Yan Cigui

Chapter 454: Joining the army is for yourself (two updates combined into one, asking for the moon)

Chapter 454: Joining the army is for yourself (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 Since it happens, etiquette is indispensable.

Zhu Zhang greeted him politely and called "Master Yu".

Yu Chengan wanted to return the favor, so he raised his hand. There was a can of tea on the left and two pots of wine on the right.

This made him pause for a moment, and he was stunned, which was a little funny.

Beside him, Xu Bai saw this and quickly stepped forward to take all the gifts from the guest's hand.

Yu Chengan's hands were empty and he couldn't help but laugh: "Let the Princess and Miss Zhu laugh."

Zhu Xian smiled lightly.

 The attitude in the previous time was straightforward, but now the etiquette is enough, and there is no reason to be more polite.

 She nodded briefly and glanced at Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan understood and said to Yu Chengan: "The Duke of Guo is in the study, and Master Yu is going to sit in the flower hall. Uncle Bai, please come over. I have to send Miss Zhu off, so I'm rude first."

Hearing this, Yu Chengan subconsciously took half a step to the side to make way.

The summer wind carries the heat, and when it passes by, it also blows the faint smell of soapberry from the girl's body.

Her grandmother loved flowers. Although Yu Chengan had never been exposed to women's rouge, she also knew what flower dew with the aroma of flowers and fruits would be like.

  And the light soapberry…

Yu Chengan's eyes couldn't help but look at Zhu Xiang's earlobe.

 Only tea stems were inserted into the ear holes.


Ms. Zhu is still keeping filial piety for her mother.

 She said before that she would not be a stay-at-home lady for the rest of her life.

 The time of the battle in Yumen is hard to say. Will it be possible that by the time he comes back from the border, Zhu Xiang will have already made an engagement or left the government?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Yu Chengan impulsively called out: "Miss Zhu, please stay."

Zhu Chuan stopped and turned to look at him, with confusion on his face.

Yu Chengan touched the tip of his nose.

When he spoke, he felt impulsive, but since he had stopped the person, it was inevitable that he would appear hesitant if he didn't say anything.


  Just pretend you have no regrets.

Yu Chengan said: "Miss Zhu, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Lin Yunyan didn't say much, she only looked at Zhu Xiang's attitude.

Zhu Xiang hesitated slightly.

To be fair, she knew it was better for her to refuse.

Let's talk about it last time, what ended was Yu Chengan's gesture of asking Nanny Zhu to come forward to show her goodwill.

 Being a decent person is, in the final analysis, the word "restraint".

 It is precisely because the feelings in the heart are still there that there is "restraint".

 The human heart is made of flesh.

How can we take back all our appreciation and admiration just because of a few words?

If Mr. Yu really had the kind of "retractable" temperament, it would make Zhu Xiang feel "weird".

 Hence, it is best for each other not to see each other but to keep distance.

If she gives in more and gives more opportunities, it will make it harder for people to let go.

 But precisely because it was grown from flesh, it was difficult for Zhu Xiang to say decisive words for a while.

Zhu Xiang looked at Yu Chengan a few more times.

There was no cautious probing on the part of the other party, nor any sign of entanglement or reluctance. She was still calm and straightforward, as if she could respond or not.

 The decision is hers, and she is the one who does not feel any burden.

 Such rules and measures, Zhu Xiang thought about it and said to Lin Yunyan: "Then wait for me for a while."

Lin Yunyan nodded: "I'll wait for you in the sedan hall."

Xu Bai also stepped away happily.

Yu Chengan opened his mouth and said: "I came here today to talk to Duke Fu about the expedition. I have informed my elders and received the holy wishes, and then set off for Yumen with Duke Fu."

Zhu Xiang was stunned for a moment and looked at him in confusion.

Yu Chengan was amused by her surprised look and asked, "If I return with meritorious service, can Miss Zhu marry me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Xuan's face turned hot.

For a moment, she couldn't tell whether she was ashamed or angry, her voice and tone were a little heavier: "You are just being your dandy in the capital, why do you have to risk your life on the battlefield? If you are just for the sake of letting me I nodded and risked my life, I thought you were stupid and foolish."

  After receiving a few harsh words and being told that he was stupid and stupid, Yu Chengan not only did not get angry, but his smile became even brighter.

"How can I continue to be a playboy? I want to be one, but my grandfather won't let me be one." Yu Chengan kept laughing for a while, and then stopped laughing when Zhu Chan's face became darker and darker, cleared his throat, and said seriously Then he solemnly said, "Of course, I figured it out myself and wanted to live a decent life.

I have become a bit muddled in the past few years, but it is not rotten to the core. Maybe it is because I am old enough. I started to indulge in cockfighting and cricket fighting when I was ten years old. I still need to be a little more humane when I am almost twenty.

Miss Zhu recognizes An Yibo, right?

 Those grandchildren of his family were defeated by me when they were young.

 I don’t want to brag when I say this, I just want to say that I have some basic knowledge. It’s not that I can’t carry it with my hands, and I will die if my head gets hot.

I really don’t even know how to use a sword or a gun. I was clamoring to go, but my family didn’t dare to let me go. "

 Hearing what he said, Zhu Xuan calmed down a lot.


Yu Cheng'an has many elders above him. If he dares to seek death, his family has plenty of ways to stop him.

Since there is no way to stop him, I agree with him to change his original **** temperament and take a serious path, even if this path is risky.

Yu Chengan cleared his throat and continued: "I just want to leave Beijing, so I can talk about it and get it for myself.

 What I just thought of is that maybe by the time I come back, you will have decided that I really will never have a chance again.

Of course, I didn’t choose to join the army just to get you to nod, and I won’t stop practicing well or add chaos to the battle just because you don’t nod.

 Joining the army is for yourself. I am not lying to you. "

 Zhu Chan was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, it was like returning to the last time they faced each other, except that the situation was reversed.

Last time, it was her who was so speechless that Yu Chengan couldn't say anything appropriate, but this time it was she who was speechless.

There are obviously many things to say, but there is no way to start.

It seems that nothing I say is appropriate or worthy of this frankness and sincerity.


 She has seen a lot of dandies.

Her father Zhu Cheng is a "role model" among the dandies.

 In terms of character, she could feel that Yu Chengan and Zhu Cheng were completely different people.

Isn’t it rotten to the core?

Zhu Chan breathed a sigh of relief, and perhaps the depression in his chest had dissipated a lot. Perhaps Yu Chengan might never come back after leaving...

 She raised her head and looked directly into Yu Chengan's eyes: "My mother has been gone for two years."

Yu Chengan raised his eyebrows and turned around to understand what Zhu Xian meant.

“Yes, you still have one year of filial piety,” he said sincerely, “then let’s take a look at it for one year? In this year, if I can still look good in Yumen, will you consider it then?”

Zhu Xian smiled, very lightly and quickly. The smile flashed across his face, and his mood became more relaxed. "When you come back from Yumen, I will tell you the result of my consideration."

Yu Chengan smiled, his smile lingering for a long time, and his joy was beyond words.

He knew that Zhu Xiang actually did not agree to anything, but it was still a lot better than the categorical refusal last time.

As he said, his change was out of his own heart and not for the sake of success, and he would not complain about any outcome.

However, if this change can fall into Zhu Xian's eyes and make her no longer regard him as a complete playboy, he will certainly be happy.

 Whatever fruit is produced in the end, it is harvest, not coercion.

Yu Chengan cupped his hands and said "take care".

Zhu Xian nodded and replied, "Take care."

 Afterwards, the two of them went in their own way, one facing inward and the other facing out.

Lin Yunyan waited in the sedan hall for a while and then heard Zhu Xian's footsteps.

 When Zhu Xiang came in, Lin Yunyan carefully observed her expression, trying to judge the situation from her face.

“Ask if you are curious, and I won’t let you ask.” Zhu Xiang scolded her.

 There is nothing that a good sister cannot say.

Zhu Xian calmed down his thoughts and explained the situation.

After hearing this, Lin Yunyan sighed: "You rejected the offer bluntly last time, but this time you are soft-hearted."

 If you don’t say it to death but leave room for it, it will give people hope.

“What I fear most is regret, and regret,” Zhu Chan’s voice lowered, “My mother was paralyzed in bed for three months before she fell into a complete coma.

I was young and ignorant at the time, so I asked her why she couldn’t get out of bed and why she couldn’t play with me.

The day before she fell into coma, I lost my temper with her and said a lot of childish and hurtful words unscrupulously.

 Later, when I realized that she really would not wake up, I regretted it very much.

  If I had known that this would happen, I would have spoken to her properly when she was still awake and told her that I still want to be her daughter in my next life, instead of saying a lot of things that would make her sad. "

Zhu Xiang sighed when he said this: "The battlefield is unpredictable, and there is no way to predict it. If something happens, he can also keep a thought. As for me, I am selfish, I don't want to be like me one day." I regret that I spoke too harshly and couldn’t get over this hurdle.”

 In the final analysis, this leeway was not left to Yu Chengan, but to Zhu Xiang himself.

No pain or itching does not mean any results, but it can give you peace of mind just in case.

Lin Yunyan smiled.

Zhu Chan is rational, but not ruthless and unjust.

It's okay to say that it's all bystanders, Lin Yunyan thought, in a year's time, both Zhu Xiang and Yu Cheng'an will have changed, and by then, they will probably have different answers.

In this compartment, Lin Yunyan arranged a sedan to take Zhu Xiang out of the house. In the flower hall in that compartment, Xu Jian looked at the two jars of wine with cold eyes.

 “I’m married.” He said.

"I know," Yu Chengan said, "This jar of tea is for the princess."

"You don't know," Xu Jian said lightly, "I am leaving Beijing soon and my time is limited. I don't want to waste it on drinking with outsiders."

Yu Chengan:…


 Those who get married are great!

"I'll leave the wine for you, you and the princess can drink it together," Yu Chengan said, "The Holy Father asked me to set off with you. I will go to the Gyeonggi Camp early tomorrow morning. Don't be surprised if you see me then."

After hearing this, Xu Jian suddenly grabbed the teacup and threw it towards Yu Chengan's door without saying anything.

Yu Chengan did not expect Xu Jian to attack, but fortunately he was quick and swerved to the left to avoid the oncoming tea cup.

There was a crisp sound, the tea cup fell to the ground, and the pieces scattered.

 Xu Jian commented: “Barely.”

Yu Chengan couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you remember that I'm not married yet? If my face is ruined, where can I find a wife?"

"If you can't even avoid such a teacup, I will advise the Holy Spirit to let you stay at home. Disfigurement is better than death," Xu Jian said. "After all, he is the eldest son of a security guard. I don't want to be a good match or be in harmony with each other." Agreed, it's not difficult to just find a wife.

If you really go to Yumen to die, you will never have a wife until your death. "

   Yu Chengan is speechless.

Who is to blame?

 It’s his own fault.

Listening to the crowing of **** and the crow of crickets all day long these years, I have never developed the skills to argue with others.

“Going to the yard to draw signs?” Yu Chengan said simply.

Xu Jian got up and walked outside.

 He had no intention of taking action and only called Xuan Su and Yu Chengan to fight.

 Lin Yunyan walked back to the flower hall and heard fists and feet in the distance. When she got closer, she saw Xuan Su and Yu Chengan coming and going, making it very lively.

 She then walked around the corridor and walked to Xu Jian.

 “How?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Xu Jian turned his head and whispered: "It can be seen that my serious skills have been wasted for a long time. Now my moves are all wild. Fortunately, my reactions are quick and my foundation is still there. I can pick it up after practicing for a while."

Lin Yunyan nodded.

Although Xuan Su did not use all his strength, Yu Chengan was able to cope with it, which made Lin Yunyan feel more at ease.

 She didn’t want Yu Chengan to die even after they met.

  When the dandy is as light as a feather, at least he can live.

 If you change your temper and rush to the border, although there is no absolute on the battlefield, you will really risk your death, which is not necessary.

Hundreds of moves later, it ended with Xuan Su’s sudden force.

Yu Chengan is aware of his current capabilities and is convinced of his defeat.

After tidying up his appearance, he asked Xu Jian: "Can you reluctantly go to Yumen with me?"

Xu Jian stepped forward and said, "We will go to the Gyeonggi Camp early tomorrow morning. If nothing unexpected happens, we will set off in two days."

Yu Chengan accepted.

 After the matter was done, he, an outsider, was very self-aware, so he said goodbye and left.

Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian saw off their guests and walked to the main courtyard without any hurry.

"Xuansu will go to Yumen with me, and Shenchen will stay in the capital," Xu Jian explained softly. "If anything happens to Su Chang, Shenchen can take it back easily. Li Du acted insidiously and ruthlessly, even if he couldn't mobilize private soldiers to directly Referring to the capital, he will definitely make other moves while the imperial army is being restrained by Xiliang and Gu Yue."

Lin Yunyan nodded: "I can't do anything else, but I will try my best to keep an eye on the Jingxin Hall and pay more attention to Li Shao. My father will also help to observe and inquire more, and you can take care of yourself outside."

 It’s late at night.

Half asleep and half awake, Lin Yunyan listened to Xu Jian's long breathing, and a thought suddenly crossed her mind.

 Xu Jian went to Yumen this time for at least a few months and a half.

From the time she married Xu Jian in her previous life to the time she woke up in this life, although they were not married at first, they had many private contacts and could see each other.

 Through this calculation, she had never been separated from Xu Jian for so long.

 It’s strange that I’m not used to it.

Moving slightly, Lin Yunyan moved a little closer to Xu Jian's side.

Xu Jian seemed to be aware of it, put his arms around her waist, and patted her back gently.

 Two days later, in the morning light, the reinforcements set off from the Gyeonggi camp.

 An Yibo, dressed in military uniform, came to see him off.

He looked around and said to Xu Jian in a low voice: "I know what you said. Leave the capital to me. You just need to retreat from the enemy in Yumen."

 Xu Jian responded, got on his horse, and led the army westward.

 Shout for the monthly ticket~~

 Thanks to book friends for their support.

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