Chapter 203 Ending Sō'unga’s Fetters (Part 2)

"ahh!! No...impossible!!!" The sound of a violent explosion , Combined with a blow of everyone’s strength, successfully penetrated the Dragon Twister formed by Sō'unga, and jointly fought through the Dragon Twister, directly rushing the Sō'unga devouring, golden storm to the sky and across the sky, and then suddenly heard...

Roar!! !

Two startling Heavenly Dragon chants, Dragon Strike and the Dark Dragon Prison Shuanglong burst out of the storm, and immediately found the location of Sō'unga in the storm, and once again passed into the storm in the form of Sō'unga. Under the ravages of Ssangyong, Sō'unga issued an unwilling roar, which turned into dust and smoke under the powerful force, and the fierce storm ran through the sky, causing the dark clouds to form a huge sea of ​​clouds vortex, turning it into a spectacular sight on the front line of Heaven and Earth.

"It succeeded!!!" After finally defeating Sō'unga, Inuyasha finally felt a lot easier.

"Look! Clouds are being sucked in!!!" At this time, the storms of the unique skills of a few people continuously absorbed the dark clouds filled with evil aura in the air, and even the surrounding ruins and debris. Being continuously absorbed into the storm and shattered, seeing this, Inuyasha and Yabuto set off at the same time, came to Kikyō and Kagome, picked them up and jumped in their respective directions.

Boom! ! ! ! !

Evil aura slowly shrunk, and then disappeared into the sky. The weather returned to clear again. There was only a bang. The black tower, which had been fragmented, began to collapse. As the tower collapsed, The surrounding undead also turned into dust, and the gate of the opened Netherworld was slowly closed.

"Kagome! Are you okay!!" Inuyasha brought Kagome to everyone's side. Shippō saw Kagome. Although it was all right, he couldn't help but worriedly said.

"With me here, how could Kagome have something to do!" Kagome hadn't spoken yet, and Inuyasha had already interrupted, making Kagome, who was standing next to him about to talk, a sweet smile. Although the words are rough, they can hear the feelings and hearts in the words.

"Uh...Inuyasha! Look at that!!!" At this moment, Kagome turned his head slightly, and then saw in the sky falling from the tower, something that emits rays of cross star of light, slowly falling from the air, it is Sō'unga, who is still held by Sesshōmaru's left hand, falling from the air.

"That...isn't that Sō'unga?" Seeing Sō'unga slowly falling, Inuyasha couldn't help being shocked. Under such a powerful attack, they saw Sō'unga turn into Dust and smoke appeared in front of them again now, when they all felt a burst of pressure, after all, at this time, there was not much left in their standing.

Ticket Ticket! boom! ! !

At this moment, the Sō'unga sword began to spread cracks, and immediately after a clear sound, Sō'unga's sword body turned into fragments, only the sword hilt was intact. At this time, The hand holding the sword was also slowly released. Seeing this scene, Sesshōmaru knew that the matter was over, he should have left. He didn't find that hand at the beginning, and now he won't.


"Have waited too long...father!!!" After Sesshōmaru turned around, the fragments of Sō'unga were scattered and gathered by the evil aura after the tower collapsed. There was a burst of violent blue rays of light, Yabuto took Kikyō to the edge of the cliff, regardless of the dazzling rays of light, looking directly at the center of the rays of light, a trace of complexity flashed in his heart, and then he slowly spoke. .

"What?" Yabuto asked Inuyasha, who had resisted the rays of light with his hands, to put down his hands and stared straight into the rays of light. Sesshōmaru, who was about to leave, also stopped. After his footsteps, he suddenly saw the rays of light strengthen again, covering a few meters in a radius, and a warm and familiar feeling enveloped his body. Sesshōmaru finally woke up from a daze and turned his body back again.

"father!!!" Coming to the edge of the cliff, Sesshōmaru was still unable to conceal the shock in his eyes. The silhouette appeared in the center of the rays of light, the silver-white long hair, the handsome face, and the Battle Armor with fangs. , It is the Legendary Tōga of Western Lands! !

"master!!!" The Tōtōsai trio were equally surprised. As the insiders who know the whole story best at first, they did not expect that Tōga would appear after defeating Sō'unga, watching the rays of The silhouette in the light can't help but remind them of the past and follow his past.

"Father? Just... is that that?" At this time, the person who is most emotional is Inuyasha. He is the only one of the three brothers. He has never seen Tōga, and looked at that time. The silhouette that I imagined in my dreams countless times is absolutely impossible to say that Inuyasha has no feelings.

"Yabuto!!! So you also know the secret of Sō'unga!! Is Totsuka-no-Tsurugi useless?? It seems that I, as a father, still don't trust you enough!!!" The closest to Tōga It was Yabuto. The first thing I heard was Yabuto's voice. Although it seemed to be a question, he was not surprised that Yabuto would know the secret of Sō'unga. As long as he went to the Dog God mound, he would know everything.

However, when he saw Meiyasu in Yabuto's hand, he was still taken aback. Although he is only an energy body now, he can feel that the sword of Meiyasu is very different from Divine Sword. In terms of the relationship, the sword full of evil burning power is definitely not the same as the sword that slays evil.

You know, he asked Lady Rintsuki to go to the Dog God mound when he met Yabuto, so that he could acquire Totsuka-no-Tsurugi to fight against Sō'unga, and it also made up for it. As the father did not leave him any guilt, he also didn't expect that Yabuto can rely on his own strength to rise to this point.

"Sesshōmaru, Yabuto, Inuyasha, you three have finally found the answer. From now on, there is no Sō'unga in the world. Don't forget what I felt today! You are all I thought Proud son!!” At this time, Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru also rushed to stand in front of Tōga alongside Yabuto.


"Father!!" Tōga had just finished speaking, when he saw his body emit a burst of more dazzling rays of light, and immediately became physically. Make a little rays of light and slowly disappear from the front of the three. Inuyasha is the only one to see Tōga for the first time. Looking at the father who has finally seen Tōga, he is leaving now. After all, it is just a half-demon. Can't help but yelled.

Although there is no emotional excitement that Inuyasha has shown, it does not mean that Sesshōmaru and Yabuto have no feelings in their hearts. It has been two hundred years. They have not seen them in two hundred years. Perhaps they would not have any emotions in the past, but two They have also experienced a lot in the past 100 years, and they have changed because of certain things.

"Wait for me! Lord Sesshomaru!!!" Tōga left, and the battle was over, because everyone gathered with the same goal should also return to their own way, Sesshōmaru silently Left.

"Leave with me this time!!" Seeing Sesshōmaru is leaving, Yabuto naturally does not have to stay for a long time, but this time, he has one more thing to do, he wants to take Kikyō with him. together.

"en! !" This time, Kikyō did not evade anymore, but agreed without the slightest hesitation's nodded. Both of them evaded too much, and this time neither of them intends to evade anymore. What you have escaped, no matter what the future looks like, it is the future. Now, you only need to cherish the present.


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