Yang Xiaonian’s Promotion

Chapter 565: conspiracy

Don't worry about what Mayor Yang means, the two of them first transferred the money to the account of the Health Bureau according to Yang Xiaonian's arrangement. For this result, Yang Xiaonian finally got into the car and left with satisfaction. Deputy Director Jiang sent the leader back and touched his hand. The stubble on the chin was thought out.

   After coming out of the Finance Bureau, Yang Xiaonian went back to the hospital, only then did he know that Li Rongyuan had taken the money to Jihai, and planned to buy medicines and equipment overnight through the relationship, and strive to come back as soon as possible tomorrow.

According to the latest test results of the hospital, the pollution hazards also vary from person to person, and each person's situation is different, but no matter the severity, as long as it is treated in time, it is basically not life-threatening, but the treatment process is relatively long, and it must be In the hospital receiving observation and treatment, in this case, the hospital beds will be very tight in the near future, and the average medical expenses, hospitalization expenses, etc. may reach more than 5,000 yuan per person.

As of 5 o'clock in the afternoon, more than 1,000 people have been examined, and more than 500 patients have been hospitalized. Preliminary estimates show that the medical expenses of this pollution incident alone may exceed 4 million yuan. , not to mention the next compensation and resettlement costs.

If something like this happens, there is no doubt about the relocation of the bicycle factory. The problem is that the bicycle factory is basically an empty shell. Expenses, but where does the money come from.

While listening to the reports from Xue Shiyi, Zhang Guihua and others, Yang Xiaonian felt a headache. The more this happened, the more important the position of the Finance Bureau was. It really made people feel that such a critical department could not be directed like an arm. Bottomless.

I didn't have time to eat lunch. After discussing some details, I saw that it was already past seven o'clock. Zhang Guihua said that he wanted to invite the leader to dinner, and Yang Xiaonian shook his head and said, "Forget it, you have the money. Let's stay on the edge of the knife, I'll treat you tonight, pay for your personal wallet, let's go to the hospital door to find a place to eat, and then we'll be busy..."

  Since he said so, Zhang Guihua had no choice but to nod.

   Xue Shiyi said with a smile: "What's the matter, you are not happy if you don't pay, I tell you that our Mayor Yang is a big money, their family runs a company, we don't eat him who eats,"

   Yang Xiaonian brought his private car to Luhe when he took office. Xue Shiyi said this, which is equivalent to clarifying Yang Xiaonian's doubts, so as to save others from gossip and privately discussing whether Mayor Yang's car was corrupted or not.

   Yang Xiaonian is well aware of his good intentions, but he is walking straight, but he has never taken this kind of thing seriously, and his mouth is on others, who wants to say what he wants to say.

A few people came out together and found a restaurant in front of the hospital. In addition, the secretary and driver also gathered a large table, ordered a few dishes, and were eating. The provincial news broadcast on the TV in the corner caused Yang Xiaonian's anger. Notice.

The two people standing on the screen looked like Huo Qianrou and Li Rongyuan, but because of the loud noise in the restaurant, Yang Xiaonian and the others were sitting far away from the place where the TV was placed, and Yang Xiaonian didn't hear what was said on the TV. What, the people at the table near the TV began to talk after watching the news. This kind of topic involving the local area seems to be particularly contagious. In a few meetings, the guests at the table relying on Yang Xiaonian and the others are also very contagious. When the discussion started, Yang Xiaonian finally understood what the few scenes on TV just now were about.

   "The Sanjia Group was not bad just now, and they donated five million yuan to the hospital at once..."

   "What do you know, but I heard that Sanjia Group came to invest in our Luhe City. It is said that they want to buy the entire Jinhu District. They are very rich, so what is it to buy fame with this amount of money?"

   "You fart, even if you're buying fame, it's still much better than those who don't pull a penny..."

"That's right...you didn't listen to what Director Li said on TV just now, the money donated by the Sanjia Group saved us people's lives, otherwise, our family would even be living in the hospital. It's useless inside, it is said that the hospital has already run out of needles and medicines because there is no money..."

   "No way. In the morning, didn't Mayor Yang say that the government is responsible for this matter? Couldn't our city say not to allocate money to the hospital..."

   "What do you know, I have a relative in the Finance Bureau, but I heard about it. Director Zhu of the Finance Bureau and Mayor Xiao Yang are not on the same path, and Director Zhu doesn't urinate him at all..."

   "Damn, when such a big thing happened, our city party secretary and the mayor are hiding and don't dare to show up. What the **** are you talking about?"

"It's not too shameful, the most shameful thing is that when the reporter took this photo today, a group of people in the city were still blocking the photo, and that reporter was a beautiful woman, tsk tsk... You didn't know that. see..."

Listening to the next round of these gang babble, Yang Xiaonian's face suddenly darkened, "What the **** did this blue sky do, didn't I tell him, this matter should pay attention to the impact, how can it still be done? like this,"

   Hearing him name and criticize another member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Guihua forgot to chew the food in his mouth.

  Xue Shiyi didn't take it at all, he just smiled and said: "Forget it, don't be angry, Minister Lan also has her difficulties, and those reporters from Taiwan and Taiwan are not easy to deal with..."

Provincial and Taiwanese reporters are naturally not easy to deal with. Yang Xiaonian has personal experience of this. Thinking about the female reporter who used to look at her, Yang Xiaonian couldn't help but feel a headache, but even so, you are from Luhe City. Minister of Propaganda, with so many people under your control, why can't you even handle a little girl.

And that Huo Qianrou, what kind of trouble did you say you're filling, I said borrowing, but you're better, donate 5 million as soon as you make a move, you really have money and no land to spend, donate if you donate Well, what kind of ceremony did you say you did?

   There is also that Li Rongyuan, whose brain is also kicked by a donkey. What kind of limelight are you following this kind of thing? Zheng Yaomin and Cao Fuyuan see that they can spare you.

What kind of **** is this, one after another, this news is broadcast, tomorrow Luhe City will definitely become the focus of discussion in the province, I am blocking the left and right, not just to maintain a stable What is the situation? If Cao Fuyuan and Zheng Yaomin are affected at this time, and they are replaced by the leaders of the provincial party committee in a rage, I don't know how much effort it will take to smooth the relationship with the new leaders, and I will spend all my time and energy. In this kind of thing, then do you have to do anything.

   is simply inexplicable, this is not helping me, it is hurting me, you know.

Seeing that Yang Xiaonian's face turned cloudy, and the people at the table stopped talking, he hurriedly accelerated the speed of eating. After eating, he really did as Yang Xiaonian asked, and went to work on his own affairs. When he got into the car, Yang Xiaonian still didn't After speaking, Wang Chen had to look at Li Yang who was sitting in the co-pilot. Li Yang held back for a long time before turning his head boldly: "Mayor, where are we going?"

   Yang Xiaonian said angrily: "Where else can I go, Old Wang, take me to the guest house, and then take Li Yang home..."

  The beeping sound of the phone rang, Yang Xiaonian picked it up, and inside Huo Qian smiled a little weirdly and said, "Have you seen the provincial news tonight, you don't know how to call me to thank me,"

  Yang Xiaonian was holding back his anger. Hearing Huo Qianrou's voice, he immediately said angrily, "I also want to thank you. You are itchy and need to clean up, aren't you, who asked you to do this on your own?"

"What's the matter," Huo Qianrou's voice over the phone had a strong seductive meaning, soft and full of grievances, came over: "It's really a dog that bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people, I am You're doing things for you, you're going to blame me instead..."

   "Okay, just wait for me, I'll go to 'thank' you in a moment..." After finishing speaking, Yang Xiaonian hung up the phone.

When Li Yang heard Yang Xiaonian say this, he thought he would go somewhere else. How could he know that after hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaonian didn't say a word again. Li Yang's mind couldn't help turning the phone, thinking that Mayor Yang was going Who to clean up, could it be said that the person who will be cleaned up by him in a while is also living in the guest house now.

As Yang Xiaonian knocked on the door, Huo Qianrou, who was wearing short-sleeved pajamas and showing her two tender white arms, opened the door and revealed a delicate smile: "Hee hee, you are really here, I thought you said for fun,"

   As she said that, she turned around and slipped back. Yang Xiaonian snorted and closed the door and walked in, only to see that Huo Qianrou had already run into the big bed in the inner room, lifted the quilt and got in.

   "Come out and tell me what you did," Yang Xiaonian stood at the door of the bedroom with a dark face, staring at Huo Qianrou.

"Hee hee, what are you staring at? The money I donated is my own money, not from the Sanjia Group... I can do whatever I want, do I still need your consent," Huo Qianrou smiled. As he spoke, he sat on the bed wearing a quilt, and looked at Yang Xiaonian with big eyes fluttering, as if to say: "My own money, I can spend what I want, you care about me, who are you? what,"

I don't know what Huo Qianrou was thinking. Obviously, her words were suspected of angering Yang Xiaonian on purpose. As expected, when she heard that Huo Qianrou still dared to say so, Yang Xiaonian was really angered by her. He threw his bag on the sofa outside and strode in.

"Hmph, you can spend whatever you want, right? No one dares to control you," Yang Xiaonian stretched out his hand and grabbed the quilt that Huo Qianrou was draping over him. I took the picture: "I'll let you see if someone dares to care about you..."

  As the quilt flew over, Yang Xiaonian slapped Huo Qianrou's **** with a slap.

"Oh, you're really fighting," Huo Qianrou under the bedside lamp had a hint of triumph on her face, smiling like a fox who stole a chicken, looking at her blushing and winking like silk Looking at himself, Yang Xiaonian's heart trembled, and he said something was wrong, there was a conspiracy... I fell for this girl...

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