Yan Cigui

Chapter 478: Her luck (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 478: Her Luck (Two updates in one, please vote for me)

Besides, the little commander was also observing the people coming down.

There are not many people. If they strike first, it won't be a big problem to capture this group of people.

The only thing that worries him is, is that person really the rebellious King Li Du of Jin?

“Your Highness,” the young commander said in a low voice, “Looking at me, it seems a bit unlike...”

"What's the difference?" Now that he had arrived at Li Du, Li Shao was angry now, but his irritable mood had calmed down a lot. "The light was not good enough, so you probably didn't see it clearly. I saw it clearly, and it was him!"

With His Highness being so kind and kind, the young commander could not speak directly against him, so he only tried to persuade him in a roundabout way: "There seems to be no Eunuch Ye among them."

Hearing this, Li Shao glanced down again and said, "I didn't see him either, maybe he wasn't following him. Look again, they are waiting for us. Let's catch them all."

 The little commander hurriedly responded.

He might as well wait. He would take the opportunity to look more carefully. If it was Li Du himself, he would have taken the credit. If not, he would have persuaded His Highness to stop him.

Although there are two or three torches in the mountain temple, they are almost like burning lights in the dark.

 There is some distance and there are trees and leaves blocking the way, so it is easy to see a person's figure, but it is still difficult to distinguish the facial features.

 Forget it, Su Chang doesn't want to analyze anymore.

Li Shao raised his voice: "What did you say?"

Your Majesty, your Highness, can't stand it at all. The more he refuses to let go, the more he goes!

 Hearing that An Yibo came to Ji'an, he couldn't wait even a moment.

The mountain road was difficult to navigate. When we got off the main road, the carriage had already driven far away, and only a tiny bit of torch light could be seen in the distance.

Another quarter of an hour later, Li Shao saw two people entering the mountain temple and whispered something to Li Du. Then, Li Du raised his head and quickly looked around the surrounding mountains before pedaling onto the carriage.

 They have all met Li Du, some said yes, some said no.

When the young commander heard this, he also pricked up his ears and looked at the person coming.

 What does Ning'an mean?

The opportunity that he finally seized to make a great contribution was handed over to An Yibo?

Eunuch Gao and others coaxed and persuaded, but Li Shao was more or less patient because he was afraid of going straight to Shengting. Who was Su Chang?

 Besides, Su Chang opens his mouth and Ning An keeps his mouth shut to coax, who is he looking down on?

It is difficult for a person to exert force when sitting on a horse, and this move is not very powerful.

Li Shao's whip paused, and he bent down to look at the embarrassed figure: "Su Chang?"

The princess couldn't find you in the paddock. She was afraid that you were in danger and had no time to return to the palace to report, so she immediately went to the garrison and asked An Yibo to send troops to assist.

"Don't let them run away!" Li Shao said, "Catch them and catch them!"

Li Shao's face turned completely black into ashes.

The firelight did not shine closely on Li Du, but it could only illuminate the side of his face when he turned his head to speak, making the young commander dare not make a complete judgment.

“Your Highness!” Su Chang said, “Who said there can only be one fake person?

 It’s not shameful to be deceived. Didn’t your Majesty almost get deceived by that fake Li Du?

 And, and!

"Get out of the way," Li Shao's face darkened, "Can you afford to let Li Du go? I've seen it with my own eyes. Can I be wrong? How many times have you met Li Du? How long have I known him? He's still fake! He That substitute is already dead in the palace!"

As soon as Li Shao ran away, Yu Lin dared not to chase him and immediately followed him.

Touching the back of his neck, Su Chang knew very well. If he had to analyze the several times he was taken back for questioning and his convoluted relationship with the Dashun royal family, and even open his mouth to say it, the thing that the boy struck down was not a hand knife. , but a real sword.

Your uncle will arrive with his troops immediately. He will never let Li Du escape. Just stay here. Thirty imperial guards will guard you. You will be safe... Oops! "

"Your Highness, please don't chase me. They are definitely trying to lure you into a urn to trap you," Su Chang said eagerly, "The princess knew that you brought thirty imperial guards and came here. She is so anxious!"

The princess also said that she was afraid of falling into Li Du's bad tricks. You see, Su Yi was nowhere to be found. He and Li Du were probably hiding. The one just now was a fake, yes, a substitute, a substitute!

 What should you do if you are deceived and injured? "

Li Shao whipped up his whip to urge his horse, and just as he was about to catch up, a man hurriedly crawled out of the field beside the road.

Actually, Su Chang didn't see clearly whether the person was Li Du himself just now, but since Su Yi didn't show up, it was probably a game as the princess said.

Li Shao was the most impatient to listen to these mother-in-laws.

Li Shao waited patiently and watched the third watch. He did not see Su Yi and his party, nor did he find Su Chang's whereabouts down there.

 “Your Highness! My Highness!”

At the same time, it was not until today that Su Chang knew the name of his new pirate ship.

 “I’m not a faggot, I’m not a faggot!” Su Chang murmured.

 The little commander said again: "Your Highness, follow me quietly..."

 “Useless thing!” He cursed Su Chang secretly in his heart.

The young commander could not persuade Li Shao, and he also knew that the dark mountain road was impassable, so he had no choice but to follow Li Shao and lead the men and horses down the mountain.

I have to say that the princess really expected it.

 Li Shaoxin said: It’s broken!

"Have they discovered us?" the young commander asked, "They seem to be running away."

I have to say that the couple, Duke Fu and Princess Ning'an, acted unexpectedly, and if you analyze it carefully...

"Yes, yes, it's the little one!" Su Chang nodded quickly, leaned over and said, "Don't chase him yet. The little one just lay here to take a look. The person on the carriage doesn't seem to be Li Du."

Su Chang called out "Your Highness" twice, then stopped. He rolled his eyes and walked back into the field.

"What are you doing quietly!" Li Shao pointed down and said, "Look, they didn't go back the way they came. Instead, they went towards Ji'an Town. How can we be quiet? It's so dark on the mountain, so we have to go down the road and go around the mountain. You If I’m not afraid of death, I’m still afraid!”

Su Chang screamed in pain and fell back into the field beside the road. Before he could get up, he saw Li Shao whipping his horse and galloping out.

 Ning'an really fails in many things and fails in many things!

Li Shao was so angry that he kicked Su Chang.

He has tried his best to "persuade" His Highness here. Afterwards, he will settle the accounts and make a living by doing business. It should still be possible, right?

Several of his subordinates were also muttering softly.

 Speaking of which, the princess doesn’t know if she can block the real Lidu...

 The other side, on the side of the mountain.

Li Du gathered up his cloak and suppressed the cough in his throat.

Su Yi stood aside, looking down the mountain with his hands behind his back.

The position they were in was higher up the mountain road where the carriage had gone down the mountain. They could see the mountain temple and the town of Ji'an in the distance.

Of course, at this time, no one in Ji'an Town was lighting lamps or candles, and it was pitch black.

Su Yi chuckled: "It seems he took the bait."

 They have no torches here, only two night-light pearls.

Eunuch Ye took one, and Liu Xun held one next to him.

 Liu Xun just arrived here yesterday.

Quzhou was so miserable that he was detained and exiled all the way. When he got there, he was completely thin and sick. He was not dead, but his life was boring.

 He missed the prosperity of Beijing too much, and also missed his old life.

  At first, he hated Xu Jian, blamed his father, and blamed his mother. Later, he hated Xu Jian and blamed nothing at all, because Jingli gave him two cotton-padded clothes and a little money.

 The person who sent it said that it was sent by the Duke of Fuguo.

Liu Xun believed it. If Xu Jian hadn't entrusted someone to deliver it, let alone the clothes, the money would never have been in his hands. Who knows where it had been embezzled.

 And Xu Jian would never think of giving him anything, it must be because her mother was crying.

It's just a little money and clothes, but it's not painful or itchy for Xu Jian, so it's natural to put things at ease, and her mother can make arrangements if she wants to give them away.

Liu Xun thought, now it’s clothes. In two years, maybe his mother will cry and beg Xu Jian to let him go back.

As long as he can return to Beijing, he can kowtow to Xu Jian. Liu Xun is waiting.

One day, someone made arrangements to pick him up and let him return to Beijing.

Liu Xun was overjoyed and rushed all the way. It wasn't until halfway that he figured out what was going on - it was King Li Du of Jin who asked him to leave Quzhou.

 The King of Jin has already rebelled!

Liu Xun was stunned, but the thief couldn't jump out of the car, so he had to be brought to Li Du.

 “You are a witness.”

“Xu Jian has known about Chenmi Hutong for a long time. He sat back and watched you eat wine. Not only that, it was he who let Li Shao go to the house that night, and you were arrested.”

“Brotherhood? Do you have this with him? Do you believe it?”

“Li Shao is stupid, and so are you. I was also deceived by Xu Jian. Xu Jian deceived everyone.”

“I don’t ask you to do anything now, just stay well.”

 What can Liu Xun do?

Liu Xun looked at the delicious food and cursed Xu Jian in his heart.

He was brought here by Li Du tonight, and he was not allowed to do anything except take the Night Pearl.

As for what happened down the mountain, he was still in the dark.

Li Du coughed for a while and then told Su Yi, "It's your turn, go to Ji'an."

Su Yi waved his hand and took a few people away.

People have been ambushed in the town. When Li Shao enters the town, then...

 Kill or burn, except for Li Shao who wants to live, the rest will live or die, whatever.

As soon as Su Yi left, Eunuch Ye advised Li Du: "Master, let's go back to Zhuangzi. You are still coughing..."

"Wait a minute!" In the darkness, Wang Jie, who had been silent all this time, stopped Eunuch Ye and looked at the mountain road with a serious face, "Someone has climbed up the mountain. It seems there are quite a few of them!"

Eunuch Ye's face turned pale: "Go back, there are few people here, and there are still..."

Before he finished speaking, the birds flying on the mountain startled the sky.

 “Zhuangzi, Zhuangzi’s place,” Liu Xun looked at the mountain with the luminous pearl in his hand almost falling to the ground, and there was a faint light of fire.

Li Du's breath was choked in his throat.

There is no movement in Ji'an at the foot of the mountain, but Zhuangzi on the mountain is lit first?

How come the "early morning of September 25th" he arranged for Li Shao deviated from that year?

“We can’t go back,” Li Du felt a tightness in his chest and made a quick decision, “Go down the mountain!”

Li Du got on the carriage.

The coachman wanted to light the torch, but Eunuch Ye persuaded him not to light it. During the argument between the two, Liu Xun jumped onto the coach, placed the night pearl next to Li Du, and took out a kettle from the small box on the side and handed it over.

 He cannot be left here!

Li Du glanced at him, but did not chase anyone away. He just said to the coachman: "Don't light the torch, drive slowly on the inside, and go down the mountain first."

 Down the mountainside, a carriage was parked on an inconspicuous mountain road.

Uncle Niu sat on the carriage with a serious expression.

The horses were his old companions, but the carriage he drove today was not the princess's usual luxurious one.

Beside the car, Shen Chen was also very cautious. After some observation, he turned back to Lin Yunyan in the car and said, "There was some movement on the mountain first, and now there is fire in Ji'an."

 Ji'an Town belongs to Tong County.

Gao An, who was doing business in Laoshi Lane on behalf of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion, had been doing business in Tong County before.

Jingli cannot let people go to Ji'an to inquire about news, but Gao'an can. His wife was born in this town, and she came back to visit relatives.

Su Yixin said in his letter that Li Du couldn't stop coughing and took a lot of medicine from the town's traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy.

Gao'an's daughter-in-law went all over the place and inquired secretly, and got a lot of news.

 The pharmacy was short of cough medicine a while ago.

 The large house with three entrances on the west side of the town has a stranger's face.

 Looks like he left a few days ago.


Lin Yunyan had a lot of guesses after receiving the news.

Li Du is feeling unwell, which may be true. He was recuperating earlier, but now he has probably left Ji'an.

Since he conspired with Su Yi to trick Li Shao into coming to Ji'an and specifically chose an "auspicious day", if Li Shao was a fool and rushed to Ji'an to find someone, wouldn't he have ruined Li Du's plan?

Even after Li Du left, he was not afraid of Li Shao asking people to inquire. The more Li Shao believed that he was in this area, the more Li Shao took the bait.

 But Li Du will not go far.

The exact location of Zhuangzi is difficult to determine, but Lin Yunyan has some idea of ​​the mountain roads in this area.

 Because this was the road she and Xu Jian took when they left Gyeonggi.

 Xu Jian could not ride a horse, so they could only ride in a carriage.

Gao'an drew a route. Niu Bo walked on the mountain road at night, avoiding the official roads below, and tried his best to send them out.

Lin Yunyan nodded, took a deep breath, and thought two words in her heart: luck.

 Xu Jian is right.

“Once you’ve experienced it, you’ll know what’s right and what’s wrong. The more you know, the better your luck will be.”

 The arrangement she made today was because they had "walked through" it before and they had mastered it.

At noon today, Lin Yunyan went to the paddock first. After discovering that Li Shao and Yu Lin were missing, she asked Eunuch Gao to return to the palace to report, and she went to the camp to find An Yibo.

An Yibo heard that Li Shao dared to go to Li Du with only thirty men. He was very angry and could not ignore it, so he hurriedly called for help.

Lin Yunyan quietly discussed it with An Yibo.

"The matter has come to this. If we can't capture Li Du, we will lose both my wife and our troops."

"Given Li Du's ruthlessness, I'm afraid there will be trouble in Ji'an. He is probably not in the town and will be hiding in the mountains."

"These mountain roads can go around. It would be best if we can find Zhuangzi hiding there."

“Besides, Your Highness is so unwilling to listen to dissuasion and insists on going his own way, I am afraid that there will be one more in the future.”

"It's better to stay behind and give His Highness a lesson."

An Yibo had a good relationship with Xu Jian and trusted Lin Yunyan, so he had a headache about Li Shao's behavior.

"Since he has thirty people, it won't be a problem to hold on for a while. I will arrange for people to go to Ji'an and won't let anything happen to him. It depends on luck on the mountain. I have people guarding several mountain roads to see if I can find Li Du."

 Lin Yunyan came out of the camp and came here instead of going back to the city.

Faintly, she felt that to catch Li Du, she would need her luck.

Just like that day when she went to find Jin Shu.

Outside, Shen Chen held his breath and listened for a while, then whispered: "Princess, a carriage is coming down from above."

 Double monthly pass, just give me a shout.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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