Yan Cigui

Chapter 437: Or should I call you little mouse? (Two updates in one)

  Xiaoci Hutong.

It has already fallen into the night in the capital. There are many lights on the streets connecting the alleys, and inns and wine shops are doing night business.

It has become dark in the alley. The better-off people light oil lamps and ordinary candles, and some want to save more, but there is no light in the house.

Wantang arrived with people and blocked several entrances and exits of the alley as agreed with Xu Jian. He even left manpower in the alley next door.

 At the appointed time, Wantang asked people to light the torches.

 He personally led the team and started knocking on the door from the first room.

  "Guard the Yamen to track down the fugitives, please open the door quickly."

  A rough voice sounded in the alley, and after a while, several houses opened their doors.

 Then, **** crowing and dogs barked, and the whole alley became lively.

 “Sir, didn’t you just come to ask yesterday?”

“Those thieves are very cunning. If they don’t kill you, serious people don’t have to worry.”

“That’s right, everyone, please cooperate. We’ll leave after checking, so we won’t delay your sleep.”

“If you ask me, the capital is so big, it’s very difficult for the officials to search here and the thieves to escape there!”

“We have to search from above, but we also have to work to eat, so we must not be lazy.”

“You have to move faster, there are still seven or eight alleys to search in one night, it’s too late to wait.”

The common people are timid about officials, and they are all honest people who work hard to make a living under the emperor's feet. The serious atmosphere in Beijing in recent days is also well understood.

 In addition, I was searched once yesterday, so I know the general process, so I am very cooperative.

Hand open the courtyard door wide and let the officials compare the portraits with each other. Also show them all the places in the house that can hide people.

While giving instructions, Wantang reminded loudly: "Check carefully, be careful with your hands, don't touch other people's things, and call the outside world to say that we are guarding the Yamen and are a bunch of rough guys!"

If you dare to be careless, let me know, I will give you a few whips!

By the way, after checking yesterday, if there is anything missing or broken at home, tell me immediately! "

 “My family is fine.”

 “It’s the same in my house, nothing is broken or missing.”

 Someone answers, and someone responds.

With such words in front of you, even if you feel bored by the repeated searches by the government, you will be more obedient in your actions.

Even those houses that have not yet been searched have opened their doors in advance, and the whole family is standing in the courtyard waiting.

 One of the rooms was still dark.

The sound of the neighbors opening their doors could be heard.

A young woman came in and spoke to the people at the table in a low voice: "There are people guarding the alley outside the back door, and you can't get out. What should we do now?"

 “Light the candles,” the man said.

 At this time, anyone who does not open their home or pretends that no one is home will be particularly conspicuous.

Soon, the candle lit up, illuminating half of the face of the person at the table.

He is ordinary and has no special features. He is just Mr. Tong.

"You go and open the door first," he told the little woman, "it's just a search by the government. How you dealt with it yesterday will be the same today. Only when you panic will they see the problem."

The little woman nodded, walked out quickly, and opened the door with a creak.

 The boy's father-in-law also came out of the house and walked slowly to the yard.

 He was actually not panicked.

The master is surrounded by Chengxi and others to take care of him. After leaving the capital, he will make plans step by step according to the agreed method.

 The road is difficult, but not long.

 The master needs someone to keep in touch with and manage various relationships in the capital, and Eunuch Tong will take on this responsibility.

To take on this important task, you not only need to gain 100% of the trust of the master, but also need to be face-to-face.

In the past few years, Cheng Xi has come into contact with a lot of people. Once someone describes their facial features and facial features, and notices are posted on the streets, even if they are disguised, they cannot be foolproof.

 Tong Gonggong is much safer.

 He left the palace in his early ten years, and thirty or forty years passed by.

Even if the Holy Spirit found out that his surname was Lao and that he had served Zhang Xuan as a servant and his master, no one could recognize him at a glance.

It’s really too long.

 How can a young man and an old man look the same?

 In recent years, he has rarely walked outside. The only person who has seen him is Su Chang.

Su Chang ran errands for Su Yi, and his master's success depended on Su Yi's efforts. Can Su Chang go to the Yamen to report him?

 Without his portrait, no one would recognize him as Mr. Tong, as long as he does not show any cowardice.

 As for the garrison yamen that was searched for two consecutive days...

 After checking it today, there will never be another one tomorrow!

 Not long after, Wantang came in with two of his men.

This was the address on the note that Duke Fuguo showed him, and all he had to do was ask questions "as usual".

He signaled one of his subordinates to go into the house to check, and another person held a torch to illuminate the faces of the old man and the young man. Wantang checked the name list: "Li Qian's family?"

Little Woman Nono: "Yes."

“You two are the only ones at home?” Wantang asked again.

"I also told other officials yesterday," the little woman replied, "The man went out on a business trip and said he would not come back for three or four months. He was worried that I would be the only one taking care of the family, so he asked me to bring daddy here. , the father and daughter have a care."

Wantang then looked at Eunuch Tong, holding the name list in his hand: "Your name is Qian Guang."

Eunuch Tong nodded: "Yes, my hometown is in Yongcheng, and I arrived in Beijing yesterday."

"A person from Yongcheng?" Wantang raised his eyebrows, "Can you tell me a few words in Yongcheng dialect?"

 Eunuch Tong thought for a while and said a few words, "The official has worked hard" and "The official has good luck."

Wantang smiled, looked at the father and daughter a few more times, and said, "I'll look around."

 The little woman breathed a sigh of relief.

 Eunuch Tong looked out the door.

The door opposite was also being searched. A torch was lighting up and there was a family standing there. As soon as he looked over, he met the eyes of the woman there.

 Eunuch Tong was startled.

Who is that?

 Is there a woman who looks like this across the door?

 At first glance, it looks unfamiliar, but when I think about it, it seems a little familiar...

 Eunuch Tong was startled and subconsciously took half a step back, trying to get further away from the light of the torch.

 A thought flashed through his mind, reminding him that something was not quite right.

 Could it be that the garrison yamen once again checked Xiaoci Hutong, not just for the sake of success, but for a targeted purpose?

 Are they coming for him?

There is no portrait of him in the government office. Is that woman here to recognize him?

  Should not.

 No one should recognize him, and he doesn’t recognize the woman either...

 She just looks familiar. Has he seen her before?

 For a moment, Eunuch Tong had no answer.

 Uneasy feelings emerged in his mind, and he could only hint that he should not panic.

He has a fake beard, is dressed in coarse cloth, and has a stooped back. How can he be so easy to recognize?

 In the yard opposite, the old lady was observing for a moment.

The mother-in-law is none other than Aunt He’s family. Speaking of which, she had not seen the little mouse for decades. That is to say, the princess asked about it a while ago. She thought hard for a long time and could barely recall the facial features of the little chamberlain.

 But after all, it’s been too long. Who knows what the little mouse will be like when he gets older?

"It seems to be him," said the He family's nanny in an uncertain tone. "He has lost his beard and is younger. He seems to have some interest."

Lin Yunyan stood behind the door panel, facing Aunt He, but people in the yard on the opposite side couldn't see her.

If they start tonight, they will suffer because they don't know anyone.

Su Chang does recognize him, but asking him to recognize him is not a good idea.

In the event of Li Du's strategy, if he wants to fight against the inner ghosts and deliberately attracts the small calligraphy hutong, then Su Chang, a chess piece that has already voted sincerely, is exposed.

After this, it would be impossible for them to obtain information from Su Yi through Su Chang.

Furthermore, what if Su Chang rebels again?

 Let Su Chang know clearly that it was Xu Jian who robbed him twice. It was Xu Jian who had been staring at the house in Chenmi Hutong early in the morning before the incident. It was Xu Jian who sat back and watched Li Shao being searched by the two yamen there.

 This is undoubtedly a future trouble for both of them.

Therefore, Lin Yunyan went to invite Grandma He's family, and before Wantang led people into the alley, she entered the house through the back door in the next alley.

They gave him money and explained that they were identifying the fugitives in the house on the opposite side, so they stayed here.

Seeing that they were two female relatives, one old and one young, the hostess of the house was very enthusiastic and whispered to them to introduce the neighbors across the street.

“The man’s name is Li Jincai. He said he does some small business and is away from home for half of the past ten days.”

  "The income is pretty decent. His wife Li Qianshi buys a lot of food and drink, and occasionally exchanges some jewelry."

“I asked her why she didn’t save some money so that she could have a baby. She said that men don’t have much time at home, and they were afraid that it would be unsafe to keep their money at home, so they put it all in the bank except for daily food and clothing.”

“I didn’t hear that Li Jincai was going on a long trip before, but he left suddenly. It seemed that he would be gone for several months. Yesterday, Li Qianshi brought his father over.”

"I just said that it was so far away and it was so easy to come here. My daughter-in-law also said that maybe she knew that she was going to travel a few months ago and had made arrangements a few months ago, but she didn't tell the neighbors. It turns out, it turns out that the old man is Fugitive!"

 “It’s better to arrest them! Catch them all quickly, otherwise people will be in panic every day.”

 When the door on the opposite side opened, Grandma He was observing.

 It was just that it was too dark at the other end to see clearly. When Mr. Wan entered, the guard's torch shone on the little old man's face, and then it became clear.

 “I think so.” Grandma He made her judgment.

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

It would be best for a grandma to recognize it. She cannot confirm it, but she may not be able to deceive it.

She came out from behind the door panel, turned her head to look over, curled her lips and smiled, looking at the little old man.

Under the torchlight, the little old man was older than the young father-in-law Lin Yunyan imagined. It should be because of his beard and posture.

As soon as they met each other, she was keenly aware that the little old man's face stiffened.

Lin Yunyan smiled again, and her smile was meaningful.

 Tong’s father-in-law felt a cold sensation on the back of his neck.

He was still wondering who the woman was, but he didn't expect that there was someone hiding behind the door panel on the opposite side.

That is Princess Ning'an.

 He recognized it at a glance.

The princess will be here, which proves that the search tonight is for him.

what to do?

Instinct made him want to run, but his legs were stuck in place.

Wan Tang is just a few steps away. With his own arms and legs, can he outrun Wan Tang?

What’s more, the whole alley is now full of official officials.

 Are you going to get caught without any help?

 Eunuch Tong was unwilling to give in, but he still retained a trace of luck.

He recognizes the princess, but the princess does not recognize him.

That mother-in-law, that mother-in-law...

Eunuch Tong suddenly opened his eyes, and he remembered.

is her!

 It was the cook who worked in the imperial kitchen in the past!

Chapter  Before his master passed away, he went to the imperial dining room to order food, but the steward ignored him. A cook made him a simple dish before the fire went out at night.

 At that time, Master Zhang was eating so deliciously.

Looking back, Master Zhang knew it herself. As she wiped away her tears, she said that she should go back to serve His Highness and must take good care of His Highness. She also said that this dish was the most satisfying she had eaten in the past few years...

 However, this cook had already left the palace. How could she be with Princess Ning'an after decades?

Decades later, can the cook really recognize him?

 Several thoughts rolled through his mind, and Eunuch Tong took a deep breath.

 Need to identify, indicating that the person who revealed his identity was not the cook.

Who is that?

Who betrayed him? !

 Eunuch Tong is eager to find an answer.

The master had no choice but to escape from his shell, and Eunuch Tong hid here after leaving the house where he had lived for a long time.

Li Jincai followed his master, and Eunuch Tong borrowed the identity of his mother-in-law and father Qian Guang to live in Xiaoci Hutong. The yamen came to check yesterday and it went well. I thought I was hiding something from the truth, but...

 Which part of the problem is the problem?

 He went out this morning to visit Mr. Ding.

Could it be that Lord Ding promised to continue to work for his master on the surface, but actually betrayed them?


 Or Su Chang?

He did pass by West Street when he came back, but he didn't pass by the spice shop. Could it be that Su Chang still saw him?

Suchang sold him to the Duke of Fu and the garrison yamen?

Is it Su Chang who betrayed him, or did Su Yi just take advantage of the situation?

The huge waves in his heart were surging, and the fear of being caught had been overshadowed. Eunuch Tong was satisfied and only worried about his master.

 Su Chang's betrayal, then all the things that Su Yi planned through his hands will be exposed.

Su Yi also betrayed, and the master is in danger!

 No matter what, he has to leave some message, and he can’t let the master know about it!

Beside him, Wantang, who was looking around here and there, had actually been paying attention to Eunuch Tong, picking up every look and expression in his eyes.

At this moment, seeing the wavering and anxious look of the other party, Wantang could tell that this was the person they wanted to arrest without the princess confirming with him.

Seeing Eunuch Tong move, Wantang pounced on him without saying a word, and caught him with his backhand.

“It hurts, it hurts! What are you doing, sir?”

 “Let go of my father!”

Wantang took action, and the guards were not hesitant. They took out ropes and **** the two men.

The people were escorted back to the garrison yamen, and all the people in Xiaoci Hutong were also withdrawn.

Wantang did not rush to interrogate him. He only asked someone to pinch the young old man's face and pull off his fake beard with great effort.

Hearing the sound of people bowing to Xu Jian outside, Wantang stood up and went out to greet him: "Master Guo, you have done a great job tonight, right?"

 Better than cooperating with an old buyer.

 Lao Dan has tricked him several times.

Xu Jian walked in, followed by Shen Chen.

Shenchen had a rope in his hand, and three people were tied behind him, all with bruises and swollen faces.

“Who are these?” Wantang asked curiously.

 “They are in the same group.” Xu Jian replied.

These people live in the alley next door, facing the back door of the house where Eunuch Tong is hiding. It seems that Li Du has a plan. If there is an accident here, they will report the news to Eunuch Tong.

  When the garrison yamen left, they made some movement, and were caught by Xu Jian who was waiting for something to happen.

With that said, Xu Jian walked into the lobby, looked at the man whose fake beard had been torn off so hard that the skin around his mouth was red, and said hello.

“Eunuch Tong,” he said, “should I still call you little mouse?” (End of Chapter)

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