Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 475: shocking gunshots

   Yang Xiaonian sat on the plastic chair outside the door of the operating room and opened the paper bag that Cheng Mingxiu handed to him with trembling hands.

   This is something Yang Jianshe still cares about after he wakes up.

   There were not many people walking around in the corridor, but everyone who passed in front of Yang Xiaonian would unconsciously slow down, for fear of being shocked by the blood-stained young man with a few dry blood scabs hanging on his face.

   This man's face is really terrifying, seeing him, the cold winter night outside is not worth mentioning at all.

"This is what Yang Jianshe asked me to take out of him after he woke up. He said it was... His sister asked him to give it to you..." Cheng Mingxiu watched Yang Xiaonian's face getting darker and darker, and couldn't help but feel a little bit in her heart. Panicked, he approached Yang Xiaonian, lowered his voice and said.

   Looking at the pieces of evidence recorded in detail here, Yang Xiaonian's heart sank to the bottom. When this thing is handed in, it is not only Wang Zengtao who is unlucky, but a large number of people will definitely be implicated. Such a thing that can cause turmoil in Jihai, does Cheng Shuji hope to see it? Hand it in by yourself, what about Cheng Shuji? How will he see himself?

   Actually, even if Yang Xiaonian didn't say anything, many people were already in chaos at this time. Because Cheng Mingxiu personally reached the phone number of Director Kang's phone, so when the police went out, the director of the hall actually followed him. When he learned that the people involved in the traffic accident were Wang Meili and Yang Jianshe, he intuitively told him that this time he was finished.

   Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. Ji's daughter was hit and killed by a car. The life and death of her son-in-law is still unknown. How did you catch this traffic safety? No matter how good you said it, as the head of the Public Security Department, can you not be held responsible? Under Wang Zengtao's rage, the first person to come to the door may be himself. At this time, even if he was wronged, where would he go to reason?

  So, he made the first call to Li Yucheng. After reporting what happened, Li Yucheng was also a little stunned. It took a long time before he said to him, "Cheng Shuji, do you know?"

"Governor, am I not the first to report this to you first? Cheng Shu. Kee probably doesn't know..." When he called Li Yucheng, he naturally wouldn't say that he received a call from Cheng Mingxiu. After the phone call, he followed the police in person. Wouldn't that make Governor Li feel like he was stepping on two boats?

Who knows, Li Yucheng immediately said on the phone: "Stupid, you should report this matter to Cheng Shu. Remember, when reporting, make it clear whose car Wang Meili is driving... "

  Although Kang Jian didn't understand the meaning of Governor Li's last special words, he still reported the past to Cheng Ziqing according to Li Yucheng's words. Cheng Ziqing was stunned for two or three seconds after answering the phone, and then said lightly: "I know, we must hunt down the murderer and do the aftermath work well, that's all, let me know if there is any situation. ."

After the two bosses in the province received Kangjian's report, the reactions they made were different and never the same. But Kang Jian, who came from a criminal investigation background, heard something unusual in Cheng Ziqing's voice. Cheng Shuji was talking about the "murderer", not the "hit-and-run". It can be seen that in Cheng Shuji's mind, the matter has actually been determined.

  Secretary Cheng didn't go to the scene at all, and just simply reported on his own, and immediately came to the same conclusion that he came to after observing the scene. In addition to the fact that this incident shows that the level of leadership is superb, is there any other reason?

Just when Kang Jian was busy dispatching troops to arrest the driver, sending Wang Meili and Yang Jianshe to the hospital, arranging people to stand guard at the door of the mortuary and operating room, etc., he actually "forgot" to report the situation to Wang Zengtao. .

   However, at this time, Wang Zengtao was losing his temper in a villa near Qingquan Villa in the north of the city. "Li Zhen, tell me who you have arranged for this? Ah? You dare to drive a car without anyone seeing clearly? If Li Li has an accident, how can I deal with you..."

   "Book. Remember, it's too late to talk about this at this time. The key is whether that woman, Yang Weihong, has sent things out is the most important thing..." Li Zhen wiped the sweat from his head, and said in a low voice with a bowed waist.

When he heard Li Zhen say this, Wang Zengtao couldn't help but snorted: "What do you mean? Can't your people even do this? I still need to go out and meet her and ask her in person? I say you They're all pig brains? Since you know that Xia Xia went to Yang Weihong's place, why didn't you report it to me? If I hadn't made people watch that Xia Xia, and now he's flying to Hawaii, even if he caught Yang Weihong, he would be a fart. U, do you think he doesn't have backups for these things? People are still killing you abroad..."

  Li Zhen said with a little panic: "Book. Ji, I didn't mean that. At that time, I either thought that they just met once. How could I know that the **** in the summer is actually..."

   "Hmph, just being so alert, you really don't even know how to die." Wang Zengtao looked at him, the expression in his eyes getting colder and colder.

"Hehe, good book. Remember that you are wise and decisive. You have already sent someone to watch that summer. Now that he has fallen into our hands, even if there is something in his hand... Just pry open his Mouth, if we get those things, we won't be afraid of anything..." Li Zhen's waist was lower, and he looked at Wang Zengtao with a smirk, and he didn't forget to flatter him at this time.

Who knows, Wang Zengtao didn't save face for him at all, and said angrily: "You know the shit, you know, we caught Xia Xia, but there is another Xia Qinghan outside, that little girl is not so easy to deal with. Besides, according to the news I received, that girl has a good relationship with Yang Xiaonian, and I always feel that our bad things are in the hands of that Yang Xiaonian..."

   Li Zhen asked in disbelief: "Shu.ji, isn't this a bit of a compliment to him? Just rely on him?..."

"Hmph, don't believe it, just rely on him to kill us. In order to save our lives, since things have gotten to this point, I think I can only do it all the time and kill the girl surnamed Xia. With that Yang Xiaonian..." When Wang Zengtao said this, his right hand suddenly clenched his fist.

   "Secretary, isn't this a bit too loud?" Li Zhen was still a little hesitant, looking at Wang Zengtao and asked.

Wang Zengtao squinted: "It's okay to say you're stupid, you're really stupid, are you letting those fake documents confuse your mind? They were all written to fool the common people, you won't take it seriously, right? I Let me tell you, this world is actually so ridiculous, as long as you are secretive enough and smart enough, what if someone doubts it in their hearts? If you get rid of the roadblocks, you can make great strides, otherwise you can only fight on the spot. Turn around, if you are not careful, you will be tripped and fallen, and whether you can get up or not depends entirely on whether you have that ability."

   Wang Zengtao's words made Li Zhen blushed a little, gritted his teeth, and Li Zhen said with a stern expression, "I won't agree to anyone who is in our way..."

   "Well, that's right, you go to arrange it right away, let me know as soon as there is news from Lili and the others..." Wang Zengtao nodded and said with his eyes fixed on Li Zhen.

  Li Zhen nodded and strode out.

   Finally, Yang Xiaonian read the document in his hand, stood up and looked at Cheng Mingxiu and said, "Xiuxiu, call your father, I want to see him right away..."

Now Yang Xiaonian is the director of the inspection office of the provincial party committee. Don't look at it at night, but as long as there is a good reason, it is not completely impossible to meet the secretary of the provincial party committee. However, Yang Xiaonian asked himself to call his father. Send a message. Although Cheng Mingxiu didn't understand, she still took out her phone and started dialing.

After Cheng Ziqing listened to what Cheng Mingxiu said carefully, he slowly put down the phone, his face turned **** at first, stood up and walked back and forth in the study for two steps, and then he immediately understood that Yang Xiaonian took Cheng Mingxiu's mouth. What does it mean to ask to meet.

This matter involved too much, and this kid was not sure about paying attention. This was to show that he was not talking about business affairs with himself as the director of the inspection office this time, but through the relationship of Cheng Mingxiu. This meeting was positioned on a personal level.

  This kid has also learned to play tricks? So what did he have in his hands? I'm afraid that these things are exposed enough to cause landslides in Jihai Province, right? Otherwise, Yang Xiaonian would never take such an approach.

  Thinking of this, Cheng Ziqing's mouth still has a faint smile, this kid, he is afraid that I will be embarrassed! ... This kid, are you trying to please me? Hehe, that's really interesting! !

   Yang Xiaonian and Cheng Mingxiu were about to leave, but Xia Hanhan suddenly stopped in front of Yang Xiaonian, saying nothing, but just standing there with tears in his eyes.

   Looking at her like this, Yang Xiaonian couldn't help but sighed: "Xiaohan, you should have listened to my words and left Jihai..."

  Xia Hanhan kept tears and just shook his head, biting his lower lip with sharp white teeth, his eyes fixed on Yang Xiaonian, before shaking for a long time, he said, "Do you believe it? This is definitely not what my brother did..."

  Yang Xiaonian stared at him blankly, not knowing how to tell her.

At this moment, two doctors in white coats came from the innermost part of the corridor. While walking, the two of them were whispering something. No matter what this scene makes, there is nothing unusual about it. . However, when the two people were still more than ten meters away from Yang Xiaonian and the others, Yuan Hong, who had been swaying behind Shen Qianqian, suddenly jumped up, and in the air, he suddenly had an extra handle in his hand. The gun, "bang bang" at the two doctors who came over was two shots. As the two doctors were shot and fell to the ground, the two pistols that had been fitted with silencers also fell to the ground from under the white coats of the two men.

   "What's the matter, who fired the gun?" The two policemen standing at the door of the corridor shouted in panic and rushed in, the guns in their hands were shaking a little bit unstablely.

  ***, if it weren't for the daughter of Cheng Shu. in it, which grandson would want to rush in to take a look...

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