Chapter 234 The result of the astonishment! !

"ahh!! That is!!!" Miroku and the others found that at a place not far from the Panther King, within a barrier formed by green rays of light, many captured Human, logically, the purpose of these cats should be jewel shard and Sesshōmaru and the others. Why do you catch these humans who have no power to bind chickens! !

"hehe! Have you found it?? These are sacrifices specially prepared to commemorate the resurrection of my Lord!!!" Seeing Miroku and the others discovering those humans, Shunran let out a cruel laugh Just looking at the appearance, this little girl who looks like hairs not even grown yet can be so vicious.

"What!!!" Obviously Kagome and the others were also taken aback by Shunran's words, so-called dedication, no need to think about it, naturally it is to kill the alive and eat. This is simple Things are up.

"Inuyasha!!! Stop them!!!" Kind-hearted Kagome is naturally impossible to watch this happen. Even Kagome hates Panther Tribe's behavior, plus Inuyasha itself. I also felt that these guys were too cruel, and after hearing Kagome's words, they would immediately step forward to rescue these humans.

Boom! ! ! !

"ahh!!! !" Just rushing forward, and not far from these people, Inuyasha suddenly felt that he was hit by a powerful force, and then, only for a while. The purple light was shining, a repulsive force knocked Inuyasha away in an instant. At this moment, Inuyasha in the air suddenly realized why he had already rushed up, and these Panther Demon hadn't even reacted yet.

"Inuyasha!!" Kagome quickly came to Inuyasha's side, while supporting him, while turning his head and looking towards the front, he found that after the purple light had dispersed, there was a transparent purple shield in front of him. Blocked in the front, and the scope of the shield just covered the demons of Panther Tribe and the captured humans.

"Damn!!! It's this damn barrier again!!!" Standing up, looking at the barrier in front, Inuyasha cursed in anger, and at the same time the hatred in his heart deepened again towards Naraku It's a level, but this time he misunderstood Naraku. The barrier at this time was not set by Naraku at all, but created by the power of Panther King itself.

"hmph!! Don’t be embarrassed in there!! Dragon Strike!!!" Although Sesshōmaru is a facial paralysis, he will let go of this opportunity to hit Inuyasha and walk forward slowly, horizontally. With the sword in front of the chest, the blue lightning burst out suddenly, the sound of dragon's roar sounded again, and the blue lightning dragon rose slowly, and then burst out a burst of lightning, sweeping towards all directions.

Boom! ! ! ! Ticker bang! ! ! !

"What?? How could it be possible! My Lord's barrier is unexpectedly!!!" Dragon Strike impacted on the barrier. The violent thunder and lightning could not wipe out the strength of the barrier. Under the attack of the lightning dragon, the barrier finally Unable to withstand the huge force to break, Shunran and the others were suddenly shocked when they saw it. In their strongest Lord, the barrier they set up was broken.

"Now it's our turn!!" The barrier shattered, and the barrier that trapped the captured human disappeared. Kagome Miroku and the others rushed forward and led when they saw it. As these people escaped, Yabuto walked towards the Panther King with his sword. Yabuto leaped high and slashed towards the Panther King with a sword.

Boom! ! ! !

A sword looked on the head of Panther King. At this time, Shunran and the others reacted instantly. They just wanted to go up to help, but saw a burst of golden blade light attacking, Shūran running thunder power in time to block , And Shunran also released a storm of petals in time, preventing Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru from advancing. On the other side, Karan turned into a fireball and rushed towards Yabuto.

Feeling the pressure, Yabuto turned his eyes and saw that Karan was rushing towards him on fire. The sword's hand suddenly pressed hard and instantly pressed Panther King to the ground, and he took advantage of this. The force retreated, Karan slammed into the air, and quickly turned around and bumped into Yabuto again.

It’s difficult to move while in the air, but facing Karan’s offensive, Yabuto didn’t panic at all. As soon as he approached, the red light shone, the scarlet barrier suddenly opened, and Karan slammed into it. At this moment, suddenly was shaken out by a powerful force, and Yabuto landed safely.

"You hateful fellows, even before my Lord is resurrected!!!" Shunran and Shūran stood in front of the Panther King. Karan was shocked because of the protection of flames. , Did not suffer any injuries, after landing, they came to the two of them, blocking in front of Panther King together.

"hmph! You guys!!! What qualifications do you have to say that others take advantage of others!!" Hearing Shunran's words, there will be such a big reaction, naturally only Inuyasha, as for Yabuto and Sesshōmaru It's not that boring anymore. What do you say to the gangster? If it makes sense, would you call it a gangster? ? Unless he is a literate hooligan.

"Flesh!!! Soul!!! Give it to me!!!" Panther King, who was knocked to the ground, let out a hoarse roar, although with the help of jewel shard, he has regained his motivation , But the vitality has not been restored. Tōga's power is too strong. His injury cannot be recovered by jewel shard alone. It also needs a lot of flesh and soul to supplement. This is why they grab so many humans.

"Don't worry!! my Lord! We will offer sacrifices soon!!!" Upon hearing the sound, the three of Shunran turned their heads. Every time they heard Panther King speak, they felt strange Excited, because it means that their Lord is getting closer and closer to the resurrection and will soon be able to lead them again.

"Sesshōmaru! You three brothers, just become the sacrifice of my Lord!!!" Shunran said, turning his attention to the Inuyasha three again. Those humans have been rescued and can now be used Only the Yabuto three came to sacrifice, because their Lord seemed to make them forget behind them, and it was a wishful thinking to want Yabuto and the others as sacrifices.

"Soul!!!" At this time, none of the Shunran three noticed. At the same time as these hoarse whispers, Panther King's eyes had been replaced by weird green lights! ! ! !

"Let’s destroy them with your proud unique skills together!!!" Tōran no longer, Shunran has always given orders, and now it is no exception. At the same time, the three of them urged demonic power and flame at the same time. The storm formed by the lightning petals formed a huge beam of light, just before the release of the unique skill.




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