

Filorial-samas are to be kept at a distance away from the town due to arrangements with the townsfolk, so I’m shopping by myself.
This area is the grocery market.
And as I was thinking that, there seems to be something wrong with the town.

Why is black smoke rising in such a place?
Is it a fire?
What a dangerous town to live in.
I went back to our inn from the grocery market while thinking so.

“Excuse me!” (Motoyasu)

While there were was another person inside, I didn’t know what to say to that pig. Before, Father-in-law would do all the talking.
The receptionist guided me inside.

“How can I help you… Oh. it’s just the Spear.” (Clerk).

The most notorious race in ‘Demi Humans Tavern’ is the Humans.
I wonder if Humans can even manage stores in this area.
I went to the back of the store.
There lay the exhausted Éclair and Father-in-law, along with the Silt Welt Emissary.

“Oh Kitamura-dono. How did things go?” (Eclaire)

“The preparations are all ready.” (Motoyasu)

“I see…” (Eclaire)

“By the way, the town sure is noisy today.” (Naofumi)

“Oh, there was just some arson and panic all over the town.” (Motoyasu)

“………I have many questions, but is it because of the Three Hero Church?” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law looks regretful.

“It seems to be the case. The lord of this land already sent men to extinguish the fire, but there was a commotion that a group of hired adventurers caused such a panic.” (Emissary)

“What an evil cult…” (Naofumi)

“…You can say that again. Those radicals can only go so far. We need to depart, Kitamura-dono. Who knows how long until they set fire to this tavern. Because of them, all the stores are closed.”

What a disaster.

“It would better to leave now with everything closed for today.” (Motoyasu)

“Yes. That would act as the perfect cover.” (Emissary)

The Silt Welt Emissary nods in agreement.
Perhaps, those men that were tailing me probably tracked me down somewhere near here.
While thinking that, the stench of adventurers fills the store.
Hmm…None of them smell good.
I will greet to them from back here.

“Kitamura-dono, what do you plan on doing?” (Eclaire)

“We’ll leave as soon as we can. But since we’re still here, I shall teach them their own foolishness the hard way.” (Motoyasu)

“Please Eclaire, stop Motoyasu-kun!” (Noafumi)

“I wish I could Iwatani-dono, but I can’t!” (Eclaire)

Father-in-law and Éclair are bickering about something.

“Motoyasu-kun! Nothing good will come from creating a big commotion!” (Naofumi)

“Haha! Father-in-law sure is considerate for other people. Tears overflow due to Father-in-laws tenderness. However, these adventurers are a seperate matter.” (Motoyasu)

“I can’t stop him! Eclaire-san!” (Naofumi)

“Kitamura-dono! For gods’s sake please–” (Eclaire)

While Father-in-law gets friendly, I head towards the counter.
And there was an idiot and… Oh? The idiot seems to have been frozen in fear as soon as he sees my Spear.
When he sees my face, his face becomes even paler.
This is a masterpiece. I think I’m addicted to traumatizing people.

“It obvious that you don’t learn from your mistakes” (Motoyasu)

“S-Shut up! We know the devil of the shield is in there! If we kill him heh… chi ching, well be paid! So hand ov–” (Adventurer #1)

“Be grateful for Father-in-law’s mercy! 「Illusion Spear」” (Motoyasu)

With a crushing sound, the spear pierced the man on the forehead.

“Gah–” (Adventurer #1)

With a thud, This idiot fell to the floor while there was another idiot in the back was standing and holding his breath.
Oh this guy is also here… Oh well. It’s good that he’s here.

“The Fallen Spear Hero! We’re done fo-!” (Adventurer #2)

“Gyaa!…” (Adventurer #2)

And I created a hole in him because he tried to escape.
Bikun Bikun
Soon after, he was lying on the floor, convulsing like he was having a seizure.

“Ha, Ha ha.. With Th-this Im… a millionaire. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!” (Adventurer #1)

The effects of the Illusion Spear has been applied to them.
Without interference, they began to walk unsteadily with eyes wide open and mouth drooling.
So, I kicked those guys out of the store, who were obviously in a trance.
In front of the store, they look like radical christian worshipers and the several adventurers outside were speechless.
While dusting my hands, I returned to the back of the store.

“Oh… its already too late…”

“What do you mean?” (Motoyasu)

“Kitamura-dono, do you know the meaning of holding back?” (Eclaire)

“Well I did enough. If I did anymore, they would be in the afterlife” (Motoyasu)

“…He was going easy on them?” (Naofumi)

“…No, he just raised the standards of holding back…” (Eclaire)

Father-in-law and Éclair are whispering about something.

“Iwatani-dono, you need to be careful. Kitamura-dono tends to recklessly interpret the words of Iwatani-dono and has a misunderstanding.” (Eclaire)

“Un, I’ll be careful as possible.” (Naofumi)

It became noisy outside as we began to talk.
If you look outside the store, the circumstances are that the idiot radicals are claiming to be heroes of justice and are fighting with other adventurers.

“We should start leaving as soon as we can, don’t you agree?” (Emissary)

“Roger that!” (Motoyasu)

With Father-in-law first, I sent him and the rest a party invite, and then jump inside the「Portal Spear」


In an instant, we traveled to a scene of Filorials who were asked to wait on the mountain road.

“Wa! I’ve heard of teleporting experience before, but I can’t help but be amazed.” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law is restlessly looking around.
The same goes for the Silt Welt Emissaries.
Maybe it’s because she experience it several times, there’s no reaction from Éclair.

“Gua!” (Yuki)

And Yuki, flapping her wings, came to me.

“In 2 days, she’s already this large?”

“That’s amazing! Do you remember me?”

Father-in-law-san asked this question to Sakura-chan.
Sakura-chan lowers her head and nods.
Suri Suri
She then rubs her head into Father-in-law’s chest.

“Ahahaha… She’s even cuter when she’s big.” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law smiles as he strokes Sakura-chan’s head.
What a spectacle. The Father-in-law, I know of, rarely shows a smile.
My eyes are tearing up.
Motoyasu’s brain has recorded Sakura-chan being stroked gently by the smiling Father-in-law.

“What Lvl is she?”


“Lvl 40?!”

“That’s too soon! Is that normal?” (Eclaire)

“Amazing speed! This growth rate is out of the ordinary no matter how you look at it!” (Emissary)

Éclair and the Silt Welt Emissary cannot believe it.
However, it’s the truth.

“Ah right, I have some souvenirs for Father-in-law”. (Motoyasu)

Yuki-chan comes over and drops off armors and various materials which had been stored in her cart.

“What is this?!” (Eclaire)

“It’s the results of 2 days. Well there’s a lot more but we couldn’t carry it all.” (Motoyasu)

“Wow… there’s a lot of different materials in here.” (Naofumi)

“Most Tree lvl’s can be unlocked with these… But it’s not enough to release them. The number required to unlock the conditions takes several minutes.” (Motoyasu)

Father-in-law continues to put the various materials into his Shield.

“For Éclair, I recommend this sword!” (Motoyasu)

“Kitamura-dono, that’s not my name! It’s- W-Where did you get this sword?” (Eclaire)

“It’s not? And it came from the monster drop worthy of a hero… I had to remove all the monster blood and use another tool to get this weapon into my hand” (Motoyasu)
「アレじゃない? 確か勇者の武器の力にあるドロップ……魔物を武器に吸わせると別の道具が手に入るって奴」(TN: This refers to chapter 423 or 424. I have no idea what he is talking about. And not sure about its accuracy.)

“Is that so…” (Eclaire)

I hand Éclair the sword, from the hill of the defeated monster, since it seems to fit her.
It was certainly named 「Griffins Edge」?
It’s a sword that has feathers across the edges, resembling wings. There shouldn’t be a problem with it.
Éclair groaned as she received the blade, examining it intently.

“It’s seems like an excellent sword. However I feel I haven’t done anything to deserve such a thing….” (Eclaire)

“Here, I have secured Father-in-laws armor.” (Motoyasu)

Father-in-law’s armor come out of the huge defeated Griffin.

“Oh, Thank you…thank you very much…But, it seems a bit heavy.” (Naofumi)

“Look, Father-in-law. Raise your arms. This Motoyasu will put your armor.” (Motoyasu)

“I-I got it.” (Naofumi)
Father-in-law receives the armor and begins to put it on.

Then Father-in-law-san has tipped over and fell?

“Goh, it’s heavy…” (Naofumi)

Oh? It seems that he doesn’t have the sufficient level to equip it.
But I will not have it!
I rip off the armor, and bring it back to the cart.

“Our top priority should be raising our Lvls” (Motoyasu)

“Th-that’s right. I don’t want to waste the equipment that Motoyasu-kun prepared!” (Naofumi)

“Suddenly, the amount of materials has increased… the idea of transferring all of them is completely defeated. However… we should still leave a soon a possible just in case.”

“Understood! Listen up everyone! We depart on the carts!” (Motoyasu)

“At least the move to carts are an improvement from the horse-drawn carriages…to a certain extent.”

Father-in-law and Éclair seem to have given up on something as they enter the cart. Even the Silt Welt Emissary confirmed this as he gets in.

“Gua!” (Yuki)

I ride on the filorial back of Yuki-chan and thrust my spear forward.

“It’s time to set out!” (Motoyasu)

“””Gua!””” (Filorials)

Dota Dota
The filorials start running!
Raising a cloud of dust, our journey continues!

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