Chapter 221 The Arrival of Ayame! !

zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi! ! ! !

In the battle circle, a huge rock pile suddenly burst into a strong lightning, which made Yumaru and the others teleportation out of sight. Seeing that the rock pile finally moved, Inuyasha and the others also sighed in relief, and immediately Just listen, there was a loud bang, the rock pile suddenly exploded violently, and the powerful lightning power instantly shattered all the rocks on the rock pile.

Kōga's body reappears in front of everyone, but it is different from the mighty one at first glance. At this moment, the huge body is riddled with scars, and blood is constantly flowing out. Seeing that it was cut by a sharp rock, there was no at first spirit in his eyes, only a decadent look.

hua!! ! !

In front of everyone, a burst of rays of light enveloped Kōga’s body, and then, the huge silhouette began to shrink, slowly, returning to the size of a normal person, returning to the human form of Kōga. When he fell to the ground, he half-kneeled on the ground, panting heavily in his mouth, the scars on his body, because they were not covered by the hair, became even more hideous and terrifying, and almost turned into a blood man.

"Skinny wolf!!!" Seeing Kōga like this, Inuyasha couldn't say what it was like. Now he is in a very complicated mood, like his good friend was beaten by someone else. When the aggressive leader went to find that person, he found that the guy he had vowed to kill was actually his big brother, and his arrogance was forcibly extinguished.


At this moment, Yabuto suddenly opened his mouth, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, exuding a scorching force , So that the surrounding scenery began to be distorted due to the high temperature, and then, I saw a crimson flame, which slowly turned into a huge fireball for a moment, as if a lava ball was placed on the mouth.

Beside the fireball, everyone can clearly see that some small particles are constantly gathering into the fireball, but the fireball does not expand due to this. On the contrary, it is getting smaller and smaller, but the color has become It got deeper and deeper, from fiery red to dark red, and the pressure around it increased. The stones floating in the air were all melted into lava and dropped to the ground, making a sizzling sound.

"This...this move?? That guy is dead!!!" This move, among all people, Yumaru is the only one who has witnessed, and even in countless key battles, Yabuto has not Used it, but when Yabuto created this move, Yumaru has seen it countless times.

There is nothing at first, but when Yabuto completely completed this move, Yumaru was stunned for a long time and couldn’t calm down. Recalling that this move was just completed, it was released from the high mouth. Say heaven-shaking, earth-shattering! But the characteristics are extremely scary.

This move is not a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosion, but a fireball that simply releases ultra-high temperature. At that time, Yabuto launched from a high altitude and hits the ground. The fireball directly created a fireball. Volcano, why? ? Because the temperature of the fireball is too high, after landing, it melts the ground directly into a big pit. The pit will be as big as the fireball is.

The ground that was melted by the fireball turned into lava, which is why this move directly created a volcano. At the moment when he saw this move, Yumaru suddenly discovered that, Yabuto saw The repression has long since disappeared, replaced by endless anger.

"Very powerful power!!! Even if it is a demon! This is also..." Miroku and the others hid behind Kirara, looking at the scene in front of them incredible, the floating stones, and It has turned into a lava without getting close. The ghost knows how much the thing is, and there is no need for Yumaru to say it. They also know that Kōga is bound to die with this blow.

"Kagome!!! Can't pass!!!" Kagome's heart is very kind. She wants to stop Kagome, but now, instead, Inuyasha can't let her get close. Under that blow, she acts as a demon. Kōga will be melted so that there are no bones left, let alone Kagome as a human.

"But! Kōga, he...." Although he knew it was dangerous, it was Kōga who had saved her many times. In her recognition, Kōga was already their companion. , She can't stand it.

"You stay!!! I'll save the skinny wolf!!!" Although Inuyasha doesn't want to face Yabuto, Inuyasha's thoughts are actually the same as Kagome. The usual noisy is actually the same. This is how the friendship between Inuyasha and Kōga came about, so he was going to try to stop Yabuto.

"Lord Inuyasha! Come back soon! I will die!!!" Seeing Inuyasha, he rushed out without hesitation, worried, besides Kagome, of course, there is Yumaru. The relationship is not so bad. Now Inuyasha is no more than the brain’s charge ahead, which is undoubtedly courting death.

"Die!!!" Yabuto's voice can be heard, but I don't know if it was the fireball that absorbed power in his mouth. After Yabuto's fall, he slowly left. Mouth, it’s about to launch...

"No!" At this moment, a tornado broke into the battlefield, blocking the middle of Yabuto and Kōga, letting go of both hands, blocking Kōga, Kōga, who was already prepared for death, was taken aback for a moment, and then discovered that it was Ayame who appeared in front of him, not someone else.

Boom! ! ! ! !

Seeing the sudden appearance of Ayame, Yabuto’s mind suddenly appeared. That cute little girl back then, I don’t know why. When I saw Ayame, I always felt that she and herself It seems that even if he has never seen his own mother, he still feels this way.

The attack is on the verge of release. Yabuto has no ability to recover, but he doesn’t want to hurt Ayame. He uses his head hard, and forcibly changes the direction of the fireball. The fireball instantly moves from above Ayame and Kōga. It swept across and hit the cliff behind, but the rock on the cliff was melted in an instant, and the fireball rushed directly into the sky.

Boom boom boom boom! ! hua hua hua hua hua!! ! !

"It's raining!!!" The fireball rushed into the sky, and the white clouds that came into contact with it suddenly appeared fiery-red, and then it began to melt away. As the heat increased, dark clouds began to gather around it. Then the thunder continued to sound. After a while, the thunder disappeared and raindrops fell all over the sky. Finally, the surrounding was no longer the hot and unbearable temperature, which also made Shippō unable to help sighed in relief.

"Who is that girl???" The crisis is resolved, everyone is sighed, Miroku looks at Ayame who suddenly appeared in the battlefield, this time he unexpectedly didn’t move his mind, but he admired him very much. The courage of that girl.

"It seems to know Kōga!!" It is impossible to appear for Kōga to block the attack. It is impossible to say that it has nothing to do with Kōga. Sango can see, that's probably it! !


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