Yan Cigui

Chapter 453: Don’t blame me (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 453: Don’t blame me (two updates in one, please vote for me)

The capital city on this day was busy and tense.

The Holy Spirit summoned the Marquis of Dingbei and discussed with several important ministers, and his decrees were spread out one after another.

From 1 hour to noon, Ji Xin, the second son of Dingbeihou, was the vanguard and led his troops to Yumen Pass.

All arrangements for grain, grass and military supplies were in full swing. The right minister of the Ministry of War even led people to Jingzhou Prefecture to be responsible for the east-west transfer.

As for the Marquis of the North, he will lead the army to set off at noon tomorrow after counting the generals.

 Xu Jian was included in the third batch of additional troops.

About three days later, the troops from the nearby state capitals were fully assembled in the Gyeonggi camp, and Xu Jian led them to march westward.

This arrangement was regarded by the court as Xu Jian's active request for imperial concubine and the emperor's helpless nod and protection.

 Leave aside the vanguard army, even the second batch of armies led by Marquis Dingbei will select some troops to quickly reinforce according to the battle situation reported from the front line.

  This is the third batch of additional troops, which is relatively loose.

 Xu Jian went to the Yamen of the Ministry of War.

 Ren Min, the right servant, has already packed up and is heading out with several of his officials.

The two sides met each other and greeted each other.

 After thinking about it for a while, Ren Min finally spoke up and asked Xu Jian to take a step to speak.

Two years ago, after Xu Jian returned to Beijing, he worked as a post in the Ministry of War. At that time, it seemed that he was just messing around, but Ren Min still took good care of him.

Of course, there was also the kindness of Duke Lao Fu when he was still alive. Ren Min never hesitated to take care of Xu Jian when he could give him some advice.

  Today too.

“Since the Duke is determined to go, take care of yourself,” Ren Min said. “I set off a few days earlier than you, but I don’t think I can travel as fast as you on the road.

 After that, I will be in Jing'an City. If you have any trouble in Yumen, just send someone to look for me.

 I don’t dare to say anything about big things, but if I can help, you’re welcome. "

Xu Jian laughed: "I'm not a polite person. If you don't believe me, please ask Shan Fuyin and Wan Commander next time."

 Ren Min was laughed at by him.

"Master Ren is stationed in Jing'an," Xu Jian thought for a moment and whispered to Ren Min, "under the rule of Jingzhou, there was a county magistrate named Yu in Chengyuan County. Although he was a donation official, I heard that he was very good at work. Be serious and down-to-earth, if Master Ren still needs manpower locally, you might as well consider him."

Ren Min knew what was going on.

His task in Jing'an was very heavy. In addition to the people he brought from Beijing, he also needed the cooperation of local officials.

Although it is not clear how Yu Xian Cheng got the job of assisting the Duke of the State, who should he use?

 As long as it is useful, he doesn’t care whether he is the top scholar or a donor, as long as he does practical things and good things.

If it is actually embarrassing for the general, then he does not need to give the auxiliary Duke this face.

The reason for this is definitely clear to Fuguo Gongming.

After talking to both sides, Ren Min greeted the people and set off first.

Xu Jian still walked to the Ministry of War, and met Li Shao who came to watch the government.

Li Shao looked Xu Jian up and down for a while, then his eyes fell on his right leg and asked curiously: "Who are you not giving face to?"

 Xu Jian raised his eyes and looked at Li Shao standing on the steps: "I don't understand what your highness means."

"I thought you were faking your injury. At least your injury is not as serious as you showed, but everyone told me that you were seriously injured," Li Shao snorted, "Last year, I was scolded by a group of civil and military ministers for this. You're so bloody, it's all because of me that you can no longer go out to fight the enemy. They scolded the crowd and it's good for you to go out again. "

 Xu Jian's expression did not change.

Li Shao's words may sound strange, but I can't even say that.

 After all, Xu Jian is well versed in the ways of yin and yang. To him, Li Shao's words are not even considered a little witch.

 As for Li Shao wanting to cause trouble, that's not the case.

"Your Highness," Xu Jian said calmly, "I have been treating my injuries, and now I have achieved some results. Since I can still contribute to Dashun, I will not fall behind others."

"You just need to think about it yourself," Li Shao said. "You are the one who thinks you still have some strength, and you are the one who insists on asking for military leave. This time has nothing to do with me anyway. If you get into any trouble in Yumen because of this, don't count it out. My head. If the censors scold me for this in the future, you can reason with them."

 Xu Jian responded.

Li Shao's face became slightly brighter as he walked down the steps: "I think my father is also very worried, so I listed you as the third batch."

"Your Majesty does have some considerations," Xu Jian said, "His Royal Highness came to the Ministry of War for the first time. Lord Shangshu and others were busy. It happened that I was here to do some things to understand the situation. Your Majesty asked me to take advantage of these two days while I am still in the capital to introduce you again. Observe the government for two days.”

Of course, this is just another superficial reason.

Xu Jian would not take those rumors of "protection" seriously, or in other words, the more violent the rumors, the better.

 The real situation is that the garrison of the Gyeonggi camp cannot be neglected.

Top forces from nearby prefectures gathered in the capital. Xu Jian ordered some troops to take away some of them, and An Yibo took charge of the rest to cooperate with subsequent dispatch operations and prepare for Li Du's subsequent moves.

 In order to lure the snake out of its hole, you must also be prepared.

 Throughout the afternoon, officials in the Ministry of War were busy.

When it was getting dark, Yumen's military report finally arrived in Beijing and was quickly sent to the imperial study.

The above said that in the middle of the night, the Xiliang people suddenly raided Yumen Pass. The sound of horns shook the sky. The defenders drove back the enemy troops, but they saw the enemy formation in the distance in the white fish belly.

On the flag that was erected, in addition to Xiliang, there was also Gu Yue, who looked menacing and looked like he was going to fight for a long time.

According to reports from scouts, there are reinforcements coming from the enemy position.

 Therefore, Yumen lit up the beacon and beacon fire went to Beijing to ask for help.

In Cining Palace, Lin Yunyan had dinner with the Queen Mother and had a conversation before waiting for Xu Jian to come over.

 The Empress Dowager's energy seemed to be much better than that in the morning.

“I’ve given you everything you need to explain,” she said earnestly, “You go and prepare yourself.”

The two of them left the palace and did not go back to their residence immediately. Instead, they went to Uncle Chengyi's residence first.

The neighboring Dingbeihou Mansion is brightly lit inside and outside. Ji Xin has set out before noon. Dingbeihou will also set off tomorrow, and arrangements are being made at home.

 Enter the uncle's mansion and walked all the way to Zaishouyuan.

Little Duan also heard about the military situation and watched the two people come in, forcing a smile.

 Xu Jian said something to reassure the elders and went to Lin Yu's study again.

Lin Yunyan stayed at Xiao Duan's place and saw her grandmother's shoulders drooping.

"When we got engaged, I was worried about his leg injury. You all comforted me, saying that if your leg is injured, at least you don't have to worry about fighting. The Duke of the country is a versatile man in both civil and military affairs. He can still make great achievements in the court," little Duan sighed. , "I had been hoping that his legs would recover, but I didn't expect that he would go into battle again after he got better."

Lin Yunyan laughed: "You should change your mind. Being able to go into battle means that your legs are already strong. When you retreat from the enemy and return to Beijing, we can go together, both civil and military, and you can go wherever you want."

Little Duan was neither laughing nor smiling when she said it.

 Finally, holding Lin Yunyan's hand, Xiao Duan said: "Since it's all settled, the old lady won't say any more depressing words.

Our Lin family has never produced a military general, but we have been neighbors to the Dingbeihou Mansion for many years, and we have a general's uncle. It is really a joke to make people cry just because they go into battle.

My uncle will be away from Beijing for a few months at least. If you can't bear the worry, just come back here.

Yunfang wishes you could chat with her and have fun.

  That's right, you can't always come back. There are still Mrs. Xu and Miss Ping at home, so you have to cheer up. "

Lin Yunyan smiled and said yes. In the study room, Xu Jian and Lin Yu chatted for a long time.

 Perceptions of the war situation, conjectures about the layout of Su Yi, Li Du and others, and plans for how much support they can get in the future.

The Battle of Yumen was not only a retreat from the enemy, but also an indispensable step to prevent Li Shao from making a comeback in the future.

 This means it is an hour shorter.

By the time the young couple returned to Fu Guogong's mansion, it was already late at night.

 In the inner courtyard, Xu Miao did not rest, but was still waiting for them. When he learned that the two were back, he went to the main courtyard.

Before the words were spoken, there was worry between his brows.

Xu Miao would not complain about "why it was so sudden and without negotiation", nor would she cry and stop her from saying "I'm not allowed to go, I'm not allowed to go". She was just worried about Xu Jian's legs.

She said: "I asked the doctor, and the doctor said that although you have improved a lot, you are still a little reluctant to go out to kill the enemy."

"I discussed it with Marquis Dingbei, and his idea was to let me guard the pass and cooperate with the internal dispatch." Xu Jian said.

Hearing this, Xu Miao felt a little relieved.

Each person in the army has his or her own responsibilities. Some serve as vanguards, some stabilize supplies, some line up troops, and some charge into battle. Each has its own difficulties, and each has its own merits.

 Xu Jian knows how to do things well and will not act recklessly.

Xu Miao thought, it was a battlefield. A Jian, who knew the importance of the situation, would definitely not be willing to hold others back if his health was not good.

"That's good, that's good," Xu Miao said, "it's getting late, you still have a lot to prepare, I'll go back first."

 Xu Jian sent her out.

 In the night wind, the crescent moon was covered by clouds, leaving only a hazy light.

 Xu Jian did not listen to Xu Miao and walked her all the way to the inner courtyard: "You take care of yourself and A-Ping at home. I will come back safely."

Xu Miao's eyes were red and she nodded heavily.

 The next day.

 Xu Jian looked for Dr. Zhang.

"I am leaving the capital this time and will be away for several months. If you want to stay in the capital, you can still live in the mansion. If you want to return to Guanzhong, I will arrange for someone to take you back." Xu Jian said.

Dr. Zhang did not answer. He motioned Xu Jian to sit down and stretched out his hand to press his legs a few times.

“I am not pouring cold water on you,” he said. “When the Duke of the State goes to Yumen, it is better not to have a direct confrontation with anyone.

You ride out to kill the enemy for an hour, but if you turn back, your legs will hurt for three to five days. Once or twice, you can get through it.

 If it happens too many times, it will turn into the root of old illness and injury, and it will follow you for more than ten or decades in the future. "

“I will remember what the doctor said,” Xu Jian said with a smile, “To be honest, I hope that Doctor Zhang can join the army. Your ability to treat muscle and bone injuries is greatly needed in the army.”

Doctor Zhang said bluntly: "I am afraid of death."

 Otherwise, he would have been a military doctor long ago. It was hard work, but he earned much more than his drug shop.

"I know your temper and I won't force you," Xu Jian said. "If you are willing, you can live in Chengyuan County. It is not close to Yumen and not too far away. There are some urgent injuries that I can trouble you to treat. Or As I said just now, it’s up to you to decide whether to go to Beijing or Guanzhong.”

 Doctor Zhang did not decide immediately. He thought carefully for a whole day before giving Xu Jian the answer.

 He is going to Chengyuan.

"We, as doctors, treat people's injuries, but there is no half-measures in treating them."

“Although this injured patient is really disobedient and often does things that go against the doctor’s orders, I will save people to the end and will not give up halfway.”

“If the situation in the battle goes wrong, I will definitely turn around and run away. Don’t accuse me of carrying a nail rake to block the Xiliang horses.”

A few words not only made Xu Jian laugh, but Lin Yunyan also laughed non-stop.

 Another person who wanted to move westward was Yu Chengan.

That day, I stood in the British government palace for most of the day, thinking a lot. I originally wanted to talk to Xu Jian in the near future, but I didn't know that the border war broke out and Xu Jian went on an expedition.

Yu Chengan thought about it and thought about joining the army, so he mentioned it to Marquis Baoan.

The security guard looked at Yaosun with a straight face.

 That’s right.

A few days ago, he was still scolding his grandson for not being able to make progress in his daily life, and that he deserved to be unable to get the girl he liked as his wife. Unexpectedly, his grandson changed his gender and stopped being a dandy, that is...

 It’s just that this step is a bit big.

 From the cricket king in the capital, he crossed over to Yumen as a small soldier.

 Handled the old man's crotch!

 But if the grandson makes progress, should the elders discourage him?

With this blow, it will be difficult to pull him back from the cricket road in the future.

 Besides, the Yu family also got the credit on horseback. How can he stop the younger generation from going to the battlefield again?

"I appreciate your ambition," Marquis Baoan thought for a less offensive way of saying it. "You haven't practiced martial arts for a long time. Can you kill the Xiliang people?"

Yu Chengan said: "You forgot, there was a drunkard who caused trouble last time. I drank too much and my hands were not serious..."

The security guard waved his hand to signal him to shut up.

  In terms of boxing and kicking skills, the brat is really good at fighting.

"Can those wine and rice bags be the same as those from Xiliang?" Marquis Baoan blew his beard, "Don't underestimate the enemy!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        的 by of of being told, that I dare not miss a single bit of it.

 After admonishing him, he asked Yu Chengan to see his grandmother and others, and he handed the certificate to the royal study room for an interview.

The Holy Spirit suddenly became interested when he heard that Yao Sun of the Yu family wanted to join the army.

"I was talking to the Empress Dowager last time. If half of the dandies in the capital could change their ways, the court would be able to gain many more useful talents. They were all pretty decent when they were young, but they are all dishonorable when they are older. You Jia Chengan has a good heart and is also a role model. He has a good relationship with Xu Jian, right? Let him set off with Xu Jian. "

Marquis Bao Bao received a lot of praise. After all, he was more happy than worried. After returning home, he asked Yu Chengan to go to the Fuguo Palace by himself.

Yu Cheng'an had just comforted his worried grandmother and tearful mother when his grandfather stuffed two jars of good wine and a jar of good tea and kicked him out.

 It was also a coincidence.

Yu Chengan entered the Duke Fuguo's mansion. Before he reached the flower hall, he saw Lin Yunyan who was seeing off the guests.

 And that guest was Zhu Chan.

 The two sides met each other, and they were both a little surprised.

 Zhu Xian came here about her uncle's affairs.

Last time, Lin Yunyan asked about Chengyuan County and said a few words. Zhu Xian thought that something would happen in Chengyuan that attracted the attention of the court in the past two years. She had guessed that the censor was patrolling Jingzhou Prefecture until the war. It dawned on me when I got up.

 The family was worried about his uncle's condition, so Zhu Xiang came over after thinking about it.

 Unexpectedly, I would meet Yu Chengan when I left.

 See you tomorrow, book friends.

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