Twelfth chapter ambushes! Trapped!

After far from Demon City, Tōga led the army all the way, moved towards the border of Western Lands. The marching speed was not fast. At the end of the border, it was already seven days later. Tōga, who had just arrived, ordered everyone to rectify. Dress up the village and send troops to conduct close searches and inspections of the surrounding area.

In the main tent, Yabuto and Sesshōmaru are standing next to Tōga. At this time, a middle-aged uncle, wearing black iron armor, wearing a long sword on his waist, and one of his eyes closed, Dog Demon walked in with a hideous scar on his eyes.

"General!! Panther Tribe has led the army to march here. According to the observations of the subordinates, they should choose Dry Leaf Mountain as their base!!!" After the man received the account, one-knee kneels Reported to Tōga respectfully.

"Dry Leaf Mountain is a barren mountain with cliffs on all sides. It would be unfavorable for us to be occupied by Panther Tribe!!" Tōga has not spoken yet. There is a big black bear head in the tent. Demon spoke first.

Seeing this demon, Yabuto couldn't help being stunned. This guy is obviously Bear Demon, but doesn't it mean that bears are stupid? ? This guy doesn't seem to be stupid at all! ! Dry Leaf Mountain is an independent barren mountain on the map, surrounded by rapids on all sides, and the rugged mountains can be called a natural danger. If Panther Tribe does occupy this place, when the time comes, it would be very ignorant of its own side.

"General! Not equal to me, they will take the troops to occupy Dry Leaf Mountain first and occupy the natural dangers. As long as the Panther Tribe arrives, they will definitely be able to beat them completely unprepared!!" At this time, the other side looked skinny , The goat demon with two feet on his head and a pinch of goatee on his chin opened his mouth.

But Yabuto seems a bit speechless at this moment. How come these demons only have nothing to do with race? ? When the bear’s mind is so good, the goat, which seems to be extremely trivial, becomes stupid. If you want to occupy Dry Leaf Mountain to attack the other party, wouldn't it be possible to investigate the other party on the one hand? ? If you know that Dry Leaf Mountain is occupied by your own side, will the other party stupidly go up the mountain and let us annihilate it?

"General!! I think this method is not appropriate. We have fought against Panther Tribe several times, and the other party will not be fooled so easily!!" There are idiots, and of course there are talents. At this time, there is a face It also has a purple demon stripe, and it seems that Dog Demon, who is about 30 years old, has spoken. Judging from the appearance of this Dog Demon, it can be seen that the strength is not weak, because he is also a human appearance.

There are many demons in the army, but most of them are half-transformed demons. There are not many demons like Tōga. Of course, the strength does not depend on the incomplete transformation, but there is one thing. The strength of a complete demon must not be weak.

"Oh! Seiten! Then tell me what you can do!!" Tōga laughed when the man opened his mouth, his eyes flashed by appreciation.

"General! My subordinates think that I and the army should bypass Dry Leaf Mountain and lie in ambush on the way to Dry Leaf Mountain by Panther Tribe!" See Tōga's question, Dog Demon named Seiten also Unambiguous, directly tell the strategy in your heart.

After listening, Tōga was slightly nodded, but did not reply immediately. Yabuto also thinks this method is feasible. After all, the current focus is on Dry Leaf Mountain. As long as which party occupies Dry Leaf Mountain, the geographical advantage can be obtained. As long as the action is a little more concealed, it should be able to hide from the enemy’s eyes. , When the time comes, you can really give the other party a completely unprepared.

"What's your opinion?" Tōga looked at the crowd opened the mouth and said.


"Listen to General's orders!!"

"Yes! General decides!!"

Among the demons present, there is no good way to get along. After all, the main demon's method of fighting the enemy is its own strength. If they want them to use their brains, it is better to give them a saber to let them kill the enemy. So Seiten The method one after another came out, they couldn't think of any weak spot, so there was nothing to say.

"In that case! Orochimaru (hehe! Spoof!) You lead you members of Snake Demon Tribe, bypassing Dry Leaf Mountain in secret, and go to the Panther Tribe to ambush, I want them not Halfway to the mountainside!!!" Decided on the strategy, Tōga faced the

side, a small figure with a gloomy face, red's tongue licked his chin from time to time as the demon spoke.

"Yes! General!!!" Orochimaru complied, he went directly out of the main account and set off with the familiar people.

Snake Demon Tribe was sent out by Tōga after careful consideration. Snakes are natural hunters. They have great hiding power. If you send them there, the chances of not being discovered are much greater, and snakes are a kind of Diverse animals, they can enter the water, drill into the soil, and escape easily.

Looking at Orochimaru who was leaving, Yabuto was always a little uneasy, but he couldn't tell why. It could only be attributed to the first expedition, not particularly adaptable.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Tōga and other demon were discussing future occupation, and at this time, there was movement outside the tent, a man with triangular eyes and green scales on his face Demon, with a whole body wound, hurriedly entered the tent with the help of a Dog Demon.

"Big...General!!! Not good! Our strategy was seen through by the other party! Now patriarch and they are besieged under Dry Leaf Mountain, please General rescue ahh immediately!!" He is a member of the Snake Demon Tribe. At this time, he has a few scars on his body. It looks like he was cut by a sharp weapon, but he ignored it and begged Tōga as soon as he entered the account.

This also made Yabuto sigh. After doing a demon, his personality will change. Isn't a snake a cold-blooded animal? ? Do you really care about your people? ?

As for Seiten who offered his plan, he was also taken aback. It stands to reason that with Snake Demon Tribe's hidden ability, things should not fail, but now it seems that it has not only failed, but also suffered a tragic loss. Just look at it. The injury of this Snake Demon can tell the intensity of the battle.

"What's going on! According to your family's hidden abilities, how can you be seen through!!" Seiten couldn't understand, Tōga felt strange, although such a strategy cannot be said to be perfect, but for During the march and put his gaze on the Panther Tribe of Dry Leaf Mountain, it shouldn't be discovered.

"It was not the Panther Tribe who found us! It was the people of Demon Moth Tribe. They joined forces with this time and Panther Tribe. They had already sent the vanguard troops and entered Dry Leaf Mountain from the air. Our The troops were discovered by them in the air, and when we intercepted the Panther Tribe’s vanguard, they descended from Dry Leaf Mountain and doubled up on us. With Demon Moth Tribe in the air, it was difficult for our people. Escape!!" Snake Demon said that, Tōga, including all the talents, suddenly realized that the weakest thing on his side is the air. The opponent has the Demon Moth Tribe's hold, so he naturally has a big advantage in the air, and As long as the people of Snake Demon Tribe wanted to escape, they would be spotted by the moths in the air. If there were not a few people covering this Snake Demon to escape, he would never have the opportunity to leave the player.

"hmph! damn Demon Moth Tribe! Normally outward devotion but inner opposition! Didn't expect to put me together today!!" Tōga slapped the table angrily, and suddenly removed the group around him. of demons was taken aback. They didn't expect that Demon Moth Tribe would choose to cooperate with Panther Tribe at this time, and they would put themselves aside before the official war.

"General, please send troops to rescue as soon as possible, it will be too late!!" At this moment, Snake Demon lay down on the ground begging, regardless of his anger, regardless of his injuries.


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