
“I’m not a stingy person!”

For Zhuzhu’s sincere request, Cao Bin was very happy to accept it.


Zhuzhu came to Cao Bin with a nervous mood.

“It’s not an outsider, so there’s no need to be polite!”

“Aunt Zhuzhu, come on!”

Cao Bin smiled slightly and took the beads into his arms.

Pearl beads on a beautiful and moving face.

Suddenly closed his eyes shyly.

Cao Bin was also not polite, let her feel it.

“It’s really a blank piece of paper!”

This is a few minutes later.

Cao Bin’s evaluation of Zhuzhu.

It’s very jerky, not silky at all.

If it weren’t for Cao Bin’s three-inch tongue.

Pointed out a thing or two for Zhuzhu.

This one is afraid that…

As soon as I think of it.

Cao Bin suddenly had an idea.

Because according to legend, there is a door practice.

It can improve the mouth and tongue ability of beads.

“Aunt Zhuzhu, is it sweet?”

Cao Bin smiled slightly and asked.

“I didn’t taste anything.”

“I, can I taste it again?”

Zhuzhu seemed to ask a little timidly.

“Of course you can!”

“I’d love to talk to you for a lesson or two!”

Cao Bin smiled and leaned down.


Zhuzhu seemed to recall everything that had just happened.

“So, that’s how it feels?”

She felt very tasteful, and thought happily in her heart.

“Aunt Zhuzhu, I still want to teach you something.”

“I don’t know, are you willing to study?”

Holding Zhuzhu’s slender waist, Cao Bin smiled.


“I’ll try it!”

After figuring it out, there was no trace of resentment.

Immediately took Cao Bin’s hand and walked towards her bedroom.

The night was silent, but exhausting.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host! ] 】

[Golden kidney unlocked to 2/8 state! ] 】

[Please be sure to keep the frequency of use steady so that the remaining part can be unlocked faster!] 】

When Cao Bin thought of the system, a system prompt sounded.

He was overjoyed.

Because as early as yesterday, he felt that he was in better shape.

Unexpectedly, it really broke through today.

Who knows!

The expression of joy has not yet dissipated.

The system mechanical beep continues to sound.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host, get the critical hit reward! ] 】

04Critical Strike Bonus is: Sunflower Point Cave Hand Skill! 】

[Warm reminder: This skill has a strong flood discharge ability, please use it with caution! ] 】

“Why is this skill so familiar?”

“That’s right!”

“Could it be the same point skill as Bai Zhantang?”

Cao Bin was intensely curious.

The System Panel opens.

[Super God Learning System! ] 】

[Host: Cao Bin! 】

[Age: 18 years old! ] 】

[Appearance: 99.2 points! ] 】

[Gold kidney unlock status: 2/8.] 】

[Male dog waist level status: hot blood bronze () indomitable silver () valiant gold () tough platinum () immortal starry sky () glory crown () super king () immortal god of war ()]

[Possess skills: junior high knowledge proficient, inch-inch, sunflower point hand! ] 】

[Personal account balance: 101 million. 】

[The industry under the name – 95% equity of Mengde Media Company! ] 】

【The property under the name – 95% equity of Pangu Seven Star Hotel! 】 】

[Total industrial assets: 5.882 billion. 】

[Note 1: The golden kidney can be understood as: an ordinary kidney that has been strengthened three times! ] 】

[Note 2: The unlocked state of the golden kidney and the male dog’s waist is related to the frequency with which the host uses them! ] 】

[Note 3: The host makes people feel the power of the golden kidney for the first time, and they can get critical hit rewards! ] 】

[Statement: The Super God Learning System will be self-consistent with the world, and all gains are reasonable, legal and compliant…”

When Cao Bin clicked.

When there is an explanation about sunflower dotting hands.

He was directly dumbfounded!

“So, that’s what you mean?”

“No wonder the system says it has the ability to discharge floods!”

“This, incredulous, brings some reasonableness!”

“Really, wonderfully!”

Cao Bin smiled slightly, thinking happily in his heart.


The joy that overflows into words has not yet dissipated.

The great horror of the second dragon raising his head in February was extremely shocking.

I saw Bead bead, who had fallen into a sound sleep beside her.

She had just had a bloody disaster, and Cao Bin was not good to continue.


I could only go next door…

Three o’clock in the afternoon.

The living room of the presidential suite.

Yang Mi and Cao Bin sat face to face.

“So what a coincidence, you all met this?”

After hearing this, Zhuzhu is actually the holder of another 5% of the hotel equity.

And yesterday evening, on the way back, I happened to meet her when her car broke down.

Even Yang Mi felt it.

Between the two of them, it was really a coincidence.

“Aunt Mi, aren’t you going to leave yet?”

“I’m not afraid, it will be embarrassing to meet her?”

Cao Bin, who was eating lunch, asked with a smile.

“Hey, what’s this?”

“But don’t say it!”

“I admire you more and more!”

Yang Mi smiled and praised.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to leave, it’s just a little inconvenient.

Cao Bin, who raised the golden kidney a notch.

That guy, no one can really resist.

Yang Mi knew that she was swollen and how to walk.

“Yang Mi?”

While Cao Bin and Yang Mi continued to eat lunch.

Zhuzhu, who came to the door with the wall, exclaimed in surprise.

“Zhuzhu, long time no see!”

Seeing Zhuzhu wearing a dressing gown, Yang Mi said with a smile.


“We both haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

“I remember the last time we met, still…”

Seeing Yang Mi present, Zhuzhu was deeply surprised.

But she already had experience, and finally understood.

What the smell in the car yesterday was.

At the same time, it came to mind.

She thought that she was just in the back row with a blanket, but in fact she was still asleep with Yang Mi.

“Aunt Zhuzhu, I’ll help you!”

Seeing Zhuzhu’s cute appearance of walking in small broken steps, she was still frowning.

Cao Bin stepped forward with a smile and helped her to the dining table.

“These delicacies have just been delivered.”

“I don’t know what you like to eat, so I ordered a lot.”

Looking at Zhuzhu’s surprised expression, Cao Bin explained with a smile.


Zhuzhu had a bright smile on her face and felt that Cao Bin was very considerate.

Soon after.

After lunch, Cao Bin got up and left.

Because he received a call from Chen Shu.

said that her home prepared a housewarming banquet this evening.

Let Cao Bin be sure to go upstairs and celebrate with them.

After he left.

Yang Mi and Zhuzhu couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Because although they are all stars, and they are about the same age.


In the past, the two of them actually rarely interacted.

At most, it’s when doing a show, or walking the red carpet.

After seeing each other, I just nodded and said hello.

“Honey, the financial owner behind Mengde Media.”

“If I’m guessing correctly, it’s Abin, right?”

After all, this is Zhuzhu’s presidential suite, so she was the first to speak.

“That’s right, it’s him!”

I knew the relationship between Zhuzhu and Cao Bin.

Yang Mi did not hide from her and said with a smile.

At the same time, she also admired Zhuzhu’s intelligence.

“I really didn’t expect that he actually had this courage!”

“What’s even more unexpected is that Yang Mi, you actually …”

After having a topic to chat about, Yang Mi and Zhuzhu, who were already women.

After chatting for more than an hour, there was a tendency to become girlfriends.

It has to be said.

Women are a very magical creature.

Jin Mao Province.

“Hello owners, please register!”

As Cao Bin drove Cullinan.

There is no registration record into the community access control system. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So the two security guards saw that it was him.

The fart trotted forward and said very respectfully.


Cao Bin nodded lightly.

Took out the driver’s license of the car.

The two security guards quickly started and operated.


“Welcome home from the owners!”

The railing of the access control system has just been raised.

The domineering Cullinan roared and drove in.

Two security guards who had just finished speaking smelled the exhaust fumes from the car.

I can’t help but feel intoxicated!

“In our community, although there are many luxury cars, this level is still rare.”

“Who says it’s not, hey, people really can’t be compared, you look at the one just now, it’s just handsome, the family is still so rich…”

The two security guards began to make small talk.

A look of envy and jealousy, but did not dare to hate.

Because the people who can live in this community, they can’t afford to provoke.


Chen Shu’s family.

At the moment, it is a lively atmosphere.

Seven beautiful women who are charming and graceful.

While busy with the things at hand, smile and chat.

“I can’t imagine that our seven fairies are getting together again!”

“Yes, this time we all took time!”

“If it weren’t for Chen Shu holding this housewarming banquet, I’m afraid it would be difficult for us to get together.”

“This is also no way, how can our schedule be so coincidental…”

Zengli, Yu Feihong, Li Xiaoran, Chen Shu, Qin Lan, Xu Qing and Wang Ou.

Seven beautiful women in their forties, they haven’t seen each other for a while.

After this finally got together, there were endless conversations.

Not often.

A doorbell rang.

“Chen Shu, why are there still guests coming?”

Zengli, who heard the doorbell, asked very curiously.

Because they don’t get together much.

But every time we get together, there are only a few of them!

“Yes, there is another guest!”

“You’re close there, go open the door!”

Chen Shu, who was busy, said with a smile.

“Oh, good!”

“I’d rather see who it will be?”

It’s not just Zengli who is curious.

The other five were also curious and looked in the direction of the door.

Outside the door.

Cao Bin held a handful of bouquets in his hand and bought them from the flower shop along the way.

After ringing the doorbell of Chen Shu’s house, he waited quietly.

“Here it is.”


A lazy and charming voice came from inside.

After the door opens.

Cao Bin’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

He knew the woman in front of him, who had a special charm.

is Zengli, who played Xiao Yuanyi in “Star Han Splendid”.

I saw that she wore a purple dress, and her skin looked fairer and smoother.

The hair is tied behind the head with a hairpin, revealing the delicate collarbone and shoulders.

A few strands of disobedient hair scattered around my ears, but they added a hint of charm.

Flaming red lips with delicate makeup, eyes wandering and charming.

“This aunt, it’s amazing!”

Cao Bin gave a high evaluation.

“Oh, where did the little handsome guy come from?”

I saw Cao Bin holding flowers.

In the light of Zengli’s eyes, a bright color emerged.

Even in the entertainment industry, it has been mixed for so many years.

Zengli had never seen it before.

There is actually such a top looking big boy.

Like this handsome and extraordinary boy in front of him, if he enters the entertainment industry.

Even if it’s acting, reading numbers, singing like a practice!

Just by looking good, you can harvest a batch of die-hard fans!

“It’s Abin coming, come in.”

“I thought you’d take a moment.”

Seeing the good girlfriend at the door, the look was lost.

Chen Shu smiled helplessly and quickly walked over to relieve the embarrassment.

See Cao Bin’s handsome face.

She couldn’t help but smile brightly.

“Congratulations to Aunt Chen Shu, moving to a new house!”

“It’s coming so suddenly because of your call!”

“Green plants and potted plants, etc., can only be delivered tomorrow.”

Cao Bin smiled slightly after speaking.

Shun handed the flower in his hand to Chen Shu.

Chen Shu took the bouquet of flowers, and the smile on her face was even greater.

“You’re too polite too!”

“If you can retreat, those things will be retreated!”

“Auntie still likes this bouquet of lilies, it’s so fragrant!”

Sniffing the lily in his hand, Chen Shu said with a smile.

Because her original intention was to let Cao Bin come up directly to eat.

Therefore, he was not notified in advance.

Who knows that this child still has a heart.

“Auntie, I have already paid for 230, how can there be a reason to return it.”

Cao Bin smiled indifferently.

Just as Chen Shu was about to speak.

Inside came another beauty.

“Who the hell is coming?”

“Why are you still standing in the doorway?”

“Wow, what a handsome little brother!”

Wang Ou, who just finished filming “Mature Year” and returned from the crew.

Looking at Cao Bin’s eyes, he was also full of appreciation.

Such a handsome little handsome guy, she is still the first time to see.

Wang Ou wore a white shirt with a pair of leggings.

The shirt is half-tucked into sculpting leggings, showing off a good figure.

The plump buttocks and a pair of long legs are even more eye-catching.

He had short shoulder-length hair tied into a low ponytail.

But it looks particularly energetic.

“I said why did you suddenly move over here?”

“Wouldn’t it be just for this little handsome guy?”

After looking at Cao Bin.

Wang Ou quipped in Chen Shu’s ear in a low voice.

“I see eight achievements are.”

“Otherwise, why would she suddenly move here?”

“There is such a handsome little guy.”

“It’s actually still hidden, I don’t think you’re kind.”

Zengli, who was slow down on the side, also smiled and teased.

As soon as they heard their words!

Cao Bin was immediately stunned!

These aunts of about forty.

But what a word, how dare you say it!

It’s not just him.

Even Chen Shu didn’t expect it.

These two good girlfriends would actually joke about themselves so much.

This makes me how to face this boy next door in the future.

In her heart, she suddenly cried and laughed.

“I moved just for my daughter.”

“You don’t know, the school district resource number here!”

“Okay, you guys stop talking nonsense, don’t scare Abin.”

After glaring at the two good girlfriends.

Chen Shu turned back and smiled gently at Cao Bin.

“They are all good friends and best friends of mine.”

“Well, you can also call them aunts!”

Hearing Chen Shu’s gentle words.

Cao Bin nodded.

“Aunt Zengli, Aunt Wang Ou!”

Cao Bin smiled slightly and shouted.


“Isn’t it all popular now, what’s your sister?”

Zengli looked at Cao Bin with a playful look.


“Little handsome man, call your sister to listen?”

Wang Ou on the side also smiled and teased.

“Auntie is still a sister, but it’s just a title.”

“I’ve always been called Aunt Chen Shu, if you want to be a sister.”

“Well, isn’t that a generation lower than Aunt Chen Shu?”

Cao Bin shrugged his shoulders and asked with a look of evil interest.

Wang Ou and Zengli looked at each other.

They all saw a bit of approval in each other’s eyes.

This handsome and extraordinary big boy is quite able to speak.

“Abin is right!”

“You two, if you want to be sisters with Sugar Candy.”

“Well, my aunt, I have no opinion!”

Chen Shu followed Cao Bin’s words and winked at the two girlfriends.

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