Chapter 10 on the eve of the expedition

With Tōga’s guilt, Yabuto alone returned to his room. He didn’t know at this time because he had always The indifference made Tōga feel even more owed to him. If Yabuto knew about it, he would have been wronged, because he really didn't need any of the three demon blades.

From the perspective of Tōga, Yabuto can better understand the identity of the transmigrator. He knows that Tessaiga must be handed over to Inuyasha, who is a half-demon with limited strength, and Tenseiga’s mission is to let Sesshōmaru can realize the meaning of guarding. As for Sō'unga, this unknown demon blade, to be honest, the current Yabuto has no possibility to use it.

Thinking about this, coupled with the belief that I want to surpass Tōga in my heart, the allure of the three demon blades seems a bit insignificant. Now Yabuto is only interested in his armor, and at this time , The treasure box was placed on the table in front of him.

Although I have seen it once, Yabuto still can’t help his desire. As long as he wears this armor, he can fight more unscrupulously on the battlefield. Thinking about it, Yabuto slows down. Reaching out to open the treasure box, the armor lay quietly in the treasure box.

Pure white magnificent clothes, black flame pattern, pair of black boots, dark green breastplate on the chest and dragon-shaped shoulders, looks domineering and noble, this set of clothes is earlier A gift from Tōga to Yabuto, because Yabuto has his own thoughts in his heart, he hasn't worn it until now.

Looking at the armor in front of him, Yabuto couldn’t wait to take it out, and put it on efficiently. When he came to the mirror, Yabuto had to secretly sighed. People want clothes, and the same goes for demons. .

Originally with a face that is harmful to all living beings, with a black and white kimono, and dark green armor, plus a lifelike dragon head shoulder on the left shoulder, and silver long hair scattered on the back and waist. , Two white and silver tails, one hovering around the waist and hanging down to the ground, the other, like Sesshōmaru, hanging from the right shoulder. Even if Yabuto is going to be narcissistic, such a dress, such a look, if he goes out, he won't fascinate the myriad girl.

"From today you will be called "Firmament Armor"! Let's fight together!!" Yabuto gently stroked the armor on his chest, lowering his head as if to himself.

dong dong!! ! !

As if satisfied with Yabuto’s name, Firmament Armor sent out a slight pulse. Although it was very weak, Yabuto still felt it clearly. The spiritual weapon was alive, and Firmament Armor responded to him, Yabuto. I also made up my mind to nourish Firmament Armor with my demonic power in the future.

Yabuto here is leisurely packing his outfits. At this time, the entire Demon City is full of tension, because it will soon be out again, all the Western Lands demon Almost all gathered here, although it was an order to go on standby three days later.

At this moment, in the great hall of a castle a few hundred li away from Western Lands, on a huge table, a group of demons that look like cats and leopards are discussing something.

"my Lord! In the previous confrontations, our Panther Tribe has suffered heavy losses. If we fight again this time, I am afraid..." In the great hall, one of the seats has a blue-head. haired women, said to a cat-head demon sitting on the chairperson with brown hair in armor and several horns on his head.

"Tōran! Don't worry!! This time I have invited many demon tribes to join together. The Great Dog General has ruled the Western Lands for too long, and many demon tribes are beginning to be dissatisfied!!!" Seeing the woman asked Then, cat-head demon remain unmoved.

"But the strength of Great Dog General cannot be underestimated. I am afraid that the average demon will not be the enemy!!" After the cat-style leader said, on the other side, a demon who also wears armor and has a cat's head worriedly said.

"Don't worry! The candidates for the Great Dog General have been selected this time, and they will come soon. As soon as the war starts, the Great Dog General will definitely die! This time, I Panther Tribe will decide Yao Yixue's shame for hundreds of years!!!" Thinking of his fearlessness, the panther leader suddenly showed a fierce expression.

Yes, the demon in this great hall is the natural enemy of the Dog Demon Tribe generation. Since birth, they have fought endlessly with Dog Demon Tribe, but they have always been in charge of Western Lands regardless of the outcome. Territory, until the modern times of Dog Tribe, a talented amazing leader appeared, and they soon forced them to only today's small city. And this Dog Tribe leader is naturally the father of Sesshōmaru and Yabuto Tōga.

On the eve of the war, both sides were preparing for the battle intensely. During the battle at this time, Dog Demon Tribe had the idea of ​​completely eliminating Panther Tribe, while Panther Tribe was holding Danger Land against pulling strongly against a crazy. Tide’s belief that this battle will definitely be a fierce desperate contest.

At this moment, in Dog Demon Tribe Demon City, with a blue skin and a small demon on his forehead, he came to Yabuto’s door and looked at him. It was a bit restrained and nervous, but he slowly extended the hand and knocked on the door in front of him. At the same time, nervously waiting for the door to open.

Soon, the sound of the door opening came into the ears of small demon. He swallowed his saliva and lifted the head hard to see the person opening the door. What caught your eye was a palm of the demon. The extreme face, at the same time, also has the indifference that rejects others.

The person who opened the door was Yabuto, and at this moment, he did not know this small demon, and he had never seen it in Demon City before. Yabuto didn’t know this little thing. He came to find himself what to do, but for people he didn't know, he didn't even have any interest in opening up. He just looked straight at him and waited for him to speak.

But Yabuto's eyes made small demon even more flustered. Originally, when he came, he heard that Lord Yabuto was very cold and temperamental. More importantly, the rumors were not long ago. The pride of the former and Dog Demon Tribe, Lord Sesshomaru played unmatched, which made Small Demon even more scared.

Finally, the small demon didn't forget his purpose, and got bolder. "Ye...Lord Yabuto! I, Yumaru!!! It was the General who ordered the villain to take care of the Young Master's daily life as well!!"

Huh? ? ? ? Hearing the words of small demon, Yabuto was taken aback, taking care of his daily life? ? ? father What does this mean? ? But I was relieved for a moment. I remembered that in the original work, Sesshōmaru was surrounded by Jaken and Inuyasha was surrounded by Myōga. Yabuto is no longer curious when he thinks of this, but he thinks of Jaken in original work.

One is a flattery at all, boasting about how good his Sesshōmaru is, and the other is a typical coward, and it is still very greedy. Thinking of this, Yabuto couldn't help but a lot of small demon in front of him. This guy didn't appear in the original work, I don't know what kind of character it is.

But what makes Yabuto speechless is that this small demon, when he saw it, was so scared that he knelt down. This made Yabuto understand the character of this small demon, as if it was the same as Myōga. .

In fact, I can’t blame Yumaru, because a few hours ago, Yabuto and Sesshōmaru's fight had been spread. You know, Sesshōmaru is now a famous demon in the entire Western Lands, and its glory is not Covered by his own father, Yabuto, who had been hiding in the mountains all day, was able to possess such strength, which made many demons who originally discriminated against him as a mix-breed looked terrified.

In addition to Yabuto’s character, Yumaru is no longer afraid. I remember that when Tōga asked him to come and follow Yabuto, he was frightened and fainted. There was no reason for him. He thought he had discriminated against Yabuto’s demon before. , He was one of them, and now he was in front of Yabuto, he was already bold without being scared to death.

While Yumaru was still kneeling on the ground, waiting for the judgment to come, suddenly I heard a voice behind him. "When will you kneel!!!"

I saw Yabuto walk away thinking about the barren mountains outside Demon City, and Yumaru was shocked when he heard Yabuto's words. Then I saw that Yabuto didn't know when he was out of the room, and he thought about walking outside the city without looking at him, and didn't dare to think about it. He got up in a panic and caught up with Yabuto's footsteps.


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