Yan Cigui

Chapter 426: It’s time to do this (asking for monthly votes)

 Today's morning session was much longer than usual.

 When the court came down, the sky was full of red clouds, illuminating the main hall with splendor.

Except for Ren Yuanbo who was reluctant for a while, the rest of the time was in order.

Li Jun passed away, and the imprisoned son of the late emperor was also a prince. The funeral ceremony could not be neglected, and a series of regulations such as wake and burial were required.

 At the same time, this is another murderous case.

Shuntian Prefecture and the three divisions of the Yamen must investigate and deal with it carefully.

Shan Shen stood in the center of the hall, shouting "I accept orders and obey orders" very smoothly, but actually he didn't take it seriously.

Others may not know much about it, but Shan Fuyin knows about Eunuch Sun, Zhaizi, and Eunuch Lao. In the final analysis, it is Xiao Qiang's fault.

 With the internal fighting between the brothers in the Holy Land, what can Shuntian Mansion do?

 How to cut off the case file depends on the Holy Spirit’s will.

 And Your Majesty...

Shan Shen glanced at the bright yellow figure who got off the dragon chair and hurried away, and sighed secretly.

Every family has its cupboard.

 The royal scriptures are even more like a series of ghostly talismans!

It is clear that not long ago, the court was still surrounded by the "Deposed Prince", and the dispute was about the "posthumous affairs" of the Holy Emperor.

 As a result, in such a short period of time, the seniority has changed rapidly.

 It has become the battlefield of the previous generation again.

Even Shan Shen wanted to sigh, "What year is it today?"

After the Holy Spirit left, Ruan Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment and Lord Shi of Dali Temple quickly surrounded Shan Shen and asked him about the situation of the on-site inspection at Yongji Palace yesterday.

Master Tian, ​​the censor of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, was two steps behind, and was urged by Shi Ruihao for a while.

As they were talking, other officials also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear more.

 The King of Jin did not come to listen, but went out together with the wise king Li Yuan.

 Walking along the long steps to the square, Li Yan squinted at the rising sun: "What does the second brother think of the third brother's death?"

King Jin glanced at him: "His temper is such that my father only imprisoned him and didn't punish him like he punished the fourth child. He was already merciful."

Li Yan asked again: "When do you plan to burn incense sticks?"

“Let’s wait until the mourning hall is set up,” Li Du said, “but he probably doesn’t want to see me.”

Li Yan was stunned: "How do you say that?"

Li Du said: "My relationship wasn't very good before."

"It happened many years ago," Li Yan thought for a moment, and then said, "When people die, the previous conflicts will disappear. After all, we are brothers."

Li Du sighed and added: "Uncle Ping Huang fell ill and closed the door to thank guests, so I didn't go to visit. Where is Aunt Baoying? How is her health?"

Li Yan got closer to the eldest princess Baoying. After hearing this, he said: "My aunt is in good health."

 In the other room, Li Shao followed the Lord outside the imperial study room.

 Sheng went up and changed into regular clothes. Li Shao sat waiting for him, feeling quite at ease.

 Previously in Jinluan Palace, Li Shao thought that he might be the only person besides his father who knew why Xu Jian went to Yongji Palace.

With such a big message in my belly, it is not difficult to hide it. What is difficult is not to reveal it when someone chases me and asks.

Uncle Ren Yuan asked endless questions. Li Shao felt annoyed and for a moment he really wanted to shut up.

 Fortunately, his father called him when he left, otherwise, Li Shao thought, he would probably refute it when he couldn't hear it.

 Don’t think he doesn’t understand.

On the surface, Ren Yuanbo was asking about Xu Jian, but actually he was asking about his father.

Not only Uncle Renyuan, I'm afraid there are many people secretly thinking that it was his father who killed the Yongji Palace man.

 But my father was not wrong at all!

His father asked Xu Jian to go there that day because he also wanted to find out about Dingguo Temple.

 Not long after, the Holy Father finished changing into his regular clothes and sat down behind the big case.

He took a sip of tea and told Li Shao: "Don't go to the Criminal Department today."

 Li Shao asked doubtfully: "Why?"

"The Ministry of Punishment is busy cooperating with other yamen to check Yongji Palace, let them go all out to handle it." Sheng Shang said.

 Li Shao became more and more puzzled.

  How does the Ministry of Punishment’s investigation of the case conflict with his view of politics?

To be honest, the joint investigation and handling of cases by the Sansi Yamen and Shuntian Prefecture is of great value in itself for observing politics.

Just like why I went to the Ministry of Rites Yamen before, it was just to watch the Ministry of Rites handle Enke.

Li Shao thought so, so he asked.

The Holy Spirit said: "Xu Jian went to Yongji Palace seven or eight days ago, and someone started to ask questions. If you get involved in the investigation, no matter how clear the case is, it will still be criticized."

This is actually just an excuse from the Holy Spirit.

 The real reason is that Eunuch Cao mentioned something to him before going to court.

Since the King of Jin is likely to go all out and fight to the end, it is very likely that Wang Gouzi will attack His Highness. He is accustomed to using poison. No matter how hard the Duke of Fu is on guard, he can't deny His Highness tea and dinner, right?

 This sentence touched the heart of the Holy Spirit.

 He had to ensure Shao'er's safety.

He has made up his mind to take action first and call Xu Jian to the royal study later. Then he must not let Shaoer stay in the Xingbu Yamen alone.

Shao'er is right under his nose, and his food and drink are taken care of by the people in the imperial study. He is determined not to give Wang Gouzi a chance.

 So, as soon as the court came, he called the people over.

Li Shao heard this made-up excuse and said indignantly: "Uncle Ren Yuan is so unreasonable! Does he want to doubt you? What did you do to Yongji Palace? He is usually indifferent and rarely speaks back. It’s so outrageous!” The Holy Master coughed twice.

Shao'er was young and didn't know that Uncle Renyuan and Uncle Chengyi had a good relationship in their early years.

However, today is not the time to analyze the personal relationships of distinguished ministers with Shao'er. The main reason is to make a quick decision.

Eunuch Cao came in and said, "Your Majesty, Duke Fu has arrived."

The Holy Spirit nodded and said to Li Shao: "Have you had enough breakfast? Let's go to the next door to eat first."

Li Shao was slightly unhappy.

 When my father talked to Xu Jian, was there anything he couldn't listen to?

Complaining, complaining, he was indeed a little hungry, so Li Shao didn't say anything else, followed the instructions and left, and followed Eunuch Cao to the living room on the opposite side.

Li Shao picked up his chopsticks and asked casually: "Where is Wang Gouzi? Let him come in and wait on you."

Eunuch Cao smiled and replied: "Your Highness, Wang Gouzi said he had a stomachache, so he should go first..."

Li Shao hurriedly motioned for him to stop.

 You want to have a meal, don’t listen to that.

How could Eunuch Cao let the dog get close to Li Shao again?

He settled Li Shao in place, gave some instructions to his confidants, and then went about his own business.

Walking back to the middle hall, he first glanced at the imperial study room by the curtain. Seeing that Duke Fu had already taken his seat, he stepped back two steps to find someone to ask about Wang Gouzi.

"Let people watch him. Don't worry, Eunuch Cao, he won't let anything happen to him."

Eunuch Cao gave a few more instructions and returned to the imperial court.

The Holy Emperor said with a serious look on his face: "I have thought about it carefully and decided that I should do this."

 Xu Jian was not surprised when he heard this.

Regarding the various pros and cons of King Jin, he had said it before, and the Queen Mother must have said it too. Even if neither of them said it, the Holy One could figure it out himself.

Your Majesty was just hesitant, not opposed.

And he and Eunuch Cao mentioned Li Shao's safety, and the Queen Mother had the intention to take action on his behalf. Coupled with the scene in the Jinluan Palace, it became the hand that promoted the saint.

The Holy Spirit smiled bitterly and said: "Since ancient times, most of those who have fought for position have their hands stained with the blood of their brothers.

I was not involved in it originally. It was the late emperor who cleared the throne for me, and it was my mother who assisted me in ascending the throne. I have my misfortune, but I also have my luck.

But now it seems that I can't escape everything, I still have to deal with my brothers personally.

I know that I am still far from becoming famous as a teacher, but I have to do it.

The only thing I'm worried about is that the other party acts secretly and cunningly, pretending to be mysterious, and makes me misunderstand King Jin. That's..."

Xu Jian said: "Based on the current information, there is no doubt that the real culprit behind the scenes is King Jin. However, killing Yongji Palace is also worthy of consideration. I am worried that he has other tricks. You are attacking King Jin, and you are not giving him a favor right away." Death, if he is really wronged, being in your hands can actually be a kind of protection, lest he also suffers from the murderer and becomes "afraid of crime."

These words reached the heart of the Holy Spirit.

“How do you plan to confirm this with King Jin?” asked the Holy Sage.

Xu Jian pretended to think about it and said after a while: "To be honest, I don't dare to enter the tiger's den alone.

That man originally had people like Dao Heng and Wang Qi around him, but now there is someone who climbed over the wall and entered Yongji Palace. I thought there should be other dead men in his house.

If I had never been injured and went there with two of my followers, I would dare to give them a try. Not only would I be able to catch King Jin, at least I would be able to escape.

 Dan Chen’s current ability may be a hindrance.

 Furthermore, it does not matter whether the minister escapes or not, what is more important is that King Jin cannot escape.

 Once he escapes and becomes a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, he will be even more difficult to deal with than now.

Since there is an attack, bring enough people to guard the forest and surround the mansion. "

The Holy Spirit touched his beard and said, "The momentum is great enough, but is there any hope of change?"

 This is just in case.

 It’s really a mistake, so there is some room for whitewashing.

 When discussing with Lin Yunyan yesterday, they had already reached a consensus.

Lin Yunyan wanted to see King Jin in person.

 They were so tragically caused by the mastermind in their previous life, and she had to witness it with her own eyes as they reached the point of becoming a "general" in this life.

"Let the princess and your ministers go there together," Xu Jian said. "There are women present, so it doesn't look so aggressive on the surface."

 “Ning’an?” The Holy Master did not agree.

The girl's family is unarmed, how uneasy it is!

Xu Jian said: "I have been to Yongji Palace before, and I will be suspected beyond words. If I meet the King of Jin alone, no matter whether he recognizes it or not, he will be inferred to come to you, the Holy Lord.

In this case, I think it is better to send more people, other royal relatives, the three departments investigating the case, and the princess to represent Cining Palace, and send more people to listen to what the King of Jin will say.

 Furthermore, for such a big matter, even if you arrest the King of Jin, you will have to settle the princess and other female dependents. It is much more convenient for the princess to take charge of it than for a group of men. "

This is very reasonable.

 The Holy Spirit was thinking seriously.

 The most appropriate person to be a relative of the emperor was Uncle Ping, but he was ill.

Brothers of the same generation are not suitable at this moment. Those who are a generation older and the other imperial uncles are either not in the capital or died early.

But now that Ning'an is over, we can consider taking care of our aunts.

"Please ask Aunt Baoying to come," the Holy Master instructed, "and ask the Third Division to also send some manpower. You can order the imperial forest and we will set off later."

 Xu Jian accepted the order and exited the imperial study.

 The rising sun is hanging in the sky, and the sun is hot on my body.

Xu Jian breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the coldness accumulated in his body over the years had dissipated a little. (End of chapter)

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