Yan Cigui

Chapter 471: Do as Su Yi wants

Chapter 471 Do as Su Yi wants

Under the oil lamp, Lin Yunyan looked through the letter that Shen Chen brought back.

The letter was written by Su Yi himself. According to Su Chang, it was the same as Su Yi's handwriting.

 The letter is not long, but the content is very "meaningful".

After Li Du's fall, Su Yi lost his original alliance and was squeezed out by Gu Yue's main war faction, and his status plummeted.

 Gu Yue united with Xiliang to march into Yumen. Not only did Su Yi lose power, but because he had made many enemies in the past, he had to leave Gu Yue this time to avoid unexpected events.

In order to make a comeback, Su Yi chose to escape all the way to Dashun, and was now almost in the Gyeonggi area.

 These days, he has roughly figured out the situation in Dashun.

Li Du has not been captured yet, and Li Shao, who has been deposed as the crown prince, is also having a hard time at this moment.

Su Yi hopes that Su Chang can find a way to contact Li Shao and negotiate terms with him.

That condition is naturally "Li Du's whereabouts."

Li Du is a cunning rabbit, and it is not easy to catch him. Su Yi is still confirming whether the news is true or false, but as long as Li Shao is willing to join forces, Su Yi will definitely catch Li Du for him.

 Su Yi helped Li Shao accumulate merit and help Li Shao regain his status as prince as soon as possible, in exchange for supporting Li Shao in Gu Yue's seizure of power after Li Shao came to power.

“Joining forces with the Xiliang people to raise an army is a wrong thing to do. Only by communicating with Dashun and strengthening trade like before is Gu Yue’s right path.”

 “My needs are not only for me personally, but also for Gu Yue.”

"Su Chang, you are a spice merchant. You must understand this. This matter will be beneficial to you, me, and His Highness Li Shao."

"The person I can trust in Beijing now is you, Su Chang. I hope you will never betray my trust."

Lin Yunyan held the letter and read a few sentences, then laughed out loud at the end.


 Su Yike is so interesting!

 Involuntarily, Lin Yunyan thought of what Princess Derong said that day in Cining Palace.

The same is true. The truth is as solid as a mountain, but in reality, only you know how much truth or falsehood there is behind it.

Su Yi's judgment of Gu Yue's situation was undoubtedly correct. The words he used to persuade Su Chang also fell into the heart of a businessman. But was Su Yi's purpose really to join forces with Li Shao?

 That’s not necessarily the case.

 Lin Yunyan would have to raise a few questions about Su Yi's so-called "fleeing to Dashun after losing power".

It is true that this statement is generally consistent with what the Dashun spies heard from Gu Yue before the war broke out, but nine times out of ten, it is more like Su Yi's deception.

Su Yi and Li Du have been cooperating for more than ten years, how can they just break it off?

 Joining forces with Li Shao to capture Li Du?

I'm afraid it's the other way around, using this as an excuse to target Li Shao.

Wanyue stood aside and after reading the letter, she asked softly: "Princess, since Su Yi has found Suchang, how about we just follow the clues and find out Su Yi?"

“What we want to capture is not Su Yi,” Lin Yunyan said. “Our biggest target is always Li Du, unless we can catch them all..."

 But who can say that Su Yi must be in the same place as Li Du?

 When it comes to cunning, those two people are all blind.

 In other words, without Li Shao as a bait in the front and only Suchang alone, not only would the vine be unable to touch the melon, but it might even be cut off.

Lin Yunyan put the letter away, lowered her eyes and thought seriously for a long time, and said, "Let Su Chang do what Su Yi said."

 Later midnight.

Su Chang did not return home, so he stayed in the backyard of his shop and slept very restlessly.

The letter has been handed over, but the matter has not been resolved. He is not sure how the other party will react. He just hopes that the gods will fight and let him go.

Hazy, Su Chang's heart almost jumped out of his chest when he saw the little brother leaving and coming back.

 “Hey, little brother,” he gasped repeatedly, “I’m scary, I’m scared to death, I’m timid...”

Shen Chen stood by the window, not answering Su Chang's words at all, and said directly: "These days, Li Shao will be in the backyard of Qianfu when it gets dark, and there is no one around him."

Su Chang couldn't care less about complaining and said in surprise: "Brother, why are you telling me this?" "Isn't it all written clearly in Su's letter?" Shen Chen asked.

"Brother, didn't we tell you what we said before? If you don't want to be a faggot, you will never sway around," Su Chang said with a sad face, "Since I gave the news to your master, there is no way I can do anything for Su anymore." Discussing and doing things…”

Shen Chen interrupted him: "My master asked you to do as Su Yi wants."

Su Chang held his head with a look of pain on his face.

He understood the plan, but he really didn't want to contribute.

“Brother, I told your master last time,” Su Chang said, “Now I just want to be an ordinary businessman, earn more money, and bring my family to Dashun to live together.

 Those things between Gu Yue and Dashun, I am not Su Yi, a little person like me doesn’t want to get involved.

 Otherwise, I would not betray Su Yi.

Let me say a few more words. I have known Su Yi for several years, and I have a more or less understanding of his character.

He was talking about helping Prince Dashun catch the traitor Li Du. In fact, he was probably trying to harm the prince. He and Li Du were wearing the same pair of pants!

I'm just selling a piece of news. If I really get involved and put your Dashun prince in danger, will I be able to do business in the capital in the future? "

Shen Chen didn't want to talk nonsense with Su Chang and said to the point: "You can also stop doing any business from tomorrow on."

Su Chang:…

 Piece ship!

Su Yi was a thief ship, and this one is also a thief ship.

What's even worse is that he has already gone to sea, and in the stormy sea, he has no choice at all!

You can't really just close your eyes and throw yourself into the sea, right?

Su Chang gritted his teeth and said, "I recognize Qianfu, but how do I get in?"

Shenchen was satisfied with Su Chang's suggestion and said, "When it gets dark, wait under the wall of the west courtyard of Qianfu."

Su Chang agreed.

  As for the more specific details, the little brother had no intention of explaining them, so Su Chang could only put them aside for the time being, and spent the whole day thinking about how to speak to Li Shao.

When it got dark, Suchang went to the alley to the west of Qianfu.

At this hour, there was no one in the alley, and it was dark and dark, which made Su Chang feel nervous.

Just as he was about to look back and forth, his collar suddenly tightened and his waist tightened. Before Su Chang could react, he felt dizzy.

He was taken from outside the wall into the wall before he even had time to shout.

 The power to control him was gone. Su Chang covered his mouth and wanted to cough but did not dare to cough loudly. His face was pale and pale.

What's happening here?

 Did he fly just now?

It was too fast, as if everything had changed in the blink of an eye.

Su Chang secretly cursed, this guy is young, but he is really capable...

Shenchen motioned for him to follow.

Su Chang followed his words and walked to the edge of a courtyard where the light shined through.

"He's inside," Shen Chen said. "Don't worry, he's the only one. You just need to take care of your business, and when he leaves, I will send you out."

Su Chang nodded sadly.

At this point, I can only console myself that the ship will straighten out when it reaches the bridge.

The body has been unable to bear these two days, and it is a bit shorter. Please forgive me.

Thanks to book friend AX for the 10,000-coin reward. Thanks to book friends Really Don’t Want to Install the Client and Lonely Cello for their tips, and thanks to Bookstore book friends Xin Chi Bao’er and Xiao Rou’er for their tips.

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