Yan Cigui

Chapter 415: This is the difference (two updates combined into one)

 The branches on the moon.

The night wind blew gently, making the bamboo leaves in the yard rustle.

 The bamboo curtain is rolled up to connect the inside and outside.

There were low tables and soft cushions on the corridor. Cheng Xi was kneeling on the ground, holding a wine flask to add to the wine cup.

Jin Guiren sat, leaning against a few children, occasionally taking a sip of wine.

Cheng Xi didn't dare to make any noise and waited carefully. It wasn't until footsteps came from outside that he put down the wine bottle and exited quietly.

 Opening the door, he glanced at the waiter waiting outside.

The servant is called the guardian and is Cheng Xi's confidant. He is not very old and is usually very clever.

Baoshan said in a low voice: "Eunuch, Eunuch Sun is here."

"That person named Sun in Yongji Palace?" Cheng Xi asked. When Baoshan nodded, he added, "Why did he come by himself? What did he say?"

"I didn't tell the young one," Bao Shan reported. "Eunuch Sun said it was an important matter. He was afraid that the messenger in the middle would spread bad news, so he came here himself."

Cheng Xi frowned and muttered: "So cautious? Where is the other person? I'll go see him."

 After saying that, Cheng Xi went in first to report to Jin Guiren, and then went to see Eunuch Sun.

 In the small hall, Mr. Sun was sitting in danger.

As soon as Cheng Xi entered, he saw the nervousness and uneasiness on the other party's face, and couldn't help but asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

Eunuch Sun did not dare to continue sitting. After Cheng Xi sat down, he stood and replied: "This afternoon, Duke Fu Guo came to Yongji Palace."

 “Yes,” Cheng Xi nodded.

Duke Fuguo went from the imperial study to Yongji Palace, and then returned to the imperial palace. This was not a secret message, and Duke Fuguo showed it off without any intention of hiding it.

 Chengxi got wind of it in the afternoon, but she just didn’t know the inside story.

Of course, he didn’t need to inquire.

 Just wait for a while and the news will come naturally.

 It’s just that Eunuch Sun’s own visit was beyond Cheng Xi’s expectation.

 “What did they say?” he asked.

“I’m not sure what was said specifically,” Eunuch Sun shook his head. “Everyone retreated and no one was allowed to stay. I originally wanted them to squat under the window and listen, but...”

Cheng Xi’s expression was not very good: “But Duke Fu has sharp ears, don’t you dare to make people squat?”

 “Yes.” Eunuch Sun said sarcastically.

Cheng Xi couldn't help but curl his lips: "So you came here by yourself to admit your mistake?"

“That’s not true,” Eunuch Sun quickly explained. “After dinner, the man from Yongji Palace summoned a chamberlain and said a long list of things, all of which were directed at the master.

The waiter came out and looked for me. When I heard that, it was really, really...

How dare I let others pass on the message? I was afraid that something would go wrong, so I hurriedly came on my own. "

Cheng Xi spat at him: "If you do it yourself, aren't you afraid of something going wrong?"

Eunuch Sun said with a bitter face: "It must be Duke Fuguo who had a lot of talk with the person in Yongji Palace. I can't help it..."

"Okay," Cheng Xi interrupted him, "Just wait here while I go back to the master."

Cheng Xi stood up to leave, but Eunuch Sun quickly stopped him: "Where is the master?"

"What are you talking about?" Cheng Xi asked back, "You can come to a place casually, but the master can be here? Just wait!"

Out of the small hall, Cheng Xi did not let Baoshan follow, and carried the lantern by himself through the winding corridor.

 After walking for about two-quarters of an hour, he arrived in front of his master's yard.

Standing under the corridor, Cheng Xi took a few deep breaths and managed to calm down.

Yongji Palace has such a development...


 Pushing the door open, Cheng Xi called out "Master."

 Under the verandah, the wine cups and jugs were still the same. It seemed that Jin Guiren had never touched the wine during the period of his absence.

Cheng Xi stepped forward and knelt down, lowered his head and finished talking about Yongji Palace.

 The more I talked, the less sure I felt.

 In his ears, apart from the sound of the night wind blowing leaves, the only voice was his own.

  However, despite how he spoke straightforwardly, removing all the tone and ups and downs, Li Jun's words were still like a storm, so cold that it scared him.

 He was so scared that he didn't dare to raise his head.

He was so scared that he couldn't help but raise his head and quickly peeked at his master's expression.

After finally finishing speaking, Cheng Xi shrank his neck: "Master, Master, look at this..."

Jin Guiren turned to look at him, picked up the wine cup and took a sip.

 “Why are you panicking?” he asked Cheng Xi, “Li Jun is the one who speaks arrogantly, and he is also Li Jun who is self-righteous.”

Hearing the sound, Cheng Xi raised his head, guessed his master's thoughts, and forced a smile: "Tell me, what did they say when Duke Fu went to Yongji Palace?"

 “What else can you say?” Jin Guiren said calmly.

 He was not surprised that Xu Jian went to Yongji Palace.

  In other words, this is what he expected.

 This is a disaster that is spreading to the east.

 Feng Chang "confessed" to Eunuch Tong.

Although Cheng Xi searched and searched, he still didn't know where that **** Feng Chang learned about a person like Eunuch Tong. He also knew that no matter how many times he interrogated Feng Chang, he couldn't tell anything about Eunuch Tong's Zichou Yinmao. But Eunuch Cao has been working in the palace for many years, who knows if something will be discovered unexpectedly.

 Therefore, he had to find something to do for Eunuch Cao.

 Turn Eunuch Cao’s eyes away from Eunuch Tong, so that Eunuch Cao has no time to stare at Eunuch Tong.

 The bait that was thrown out was Yongji Palace.

 Let people urge Wang Gouzi several times, just to expose the entire news chain to Eunuch Cao.

 After all, no matter how hard we dig for that clue, it can only lead to Yongji Palace.

 Let the Lord fight with Li Jun!

 As for Li Jun, he has lived for so many more years, and he is already good enough.

After being killed, he can also use this to make a fuss and target the Holy One again.

I just didn’t expect that the lunatic Li Jun would use his body as bait, and even wanted to bite him when he was about to die.

 “Give me a chance to bring down the Holy One?”

 “Equivalent exchange?”

 “If I can’t do it, will he take revenge?”

Jin Guiren laughed heartily. There was no smile in his eyes, and all that flashed in his eyes was anger: "He actually had a good idea, and he dared to negotiate terms with me!"

Cheng Xi remained silent.

 After a long while, Jin Guiren explained to him in a cold voice.

After hearing this, Cheng Xi didn't dare to ask any more questions. He quickly left and went to see Eunuch Sun again.

Eunuch Sun also turned pale after receiving the reply: "Master, did you really say that?"

 “Yes.” Cheng Xi said.

Eunuch Sun was anxious: "Who doesn't know that the man in Yongji Palace who is so crazy that he doesn't recognize his relatives can do anything? Such a one-shot reply is not..."

 “It broke up in one fell swoop?” Cheng Xi interrupted Eunuch Sun, “When did Master and the one from Yongji Palace ever cooperate?”

Eunuch Sun said: "Then what should I do? I do my best for my master."

“That man from Yongji Palace is crazy, are you also crazy, Eunuch Sun?” Cheng Xi patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t do anything stupid.”

 Don’t talk speculatively. Eunuch Sun came out of the house with a pale face and went all the way back to Yongji Palace.

It’s nearly three o’clock, and the capital has fallen silent late at night.

When entering Yongji Palace from the corner gate, Eunuch Sun glanced to the south. The high walls and pavilions of the palace were gathered in the night, illuminated only by palace lanterns, and the shadows outlined the appearance.

This deep palace garden is really beautiful at times and abject at times.

 Cheng Xi is such a bitch, but he doesn’t know where he caught his master’s attention, and he has been following his master these past few years.

 On the contrary, it is difficult for an old man like him to see his master now.

 The villain succeeds!

No matter how much he disliked Cheng Xi, Eunuch Sun did not dare to go against his master's wishes.

 Enter the house, wiped his face with a handkerchief, and told the young **** serving him: "Go, call Zhuoping."

Zhuoping was the chamberlain who was called by Li Jun to recite a passage at night.

After hearing Eunuch Sun’s speech, Zhuoping was so frightened that he said, “Eunuch, how dare you say that? Aren’t you embarrassing me?”

"What's there to be afraid of?" Eunuch Sun asked, "Does he have three heads or six arms?"

Zhuoping still shook his head.

Eunuch Sun's face darkened: "When you get benefits, you rush ahead, but when it's time to do something, you push back and forth? Zhuoping, there may be such good things outside, but there is none in Yongji Palace!"

"You just took a small amount of money, and you asked me to talk to that person like that," Zhuo Ping said anxiously, "That person even said 'equivalent exchange'!"

Eunuch Sun slapped Zhuo Ping on the back: "Isn't this a good thing for you to learn? Go ahead and talk about it, and come back to receive the reward after you finish talking."

 After saying that, Eunuch Sun took out an ingot of five taels of silver and slapped it on the table.

Zhuo Ping's eyes lit up: "Seriously? Alas, Eunuch Sun, you always say that the little ones should obey, but the little ones don't even know whose words they are listening to."

“You will know what you are supposed to know,” said Mr. Sun. “The money is here, and you don’t care who gave it to me?”

Zhuoping rubbed his hands: "I'm afraid that I will lose my life to make money."


   That said, in fact, Eunuch Sun himself felt guilty.

That person has a bad temper and may get angry in any way, but you can't say this to Zhuoping.

Eunuch Sun coaxed: "How can you lose your life? The two armies are fighting and they haven't killed the envoy! You are a little **** who is delivering a message. What did he do to you?"

These words obviously comforted Zhuo Ping, who had little experience. His eyes couldn't help but glance at the silver.

Eunuch Sun saw this and stuffed the money directly into his arms, urging: "Sooner or later it will be yours, hurry up!"

Zhuoping's heart was steadied by the silver, and he walked quickly to see Li Jun.

 When I got outside the temple and saw the oil lamp that was still on, I felt a little more fearful.

He touched the silver in his arms and went in boldly.

"Huh?" Li Jun was half lying on the couch, squinting at him, "It was faster than I thought. What did he say?"

"He, he said," Zhuoping swallowed, "He said, you can do whatever you like."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Li Du really said that?"

Zhuoping added: "He said, just drag Prince Jin into the water, and he will reap the benefits."

Li Jun laughed heartily.

After laughing, he sat up and walked over barefoot without wearing shoes. He lowered his eyes and looked at Zhuo Ping who was kneeling on the ground: "Do you think I believe him?"

Zhuoping was stared at by that gaze, causing cold sweat to break out on the back of his neck.

These few sentences are all in what Eunuch Sun taught him.

 In other words, the master also knows how this person will react after hearing these words.

 Naturally, I also taught him how to respond in the future.

Ke, Ke Zhuoping really doesn’t dare to say.

  The courage gained by five taels of silver is still a little short of that.

 It’s just that it’s hard to get off the tiger.

Consoling himself, "Bu Zha Lai Shi", Zhuoping moved his mouth, trying to stabilize himself, but every word was trembling: "That person said it, that person said it! Does it matter whether you believe it or not? He is outside, you Inside, that’s the difference.”

These few sentences are simply lighting a fire and pouring oil on the straw pile.

After Zhuoping finished speaking, he hurriedly emphasized again: "It's all what the other side said... Oops!"

He leaned back and was kicked to the ground by Li Jun.

Under the oil lamp, Li Jun's face was half bright and half dark, and his facial features were sinister to the point of revealing a bit of coquettishness. His eyes reflected by the lamp were like poisonous snakes spitting messages.

Zhuoping saw this and was so frightened that he used his hands and feet and took two steps back.

Li Jun turned around, picked up the piano on the table, and suddenly used force to smash Zhuoping's head.

Zhuoping didn't react. He was hit by the messy music and his eyes were filled with red stars.

 In hindsight, he realized that he was bleeding.

Through the red mist, he looked at Li Jun, who was blurred into three or four double images.

Li Jun grinned and said, "He can tell me that, can you?"

Zhuoping rolled his eyes and fell completely.

There was a lot of movement here, and Mr. Sun, who had been paying attention to the situation here, hesitated whether to show up or not, when he heard Li Jun's voice calling for someone in the palace.

Eunuch Sun had no choice but to bite the bullet and come in with two young servants: "What's wrong with you here? The young one seems to have heard something..."

 Halfway through the words, Eunuch Sun took a deep breath when he saw Zhuo Ping motionless on the ground.

"This, this?!" Eunuch Sun's face seemed to have turned white to pulp, "Is this still alive?"

The little waiter leaned down and ventured forward, exclaiming: "I'm out of breath!"


The piano fell heavily and hit several people, making the little waiter scream and jump up in fright.

"What's your name?" Li Jun took out a handkerchief and wiped his **** hands, saying slowly and half-smilingly, "I just smashed an unruly **** to death, how can Li Yi come after me for killing the eunuch?"

 It’s a joke to be outside and inside!

Even if I am here in Yongji Palace, my surname is still Li.

 This is the difference.

 Really, Eunuch Sun? "

Eunuch Sun was shaking violently.

The two little chamberlains didn't understand. He knew "what's going on outside and what's going on inside."

Li Jun said this not to ask him, but to threaten him and warn his master.

He obviously knew it, but now, he could only pretend to be stupid.

"Your Highness," Eunuch Sun said tremblingly, "How to deal with this?"

“Carry it out,” Li Jun pointed at Zhuoping, and then at the scattered blood, “wipe it clean. Do you want me to teach you such a simple thing? Have you never dealt with a dead person before?”

Eunuch Sun bowed his head and acted like a mute.

 After carrying Zhuoping outside, he sent one person to find the straw mat and the other to go back and wipe the blood.

After the two of them left, Eunuch Sun knelt down and touched Zhuo Ping's arms for a while, and quickly took back the ingot of silver.

"If you don't want to take this money with you, you might as well return it to me, and I'll burn some paper money for you," Eunuch Sun muttered, "Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Whoever smashed it against you is the one you go to."

 In the clean room, Li Jun changed out of his blood-stained robe and looked at his face in the mirror.

 It’s so delicious.

Since he wants his life to be a feast for his life, he doesn't mind having an extra dish. (End of chapter)

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