"Look. . . Audience friends

That, just now the show was suddenly interrupted

Maybe the audience has already guessed

It's Sister Honey's baby

Our children Lu Yanran

A clue to a homicide was discovered


According to the science of Yanran children

Rational analysis and thinking

The police have relied on the clues she provided

The suspect was successfully arrested

And the suspect confessed to the crime. “

Feng Jiexi said this almost in one breath.

It's a group of people who can see that he has panicked!

[Scientific ,,, rational analysis. Is it a fortune teller?].

[Ghost Believe!].

[, this kid is so powerful?

[This can't be fake, how can anyone dare to talk nonsense on this kind of show?].

[Is it so big?].

[I'm going!, this show is developing in an amazing direction... 】

Feng Jiexi took a deep breath.


He wasn't done yet.

It's just a psychological preparation for the audience.

Feng Jiexi: "In addition, according to the clues provided by Xiao Yanran,

Before the recording of our program.

A female corpse has been excavated from the location of the mushroom house.

But the female corpse was missing an arm.

According to the clues provided by Yan Ran.

Now, the police will immediately carry out an excavation at the scene.

After layers of approvals, we have obtained the permission to live broadcast the whole process.

The next live stream.

Not recommended for children under the age of eighteen.

If it causes you discomfort

Please exit the live broadcast room as soon as possible

Our program group

I just want to restore the truth!".

After speaking.

Lens everything.

It is already the police who have launched the excavation.

So the show has the weirdest scene in the history of reality shows.

An eight-year-old, delicate little girl like a doll.

One hand is holding a teddy bear doll from nowhere.

Eating a lollipop in the other hand.

Stand next to a mound of dirt over and over again.

Commanding several people with tall and large brimmed hats.

Say a few words once in a while.

"Yes, fat uncle, dig a little to the right, be careful".

"That arm is a little rotten, uncle, be careful~".

A beautiful and cute little milk voice is actually saying such amazing things!

A pit nearly a meter deep had been dug in the ground.

Still didn't see the shadow of the broken arm.

The big-brimmed hats are digging while though.

My heart is also full of doubts.

"Why did the captain let us listen to a little girl?".

"Could it be that the captain really believes in ghosts and gods?

"Forget it, let's do it, the captain will let us be obedient, we will be obedient, and the captain will let us eat-

Then let's give him the basin in front of him, hehe."

Spooky scenes.

It was ten meters away from Xiao Yanran and the big brimmed hat.

Yang Mi and the other four pairs of celebrity fathers, sons, mothers and daughters who have arrived are all watching.

William, the prince of pianos, wears a delicate suit.

He looked up at his mother and said, "Mom, why are we standing here?"

My shoes are stained with dirt. “

Mother William made a "shh

She's so curious!

I just want to know if I can really dig up something!

Yang Mi originally wanted to be next to the child.

But Lu Yanran has the same stinky temper of a domineering president as her father.

Say to her.

"Mom, you are timid, stay away. “

That appearance is simply carved out of the same mold as Lu Xiaotian!

Yang Mi was angry in her heart.

I worked so hard that I actually gave birth to a little Lu Xiaotian?

Where is the reason?!

In the live broadcast room.

[the groove, so many big-brimmed hats, this can't be acting, right?].

[This kid, no! This kid is a little fierce?].

[You won't really dig up anything, will you?].

[I'm knocking! Is this a warm parent-child reality show?

[The scene looks so harmoniously weird!].

[Other celebrities and children are also watching, hey!].

[I feel like I'm going to dig up something amazing?].

[Passing by!, I was completely attracted by Lu Yanran's children!

What kind of magical child is this?].

[Doesn't the state advocate having three children? I want this!].

[Only I heard the important information that according to the clues put forward by Xiao Yanran, the suspect has been arrested?].

[People are detectives at the age of eight, and my brother is still peeing and mud at the age of eight!].

[Can't you give our brother water and mud?].


At this time

A familiar ID appeared.

That ID is [Professor Li Meijin, a well-known domestic parenting expert], suddenly popped up again.

[Professor Li Meijin, a well-known domestic parenting expert], made a very abrupt speech in the live broadcast room.

[As an expert, my opinion is to ban this kind of feudal superstitious program!


Such a show can have a bad impression on the child

Let them decide that there really are ghosts and gods in the world

To know

There will never be ghosts or gods in the world!

For Xiao Yanran in the show, my expert advice is.

Deal with it according to bad artists!

Never appear in the media

She's going to spoil the kids of the whole country!].

However, this time.

The people in the live broadcast room were not intimidated by her "expert" aura.

Instead, they attacked it in groups!

[I'm most annoying to you experts!].

[Experts are advised not to advise here!].

[Expert advice is nothing short of fart!].

"Do you like to see it! 】

[And a child was tragically banned by a bad artist, is this what a parenting expert can say?].

[As a netizen, I suggest blocking experts!].

[The most unreliable person in the world is the expert!


Open the hot search to see what the experts have suggested recently

Good guys

#专家建议禁止调休, I think there is no need to take a break #

#专家表示, people can't afford to buy a house because the house price is too low#

#专家表示, an eyebrow pencil of 79 yuan is too expensive, you must not work hard#

#Experts say that the increase in mortgage interest rates is conducive to the stability of the real estate market#

#专家称, the stock market this year can't be worse than last year#"].

[Hehe, I heard that Professor Li's own two children have said that they have cut off relations with their mother?]

How do you afford the title of Parenting Expert?].

This sentence.

Suddenly, Professor Li was stimulated.

She is a slow type.

Simply reply directly with voice-to-text.

[Professor Li: There is no problem with my educational philosophy

The problem is my two children

They have poor understanding and don't work hard enough

If there are two normal children

My educational philosophy can train them to be elites!].

Take a look at this reply.

The audience in the live broadcast room can be regarded as completely asleep.

[Professor Li, your reply just now makes me feel that you are not only unworthy of being called a parenting expert, but also not worthy of being called a mother!].

What kind of child is considered normal?

[I laughed when a mother said that her child was abnormal].

[If I had such a mother, I might not be "normal" either


[She also said that she was a parenting expert, and she didn't know what love was!].

And your children are all adults, you mean, they are failures in life?].

[Then may I ask, what kind of life is considered success?].

[In my opinion, the two of them may not fail, but you, as a mother, really fail!].


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