429 Ability


The next morning


“It’s hot…” (Naofumi)

I woke when I seemed to perceive that Father-in-law was letting off subtle groans, as though he were trapped in a nightmare.

Leaning up, I found that Yuki-chan and Kou were both nestled against me, the unconscious cadence of their breath undisturbed.
So then where was Sakura-chan?
The question was answered when I turned to Father-in-law, only to find him wrapped in the embrace of Sakura-chan in full-on Filorial Queen form.

“Father-in-law, good morning…” (Motoyasu)

I get up, and Yuki-chan and Kou awaken, groggily blinking their eyes.

“Good Morning, Motoyasu-sama.” (Yuki)
“Mo~rning, Kitamura…” (Kou)

Yuki-chan and Kou gave me their morning greetings.
It certainly is a good morning.

“How long have Father-in-law and her been like this, I wonder…” (Motoyasu)

I leave my bed to observe Father-in-law and Sakura-chan.
Father-in-law keeps muttering “it’s hot, hot” in his sleep.

“Shu~… Shu~…” (Sakura)
“Uhh… Hot…” (Naofumi)

At length, Father-in-law awakes and seems to understand the situation.

“S-sakura-chan, Motoyasu-kun said to properly protect…” (Naofumi)

The bed is creaking and groaning under the weight, but I think it’s fine.

“Aaa~hn…” (Sakura)
“Sakura! It’s already time to wake up, you know!” (Yuki)
“Mmm~…” (Sakura)

With Yuki calling out to her, Sakura slowly opened her eyes and yawned before nuzzling Father-in-law in her embrace.

“Morning~ Naofumi~” (Sakura)
“Morning. However, since this form is troubling, properly change into your angel form.”
“Aww~… Got it~”

In accordance with Father-in-law’s command, Sakura-change reverted to her angel form.
To listen to Father-in-law’s words… This was also part of my filorials’ training.

“Naofumi~, is this good?” (Sakura)
“Yeah. That’s good.” (Naofumi)
“Can we still sleep together again?” (Sakura)
“It was a bit hot, however… Um, the bed here seems ready to collapse, so only when we’re camping.” (Naofumi)
“Got it~! Sakura can’t wait~” (Sakura)
“Hahaha, Sakura-chan has grown quite attached to Father-in-law, right?” (Motoyasu)
“Yeah. Motoyasu said to protect Naofumi, so Sakura will work hard~!” (Sakura)

What a gallant heart. Inspired tears are overflowing from this Motoyasu’s eyes.
If I leave Father-in-law’s defense to Sakura-chan, there will be nothing to worry about.
Father-in-law left the room and knocked on the neighboring door.

“Miss Eclair, how are you feeling?” (Naofumi)

So saying, he entered the room.
As I also entered right behind, Eclair’s peaceful breathing hitched as she seemed to awaken.

“Mm…? Ah, it’s Sir Iwatani.” (Eclair)
“So? Are you able to stand now?” (Naofumi)
“There’s… No problem, I think.” (Eclair)

Thus we shifted our glances to the Silt Welt Messenger and pigs.
As their consciousness catches up with the situation, they notice their room’s guests.
Their eyes didn’t see Father-in-law or me, instead seeming to point towards Yuki-chan and the others.

“Who is this child?” (Messenger)
“They’re angels.” (Motoyasu)
“Motoyasu-kun’s explanation won’t properly get us anywhere, so be quiet for a bit.” (Naofumi)
“Understood!” (Motoyasu)

Following Father-in-law’s directions, I take a step back.
Standing back, as silent as a stone, it an easy job.
Father-in-law places his hand on Sakura-chan’s shoulder and answers.

“Let’s see, these children are the filorials that Motoyasu-kun raised. It would cause an issue if they transformed in this room, so we’ll have them show you later, but I ask that you believe me for now. (Naofumi)

The audience let out an astonished voice.
Well, it’s not impossible to sympathize with them.
The first time Firo-tan transformed, I also made quite the befuddled noise.
After that came the first time-stopping impact… When I remember it now, it feels like fate violently threw us together.
For the most part though, I only remember a sharp pain continuously running through my lower half.

“If you can’t trust it, I know it’s a difficult thing to believe, but… We can instantly display proof later.” (Naofumi)
“R-right.” (Messenger)
“Alright everyone, let’s give our introductions once more.” (Naofumi)

With Father-in-law’s words, the filorials come forward and give a bow.

“I am Yuki”
“So they can also speak with human language… It is a succession of surprises.” (Eclair)

Eclair is saying something rude, huh?
It’s like they are saying Father-in-law would lie to his comrades, isn’t it?
H A H A H A! Father-in-law does not tell lies.
He doesn’t lie, and yet…

“T-then, let’s finish up our morning preparations.” (Messenger)

The Silt Welt messenger feigned composure as he took a few uneasy steps.

After that, everyone partook of breakfast.
Since we ordered a large sum of food from the inn’s neighboring bar, everyone ate their fill.
Yuki-chan and the others in particular ate with gusto.

“Eat properly, alright?” (Naofumi)
“Nn… Even if there’s more variety, this cuisine is inferior in comparison, don’t you think, Kou?” (Yuki)
“You thought so too?” (Kou)
“Naofumi’s way of preparing food makes things delicious, right?”
“Saying so makes me happy, but…” (Naofumi)
“Our food expenses seem like they will compound…” (Eclair)

And just like that, the mountain of food we had ordered disappeared in an instant
Well… Seeing the filorial’s appetite, my mood skyrockets.
In contrast, Eclair muttered with a troubled expression.

“For this situation, do we have any choice besides letting Motoyasu-kun’s group handle maintaining our supplies? It’s good if we can sell raw materials and such, but…” (Naofumi)
“That is a possibility. If the town dealers will accept purchasing the raw materials we have in the carriage, I think it will be sufficient.” (Motoyasu)
“Really? Then, before we leave, shall we sell some material off to raise our travel finances? I’m quite confident in my bartering skills.” (Naofumi)

Come to think of it, Father-in-law earned a substantial income through peddling, if I remember correctly.
Since he also made that wonderful village’s slaves peddle, his techniques to force an expensive sale got around.

“If that is the case, I shall leave the matter to Sir Iwatani.” (Eclair)
“Yeah. Ah, actually it was sort of arbitrarily decided, but how is today Motoyasu-kun? I expect our pursuers are gradually catching up to us, but…” (Naofumi)
“For today, while they are still not in the area, I want to raise Father-in-law’s level in advance. If you reach level 40, with proper reinforcement, any assassin will seem tame.” (Motoyasu)
“Understood. Then, once we’ve secured some funds, shall we go raise our level?” (Naofumi)
“Ugh…” (Eclair)

Eclair’s facial expression turns pale.

“Are you alright, Miss Eclair? If you like, Sakura-chan and I could go alone?” (Naofumi)
“T-that sort of conclusion will not work either. In order to guard Sir Iwatani, we must be together.” (Eclair)
“That’s right, but…” (Naofumi)

Father-in-law is worrying over Eclair.
Are they talking about her motion sickness?

“Everything takes practice.” (Motoyasu)
“T-that is true… If I cannot grow accustomed to the movement, the only result will be debilitating motion sickness throughout the rest of the journey.” (Eclair)

The Silt Welt Messenger is alternating his gaze between my face and the pig.

“Given that you’ve been traveling with him lately, the honorable spear hero’s condition…” (Messenger)

I also in the beginning experience motion sickness.
Still, that is also a blessed memory of my time with filorials.
I grew accustomed to their spontaneity and vigor, until I no longer became sick through their motions.
Ah, I want to experience the nausea of riding in a filorial-drawn carriage again; such desirable memories.

“What sort of plans does Motoyasu-kun have today?” (Naofumi)
“In order to make cloth from the thread into which Yuki-chan and the others poured their magic power, we are going to request a weaver in town. After that, how about heading out for raw materials to strengthen Father-in-law’s shield with our remaining time?” (Motoyasu)
“… Before we depart, should we to some extent discuss what makes appropriate negotiation?” (Eclair)
“It doesn’t seem that making clothes will take that much time, but…” (Naofumi)
“Well then, I will handle both measuring the children’s sizes and the tailoring of their clothes.” (Motoyasu)

I think I should be able to complete Yuki-chan and the others’ clothes within our time margin.
Considering that we also need to buy materials to strengthen Father-in-law’s shield however, do we have enough time?

“Well, can Motoyasu-kun handle all the tailoring today? Like that, we still need to find a clothing shop… or rather, a dressmaker’s shop? We’ll need to place an order and such however.” (Naofumi)
“What exactly is it you’re talking about? Naturally, I will be the one making the clothes.” (Motoyasu)

Stitching together honorable filorials’ clothes is my life’s work.
Without such, I am unable to exemplify my love.
For the beyond-extraordinary race that is the filorials, I am able to pour my everything into the clothes they will wear.
Such is the most supreme of pleasures.

“S-so that’s it. Then, Motoyasu-kun’s task for today is to completely make the necessary clothes…?” (Naofumi)
“Understood!” (Motoyasu)

And thus, my day’s occupations was decided.
Our filorials will work their spun thread into cloth, and I will make them clothes.
Before departing, I will plot out Yuki-chan’s and the others’ sizes.
Incidentally, by the very nature of the magic thread they spun, I can confirm that if they’re made well at the start, the resulting clothes are effective to some extent of expansion.

“A bit more!” (Naofumi)
“Kuh… I got it. I can’t raise the price any more than this!” (Shopkeep)
“Sold!” (Naofumi)

At the town sales dealer’s shop, Father-in-law battled for a ridiculous markup on his sales.
Since this area was already beyond Melromarc’s control, in some places one could even trade directly with Silt Welt Welt citizens.
The Silt Welt Messenger even took a moment to interpose his analysis of market prices… and made an assessment of the climactic battle.
For some reason, Father-in-law’s eyes almost seemed to sparkle.

“Sir Iwatani’s skill is amazing. The final price was raised to double the market value!” (Eclair)
“As long as you’re persistent, with the right attitude you can get the price up as high as possible, but there’s better ways to spend time right? And since we’re selling away potentially necessary strengthening materials… Essentially, going to that extent isn’t profitable, you know?” (Naofumi)
“Assuredly, heroes are beings capable of various tasks.” (Eclair)
“Nah, besides that strong point I’m simply ordinary, and I couldn’t have done so well if I hadn’t been informed me of the market prices, for one.” (Naofumi)
“Naofumi’s ama~zing!” (Sakura)

Eclair applauds Father-in-law.
That’s right, that’s right.
This gentleman can say with confidence that Father-in-law’s business sense far outstrips his own.

Through the practicality of the slaves village, the food expenses, employment, and everything was completely provided for the filorials I brought.
At that time, with deliberate planning we were able to squeeze through our food expenses by relying on the raw materials and such of defeated monsters, but once the issue was left in Father-in-law’s care, one could understand that every trouble would be resolved.

“If we consider people who will want to buy goods sold by the honorable Hero of the Shield, that salesman should have no difficulties for a while, I believe.” (Messenger)
“Looks like, huh? And since the buyers likely won’t object to a price hike for that, they’re able to make good transactions where it feels like everyone profits, I think.” (Naofumi)
“I expect your different world is one where, if one cannot trade, one cannot survive. It seems a strange world to me.” (Eclair)
“That isn’t quite how it is though, you know? I… well ‘game’ probably wouldn’t mean anything here. You could say trading and stuff was just something I found enjoyable, you see.” (Naofumi)
“Fumu… Looking at the sequence of events up to this point, I can say with certainty that Sir Iwatani’s forte is, truly, supporting people.” (Eclair)
“I wonder… if that’s right? Even if it looks like that up front, that cover is splendidly breaking up, you know? For one thing or another, I’ve been depending on the good will from Motoyasu-kun, or from Sakura-chan, or everyone else, and it’s vexing not being able to do more you know?” (Naofumi)
“Modesty can sometimes appear to be gaudiness, Sir Iwatani. In any case, I feel as though I’ve grasped the nature of the Hero of the Shield.” (Eclair)

Eclair for some reason or another looks to be nodding her consent.
In a memory from the future, Father-in-law’s method of doing things also convinced Eclair to voluntarily become more like him.
What great dedication, huh.

“I agree! Father-in-law’s ability to strip bandits of everything they own is also a magnificent thing!” (Motoyasu)

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