Yan Cigui

Chapter 396: Nature is hard to change (Three updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 396: Nature is hard to change (three updates in one, please vote for me)

Li Shao went to the Duke Fuguo's Mansion, so this news could not be hidden from anyone.

 When the news reached Gu Heng's ears, he could not help but look forward to it.

 Every time His Highness went to the Duke's Mansion in the past, something would happen after he came out. I don't know how it will unfold this time.

If there is one more irrational behavior, then tomorrow morning, the censors will have a new topic to talk about.

 It's a pity that Gu Heng waited and waited, only to hear the news that His Highness had returned to the palace, and nothing more.

 He could only sigh.

never mind.

Your Highness also knows that today is different from the past, so he must be restrained in his actions.

Now that we have taken the step of deposing the crown prince, we must continue to work steadily and steadily, and we cannot be too hasty.

 On the other side, Wang Gouzi is also returning to life.

Shortly after returning to the palace, His Highness took a rest and went to listen to Mr. Fang's lecture. Wang Gouzi ran around and served tea before retreating.

He is just a chamberlain, and there is no need for him to serve the pen and ink.

Wang Gouzi went to the side hall and sat in a daze, when he saw a **** who had familiar facial features.

He followed the people to the corner. It was quiet here and no one would come easily.

“What did His Highness and the Duke of Fuguo say?” the **** asked.

 This is the **** who is in contact with Wang Gouzi. Any instructions from the master, or Wang Gouzi wants to reply, all go through this person.

Wang Gouzi organized his thoughts and reported everything he heard in the Duke's Mansion today.

The **** narrowed his eyes: "You mean, Duke Fu is still recovering from his injuries. He wants to return to court in early March, but the princess and the doctor still have objections. Also, His Highness seems to be persuading Duke Fu. Did you listen to everything you said?"

 The two most important items have been extracted.

 Wang Gouzi nodded repeatedly.

The **** chuckled and said in a high-pitched voice: "The Duke of Fu is an interesting person, and so is His Highness."

Wang Gouzi quite agrees.

 The Duke of Fuguo attacked His Highness secretly, and now he said these words to His Highness again.

Wang Gouzi didn't believe that he was out of luck, but since the Duke of Fu was on the left and right now and then, he must have his own considerations in it. It's just that Wang Gouzi was a shallow person and couldn't see through it.

 On the contrary, Your Highness...

Wang Gouzi stuck his head out and glanced far away at the side where Li Shao was listening. Through the window, Li Shao could not be seen, only half of Fang Shaofu's body was exposed.

 He took his head back again.

After His Highness questioned Duke Fu like that a few years ago, and even tried to expose him in front of the Holy Emperor, he actually sat down at the same table with Duke Fu. It seemed that he had really "justified" the points. .

"My father-in-law also knows that since the seal was opened, His Highness can only shrink his neck in the court." Wang Gouzi said.

The **** said something that was neither yin nor yang: "How much hatred can there be? When interests are in front of you, any hatred must be put behind you."

"Yes," Wang Gouzi said again, "but I think that no matter what Fu Guogong's ideas are, he is always keeping His Highness steady, no matter what His Highness believes, as long as he doesn't cause trouble randomly and is honest. In fact, after this period of time is over, it will be a good thing for the master.

If he does not cause trouble for His Highness in the future and helps His Highness to advance further, it will be in line with the interests of the master. As the father-in-law said, if the interests are ahead, any hatred must be put behind.

 When the master gets things done, it's just a matter of killing the donkey one by one.

If this donkey refuses to do its job well and finds other things to trouble His Highness, the master will have a handle on him. "

“Huh?” The **** looked Wang Gouzi up and down several times and exclaimed, “Gouzi, I don’t see that he has some ideas.”

There are so many things going on inside, and the master is strategizing, how can the people below understand everything?

Wang Gouzi shouldn't know this, but after following Li Shao for several months, he actually figured out a lot of things on his own.

There are even some things that the **** himself doesn’t understand that well.

Wang Gouzi smiled apologetically and said, "Just some superficial thoughts..."

"It's good to be able to think about it," the **** said. "Think about it in the right direction and do the things assigned by the master well. I think you will have a good future."

"Thank you!" Wang Gouzi bowed, "I must take good care of His Highness and let him make good use of the Duke and the princess. If anything goes wrong over there, I will immediately ask you to send a message to the master. ”

The **** was satisfied and cleared his throat with a cautious look on his face: "Don't underestimate Duke Fu. If you don't pay attention, you will be like the king in six years.

It would be nice to have a happy life, but with your status and my status, it is likely that we will fall into the hands of the **** named Cao, which will really make heaven and earth unable to respond.

 You don’t know what’s going on with Mr. Feng’s wife, do you? The person is not dead yet, and he is hanging on like this just for the sake of being alive, which may be useful in the future.

 I asked about it quietly, it’s terrible! "

 Wang Gouzi's neck felt cold due to the eunuch's sinister tone.

 It’s not that I’m afraid, but I’m terrified.

He hurriedly showed his loyalty and made his attitude clear. Only then was the **** satisfied and turned around to leave.

Wang Gouzi sent the people away and hurriedly returned to the side hall. He drank three cups of hot tea before getting rid of the goosebumps all over his body.

 “The old **** is used to intimidating people.”

 Wang Gouzi cursed a few words in his mind.

That is to say, he was responsible for this task, and his status was far away. He could not see the powerful people around his master at all on weekdays, and he could only go through the eunuch.

If he could be allowed to come to his master and talk to him, and if he could reveal some inside information, wouldn't his master be able to discover that his little dog is a clever person?

He definitely has a good future, but it’s hard to get ahead with such an old **** weighing him down.

Yu Shufang also knew that Li Shao had gone to Fu Guogong's mansion.

The Holy Spirit didn’t ask too many questions, and Eunuch Cao didn’t mention it too much.

 In the blink of an eye, about ten days later, at the end of February, the Holy Emperor heard again that Li Shao had invited an imperial doctor to consult Xu Jian.

 He couldn't help but become curious.

Eunuch Cao was ordered to invite Li Shao into the imperial study.

Li Shao stood still, respectfully greeted the Holy One, and then sat down on the edge as instructed.

The Holy Emperor put down his ink pen, leaned back on his chair to calm down, and asked, "You asked the imperial doctors to consult Xu Jian. How was the diagnosis?"

 He still remembered that Shao'er had previously questioned Xu Jian for deliberately pretending to be injured.

Li Shao replied: "When I went to the Duke's Mansion last time, Xu Jian and his ministers said that the government would probably be able to resume in early March, but Ning'an didn't agree at the time.

When he wrote the book a year ago, he mentioned that it would be best to wait until the ground is warm, recover, and consolidate, so that he does not have to worry about his leg injury in the future. Now he has changed his mind. I think it is because of Er Chen’s illness. Something unexpected happened, and he was also anxious.

 The son naturally hopes that he can go to court as soon as possible, but he is also worried about his injury.

It turned out that he had not taken good care of him, and it had been repeated several times in the process, making it increasingly difficult to treat. If he tried his best this time, the harm would be too much, and not to mention whether the courtiers scolded him or not, he himself would not be able to survive it. Yes, I feel sorry for Ning'an.

 Therefore, the son wanted the imperial doctors to go to the hospital for consultation and discuss with the doctors at his residence.

 It would be best if it gets better, but if it still doesn’t work, the doctors’ advice is more reasonable.

 Fortunately, the imperial doctors judged that he had recovered a lot. They said that the cold in the early morning was still severe, so he had to go to court slowly, but when the sun was good, going out for some exercise in the morning and afternoon would be more conducive to recovery. "

The Holy Father listened very carefully and nodded from time to time.

 It can be seen that he is very satisfied with Li Shao's answer.

Not only was it not "questioning and pretending to be hurt" as he thought, but it also put a lot of thought into it. Shaoer became more clear step by step in doing things this time.

Of course, this is hardly a leap forward.

  The whole series of asking the imperial doctor for Xu Jian is not a matter of ability, but the attitude of doing things.

 If you have an improper attitude and biased ideas, the things you do will naturally be a mess.

  Can't reach the level of ability at all.

"You know it's good to consider Xu Jian's injury," the Holy Master took a sip of tea and said, "Don't get into trouble again in the future. I was very chilled when I heard you question him for framing you and scheming against you."

 Li Shao's throat rolled.

How is he "questioning"? He is absolutely sure from the beginning to the end!

The malice revealed by Xu Jian at that time was like a thousand needles and wrapped around him, making him panic.

Even Xu Jian himself did not deny that things went wrong and that he was trying to figure out the problem...

Li Shao felt panicked, but he also knew that now was not the time to argue with his father about this.

 For one thing, his father did not believe him. Secondly, his father hoped that Xu Jian could assist him, and he could trust Xu Jian.

Since he has to take the road of cooperation for the time being, Li Shao can only endure it and not bring out the old grudges again.

And one day, when he sits down his seat, when he is not needed to be stabbed by his own courtiers, he must let the father emperor see Xu Jian's true face!

"Er Chen and he did have some stumbling blocks and a lot of unpleasantness before," Li Shao took a deep breath and said, "But Er Chen remembers what you said, he saved Er Chen twice, and Ning'an's mother also After saving Erchen, they definitely don't want anything to happen to him. It's just that there was a problem with the adjustment, and Erchen himself went astray..."

The Holy Spirit curved his lips, with a hint of smile in his eyes: "I am very pleased that you think so."

 After that, the Holy Sage asked some more questions about his daily life and his views on government affairs, and Li Shao answered them seriously.

The more I listened, the more the Holy Spirit became emotional.

 It’s still a matter of attitude.

 Once your attitude is correct, you will have a decent attitude.

 Three Gu's contribution is naturally among them, but it is also important that Li Shao changed his temperament a lot.

"Shao'er," the Holy Master said warmly, "you have to endure loneliness in whatever you do. When it comes to learning, you have to study hard for many years. No matter how talented you are, it is useless if you can't calm down. Neither you nor I can touch that cold..." Writing is not painful at all, but you still need to be able to sit still, look at me..."

As he spoke, the Holy Emperor patted the thick memorials piled on the big case with his hand.

"One book after another, not one day, but every day, I sit here and review it," the Holy Master said, "I have to sit so patiently, do you understand?"

Li Shao stood up, lowered his head and responded: "My son, please remember your father's teachings."

 After Eunuch Cao sent Li Shao back, the Holy Sage sighed to him: "I hope he will learn a lesson and gain wisdom. It would be a good thing if he can keep moving forward like this in the future."

Eunuch Cao said, "Your Highness will understand your painstaking efforts in the future."

 After March, the weather warmed up and new shoots gradually appeared on the dead branches.

 Xu Jian "complied" with the judgment of the imperial doctors and did not resume the morning court. He only chose to enter the palace when the sun was good in the afternoon.

Eunuch Cao came to lead Xu Jian in and said with a smile, "It's been a long time since we all have seen Eunuch Guo. Is it okay to walk this way?"

There was no chariot arranged today, so Xu Jian walked all the way after getting off the bus at the palace gate.

"It doesn't matter," Xu Jian said, "the doctor also said it's time for me to walk around."

When he got closer, the Holy Emperor looked Xu Jian up and down: "Looking at your complexion, I feel more relieved."

"I spend most of my time recovering from my injuries," Xu Jian made a fist with his hand and touched the corner of his lower lip, and added, "I and the princess are newlyweds, and I have used these few months of free time to get along with each other and get to know each other better. Harmony."    The Holy Spirit likes to hear this.

 The marriage he refers to is harmonious and beautiful, and it makes you happy to hear it.

"As long as we are harmonious," the Holy Master said with a smile, "I am happy that you two are doing well, and the Queen Mother is also relieved."

 Tell a few words about home affairs, and then it’s all business.

Eunuch Cao evacuated everyone in the middle hall and guarded it himself.

The Holy Emperor put away his smile and said: "Your father-in-law communicated with you several times about what happened years ago. I haven't talked to you in person yet. Fortunately, everything went smoothly."

"I was very anxious at that time. I wanted to meet with the Holy Father to talk to you in detail, but I was worried that I would give up halfway again while recovering from my injuries," Xu Jian said. "There were some aggressive moves in the process. Fortunately, you are considerate and understanding."

 Xu Jian refers to the revelation of the Yumenguan incident.

The Holy Spirit sighed: "That's good."

At the time, he kept it secret because he had his own considerations, but now it seems that he also has some ill-thoughts.

Since he has chosen to let it go, the Holy One will not regret it. Looking at it from a positive perspective, teaching Shao Er more lessons and giving Xu Jian an explanation may not be a good way to untie the bell.

“The things we did a year ago were done, so you don’t have to worry about it,” the Holy Master looked at Xu Jian and said, “I heard from Shao’er that the conversation he had with you was pretty smooth.

He is much more upright these days. I heard that Shaobao praised him to me two days ago. He used to be too impetuous.

 When you take care of him for a while, you can look after him for me. "

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes.

 The Holy Master's thoughts were also within Xu Jian's expectation.

Li Shao's problem has never been whether he can take on the country based on his ability. It is definitely not possible to expand territory and expand territory. Maintaining the status is not a problem.

As long as he can distinguish between loyal and traitorous people and listen to the advice of the auxiliary ministers.

  It happens that Li Shao’s nature is hard to change.

His biggest problem is his character. He cannot bear the diligence and uprightness of being a king.

 He can actually pretend, and he can pretend for three to five months, and it looks like the same thing.

Xu Jian has been deceived by Li Shao's pretentiousness several times. He was deeply hurt by it and would never trust him again, but the Holy Emperor was different.

 The Holy Emperor used the dethronement of the crown prince as a means, and with expectations in his heart, he would naturally be satisfied with Li Shao's changes in these days.

Xu Jian thought for a moment and said, "I also feel that His Highness has changed a lot. Last month he came to my residence and talked openly and honestly with me. I can hear his changes from this.

In the past, everyone had their own ideas. I was all about having fun when I went to court. You asked me to follow His Highness to observe the government. I know what to do, but I really don’t know how to guide His Highness more appropriately, so many things went wrong in the process. .

 Happily I have said it, I will do my best in the future so that His Highness can trust me more. "

 His Majesty nodded.

Seeing this, Xu Jian continued: "I would like to ask Your Majesty, when do you plan to let His Highness return to Qianbu Corridor to observe the government?"

The Holy Emperor raised his eyebrows: "Do you think now is the time?"

Xu Jian considered it carefully and said, "I think I should give His Highness some encouragement.

 As you can tell, His Highness has behaved in a much more upright manner this year, and even Shaobao praised him.

 It can be seen that His Highness really wants to regain the trust of you and the courtiers, and wants the courtiers to see his changes.

He is so active, and there should be some visible and tangible results, so that he can feel more energetic. "

 The Holy Spirit laughed.

This is easy to understand, but in his opinion, this kind of encouragement is usually given to children.

  When Mian'er makes a fuss, he will praise him and reward him with gadgets appropriate to the child's age. When Lin'er recites poems and lyrics, he will do the same.

 Speaking of which, the same was true when Shao'er was still young.

 “He is no longer a child.” The Holy Spirit said.

 In the hearts of parents, they are still children no matter how old they are, but externally, they are definitely different.

Xu Jian also smiled: "All civil and military officials have worked hard for a year and look forward to receiving your praise and reward through performance evaluation. Your Highness is the same."

 The Holy Father laughed heartily.

 My mood feels better and I can talk a lot easier.

"I didn't think about how long I had to make him wait. Just like what I told you last year, I would be most at ease if you came with me to observe the government," the Holy Sage said. "You asked me to trust him more. I also want to believe him, but he has always disappointed me before. As I always say, when you can follow me, go to Qianbu Corridor."

Hearing this, Xu Jian tapped his right leg lightly: "I'm just not used to the heavy cold and dampness before dawn, so I can't go to court, but I can follow His Highness to watch the government during the day."

The Holy Spirit heard the persistence in his words, sighed, and joked: "I want to agree, Ning'an will be unhappy."

"The princess is not unreasonable," Xu Jian lowered her eyes and said with a smile, "If she wants to blame her, she is also blaming the minister. You can just treat it as a little fun between the minister and her."

The Holy Father was stunned for a moment, then laughed again.

  The newlyweds are really having fun.

"You have said so, how can I stop you?" The Holy Master smiled and said, "You can discuss it with Shao'er later. When you are ready in the next few days, go to the Ministry of Rites."

 Xu Jian responded.

 Leaving the Imperial Study Room, Xu Jian went to see Li Shao.

 “You said that my father agreed to let me watch the government?” Li Shao asked.

 Wen Shaobao was getting older. After giving lectures for half an hour, he had to go out and take a breather.

Li Shao was also a little tired. He got up to relax his muscles and bones, and happened to listen to Xu Jian's talk. He didn't expect that Xu Jian would bring him such news as soon as he showed up.

Seeing Xu Jian's answer, Li Shao became really curious and looked at him several times: "What on earth did you tell your father?"

Even though Li Shao knew that Xu Jian was always asking for favors in the imperial study, he couldn't figure out what excuse he made up.

 Father actually agreed just like that!

 Easy to do, it looks effortless.

As expected, my father trusted Xu Jian the most. As long as Xu Jian opened his mouth, the matter would be settled.

Li Shao felt a little bit bitter thinking about it. Then he thought about it again. Since Xu Jian was working for him, he would let Xu Jian tell his father if anything happened in the future.

 Let people make the best use of their talents, that’s it.

 Xu Jian did not explain it carefully to Li Shao. Fortunately, Li Shao didn't really want to hear how he fooled his father. He changed the topic and the matter was over.

“When does Your Highness want to start observing politics?” Xu Jian asked.

"The sooner the better," Li Shao rubbed his shoulders twice and said, "Let's do it tomorrow."

“Your Majesty has given me permission to go to court later in the day. After the court tomorrow morning, I will wait for His Highness outside the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites.” Xu Jian said.

Li Shao clicked his tongue.

It seems that he will have to be alone in the morning for a while, but fortunately, he is living well recently and is not as miserable as he was in the first month.

Let Li Shao know here that after Xu Jian left the palace, he had to go to the Ministry of Rites to inform Feng Shangshu and others about His Highness's visit to the government tomorrow.

Feng Shangshu stroked his beard and said: "The tables and chairs from before are all there, and the room is empty, so it will be the same as before. Since the Duke of Guo is with you, I will not interfere in the arrangements for His Highness to observe the government."

Xu Jian knew that he was just an old fox, so he obeyed.

By the time Xu Jian left the yamen, word spread around the Qianbu Corridor. Everyone had their own thoughts and worries about His Highness coming back to observe the government.

Li Shao doesn’t know much about these trivial matters.

The next morning after court, when he stepped into the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites, he held his head high and his chest high, changing from the decadent mood of the previous few months, as if he was not just re-viewing politics, but had gained an extraordinary status.

 Xu Jian arranged some things for him.

  I did not deliberately prepare thick old documents for Li Shao like last year, but mainly sorted out the affairs of the past two years and followed the officials to understand the progress of official affairs in recent times.

 This is very easy for Li Shao.

It's not as boring as last year, and it has changed from Sangu's teaching in the past two months. Coupled with the different mentality, Li Shao feels very refreshed.

Even the customary daily submission of a piece of personal experience to the Holy Spirit is no longer a chore to write.

After half a month of this, Li Shao found Xu Jian more pleasing to his eyes.

 At first, Wang Gouzi was still attentive and always paying attention to Xu Jian's movements, but gradually he became more relieved.

It seems that Duke Fu has no plan to show off his flaws. His temporary plan is to help His Highness up.

 The mood of spring is getting stronger.

 After a few light rains, the city is full of life.

It rained again in the middle of the night. Lin Yunyan was woken up by the sound of rain. When she turned over, she thought that according to the habit of previous years, Zhuangzi would send fresh spring bamboo shoots to Uncle Chengyi's house during the day, and her second aunt would also send someone to miss her. Send it to the Duke's Mansion.

This bite of bamboo shoots is fresh and tender. It is quite delicious to stew the soup with the meat and add a few slices of ham. It is quite delicious to drink a bowl.

Lin Yunyan fell asleep thinking about this soup, and when she woke up early in the morning, she said a few words to Xu Jian.

Xu Jian looked outside through the open window.

The rain has stopped, but water is still dripping from the eaves. The sky is unclear, and it looks like there will be a thunderstorm in the evening.

"Let the kitchen prepare more dishes," Xu Jian turned to Lin Yunyan and said, "especially the dishes that go with the wine."

Lin Yunyan was dressing up. She blinked when she heard the words and looked outside.

She was not good at looking at the sky, so she didn't see anything. She could only guess some clues from Xu Jian's suddenly serious expression.

“It rains a lot these days,” she said.

 It’s too damp and the fire won’t start.

"It will strike by lightning," Xu Jian walked to her side, picked up the Nanzhu earrings on the counter and put them on her, "it's worth a try."

Lin Yunyan tilted her head slightly, looked at the slightly swaying earrings in the mirror, and said "Okay".

 Success or failure depends on luck.

 But she believed that since Xu Jian chose Thunderstorm, he must have his reasons.

 What she had to do was to cooperate well and see what she could get out of Li Shao.

Three updates in one, including a reward of 10,000 coins from the small yard plus an additional update.

Don’t worry, this is about to start a scam.

Book friends, see you tomorrow~



 (End of this chapter)

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