Ch 422 – Demi-Human’s Tavern


“Oh you came back.” (Naofumi)

After purchasing the filorials, we joined up with Father-in-law.

“How was it? Are they worth it?” (Naofumi)

“I don’t know if they are good or bad.” (Motoyasu)

I show the Filorial eggs to Father-in-law.
They are all identical.
What kind of child will be born?
I’m looking forward to the answer!

“So… a bird-like monster will be born from these eggs?” (Naofumi)

“Yes!” (Motoyasu)

“And you bought three? Well we would travel more quickly but there’s no time to grow….. them…” (Eclaire)

“Ah, I’m rubbing the eggs…” (Naofumi)

“If you do that they’ll grow too fast!!” (Eclaire)

Éclair seems to have misunderstood the filorials.
Certainly it would take time if you do not level up and share experience. But if you bring them to this Motoyasu, I can make up the difference with unparalleled forces.
I would also make it possible to teach them human speech in three days.

“How long will it take?”

“Two weeks maybe? Skilled warriors can raise filorials in 2 weeks … so I’ve heard.” (Eclaire)

“Two days is all I need to hatch them ♥.” (Motoyasu)

“No way…That’s too early… Is this the power of a hero?” (Eclaire)

I nod at Éclair question.
Well, this not only applies to filorials, but any monster can grow rapidly with level growth with significant speed.
This can be proven in Father-in-laws previous territory.
The pig on that detested dragon, who hated to Firo-tan, was a prime example of this. (TN: …Taniko?)
That pig had trained those demons well.

“Is that the reason? So that’s why Motoyasu-kun will be able to handle so many…” (Naofumi)

“That seems to be the case…” (Eclaire)

“If possible, let’s take a break to the nearby town.” (Emissary)


I traveled to a nearby town with Father-in-law.
We stopped at a town called Scale(規模), a merchant town that serves as a strong trading center.
Although I’ve never been in a neighbouring country to Melromark… I’ve heard there was a lot of famine north.
The Silt Welt Emissary brings us to the front of a bar in the back alley of town.
The sign hanged there says: “Demi Human’s Tavern”.

“Demi Human’s Tavern… Certainly this is the perfect place to hide the hero of the shield, Iwatani-dono.” (Eclaire)

“Yes. I would be most grateful if we could reach toward the back of the tavern as soon a possible.” (Emissary)

“Should I get off here?” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law steps down from the carriage, and then stretches.
It’s because he’s been riding in that carriage for a while…
Not surprised that he is nauseous.

“GAh…That ride has…I feel a little motion sick..” (Naofumi)

Its not due to a horse pulling the wagon, but the wagon itself.
The wagon is too small and restrictive.

“Now, inside here.” (Emissary)

As we entered, the Silt Welt Emissary made his way to the barkeeper.

“Our story is in this letter. Please read it carefully.” (Emissary)

The barkeeper opened the back door of the tavern, signaling us to come over.
I head in before Father-in-law to scout the corridors in order to make sure it is safe and secure. I signal back to him that it is indeed so. (´ ▽ `)b

“I didn’t know I’d have to be so cautious…” (Naofumi)

“Thats right. In this world, someone will always try to hunt and prey upon on you.” (Motoyasu)

“Well… That seems to be the case for most worlds.” (Naofumi)


Accompanied by the Emissary, we were ushered into a room and stopped inside.
We were on the first floor of this three story stone building… But now were in a room at the third floor.
And inside this stone room, there is a switch that leads to a hidden room.
According to rumors, there are facilities like these around this section of the country.
And that’s because this country was originally an enemy of Melromark.

Me and Father-in-law are being vigilant in that we are not standing close to the windows.
We sit on the bed together, and Father-in-law looks incredibly fed up.

“I’m not sick because of the carriage… I’m sick because I’ll be hiding in the end.” (Naofumi)

“If theres something you need… I, Motoyasu, will obtain it.” (Motoyasu)

“Hmmmm…. I already ate food… If anything, a hot bath would be nice…” (Naofumi)

“Hey you, is there a bath large enough in this town?” (Mototasu)

“There is not, but we can simply fill hot water inside barrels.” (Emissary)

“A barrel bath? I wonder if it will still feel as good…” (Naofumi)

“You are going to take a bath? Then allow me to guard you.” (Eclaire)

“You’re going to escort him? You do know that you’ll have to watch Father-in-law bathing?” (Motoyasu)

“Nn? Ofcourse I have to watch him.” (Eclaire)

“Wait, Eclaire-san will watch me bathe!?” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law is blushing.
Éclair, having guessed the reason, began to explain in a hurry.

“No! You’re wrong Iwatani-dono! I only look to serve as a guard, not a slut!!” (Eclaire)

“Hahaha! Éclair plans on protecting Father-in-law-san privately? Then I, Motoyasu, shall also protect Father-in-law! (Motoyasu)

“Mu…I do not doubt Kitamura-dono’s abilities. I believe your words. However, please believe me when I say that I shall only act as a guard and not anything else.” (Eclaire)

“It will be fine. My comrades will accompany Lady Seaetto.” (Emissary)

Several pigs were brought in by the Silt Welt Emissary and stand beside Éclair.

“It’s like that. While Iwatani-dono is bathing, they will wash his body” (Emissary)

“I see, I see.” (Motoyasu)

Father-in-law breaks his gaze from Eclair as she looks embarassed.

“Iwatani-dono… You seem to be misunderstanding something, but that is…” (Eclair)

What are you guys talking about?

“Im so, so sorry! I know I shouldn’t be thinking about those things.” (Naofumi)

“Its okay!…I was just thinking that we could bond as companions…” (Eclaire)

“Y-Yeah! I would definitely feel at ease with you as a companion!”

“Right! You are a very important companion to me. That’s why… I feel the need to protect you.” (Eclaire)

(TN: Friendzoned :( )

Oh? For some reason, the pigs are feeling sheepish around Éclair.
Éclair went out of the room and it suddenly became quiet.
The Silt Welt Emissary got up from his seat and went to fetch hot water.

“…Im sorry.” (Naofumi)


“I was rejected wasn’t I Motoyasu-kun? I had a feeling I would stay single. I mean…” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law starts to explain his actions. What happened between you and Éclair?

“Eclaire-san probably thinks the same like the others… That I’m only the Shield Hero who deserves special treatment right? If they gave me a harem, I would reject it. I just want to be adored by people like her…”

Hmmm? This is different how Father-in-law would usually react.
Certainly, Father-in-law hated woman.
He even prohibited romance in his village.
Father-in-law stared blankly as we began to talk about various things.
Apparently the pigs brought in the by the Silt Welt Emissary caused Father-in-law to blush and force a conversation.

“I heard that when we arrive in Silt Welt, I’ll be engaged to a beautiful wife and they’re already setting the wedding but…” (Naofumi)

“She’ll be dangerous.” (TN: Referring to Mysterious Bride)

“Un. I thought Melromarks princess was beautiful but something seems off about her.” (Naofumi)

“I know Father-in-law. You should be vigilant and cautious of pigs. They will change colors even in different countries, especially that red one.”. (Motoyasu)

“I didn’t notice it since she was so flirty, but now I’ll be cautious.” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law is right.
I, Motoyasu, truly admire his learning ability.

“According to Motoyasu-kun’s story… This part of the world is dangerous, so Silt Welt might be the same.” (Naofumi)

“Nn…” (Motoyasu)

I don’t remember going to Silt Welt, but you need to be careful in another world nonetheless.
Right… I remember Father-in-law saying something like that.
After all, Silt Welt is a country that will attempt anything to obtain the shield hero.
Well… Father-in-law-san’s slaves under Silt Welt joined voluntary, and even a daughter of nobility had joined. Is that how it happened?

I should be able to remember it…
And it existed in a time I was aware of.

In retrospect, before I came to this world, I was handsome and conceited. Women used me for personal gain and sought my genes….I was wrong for thinking they were ‘companions’.

Since long ago, a woman’s face is the most valuable asset.
If you were born with a beautiful face, you would find a beautiful mate, and you would expect your child to appear beautiful, inside and outside, as well.
That is the way of thinking that has been embedded into our consciousness.
A good face is a good thing.
However, Women are only pigs that are only beautiful on the outside.
Likewise, the pigs will only love your outside.

I finally learned that after coming to a different world.
I was under the impression that the Spear Hero was someone to be coveted. But If I met myself at that time, I would have beat him to death.
After the spirit turtle incident, the world became cold and I was betrayed by my ‘companions’.
I will never forget my feelings at that time.

But then Firo-tan came to me when my mind was violent and my heart ached.
In this ruthless world that made living painful, an angel called Firo-tan encouraged me to live.
Oh… It was in that moment that I wanted to live in this world if there was love.
So, the world isn’t that painful.

“Yes! Please Father-in-law, do not think your first love is irreplaceable and place everything into one person. You should not use the word ‘love’ if you alone cannot be happy.” (Motoyasu)

“Trust me… I’m a guy… I’ll probably do it anyways haha. Dont worry, Ill be careful.” (Naofumi)


“Silt Welt sent aid to us because I am their God but I wonder… Are they really allies? I hope they aren’t planning to abuse us.” (Naofumi)

Indeed Father-in-law, I was just thinking the same thing.

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