so Dr. Zhang was originally asked to sit at the table together, but Dr. Zhang refused, so he only sat at the same table with Xu Bai and the others, saying he felt more comfortable.

Wan Yue also followed Grandma Ma to have wine with the other maids.

The flower hall was steaming with heat and lively.

After we cleared the table and stayed here to watch the New Year, the sound of firecrackers came from the street outside.

After listening to it for a while, Lin Yunyan became interested and asked to fetch some smaller ones to play with Liu Ping.

Xu Miao stood on the porch watching them play, holding a hand stove, her eyebrows arched under the light of the lantern.

Xu Jian watched them from the window and saw the little princess going to light a big firework. As soon as she lit the fuse, she ran without looking back. When the crackling sound started behind her, she turned around to look.

 He is not very courageous and loves to play.

After having fun, we went back to the flower hall and discussed which fireworks were the best.

 As time goes by, the time is approaching.

Except for Liu Ping, this is not the first time for the other three people to welcome the New Year in this house.

But it was also the first time for four people like this to warm their wine and talk, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.

 The new year has arrived, and firecrackers are booming outside.

Xu Bai also went out to order. At the gate of the Duke's Mansion, red paper exploded all over the ground.

 Xu Miao was really sleepy, so she said goodbye to them and went back to the backyard with Liu Ping.

Lin Yunyan added the last bit of wine in the pot to herself and Xu Jian. They picked up the wine cups, clinked them and drank them all in one gulp.

 There have been so many changes in Yongjia in the past 12 years, what will the new 13 years be like...

 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Lin Yunyan went to the palace to pay New Year's greetings.

The married women were waiting outside the gate of the West Palace. Lin Yunyan got off the carriage and saw her grandmother Xiao Duan at a glance.

The most important thing to pay attention to during the New Year is harmony. Even those who were not harmonious in the past will be more relaxed at this time.

What’s more, today, instead of quarreling with others, I am undoubtedly more concerned about deposing the prince.

 Intentionally or unintentionally, many eyes fell on Mrs. Enrongbo.

The old lady was ill, and Mrs. Zhibo came. As His Highness's aunt, she at least maintained her dignity and stood with the ladies who were familiar with her.

Lin Yunyan greeted everyone and stood aside holding Xiao Duan's arm.

“I have a lot of things to tell you,” Xiao Duan said.

Lin Yunyan said: "It's windy outside. I'm choking if I talk too much. Grandma will try again. I'll go back to your uncle's house tomorrow and listen to what you say slowly." Mrs. Duan laughed when she heard this.

"Keep it on the side," she took out a paper bag from her purse, "Yun Jing asked me to give this to you. I don't know what it is, but you won't let me see it. I don't care about you little ones. Tricks.”

Lin Yunyan smiled.

That paper bag is made of folded paper. The three sisters loved to make these when they were young.

Lin Yunyan opened it, and there were only two words written inside.

 Pazi, eldest uncle’s wife.

The paper was small, so Lin Yunjing also used a pen to draw a cluster of green bamboos.

Lin Yunyan was stunned for a moment.

That green bamboo handkerchief, the eldest sister once said that her embroidery skills are familiar, and the "eldest uncle" in the eldest sister's mouth is only "Chen Yun", only Lin Yunyan's mother.

That cluster of green bamboos was actually embroidered by my mother?

My mother passed away early, and my eldest sister didn’t have much impression of her. However, there are still old things left at home. My eldest sister likes to think about embroidery, and it’s not surprising that I’ve looked at them carefully before.

And if it is an old thing of the mother's, it makes sense for the imperial concubine to return it.

 But, how come the veil is with the imperial concubine?

Lin Yunyan put away the paper and leaned over to chat with Xiao Duan: "Was my mother familiar with the imperial concubine in the past?"

Little Duan was stunned for a moment when she heard this: "Why do you think of asking this? I don't remember her ever mentioning it.

  When your mother passed away, the Holy Emperor was still the prince, and the imperial concubine was in Qianfu. Normally, she had no contact with her. She and the late empress were old friends and had known each other in the palace before.

 According to this, it is not necessarily that he does not recognize the imperial concubine.

Your mother grew up beside the Empress Dowager. The late Empress met your mother when she came to the palace to pay her respects. It seems that the Imperial Concubine was also summoned to the palace when she was a child. "

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

After paying homage to the Empress Dowager, she saw that several distinguished old ladies wanted to talk to the Empress Dowager again. Lin Yunyan first saw Xiao Duan off, then spoke to Eunuch Yu, and went to Cuihua Palace.

The imperial concubine was very surprised by Lin Yunyan's arrival.

"Why don't you talk to the Queen Mother for a while?" The Queen Mother asked her to sit down.

“The Empress Dowager was being amused by a group of old sisters, so I slipped out.” Lin Yunyan said.

The imperial concubine laughed when she heard this: "Your Majesty, you and I are a generation apart. You shouldn't come to my place when you are looking for a sister."

"What about you and my mother? Are we sisters?" There was no extra person in the hall, only an old nanny was accompanying her. Lin Yunyan was not so taboo in her words, "In the makeup that the empress gave me, the square handkerchief belongs to me. Mother embroidered it, right?”

The imperial concubine's smile froze, she looked at Lin Yunyan a few times, and then said: "It's hers, I didn't expect you to recognize it."

“There are old things she embroidered at home.” Lin Yunyan explained briefly.

The imperial concubine nodded clearly: "I returned the property to its original owner, and I didn't want to know about it."

"Were you familiar with her before?" Lin Yunyan asked tentatively, "As you know, I was too young to remember things at that time. When I grew up, I would ask after seeing people who knew her."

"Mother and daughter are connected by heart," the imperial concubine sighed, but did not answer Lin Yunyan's question. She only focused her eyes on her belly. "When you have children in the future, you will have a deeper understanding."

Beside me, grandma coughed lightly.

The imperial concubine then came back to her senses: "Blame me, what did you say on the first day of the new year? The princess has just gotten married, and my child is taller than me. It's so inappropriate."

Lin Yunyan thought about it and said: "Children talk about timing, but also about fate."

Hearing this, the imperial concubine was stunned again, and then sighed for a long time: "Yes, the timing is really important."

In just a few words, Lin Yunyan could tell that the imperial concubine was absent-minded, so she changed the topic and there was something in her words.

  Involuntarily, Lin Yunyan thought of the past.

The imperial concubine has always been the imperial concubine. She had no children before and will never have any in the future.

 She was kind to Li Shao, but she was also trapped in the Chengshou Palace when the emperor was sent to recuperate.

 It is nominally a case of illness, but in reality it is also a case of house arrest.

According to the news her father brought to her and Xu Jian, the imperial concubine had a fierce conflict with Li Shao before she was imprisoned in Chengshou Palace. There were even rumors that Li Shao used his sword and injured the imperial concubine.

 It was just that the information from the inner palace was not smooth at that time, and my father did not know whether it was true or false.

Lin Yunyan thought that maybe she should ask a few more questions: "I heard that His Highness is still ill?"

“Recuperating from illness means being slow,” the imperial concubine said. “What’s more, it’s winter again, and it’s not easy to recover from the cold.”

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip and said in a much lower voice: "Do you think His Highness..."

 It means to point to something, to the point where it ends.

  Whether to elaborate or not, the decision was left to the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine looked deeply at Lin Yunyan, picked up the tea cup, and was silent for a while.

Thinking of the green bamboo handkerchief, she finally raised her chin towards her grandmother.

Mammy understood and went out to guard to make sure no one came near.

"Although it is under the emperor's order," the imperial concubine considered her words and said slowly, "but it will not do you any good to offend His Highness. The Holy Lord has extremely deep feelings for him. When His Highness returns and truly takes power, you will be the ones who are in trouble. The Holy One can control him for ten or twenty years, but he will always be older than His Highness..."

Lin Yunyan smiled lightly and was very grateful.

 With the status and prudence of the imperial concubine, it is extremely difficult for her to be willing to say this to her.

 “How did you tell?” Lin Yunyan asked.

"I have been with you for so many years, and I still understand some of His Majesty's thoughts..." The imperial concubine lowered her eyes.

These days, there was so much turmoil in the previous dynasty, and there was constant undercurrent in the harem. How could the imperial concubine fail to see the emperor's bias when she saw it?

She didn't need to ask or listen to the Holy Spirit, she had already seen through the hidden meaning.

She didn’t feel surprised at all.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, has really put a lot of thought into this.

Over the years, in order to ensure that His Highness can securely hold the position of Crown Prince and successfully inherit the throne in the future, this is not the only thing His Majesty has put into it?

 There is too much that cannot be seen through.

There are some people who understand it early like her.

Similarly, the Holy Father also knew that she had seen through it, and it was all tacit, and he never said a word about it.

 The night before was abnormal.

The saint came over to have dinner and asked drunkenly, "Do you feel resentful?"

How did she answer?

She said at that time: "I actually want to save my worries. Only those who have a son will have desires. I am used to being down-to-earth and sleep well at night."

 This is the truth, she did not deceive you.

 Only occasionally, she would want to talk crazy.

 But compared to going crazy, she prefers a peaceful life, and is afraid that she won't even be able to keep this peaceful life...

“As for me, I just want to live a peaceful life, one year at a time,” the imperial concubine smiled helplessly, “But since you came to ask about the veil, I will say a few more words to you.

Princess Princess, do you still have nightmares now?

I have always found it strange. Why do you dream about fire when you have never experienced it?

His Highness is the opposite of you. He has experienced it all, but has forgotten it.

How could he really forget it? It was just that he was so frightened that he did not dare to remember it. "

The imperial concubine looked into Lin Yunyan's eyes for a moment and repeated: "I don't dare."

  Thanks to book friends 20200422080747982 and Viviqi Big and Lonely Cello for their tips.

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