Chapter 214 Yumaru’s Worries! !

"hmph!! Yabuto!! After two hundred years, it seems that you have lost the desire to fight in the past?? What a pity!!! But for the upcoming recovery, we Panther Tribe For the king, it doesn’t matter to any enemy!! If you want revenge, come to our city!!!” There was a movement from the cliff in the distance. At this time, Tōran was already standing on the top of the cliff and would wear The sword was retracted into its sheath.

"The desire to fight?? That should only be shown when facing the powerhouse!!" Seeing this, Yabuto knew that Tōran wanted to get away, but now it was just a hard-talking. He didn't leave Tōran's interest either. Defeated himself had no interest at all, but as far as the degree of his mouth was vicious, he would not lose at all.

"You continue to keep your share of supercilious! Wait until our Panther Tribe rules the entire demon world continent, you will wait to bow down! Hmph! !!!" this time, Tōran He didn't get angry anymore, but showed a smug smile. Then, with a wave of his hands, the surrounding cold wind suddenly blew, and then a blizzard hit Yabuto and the others.

"such insignificant ability!!!" Facing the oncoming blizzard, Bankotsu uttered disdain, and then danced Banryū, the huge blade blew a strong wind in the air, impacting the blizzard Above, the blizzard dissipated instantly, but at this time, the silhouette of Tōran on the cliff had already left.

"Panther King?? hmph!! Let's go!!!" Watching Tōran leave, Yabuto didn't stop him, and after coldly snorted with disdain, he greeted him and moved towards himself. Walking in the direction of the village, Jakotsu also followed along when he saw it. Only Hakuri and Bankotsu were left on the scene.

"Hey! You guy! Why stopped me just now! If it weren't for you, this Uncle would have killed her!" Yabuto just left, and Bankotsu scolded Hakuri uncomfortably. Obviously this guy was dilly-dallying, and he almost killed the cat as soon as he shot it. This guy was about to come out and disrupt the situation.

"What did you say?? You blamed this Uncle! Obviously you were the first to disturb this Uncle!!" Hearing the bankotsu villain first complained, Hakuri also not to be outdone. I came to this village for a few days. Although I had food and drink, but there was no fight, he was no longer interested in beating Bankotsu.

Band of Seven other people are too weak for him, Black and White Impermanence is a good choice, but these two pieces of wood, besides listening to Yabuto, what will not, if you want to be hard , There will be two groups of people fighting again, which is a violation of his one-to-one principle of fighting. Now it's hard to meet an opponent who wants to relax, but didn't expect to be disturbed by this guy.

"Yumaru! Come out!!" Walking in the jungle, Yabuto suddenly stopped. As the sound fell, Yumaru, who had been hiding in the grass, walked awkwardly from inside.

"Night...Lord Yabuto!!!" Originally, he came to Yabuto, because things about Panther Tribe are really unusual, you know that is Dog Demon Tribe's old enemy, but he should have come here. At that time, he discovered that Tōran of Panther Devas was also in the forest. In desperation, he had to hide.

Fortunately, Tōran didn’t find him, but directly approached Yabuto, but now he was discovered by Yabuto. He was so ashamed that he was still a follower of Young Master. Didn’t expect that. Hiding in hiding at this time, Yumaru couldn't help but feel ashamed in his heart. Could it be that he was also infected by the Old Guy from Myōga.

"Go back!!!" Yabuto didn't know how Yumaru's behavior was. When Yumaru approached, he already felt it. The smell in the air was nothing to other people. , But for Dog Tribe, it is an important source of intelligence that can clearly identify the enemy's location! But Yabuto was not irritated by Yumaru's behavior.

"It's...Lord Yabuto!!! Is this really good????" Seeing that Yabuto was not angry, Yumaru was also sighed in relief, and then I remembered something again, with worry in his tone opened the mouth and said. Then he glanced at Yabuto carefully, and then quickly lowered his head.

"en?? Small demon! What's wrong with you?? Talking weird today!!" After Yumaru hid in the vicinity and was handed over by Yabuto, he was taken aback, didn't Expect Yumaru has also found this place, but he who is pure-hearted does not know that Yumaru actually hid here long ago, just because Tōran also walked through here, so he didn't dare to come out. Now Yumaru's words finally made him wonder.

"Lord Yabuto!! Just now the kid Hakuri, deliberately let Tōran away. This...Uh...I'm very sorry!!!" Jakotsu was puzzled by Yumaru's words, but Yabuto behaved like normal , Still advancing on his own, Yumaru couldn't help it, and hurriedly caught up with Yabuto's pace and said loudly, but at this time, Yabuto also stopped.

At this time, Yumaru realized that his voice seemed to be too loud. He was afraid of Yabuto's anger, so he closed his mouth quickly and bowed to Yabuto. After all, he still knew it well. This Young Master dare to say anything about a guy with a personality like Hakuri, but Yabuto has not been irritated because of this. If he changes to another person, I am afraid he would have been hacked long ago.

It’s just that Hakuri has acted like this for so long, but it hasn’t happened at all. It is enough to show that Yabuto should not regard Hakuri as an enemy. Young Master recognizes how can he be able to comment? ? ? Thinking of this, Yumaru couldn't help but shed a cold sweat, although what he said was the truth.

What happened just now, Bankotsu and Jakotsu are both very nervous people, so they didn’t see it, but Yumaru, an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years and knows how to figure out people’s minds, how could he not? Come out? ? Just now Hakuri took it. It looked like Bankotsu was intervening because of his upset, but he was actually holding Bankotsu on purpose.

As for the reason for stopping Bankotsu, Yumaru doesn’t know. He has been with Yabuto for hundreds of years, but he hasn’t figured out what he thinks of his master. Hakuri, a guy who hasn’t known him for long, how can he Maybe you know what he is thinking? ? But such behavior will make him, Yabuto's entourage, worried.

"Jakotsu! Go and notify Bankotsu to come back, and let the others go to Tōtōsai together!! Yumaru..." Yabuto stopped, facing Bankotsu instructed next to him in a flat tone, and then he spoke again. Turned to Yumaru.

"Yes!!!" I thought I had offended Yabuto, and now hearing Yabuto's voice, Yumaru trembled, but he responded in time.

"Go back and inform Shiori, let her follow Band of Seven, you and Kikyō will come here and I will be together!!!" Looking at Yumaru, Yabuto is not angry, but there is no need to explain, no matter what What kind of thoughts did Hakuri harbor, or let Tōran go, so what? ? What threat can it pose? ?

"Yes!!!" Hearing Yabuto's words, Yumaru complied and dared not stay any longer, and immediately moved towards the village and ran away, and Jakotsu also turned around and walked back to inform Bankotsu.


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