Yan Cigui

Chapter 469: His mother is his greatest support (two updates in one)

Chapter 469 His mother is his greatest support (two updates in one)

After Li Shao finished speaking, he eagerly waited for his father's reply, but only saw a little hesitation and hesitation on his father's face.

This made Li Shao's heart suddenly drop.

—Father doesn’t trust me.

This thought came to Li Shao's mind again, and the loss and uneasiness this time made Li Shao even more uncomfortable than the last time when he "trusted Xu Jian more than me or my father."


 He admitted that he did have a lot of problems at that time.

Feng Chang, who was placed beside Li Du, was coaxed and caused a lot of trouble for his father.

At that time, Xu Jian was also arbitrary in doing things and wanted to manipulate him, so it was only natural for him to reject Xu Jian.

 It was precisely because of the efforts of the two parties that such a result was achieved in the end.

 Dividing the responsibilities between them, Li Shao was on a business trip, and Xu Jian was not wrong either.

 Fortunately, Xu Jian came to his senses and stopped looking for him. He turned his attention to Li Du, and everything went smoothly.

What now?

Now he goes to court and observes the government during the day, and stays at Yuqing Palace at night. Occasionally, he goes out with his cousins ​​from Enrongbo Mansion.

  I have not made friends with people I shouldn’t have made friends with, I have never been to Jiangjunfang again, and I have never done anything that could be scolded by the censor.

To say that he has changed his mind is not an exaggeration, right?

 However, he still did not win the trust of his father.

"What your aunt said makes sense, but you are too impatient," the Holy Master put down his chopsticks and said, "You are a prince, and it is natural for you to have people following you around. Doesn't Eunuch Cao still follow me all day long?"

Li Shao pursed his lips and thought to himself, can these two people be confused?

The Holy Spirit said again: "If you don't want Eunuch Gao to follow you, then tell yourself who will run the errands and make arrangements for you?"

Li Shao was originally aroused by a few words of Princess Derong. How could he have thought about it in such detail?

When the Holy Emperor asked, he couldn't help but be stunned.

 Yeah, who should I replace it with?

Who else can be used in Yuqing Palace?

Seeing that Li Shao was somewhat convinced, the Holy Father patted him on the shoulder and said, "If you really have this heart, give it some time."

 Li Shao is not stupid.

  I know that "after some time" is an excuse.

“After some time,” he murmured, “when the master returns to the court, there will be one less Eunuch Gao and one more Xu Jian.”

The Holy Spirit sat next to him, and after listening to a few words, he could guess what he was complaining about.

After estimating the time, the Holy Master said, "It's getting late. Shao'er should go back to the military headquarters first."

Hearing this, Li Shao asked, "Where is my father?"

"I will sit with the Queen Mother for a while, and you can go first," the Holy Master said, and then said to Lin Yunyan, "Ning An will send him out."

 Lin Yunyan responded.

 Li Shao seemed to still be depressed by the rejection of the Holy Sage.

Standing in the corridor, he asked in a low voice: "What do you think?"

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes and recounted an old story impartially: "Your Highness, do you still remember what the Duke of the State once told you? After deposing the Crown Prince, you want to gain the trust of the Holy Emperor and the courtiers and make a comeback. This is a very long journey. It may take a few years, maybe more than ten years. You can’t rush in now, right?”

Li Shao glanced at her, nodded as a sign, and walked out.

Lin Yunyan turned around and walked into the hall.

 The Holy Emperor asked her to send Li Shao away, which actually meant that she should avoid it.

According to Lin Yunyan's previous habit, she must go to her side hall to rest at this moment, and then go back when the Empress Dowager sends someone to summon her, but today...

Lin Yunyan chose to play dumb. She had to listen to what the Holy Father had to say to the Queen Mother and Princess Derong.

Sure enough, when people came to the floor covering, they saw that most of the curtain had fallen, dividing the two rooms.

   Grandpa Yue exited from inside. When he saw Lin Yunyan coming back, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he quickly shook his head silently at her.

Lin Yunyan nodded to show her understanding, neither moving forward nor retreating, she just stood quietly in line with him.

 In the inner hall, only Grandma Wang was left to accompany her.

The Holy Spirit looked at Derong and said directly: "You never care about Shaoer's affairs. Derong, what are you thinking about?"

"What can I think about?" the eldest princess asked, "I'm thinking about Dashun, about our Li family, and about Sixth Brother. If you bet all your treasure on Shao'er, will he be able to do it or not?"

The Holy Spirit said solemnly: "Then you can't just ask me to evacuate all the people around him, right?"

“What are Sixth Brother afraid of?” Princess Derong sat up straight and spoke in a stubborn tone, “Now that we’ve talked about it today, I’ll just tell it to the end.

Honest advice may be offensive to my ears, and I'm afraid it won't sound very good, but I know that Sixth Brother is sensible, and I am sincere, and Sixth Brother will not really care about me.

Even if I say something wrong, Sixth Brother, for the sake of my birthday, just think that I drank too much and talked nonsense. "

When the Holy Spirit heard this, he sighed: "If you don't add such a pile, will I argue with you?"

"It's your own business that Sixth Brother prefers Shao'er, but if you want Shao'er to inherit the throne, that's the whole Li family's business," Princess Derong said, "I mentioned it to my mother before, and it's not a matter for me. He said, no nephew is the same, there is not much difference between me and him.

Sixth Sister-in-law and I are a little closer.

If Shaoer is a man who can shoulder the responsibility of the country, I would like to hear about it. The mountains and rivers in Dashun are smooth and the people are prosperous. I will be able to travel around when I am old.

 But if he doesn’t correct his shortcomings, he will end up in a mess in the future...

 Sixth Brother, I was born a princess and have never had a bad day in my life. I don’t want to see the building collapse one day. "

"Derong," the Empress Dowager gave her an angry look and eased the atmosphere, "talking about the people employed around Shaoer, don't go so far."

"Okay, let's talk about the close ones," Princess Derong said, "Sixth Brother, if you really believe in him, will you let people guard him to death? Isn't it just that Shao'er is afraid that Shao'er will cause something to happen to you again, and he will do it one or two times? , you can’t even protect him.”

The Holy Spirit said: "What's wrong with taking precautions before they happen?"

"To nip it in the bud, Sixth Brother, why don't you point at Shao'er and change it to something more stable?" Princess Derong curled her lips, "You don't want to change it, right? How long can we prevent it?"

 Now that you are the Holy Emperor and his father, you can naturally take care of everything, but what about the future? By the way, in the future, Sixth Brother hopes that he will continue to make progress and continue to change.

 But did Sixth Brother see the look on Shao'er's face just now? He was disappointed.

He thinks he has made many corrections, but Sixth Brother, you are still very guarded against him. You are denying him. "

The Holy Master frowned.

"Brother Six, you don't want to hit Shao'er all the time, right? If you make a mistake, you will be punished and if you make progress, you will be rewarded," Princess Derong said, "I think this is a chance for Shao'er, and it is also a chance for you, Brother Six. If he Things are going well all the way, and everyone is happy. If his true nature is hard to change, Sixth Brother, you should stop trying to push him down on the throne. You don't want to end up damaging Sixth Sister-in-law's reputation because of Shaoer's incompetence, right? "

 The saint's face turned dark.

 The Queen Mother saw it in her eyes and sighed deeply in her heart.

  Does De Rong’s words make sense?

 It’s all true.

  But this is not the truth that should be said at this juncture.

Given De Rong’s temperament, he should not be unclear about this, but he made it clear through his birth date. To say that De Rong had some other thoughts, maybe, maybe not, but she just stood by the word "reason".

 After changing her mind, the Empress Dowager said to Derong: "What do you call this? Destroying the seedlings and encouraging them to grow."

"What are you doing?" The eldest princess sighed, "You're not seven or eight years old."

"How old are you? You talk about anything after eating too much wine," the Empress Dowager said. "The Ai family asked the kitchen to bring you hangover soup. You can rest for a while so you can wake up, and drink less at night. "Come on, don't get drunk again."

With a few murmuring words, the previous tense atmosphere gradually melted away and things became normal again.

Little was to wake up the sober soup, Lin Yunyan also took the opportunity to go out and stop under the gallery, thinking about the words of Princess Derong.

The eldest princess has only these kinds of thoughts.

First, as she said, she just couldn't see Li Shao being unruly. Today's suggestion is a reminder and an attempt, and it is a kind of goodwill.

 The other kind is malicious.

Eunuch Gao followed too closely. With him around, Li Shao's movements were restricted, and what he wanted to do with Li Shao was naturally restricted.

 Therefore, the eldest princess knew through her birthday that even if she spoke frankly, the Holy Emperor would not argue with her.

 To retreat to advance.

 Xu Jian has used this trick before.

Of course, further subdividing it into two categories: related to Li Du or unrelated.

 Subconsciously, Lin Yunyan twirled her fingers.

 This is an action her father often makes when he is thinking. I don’t know when, she also learned it.

Previously, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian had discussed Princess Derong. In her previous life, the eldest princess seemed to be in mourning but did not reveal her death. How was her death related to Li Du and Li Shao?

Whether the eldest princess saw Li Shao's misdeeds and wanted to stop her, so she was killed, or she was originally in the same group with Li Du and died just because they couldn't agree on the distribution of benefits. There is still no solid evidence.

Looking at this moment, the eldest princess’s intention is quite clear.

 She wanted to see what would happen around Li Shao if no one was watching him all the time, and whether his old ways would emerge.

 Perhaps she prepared something, or perhaps she prepared nothing.

 After all, there is another Li Du.

The eldest princess may be Li Du's vanguard, or she may be watching the tiger fight from a distance and borrowing Li Du's help.

No matter which one it is, Lin Yunyan thought, for herself, she has to be separated by another layer of mountains.

To be fair, you won’t become fat by eating one bite.

Stabilize Yumen first, then find Li Du, and finally make Li Shao unable to stand up. This is the safest approach, but obviously, things cannot go as she and Xu Jian intended.

 The three are inextricably intertwined, and one move affects the whole body.

Then, the purpose of Princess Derong’s words today actually coincides with Lin Yunyan’s.

Use Li Shao as bait and put out a long line to catch Li Du.

If something really goes wrong, the person being held accountable is also the eldest princess and has nothing to do with Lin Yunyan.

 Grandpa Yu is back and brings sobering soup inside.

The Holy One took a sip to cheer up and said to the eldest princess: "Derong, you are the princess, the eldest princess. If you live longer than me in the future, you will be the eldest princess. You will follow wealth and wealth all your life. When you are old, you will naturally travel around the mountains and rivers." "My father's wish for you back then was to live a good life with your consort, and I do the same now."

Princess Derong held the sobering soup in her hands and raised her drooping phoenix eyes: "I don't like to hear this from Sixth Brother.

 I knew that my second brother was talking nonsense that day and dragging me down!

 The second brother’s desire to rebel is his business and has nothing to do with me. Whoever sits on the throne is my brother, so why should I help him but not you?

None of the three of us were born and raised by the same mother and concubine. Am I crazy enough to seek death?

 Sixth brother, there is no need to warn me. I only clicked on Shao'er for safety. If you really want to trick him, there are many ways. "

The Holy Father took a deep look at Princess Derong, said nothing, and walked out after signaling to the Queen Mother.

After leaving the main hall, I looked to the side and saw Lin Yunyan standing in the corridor, lost in thought. The Holy Master called out: "Ning'an."

Hearing the sound, Lin Yunyan walked over and asked, "Are you going back to the imperial study?"

“Yes, speaking of which,” the Holy Spirit cleared his throat, “I haven’t thanked you in person for the incident involving Enrongbo Mansion.”

“I was lucky enough to find out,” Lin Yunyan thought for a moment and then asked, “But it doesn’t seem to have completely blocked the rumors. You see, the eldest princess has also heard about it..."

The Holy Emperor smiled helplessly: "Since it was planned to target Shao'er, how could it be possible to block them all? Did the person you detained have any other explanations?"

Lin Yunyan shook her head.

Mr. Jian painted by Pang Feng has been sent to the Yamen, and the wanted portrait is being sent to various states.

And the calligraphy he copied was very complicated. According to his father's wishes, he would sort it out and submit it to the Holy Father.

 After seeing off the holy driver, Lin Yunyan returned to the inner hall.

The palace people were busy clearing the tables, and the Queen Mother was sitting beside the Arhat's bed, with an unmistakable look on her face.

 Princess Derong was lying on the couch sobering up, extremely lazy.

Lin Yunyan secretly thought that if Sanyuan Hutong was searched with great fanfare that day, the news would reach Li Du's ears.

Li Du’s rumor plan was ruined by her first, and there will definitely be follow-up actions.

Lin Yunyan was waiting for that action, but she didn't expect that the person waiting would be Princess Derong.

Has the eldest princess really formed an alliance with Li Du?

Or does the eldest princess also have someone hiding behind Li Du?

Like in the sixth year of the king's reign, it seemed that the eldest princess wanted to borrow Li Du's sword, but in fact it was Li Du who had plotted against the eldest princess.

 Princess Derong took a nap for a quarter of an hour, then got up and left the palace.

The Empress Dowager leaned on the pillow, closed her eyes and rested her mind, and said to Lin Yunyan: "She shows her sharpness today."

 “What do you think?” Lin Yunyan asked.

"If you want to say something, Yijia told her earlier. How much she understands depends on her." The Queen Mother's voice became colder. "Go ahead, make a fuss all you want. While Yijia still has the breath, make a fuss." It’s clear.”

 The result of the trouble will be known by the time she leaves.

It's better to hide it and wait until she closes her eyes to have an attack. She is powerless underground.

 On the other side, Li Shao was absent-minded in the Yamen of the Ministry of War.

 He actually didn't care what Aunt Derong said. What mattered to him was his father's attitude.

Originally I thought that the road to recovery would not be impossible in a few years or more than ten years, but today I realized that it was too long. If I can't win the trust of my father as soon as possible, what if something goes wrong again in the middle?

 He had to do something quickly to make himself look more presentable.

This idea lingered in his mind until he returned to Yuqing Palace and saw the floor-to-ceiling screen, a few scattered thoughts suddenly flashed across his mind.


 Yes, the queen mother is his greatest support!

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