Guangming Hospital is the most authoritative hospital for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease in China.

Over here. If diagnosed

Then there is no need to go to other hospitals at all.

And the treatment plan given here is also the most reliable.

Right now.

The doctor has given Hao Mingyi a full range of examinations.

From the point of view of various indicators of the body

"Mr. Hao, although I can't understand the truth

But it turns out

You don't currently have Alzheimer's disease.


You've recovered. "

Hao Mingyi nodded.

I think that's normal.

"yes, I'm fine."

The doctor was still confused.

He seems to have encountered the biggest mystery of his career!

Leave the room.

Healing Hall.

Zhu Yajing also has to give an explanation of her work.

She said to Hao Mingyi and his wife.

"Mr. Hao, you have recovered now.

There is an option to stay in our nursing home

There is also the option to go home

If you choose to go home

We will refund your son's pre-deposited fees to you. "

"Go home! It's okay to have a home and don't think about it. "

Hao Mingyi's attitude is very resolute.

Huang Yuzhen took his hand.

I didn't want to let go for a long time.

Zhu Yajing: "Okay, then you go home with your wife first


I went back and asked the accountant to calculate the rest of the expenses

Return your account. "

Hao Mingyi nodded.

"Dean Zhu, right?

You've done a great job

Also, you said heal me

Is it an eight-year-old girl?

I.. “

If it's a person, you can't believe it!

But it is true!

Zhu Yajing pretended to be calm.

"You go home and turn on the Mango channel on the TV

A show of "Come on, star baby".

You get the idea. "

Zhu Yajing thought in her heart.

I don't know if you can get it?

But I don't understand ...

Hao Mingyi nodded as if he didn't understand.

"Oh, okay, then I'll go home and see.

Let's go


Went home. "

Old wife, old wife, old companion.

A person survives for the rest of his life.

Your parents will gradually move away from you to another world.

The children also drifted apart.

After all, I will no longer live like I was a child.

If you're lucky.

You will have a soulful partner.

If you're lucky

You're going to walk a long way together

More than ten years


Growing old together is not necessarily a smooth and lucky thing

But in the end

It would be a good thing.

Don't die alone.

Definitely a great thing.

The two went home and sat down.

Huang Yuzhen told him.

He got sick to come to everything that happened.

How he never forgot to bring the keys to the house.

to forget the way home

And then forget that you have a home.

I forgot the names of my wife and children.

Forget your name.

Forgetting to eat.

Even wake up every day.

It's like a whole new person.

Come to a whole new world.

Huang Yuzhen also told him about her fears.

from worrying about his fears.

to the fear of losing him.

And then to the fear of loneliness.


She even adapted to living alone and lonely.

But God has eyes.

He woke up.

Hao Mingyi understood everything.

I can't help but sigh.

"I really want to rest the kid who healed me.

Although it is not known what method she used

But I feel

I know my head better now than before

The body is also very comfortable

I always felt that something was wrong

See something

are afraid

I want to hide at home every day and not go out


I want to be in the sun every day

Chat with people

Soak up the sun.


It was like coming back to life all of a sudden

It's even better alive than before

Like from a crippled person

Became a whole person! "

Both old men were learned.

The feelings are also much more delicate.

Huang Yuzhen smiled.

Suddenly I remembered to talk to my son.

She called her son.


The son quickly picked up.

Since Hao Mingyi was hospitalized.

My son's phone is no longer as hard to get through as it used to be.

Instead, it can be turned on at any time.

He was afraid that something would really happen to his old mother alone.

"Mom! What's wrong? "

The son thought that something had happened to the old mother.

The tone was eager and worried.

"I... I don't know what to tell you

Let your dad tell you personally. "

"My dad? He's not—".

It's not done yet.

was sternly interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Stinky boy!

What's wrong with me?


I ask you, what's wrong with me? "

"Dad?? Father! How are you?

When are you okay?

It's not

Didn't you say that this disease can't be cured?

Father? "

"You're wishing I couldn't cure it, did you?

I'll tell you

I'm so good!

The doctor said I would have no problem living to be 100 years old

You stinky boy can't get rid of me for a while

It's a pity. "

Huang Yuzhen on the side complained helplessly.

"You father and son

Obviously worried about each other

Why can't you talk well? "

Hao Mingyi: "Who is worried about this stinky boy!"


It's very easy to live in the moldy country

There is a need for us two old things to worry about. "

Huang Yuzhen glanced at him helplessly.

No one knows her husband better than she does.

He was especially kind to his son.

The mouth is hard and the heart is ruthless.

Obviously I want to tell my son

"I'm fine

Very healthy

Don't worry".

The words he spoke were like taking gunpowder.

There was silence on the other end of the line.

A few seconds passed.

Michael's voice rang out.


Alzheimer's disease is unconquered in the world

The medicine of the mold country is so advanced

There is no way to treat it

Is there a more powerful country than a moldy country?

Is there anything more skilled than the Moldy Doctor?

No way!

When pigs fly!


It's a misdiagnosis by a doctor!

Definitely! "

Michael Haud muttered to himself.

A passage annoyed Hao Mingyi.


What medicine did the people give you?

You're going to be a son to the moldy people!

Everything is moldy country Hao

What a fart in the moldy country! "

"Dad, you just haven't lived here

I don't know if it's good

You come to live for a year

I promise

You definitely don't want to go back! "

Hao Mingyi sneered.

"I haven't been?

You go to college.

Did you fly over by yourself? "

"No, Dad, you have to live here


It has to be Western medicine

What is Western Medicine?

It's the doctors of the West

Doctors in Huaguo can't do it

Either it's a half-baked person who studies Western medicine

Either it's a Chinese medicine practitioner who cheats and abducts

Believe it or not

Major hospitals in China

SLR is a doctor who can handle


All of them have come to the country to study

Who are you fooling this time?

Half-hung Western medicine or what ancestral old Chinese medicine? "

Seeing that Hao Mingyi was about to get angry

Huang Yuzhen hurriedly grabbed it and said.

"I heard that it was an eight-year-old Chinese medicine doctor

Very powerful

It took less than half a day to cure your dad—".

The words are not finished yet

was interrupted by his son's laughter.


What do you say?

What's that?

Chinese medicine?

What the?

Eight years old?


Now the scammers really don't even want to face

even let the child come out to deceive people.


Can you believe this?

The doctor must have misdiagnosed it back then! “


Ask for flowers to evaluate the collection! Ask for a tip, a dollar is fine, I'll continue! , codeword

Update (Rolling the ground and drifting away...) )

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