Chapter 21 Fierce Battle

Perhaps Yabuto's thought was followed. The war has begun, and it is crueler than ever. People are falling down constantly, and Tōga is also ushering in After the challenge of the Panther King four, winter has arrived, and the snow flying in the sky seems to play a sad and cold elegy for the demon spirit killed in this war. The snow-white ground is covered with blood of ten thousand demons. More gorgeous scenery.

At this time, it was Panther Devas who stood in front of Yabuto and Sesshōmaru. Panther Devas had a deep hatred for Yabuto and Sesshōmaru in one year of fighting. After a few battles, he had no choice but to meet Yabuto or Sesshōmaru. They both ended in defeat. Sesshōmaru was fine, but it suddenly appeared a year ago. Yabuto actually suppressed them everywhere.

"Sesshōmaru, Yabuto! Today is the place where your two brothers were buried!!!" Devas Eldest Sister Tōran, her hatred is the deepest. Looking at Sesshōmaru, she will sound through the defeat. Then the experience of fleeing in embarrassment, and Yabuto continues to reproduce a year ago, alone saved the Western Lands Army just and honorable.

In his eyes, it's not right! It should be in the eyes of the four of them that the two brothers not only have similar personalities, they also feel the same annoyingly, of course, this is limited to Panther Devas.

"The same thing, doing it several times is the same result!!" Sesshōmaru was too lazy to speak, Yabuto didn't like to say too much, but seeing Devas look like he was sure to win, he still tolerated Can't help but speak.

Over the past year, Devas seems to be in trouble just looking for two brothers. He has faced Sesshōmaru six times and Yabuto eight times. It seems that there is no one else but two brothers in his eyes. There are too many fights with Yabuto. What I wanted was that I felt like vomiting after fighting with them, but the four cockroach still persisted.

But speaking, they also have some abilities. They have been defeated repeatedly. The point is that Yabuto wants to kill them to solve their troubles, but they escape every time. Yabuto doubts them in the end. It's Panther Demon, or Cockroach Demon.

"Damn fellow! Don't underestimate us!!!" Tōran was furious, raised the icicle in his hand and rushed towards Yabuto, and the other three also took action, Shunran and Shūran Against Sesshōmaru, Tōran and Karan fought against Yabuto, and the two sides fought fiercely.

It is a fierce battle, but Panther Devas is actually doing it. At this time, Shunran controls the petals and traps Sesshōmaru in it, while Shūran continuously releases lightning to attack Sesshōmaru, but Sesshōmaru just stands still and doesn’t understand. , The light whip on the finger was waving, each strike accurately hit the lightning to cancel each other out.

On the other side, Yabuto casually avoids Tōran’s icicle, while Karan makes sneak attacks from time to time, but the effect is obvious. The flame on Firmament Armor is useless. The point is, Yabuto also uses fire. Yes, when talking about playing with fire, Karan is simply inviting humiliation to oneself.

Not far from the battlefield here, the battle between Tōga's one or four Great Demons is extremely fierce. Although the opponent has four Great Demons, with the help of the powerful demon blade, Tōga did not lose the slightest. At this moment, a wounded Dog Demon suddenly arrived outside the battle between Tōga and the Four Demons.

Then yelled to Tōga in the battle circle in a panic. "General! Not good! Behind the camp, Ryūkotsusei suddenly appeared!! The remaining army was almost annihilated!!!"

Because of the fierce fighting, the noise was loud, so This Dog Demon's voice was also very loud. In addition to Tōga and the Four Demons, Yabuto and Sesshōmaru and Panther Devas who were fighting with them also heard clearly. Tōga suddenly showed a solemn expression upon hearing the sound.

"hahaha!!! Great Dog General!!! This time you are dead!!!" Hearing Dog Demon's words, the Panther King major event was crazy in size, and two huge cat claws were waving more crazy .

"Tōga! Today is the end of Dog Tribe! My vengeance is finally avenged!!" The bark on one side also yelled with excitement. For Dog Demon Tribe, the resentment of barking can be said to have arrived. To the extreme, I hate Tōga even more. You know, without Tōga, he is the King of Dog Tribe, and he will not be taken away by Tōga's Lady Rintsuki.

"hmph! !" Although he was anxious in his heart, Tōga did not lose his mind. He knew that these four people were going to procrastinate himself and wanted to wipe out his Western Lands Army. However, the Great Dog General Tōga's name is not an understatement.

I saw Tōga put the Tessaiga in his hand on the ground. The suddenly huge Tessaiga turned into a rusty blunt sword. Then he stretched his hand to his back. Tōga's strongest demon blade, Sō'unga suddenly Out of the sheath, powerful demonic power and baleful aura swept the audience.

"Dragon Twister!!!" Tōga leaped high, and the Sō'unga in his hand emits a black purple light, forming a number of purple dragons and then the dragons, turning them into black. purple 暴风 moved towards 四妖 swept away.

"Not good! It's Dragon Twister!!! Get away!!" As a member of the Dog Demon Tribe, how can you not know Tōga's triumphant skills? ? When Dragon Twister came out he was suddenly shocked. He knew the power of Sō'unga. As Tōga's strongest demon blade, Sō'unga was far more powerful than Tessaiga.

Listening to the bark reminder, Hyōga suddenly changed its round shape and turned into a white moth, thinking about flying high in the sky, while Huge Bull Kotama, this is directly inserting his hands into the ground, and then exhausted Pulling upwards with full force, the ground instantly deformed, and a boulder instantly became a barrier for Kotama.

As for Panther King, he is not so lucky, because there is no way to save his life, and because of the battle, he made his body extremely large, and became the live target of Dragon Twister, which was hit by the purple tornado. At the same time, the flesh and blood of Panther King was suddenly broken down by tens of thousands of smiles. After the storm, only the huge skeleton of Panther King was left.

Seeing this, Tōga withdrew Sō'unga, and then pulled up Tessaiga again, his body flew into the air, and flew towards the Western Lands camp. When Sesshōmaru and Yabuto saw this, they also wanted to keep up. But in the sky, huge black shroud suddenly appeared, and then, sharp claws and a huge iron hoof, thinking that they would step on each other.

The two jumped at the same time to avoid the fatal attack. At this time, on the other side of the sky, they covered the white silk screen hiding the sky and covering the earth. Upon seeing this, the two of them had bloodwhip. At the same time, they smashed the wire mesh directly. At this time, the two people knew that the three Hyōga who had escaped just now had already met the true form.

Seeing Tōga leaving, and seeing the power of Dragon Twister just now, the three knew that they were absolutely not Tōga’s opponents, but then they found out that Tōga’s two sons were still there. On the battlefield, the three of them didn't know their strengths, and only treated them as Panther Devas.

Therefore, it is natural to have a killing intent for the two of them. Among them, the bark is the most excited. Knowing that these two brat are Tōga’s children, his killing intent is naturally the strongest. He sees Come, these two brats are the children of Tōga and Lady Rintsuki. You can't kill Tōga. It's nice to be able to kill these two brats. Their behavior is just a soft persimmon.

The battle is once again on the verge of breaking out. Although Yabuto is worried that Tōga will Ryūkotsusei fire like the original work for a while, but now he can only solve these big guys first. As for Sesshōmaru, he didn’t think about that many. In his eyes, Tōga can only be defeated by him, so Tōga is invincible before losing to him.


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