Yan Cigui

Chapter 451: I want to ask Ying to go to Yumen (two updates combined into one to ask for the moon)

Chapter 451 I want to ask Ying to go to Yumen (two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

 Three days.

 It was just the morning three days later.

The civil and military ministers stood in the Jinluan Palace, coming and going to discuss government affairs.

Since it was a large court meeting, there was no room for people to stand in the hall, and there were still many people standing under the corridor outside the hall.

 Xu Jian was listening to Prince Ping's words. Suddenly, there was a burst of discussion from behind, and he couldn't help but turn his head and look towards that side.

 Not just him, almost everyone is looking outside.

The officials standing closer to the front were confused about the situation. The farther outside they were, the clearer they became. A guard hurried across the main square and ran up the steps in three and two steps.

The guard was panting from running and entered the Jinluan Palace through the road made by the officials.

"Your Majesty," the guard said while breathing heavily, "the beacon fire on the west side is in progress, Xiliang is attacking me at Yumen Pass again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole court was in an uproar.

 Xu Jian looked at Lin Yu and saw that his father-in-law also had a serious face.

 Compared to those who didn't know anything about the situation, the two of them had actually anticipated Xiliang's coming.

 Because of Su Yi, because of Gu Yue.

Hunt Zhuang reported that once Su Yi falls, Gu Yue's main war faction will gain the upper hand and join forces with Xiliang.

But Xu Jian also knew that Su Yi's downfall was doomed.

 Before Li Du took action to kill Li Jun, he sent a letter to Su Yi. This is what he thought he was doing.

Since Su Yi still chose to join forces with Li Du, the so-called "downfall" was just a show.

 In the midst of the commotion, the Holy Master raised his voice and asked, "Where is Gu Yue? What was the reaction of the people of Gu Yue?"

 The guard could not answer.

Beacon fire is an urgent report from thousands of miles away. It can reveal the military situation, but it is only military information. More detailed information can only wait for the urgent military report from the border crossing thousands of miles away.

  However, everyone present knew that the situation in Yumen’s battle might not be optimistic.

 As a key entrance to the west, Yumen has always been a battleground for military strategists.

 There have been many great wars, and countless petty quarrels.

Dashun garrisoned troops in Yumen to guard against Xiliang. Since the **** battle in Yongjia in the eighth year, the two armies have only had minor frictions in the past few years.

 With small friction, there is no need to light a beacon.

Military intelligence and battle reports were delivered to the capital in order, and the situation of the battle was clear. Logistics dispatch, military supplies, and city wall reinforcements were all done step by step and in an orderly manner.

Today, there is a war in Beijing.

 This means that the enemy is approaching fiercely and has deployed a large number of troops. The Yumen defenders judged that there was difficulty in the confrontation and urgently reported to the capital for reinforcements.

 For a time, the faces of the courtiers became worse and worse.

Li Du had this hidden worry, but he didn't expect that foreign enemies suddenly came, and who was troubled internally and externally, who could relax?

 Suddenly, someone asked: "Why did the Holy One ask about Gu Yue?"

"Yes, although Gu Yue has formed an alliance with us, it is reasonable to stop Xiliang, but they are a small country outside the pass, and they can only stop it for a few days. We cannot expect them to retreat."

 The Holy One touched the center of his brow.

  Previously, I didn’t want to alert others, nor did I want to disturb people’s hearts by making alarming remarks, but now I don’t need to worry about that anymore.

"I received reports from spies a few days ago. Gu Yue's main fighting faction is gradually gaining the upper hand. They may join forces with Xiliang."

 After the words fell, you took a breath and I lamented again.

“Guyue people defected? Is this serious?!”

"I have already said that you cannot trust Gu Yue! If you are not of my race, your heart will be different!"

"We have been close to Gu Yue for many years, how much benefit have we given them? In the end, raising tigers will cause trouble. They have to rake them when they have enough to eat and drink!"

“If only Xiliang invades and the Yumen garrison can handle it, and if Gu Yue’s troops are added to it, then…”

“In the eighth year of Yongjia, we paid a great price to retreat from Xiliang. Now they have come back, and we and Duke Laofu are no longer here.”

 “We must not lose Yumen!”

The Holy Master sat on the dragon chair, looking at the angry or excited faces below, and slowly evened his breathing.

Now is not the time to listen to the courtiers arguing about whether it is right or wrong to form an alliance with Gu Yue for many years.

Detailed military reports are still on the way, but since Yumen is begging for help, Beijing must urgently mobilize reinforcements.

 We cannot be careless about our troops, food and fodder.

Just as the Holy Master was about to speak, he saw Li Shao suddenly turned his head and didn't know what he said to Xu Jian behind him.

 Xu Jian, on the other hand, looked slightly embarrassed after listening to Li Shao's words.

 The Holy One made fists with his hands and coughed twice.

The discussion in the hall gradually subsided, and therefore, Li Shao's voice that suddenly spoke was heard by everyone.

“Seeing that Li Du was absconding and was no longer reliable, Su Yi turned around and defected to Xiliang? How fast is he for a piece of grass on the wall?”

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes and said to himself, what a coincidence.

Just now Li Shao asked him whether he knew about the spies' report.

 Xu Jian simply said "informed".

 He knows more than the Holy Spirit has said.

  Sheng spoke briefly, still not wanting to make the relationship between Li Du, Su Yi and Gu Yue clear, especially at today's court meeting, where there were many people talking.

Unexpectedly, the hall suddenly became silent, and Li Shao said this again.

 Fortunately, Li Shao considered Su Yi to be a "weed on the wall" rather than an ally of Li Du.

 Some officials were confused and asked, "What does this have to do with Li Du?"

Li Shao opened his mouth to say more, but when he saw Xu Jian winking at him repeatedly and looking at his father with a heavy gaze, he finally swallowed his words.

The Holy Emperor's gaze passed over the ministers: "Send troops to enrich the family..."

As soon as he started talking, a man took a step across, knelt down on one knee, and clasped his fists in his hands: "Please take command!"

Xu Jian looked at the sound.

The person who requested the tassel was the Marquis of Dingbei.

 Dingbei Hou is also over fifty years old. He first entered the battlefield at the age of sixteen. He has been a soldier all his life and has made great achievements in defending the northern border.

Xu Jian inherited his father's title ten years ago and rarely went on expeditions after that. However, Xu Jian had heard his grandfather praise Dingbei Marquis many times.

 This man is very capable of mobilizing troops and generals.

Thinking about it, it was precisely because of this that Dingbei Hou could not end well in the past that he and the little princess had experienced.

Two gold bricks belonging to Li Mi were found in Anyi's Mansion, which implicated his in-law Dingbeihou. Gold bricks were also found in the Hou's Mansion, which implicated the neighboring Chengyi Mansion.

 In the struggle for imperial power, the crime is not the focus, the result is.

An Yibo crashed into a wall in prison and died, the Dingbei Hou Mansion was raided and exterminated, and the Chengyi Bo Mansion survived under the "Kaien", with nothing left except the head on his neck.

 Now, with the failure of Li Du's plan, everything is different again.

Dingbei Hou had a strong desire to lead the army and urgently wanted to recruit troops and generals to help Yumen.

The Holy Spirit agreed, and asked about the dispatch of garrisons and the supply of food and grass in various places. Officials from various relevant yamen responded one after another.

 As various matters were arranged, the topic of "Li Du and Su Yi" was considered to be skipped.

 Being ready for the next court, preparations are in full swing everywhere. Xu Jian followed Li Shao to the imperial study room.

The Holy Spirit drank a cup of tea first, moistened his throat, and then asked Li Shao: "What are you doing with Li Du?"

Li Shao said angrily: "The house in Chenmi Hutong has the golden slip of the Guyue envoy. Li Du and the Guyue people have been colluding for a long time!

I don’t know how many benefits Li Du gave Su Yi in exchange for the so-called alliance. Now that Li Du has fallen, Su Yi took advantage of the situation and immediately got together with the Xiliang people.

Father, maybe Su Yi is asking for it from both ends? "

 The Holy Spirit did not say anything immediately.

 In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with Shao'er's idea.

He and Xu Jian had previously analyzed that it was not so much that Su Yi lost to the main war faction, but that Su Yi wanted to start a war.

What Shaoer did not consider was that in all likelihood, Li Du and Su Yi did not break up their alliance, but instead became closer.

With this in mind, the Holy Sage told Li Shao the whole story.

"You mean, Li Du led Gu Yue and Xiliang to invade, trying to fish in troubled waters? How dare he? How could he!" Li Shao became more and more angry as he listened, "Does he know that his son is in our hands? Is he really not afraid that we will kill him? Li Rong?"

 If you want him to say it, Li Rong should be killed!

If any clan members oppose it, or if they do this or that, they will be cut down!

Xu Jian said: "Your Highness, please don't be angry. What we want to talk about now is the matter between Li Du and Su Yi."

 Li Shao's anger surged.

 When he thought about Chenmi Hutong, it was difficult for him to calm down.

"Shao'er," the Holy Master asked in a deep voice, "the war is going on in Yumen. Do you want to continue to observe politics in the Ministry of Punishment, or go to the Ministry of War first?"

 Li Shao said without hesitation: "I want to go to the Ministry of War."

Your Majesty has the same idea.

Dashun has a vast territory, which means that there are many foreign nationalities bordering it from all directions, and war and disputes are inevitable topics.

 Marching to fight a war is not about talking about war on paper. Or, even if you stay in the capital and talk about it, you have to have something to say.

Going to the Ministry of War to experience the logistical support and dispatching of a war was a good experience for Li Shao.

"Then let's go there later," the Holy Master thought for a moment, and then added, "It's time to prepare for war, and things are urgent. If you have any ideas, ask Xu Jian and Sangu first, and read more and think more."

 Li Shao responded.

After the Holy Emperor finished explaining Li Shao, he saw Xu Jian looking thoughtful.

With a thought in his mind, the Holy Master asked Li Shao to go over first and left Xu Jian alone to say a few words.

Eunuch Cao sent Li Shao off, and there were only Shengshang and Xu Jian there.

The Holy Emperor asked: "Are you still thinking about Gu Yue?"

 “Yes, and no.” Xu Jian said.

  Halfway through the words, the Holy Master understood what he meant, thought about it, and said, "Are you still worried about Shao'er?"

Xu Jian considered each word carefully and said, "Your Highness is very keen, or rather intuitive, but sometimes he is too impulsive..."

 The topic turned to Li Shao, and the Holy Master looked more relaxed, not as serious as when talking about war.

“Humans have advantages and disadvantages,” the Holy Master smiled, “I do, and so does Shaoer.

I have been very fortunate recently. Although I have not yet found Li Du's whereabouts, I am relieved to have caught him, a man with ulterior motives.

If not, with his clandestine methods, Shao'er would always listen to his words, use his people, and make slanderous remarks, and Shao'er would only become more and more shameless.

 Fortunately, it's all over and he can no longer affect Shao'er.

 You will continue to follow him in the future, guide him to observe politics in the six departments, and give him a few more years. "

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes.

Seeing this, the Holy Spirit glanced towards the curtain.

Eunuch Cao just came back. He understood what was happening and did not go inside. He stayed outside.

"It's just you and me," the Holy Emperor leaned back in his chair, trying not to make the atmosphere too tense. "Be honest and speak out whatever you think. I still have a bit of a heart."

 Xu Jian looked hesitant.

 There is a difference between the emperor and his ministers. Although it is said to be open and honest, everyone will have reservations.

Since he brought it up himself, the Holy Spirit naturally "thrown out ideas" and spoke first: "Two years ago, you told me that Shaoer has a keen personality, and what happened to you at Yumen will affect your relationship to some extent.

 Shao'er will feel even more uncomfortable if you follow him.

I have watched the past two years, and I cannot say that it has been smooth sailing. There have indeed been some bumps in the road.

However, in the past half year or so, I seem to be getting much better, especially after deposing the prince, I have more contacts.

I can see that Shaoer trusts you, especially in the case of Dingguo Temple. He is cooperating. "

 Xu Jian nodded.

 Concerning Li Shao, Xu Jian will not confront the emperor head-on.

But both he and Lin Yunyan knew very well that even without Li Du scheming behind his back, Li Shao would still not be able to shoulder the great cause. In other words, if Li Shao inherited the throne, there would still be no good results for the Fu Guogong Palace and the Chengyi Palace.

 This is unacceptable to Xu Jian.

 But he couldn't directly confront Li Shao in this situation.

Just as his father-in-law reminded him, once the signs are aimed at Li Shao and the light is no longer dark, then they will be restricted by the Holy Spirit.

 If you want to break the situation, you must have soldiers in hand.

 Only those with military power are qualified to discuss conditions.

 The Battle of Yumen was his opportunity.

This is the reason why Xu Jian must have an "open and frank" talk with the Holy Emperor in the Imperial Study Room today.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Jian cupped his hands and said, "I would like to invite you to Yumen."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Holy Master’s eyes narrowed suddenly.

Outside the curtain, Eunuch Cao also looked stunned, suspecting that he had heard wrongly.

"Go to Yumen?" The Holy Master's words were full of disapproval, "I'm not trying to hit you. You know your own physical condition best.

 You have indeed recovered somewhat, but not fully. You can ride a horse, but can you go into battle?

 What is the situation like on the battlefield?

You have fought and fought before. Do you dare to say that with your current ability and ability, you can come back from Yumen alive?

I have told you before that making achievements is not only possible on the battlefield, but also in the court.

I understand that you want to live up to your grandfather's training, but if you propose to leave Yumen because you are worried about Shao'er and don't want to continue to guide him in politics, I think it is inappropriate. "

Xu Jian listened carefully and sighed secretly in his heart.

 Whether he is a king or an elder, the Holy Emperor treats him with all his heart and soul.

 But he also has things he must insist on.

 He cannot let Dashun be misled by Li Shao again.

“Your Majesty,” Xu Jian raised his head, looked into His Majesty’s eyes, and said sincerely, “Maybe you are right, your Highness has some knots in his heart, and so do I.

 It's just that my heart is not towards His Highness, but towards Yumen and myself who cannot go into battle.

I have been trained to be a military general since I was a child. When I first entered the battlefield, I killed Xiliang people at Yumen Pass.

 But last time, I was sent back lying down.

This time, I want to go and ride back on horseback. If I make up for it and make it thorough, I should be able to let it go.

 Otherwise, your tone will always be awkward, and your dreams will always be about Yumenguan. "

 Asking for a monthly ticket~~

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