Yan Cigui

Chapter 449: I also have my fears (two updates combined into one, pray for the moon)

Chapter 449 I also have my fears (two updates in one, please vote for me)

  Qingque Hutong.

Lin Yunjing’s new home is in the alley.

  We have been married for just over a month, and life is on the right track. Today I invited Lin Yunyan, Lin Yunfang and Zhu Xiang to sit down and talk.

They are all acquainted with each other. When they come to the door, they only bring some daily food as gifts. When people sit down, the gifts are also served on the table, which makes it lively.

 Zhu Zhang asked: "I heard that your mother-in-law has returned to her hometown?"

"Yes," Lin Yunjing said, "I want her to stay longer, but she is used to living in her hometown and really can't adapt to the capital."

  Yu Pu and his mother were orphans and widowers.

 It is very hard for a poor family to raise an older son who is still in high school, but the old lady has a good temperament and good health, and she has managed to survive all these years.

Now, the only son is an official in the capital and has married a daughter-in-law from a high family. It is said that it is time to enjoy happiness.

 But the old lady is really not of a leisurely nature.

 People who have been busy for most of their lives will feel exhausted once they stop.

Moreover, the lifestyle she is accustomed to and accustomed to is all in her hometown. If she wants to find someone to chat with in the capital, there are no old sisters with whom she can hang out.

Therefore, after the old lady arranged the wedding, she proposed to go back several times.

The son and daughter-in-law kept her again and again, letting her live in Beijing until the full moon of her marriage, and then arrangements were made for her to return to her hometown in all her glory.

 The old lady now had her mind settled, and her face was glowing when she left.

"I'm worried that she's getting older and it's inconvenient to live alone," Lin Yunjing said with a smile. "My mother-in-law said that she has relatives looking after her in her hometown. She used to have a strong temperament, and her relatives and neighbors relied on her and respected her. , now that her son is promising again, there will be many people in the village who want to follow her path in the future, and they will support her and not cause her any difficulties. "

This is indeed a truth.

In small counties and towns, it is difficult for widows to make a living. If they were not tough, their bones and blood would have been eaten away long ago.

 To achieve today's results, the girls here, whether they are married Lin Yunyan and Lin Yunjing, or still in the boudoir Lin Yunfang and Zhu Chan, should give a thumbs up and praise the old lady for her good skills.

 And the saying "can walk sideways" is not a lie either.

 Human relationships are so direct, simple, and valuable, and everyone supports them.

Yu's mother has a son who is a Beijing official and married to a girl from a noble family. Let alone ordinary people and neighbors, the county magistrate has to be polite when he sees her.

 This is also the reason why Yu Pu can safely let the old lady stay in his hometown after high school.

"She is in good health, so naturally we should follow her habits," Lin Yunjing added. "In a few years, it will be inconvenient for her to live alone, so I won't ask her to take care of her."

As Lin Yunfang listened, she couldn't help but ask how her eldest sister and her eldest brother-in-law got along on a daily basis.

Lin Yunjing was restrained on this matter, but she couldn't resist Lin Yunfang's coquettish behavior and talked to her about something.

Zhu Chan listened and looked around the room.

She had heard before that this house was actually Lin Yunjing's dowry.

"I can see that your family is very satisfied with this son-in-law." She whispered to Lin Yunyan and whispered.

Lin Yunyan smiled.

This is true, I am indeed satisfied from top to bottom.

 Yu Pu has always been short of money.

Just after entering the Hanlin Academy, Yu Pu's salary allowed him to live a daily life, but Yu Pu had to be frugal and frugal. He had to return the money to Uncle Chengyi's house as planned.

 Hence, before getting married, he shared a house with several colleagues.

As for the sincere uncle's marriage to a girl, my grandmother would be willing to choose a girl of good character to marry, but she would never wrong her eldest sister to share the yard with others.

With the land prices in the capital at this level, it was impossible for Yu Pu to save enough money to buy a house. In the end, the two families came to a discussion and saw such a small single-family house. The grandmother subsidized the eldest sister.

Lin Yunyan said: "We are all satisfied with my elder brother-in-law's talent and character."

 If you get married sincerely, you will not make any calculations. The purpose is to make the couple live a good life.

Lin Yunjing will not be arrogant because her mother's family is in a position of power and has paid a lot, and Yu Pu will not flatter her just because she has just entered the official position and is hard-pressed, nor will she take advantage of the benefits and feel resentful.

Only when honest people work with honest people can life go far and go smoothly.

 As for what others think and say outside, that’s none of your business.

 After all, each family has its own way of getting along with each other.

Whether this marriage is a good one or not, time will tell the answer.

 “It’s pretty good,” Zhu Xiang sighed, “The place is not big, but it’s very cozy.”

She has seen with her own eyes and been angry about the gold and jade on the outside and the shabby scenery on the inside. Now it seems that this kind of warmth is far better than the cold and dirty of Hou Men's deep house.

 Her understanding of Yu Pu came from the conversations between the three sisters of the Lin family, but she knew Lin Yunjing.

Lin Yunjing is sincere and can live a good life.

Lin Yunyan heard a hint of envy from Zhu Xian's tone, and thought of some rumors she had heard recently, and was quite curious for a moment.

Looking at the eldest sister and the third sister, Lin Yunyan leaned slightly and asked Zhu Xiang, "I heard that there is always a kind woman coming to the Yu family."

Zhu Xian raised his eyebrows: "How come? I don't have much money here, and he wants you to be a lobbyist in a roundabout way?"

“That’s not true,” Lin Yunyan said truthfully, “After we met him in the teahouse that day, I haven’t seen him again, and he didn’t ask the Duke to show his kindness or invite lobbyists on his behalf.”

This "he" refers to Yu Cheng'an, the Yao Sun of Baoanhou.

Zhu Xian didn't take it seriously at all during the brief encounter that day. Who knew that a few days later, a nanny would come to Yu's house.

The surname of his surname, the attitude of the servant of the noble nobles, and the peace of mind and talk about it.

“She said she came to look for me,” Zhu Chan whispered. “My aunties thought she was from your home or someone else I knew well, so they invited her in.

 When I asked, I found out that he was from the Baoan Hou Mansion.

She didn’t say anything embarrassing. She gave her some snacks and chatted for a while before leaving.

I don’t want to accept it, but she doesn’t deserve it. She runs so fast, and I’m really embarrassed to chase her in the alley to give her snacks..."

Lin Yunyan heard Zhu Xiang describe it, and just imagining the scene couldn't help but laugh.

 At the end of the day, it’s just snacks.

In this way, you chase me in the hutong, and the neighbors come out to see it. That is really the fire.

“In this way, he has some considerations in his actions,” Lin Yunyan commented. “He himself and his entourage will not show up, and the grandma will come. Even if the neighbors see him, they won’t think much about it.”

If Yu Cheng'an or himself follows him to the front door of Yu's family, there will be a lot of rumors whether he accepts it or not.

 That won’t do Zhu Xuan any good.

“Mommy has been here several times, this time I’ll give you snacks and next time I’ll have rouge,” Zhu Xiang sighed and shook his head, “If you don’t hit the smiling person, he’s so angry, and there’s no reason why he should be turned away.”

Lin Yunyan understands very well.

 First of all, I can’t lose my face, secondly, a small official’s family will not easily offend the marquis’s house, and thirdly, I still don’t want to cause trouble and let the neighbors watch.

It was also Yu Chengan who grasped that degree.

He just wanted to show his goodwill to Zhu Xian and had no intention of making a fuss.

From the beginning to the end, the neighbors didn't know which family the nanny belonged to. Anyway, Zhu Xiang was handed a handkerchief by a noble person, and the princess drove to the house several times. It was not surprising that she looked like a noble nanny.

"If she was really talking nonsense in the alley, I could slap the door panel on her face," Zhu Xiang said, "But she greets people with a smile and doesn't say much. She only said a few words to me after entering the door. Yu Cheng'an How how…

I insisted on not collecting the things, and she was not in a hurry. Sometimes she ran away in a hurry, and sometimes she brought them back intact. I asked her to tell Yu Chengan not to come again. She said that she was just an errand-runner and if she had anything to say, I would talk to Yu Chengan myself. "

After a month of this back and forth, Zhu Chang was really dumbfounded.

 I was not very angry, but a little annoyed. In the end, I punched the cotton with my fists, making myself laugh.

Lin Yunyan laughed for a while and asked, "Then do you want to talk to him?"

"Xun, why not Xun?" Zhu Pang said, "If you don't mention this to me today, I will have to talk to you."

 It would not be appropriate for her to go to the appointment alone.

This is not to say that Yu Chengan, who is very cautious in his actions, would do something outrageous, but Zhu Xiang didn't want to cause more trouble, so he wanted to ask Lin Yunyan for a favor.

If she can't make sense with Yu Cheng'an, Lin Yunyan can also come forward and say a few words.

Lin Yunyan naturally agreed after hearing what Zhu Xiang said.

 Emotional matters are about your feelings and my wishes.

She also doesn’t know much about Yu Chengan. Unless she is in a situation like that of Yu Pu and Duan Zhihuai, and she can be sure that this person is a good match and reliable, she will give persuasion.

 Otherwise, since Zhu Xiang had no intention, Lin Yunyan would definitely turn to her.

 The sister bureau ended happily.

 The appointment was made, and Lin Yunyan took the lead and set the time and place.

The place was decided to be Fu Guo Gongfu.

Zhu Xiang was invited to look for Lin Yunyan, and Yu Chengan visited Xu Jian.

Those two people have never met each other before, even if they are on the same day, there is no need to worry about unnecessary disputes.

 Furthermore, in my own place, I don’t worry about anything I say.

 On that day, Yu Chengan arrived early.

Xu Jian was sitting in the flower hall, looking at the guests in a hurry, and commented: "Thank you, are you not sensitive?"

Yu Cheng Anjun blushed and said, "I was the one who said the arrogant words that day."

 When it comes to bowing his head, he is not ambiguous at all.

 After waiting for about two-quarters of an hour, the person from the front came to report that Zhu Xiang had arrived.

 Xu Jianjian said to Yu Chengan: "That is to say, I will make arrangements for you because I know you are acting decently.

 No matter what you say later, don't do anything outrageous, otherwise, I will have to take you to the security guard.

As far as I know, Miss Zhu wants to refuse. It’s up to you to convince her. If you can’t convince her, don’t expect me and the princess to be your lobbyists. "

Yu Chengan said seriously: "Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."

While talking, Lin Yunyan accompanied Zhu Xiang over.

The two sides met each other and after bowing, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian went to the side hall and left the main hall to them to talk.

Facing Zhu Xiang, Yu Chengan was slightly embarrassed.

 Judging from Aunt Zhu’s reply, he himself knew Zhu Xiang’s attitude, but he still had a lot of things to say to her.

Even if I can't completely change Zhu Xuan's mind, I can at least give myself a chance.

 However, Zhu Xiang came even more prepared: "Master Yu, listen to me first."

With such an opening, how could Yu Chengan be unreasonable?

Zhu Xian looked directly at him and spoke straightforwardly and calmly.

"I am very grateful for your kindness. Your pursuit troubled me a little, but it did not cause any trouble to me or my family."

 “From this point of view, I can see that you have some considerations.”

"The things you sent are untouched except for the snacks that cannot be stored for a long time. I hope you can let Aunt Zhu take them back later."

“Now I am just the cousin of a small official family, but I used to be a girl from the Duke’s palace who was well-dressed and well-fed, and had seen all kinds of good things. These things you use to please the little girl are of no use to me.”

Yu Chengan was stunned for a moment and wanted to defend himself, but he was not someone who would interrupt the other party, so he could only remember for the time being and listen to Zhu Xiang's words first.

Zhu Zhang looked at his expression and guessed what he wanted to say.

Those "useless" things are not necessarily because Yu Chengan is stingy, but because they are really giving out valuable things. She becomes more and more reluctant to accept them, and she also feels oppressed by throwing money at people.

  That is to say, these trivial things are given to Yu Chengan casually, and the Zhu Huan he gets is not taken seriously.

 As she said, there are too many good things that I have seen used before.

 From this point of view, Yu Chengan has really thought about it a lot.

 Zhu Xuan continued.

"I know that today is different from the past. I also know that I will get married and will not be a cousin for the rest of my life. I don't have that much money for my grandfather's family to support me."

"In terms of marriage, I envy the princess and her eldest sister. She marries a down-to-earth scholar from outside the country, and her life is simpler."

"Master Yu, you have your strengths, but I also have my fears."

"You know how my mother died, and you also know what kind of person my father is. I am afraid of being an idle **** in my life."

To be fair, this is the most important thing Zhu Xian can say right now.

But it happened that it struck a chord like this, piercing Yu Chengan's heart, making all the words and ideas he had prepared, whether it was love at first sight, appreciation and respect, all become indifferent and ethereal.

 The tragedy of the death of both parents is before us, and any sworn analysis and confession is powerless.

Any time he says a few words shamelessly, it will hurt Zhu Xian.

 He could only bow to Zhu Xian speechlessly.

Zhu Xian saw that he understood what he meant and didn't bother him. He smiled with relief, turned around and walked out of the main hall to find Lin Yunyan.

Yu Chengan stood there, watching her leave, feeling dejected and lost.

Xu Jian walked back slowly, and when she saw his absent-minded look, she raised her hand and patted his shoulder.

 “Give up?” he asked.

Yu Chengan smiled bitterly: "What if?"

 He didn't want to give up, but he didn't want to make Zhu Xiang feel irritated and disgusted, let alone cause trouble for her.

“For the sake of that cricket,” Xu Jian laughed, “I’ll show you the way.”

Yu Chengan humbly asked for advice.

"Change your bad ways and return to the right ways," Xu Jian said, "What's the point of being an idle playboy?"

Yu Chengan was happy when he heard this: "My grandfather must have endless things to say to you."

Xu Jian added: "Maybe Marquis Baoan will appreciate Miss Zhu very much."

Hearing this, Yu Chengan smiled again.

After smiling, he felt much more cheerful. He thanked Xu Jian again, and said: "Thank you to the princess for me too. I won't get in touch with them when they are talking to little sisters."

 Xu Jian responded.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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