Chapter 209 The Conspiracy of Panther Devas!

"Kōga! What's wrong?" In the dense forest, Kōga and the others separated from Inuyasha and the others. As they moved forward, Kōga suddenly stopped. With the shaking of his nose, it seemed to be a discovery What's wrong, but Ginta and the others didn't find out, so they asked suspiciously.

"Don't you smell anything??" Kōga said with a serious face when everyone asked.

"This is? The smell of cats!!!" When everyone heard the sound, they all began to pay attention to the smell of the air. In fact, everyone smelled not only the smell of cats, but also The smell of many other demons, but without exception, these demons are all full of the smell of death. Obviously these demons are dead, and the smell of cats is so strong. Obviously, the death of these demons is their masterpiece.

"That's..." Everyone came to a mountain wall and clearly saw a large group of dark shadows running in the dark. At the same time, they were still carrying a very strong smell of blood, Ginta and Everyone in Hakkaku exclaimed for a while, they didn't know when Panther Demon became so mad.

"Let's go!!" Facing these violent Panther Demon, Kōga didn't care, and greeted everyone to leave. He didn't like dogs, and he also didn't like cats. He didn't want to. Stay here more.

"But...Kōga, is this really good???" At this time, Ayame spoke and saw the scene of the demon being slaughtered around. Although there were some demons, she, as a female, Still a little unbearable, after all, such a slaughter is abnormal no matter how you look at it. There is no need for a tribe to make enemies like this.

"This matter has nothing to do with us! Our task now is to find that guy! Putting our strength on these irrelevant things will only reduce the success rate of our mission on this trip!!!" Kōga didn't want to intervene, but he thought he hadn't reached the point where he could intervene in everything, and he had to maintain his best condition before facing Yabuto.

"Kōga! Wait for us!!" After saying that, Kōga ignored Ayame and left with the whirlwind directly under his feet, and the two of Ginta naturally followed quickly. At the same time, The wolves around him also directly followed along, and did not stop because of Ayame's hesitation. After all, Kōga is their future king.

"Sister Ayame! Hurry up!" Staying in place, watching where Panther Demon left for a long time, Ayame couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. She always felt like something was going to happen. Similarly, knowing that Hakkaku's voice came, she turned around, moved her legs together, and followed Kōga and the others.

Musashi Province Kaede's Village, defeated the powerful enemy Sō'unga, Inuyasha and the others and Kōga after they separated, they returned here again, and Kagome also as it should be by rights After taking a break, I returned to Modern Era from Bone-Eater's Well, but someone couldn’t help it anymore. Within a few days, Inuyasha jumped off Bone-Eater's Well again, and wanted to bring Kagome back to the other side. .

"Lord Monk!!!" At night, Miroku and Sango and the others were chatting by the small lake. At this moment, a familiar voice came from a few people, and the three turned their heads. But seeing the raccoon monster Ah Ba trembling with fear sticking out his head from behind the pillar, his body still looked a little trembling.

"Oh! Is this a civet cat Aba? Why are you here?" When I saw Aba, Miroku immediately recognized it. Everyone is actually acquaintances, although this one The civet cat has caused a lot of trouble for them, but his heart is still very good, and he has also helped them, so he can be regarded as a friend! !

"Lord Monk! Please save me ahh!! I am here because it is safer in crowded places ahh!!" Seeing that the person I was looking for was finally found, Ah Ba seems to be sighed Like, he slowly walked out from behind the pillar, but it looked a bit coowering. Obviously, he was really frightened.

"I don’t know where some guys popped up to the west!! It's too terrifying!!" Thinking of the scenes I once saw while hiding in the woods, it was a hell on earth, every one who was defeated The demon were all torn apart by bites, and there were only some fleshy pieces left, and it was impossible to see that it was a vicious demon at all.

"What I said can make people understand a little bit!!" Although Miroku knew that something must have happened to scare Ah Ba into this, it was clear that things he didn't know were even It is said that no matter how terrifying, he can't feel the terrifying part.

"It's the cat ahh!! A large group of Panther Demon monsters. They killed nearby demon while looking for the whereabouts of the jewel shard!! There are already many demons, and they have been poisoned!!! "Speaking of this, Ah Ba holding head, his eyes are full of fear, and even water mist appears, which is obviously caused by mental pressure.

"I just hid here because I was afraid of being the same as other demons!!!" Because of the cat riots, Ah Hachi really didn't dare to stay in the wild. I heard Miroku said that they all He is temporarily living in Kaede's Village, and the villagers here are able to deal with the demon, so he hid here, and on the one hand, he also needs to see if Miroku is or not, so that he can ask for help.

"What kind of opponent is it!" Miroku heard the sound, and glanced at Sango. Maybe they didn't care about other things, but they didn't care about jewel shard, because they Most of the purpose of travel is to find the lost jewel shard, and they know that part of it is safe in Yabuto's hands.

The other part is in the hands of Naraku, their enemy, and the rest is in the hands of Kagome. Of course, the three parties have far less than the entire Sacred Jewel. Obviously, there are still many scattered fragments, and these fragments have naturally become the target of the important monsters.

But there is one thing that surprised Miroku and the others. That is the demon of this time. The robbing of the fragments seems to be a bit high-profile. The demon who robs the fragments generally choose to be low-key, because one is not careful. They will find harm. In their impression, it seems that only Yabuto will take the fragments without scruples. Even Naraku, who has repeatedly suffered from them, has not had such a high profile.

"It’s a cat! But it’s not the same as a normal cat or Panther Demon!" Indeed, this time because of the jewel shard slaughter, it is indeed not a normal Panther Demon. The so-called Panther Tribe For the four of them, in the demon world of this descendant, there is really no demon that can resist their attack.


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