The 239th chapter Naraku's conspiracy! !

Except Panther Devas, the others were all surprised when they saw the image in the mirror. Among them, Inuyasha's performance was the most surprised, followed by Hakuri, and then Sesshōmaru. However, the most violent reaction among all people was Yabuto, the moment he saw the picture.

His eyes were instantly replaced by blood red, the powerful demonic power erupted, and the surrounding land suddenly exploded. Inuyasha and the others were all shaken by a heavy pressure and killing intent, and only Yabuto’s The long hair fluttered with the air current, and the blood-red eyes suddenly lifted up, and the eyes were full of killing intent staring at Naraku at you, as if the next moment was about to go forward and tear him apart.

I was stared at by those blood-red eyes like ominous beasts. To be honest, Naraku's heart is also hairy, but he is still not afraid of what Yabuto dares to do, because the picture in the mirror is Yabuto The reason why I dare not take it lightly, the person Yabuto cares most about—Kikyō—appears in the mirror! ! !

At this time, Kikyō seems to be locked in a dark space. The hair band used to bind her hair is gone. The black long hair is scattered behind her back. At this time, she looks more complex than before. She was paler, and her eyes were full of powerlessness and pain, and around her, several red Soul Collectors were floating around her, and there were also several that restricted her movement.

Those red Soul Collectors were originally from Naraku summon. They were in Yabuto and the others. When they were at war with the Panther King, Naraku summon, these Soul Collectors, went to attack the moved towards here. For Kikyō, the soul in the body is Kikyō’s weakness, and these red Soul Collectors are used to absorb the soul.

There have been too many variables in this conspiracy. Naraku is not fully sure that it will succeed, and it may be dangerous. Through this period of surveillance, he already knows that Kikyō is in Yabuto’s mind. Location, and the biggest risk factor this time is undoubtedly Yabuto.

So he captured Kikyō. He firmly believes that as long as Kikyō is in his own hands, Yabuto will be fine, and the same is true for Inuyasha. Although Hakuri and Sesshōmaru may not care about it, it’s fine as long as Yabuto cares. He believes that as long as Sesshōmaru and Hakuri mess around, Yabuto will chop them off without the slightest hesitation.

"What a terrifying look!! How! Want to kill me????? Come on! Use the sword in your hand! It should be easy!!" Looking at Yabuto, I felt frustrated. , Naraku will not show the slightest change, this is the courage that a true conspirator will have, even if he knows the danger of pulling a tooth from a tiger’s mouth, he will not take a step back.

"You are threatening me!!!" Yabuto's voice is a bit hoarse as it is gradually approaching the state of demon transformation, every word, every sentence contains endless killing intents, no powerhouse likes to be others Threats, except for Naraku, a weird thing, in order to succeed, he is willing to be used as a dog.

"I, Naraku, how dare you threaten you!! I only want what I need!! I remember Lord Yabuto, you should have a lot in your hands!!!" Naraku looked very frightened. However, his voice didn't mean anything to be afraid, and he shook a jewel shard in his hand at random.

"Damn!!!" Seeing this scene, everyone understood Naraku's purpose. Among them, Inuyasha was the most emotional. Although he and Kikyō were hurt by misunderstanding, they actually knew Naraku long ago. After his existence, he has resolved his hatred, and he is considered a friend. I think when he first arrived in Kaede's Village, Kikyō came forward to persuade the villagers to let him stay.

In addition, his original jewel shard was taken away by this guy, and he also owns a lot of it. From the time when Lang Yegan and the original Sango sister and brother were designed, I can see that now if even the fragments in Yabuto's hands are given to him, it will soon be equivalent to

he Naraku, and he already has a nearly complete Sacred Jewel.

"If you don't pay it!!!" Actually, Yabuto had anticipated Naraku's purpose a long time ago, so he didn't show much surprise. Naraku kidnapped Kikyō without any problem. There would be no request. Who would believe it?

Actually, Naraku is very smart. It is only a strategy. It can be regarded as the strongest in the entire Warring States period. There is no one. It does not mean that other people are idiots, Yabuto, Sesshōmaru, and even Hakuri. We can't say that they are not smart enough. On the contrary, they are not necessarily worse than Naraku. We can only say that they are better at solving problems with battle.

"Lord Yabuto should know what will happen!!! I am not the fragile fellow of Onigumo!!!" Calling Lord Yabuto deliberately is actually an insult to him in the future, because since his body was rebuilt Later, he thought he didn’t need to bow down, so from the very beginning, he didn’t call Yabuto that way anymore. Now he yelled again for no reason. Obviously he was insulting, but he was not afraid because he had the most important thing in his hands. Bargaining chips.

"I, Sesshōmaru doesn't feel it! Your despicable character is just like your disgusting body! But I, Sesshōmaru doesn't mind cleaning it up!!" I kept listening to Naraku's arrogance, The Sesshōmaru who had been designed by him was obviously unbearable, not for Yabuto, but because this guy was also what he wanted to cut.

"hmph! I, Naraku would like to learn it! But, Lord Sesshomaru, are you sure??" Naraku, who is accustomed to being scolded, doesn’t care about Sesshōmaru's sudden opening. Sesshōmaru wants Do it, he is more happy to see it, he believes that Yabuto will definitely stop him, plus the characters of the two, if both sides suffer from a fight, it will be him who will benefit.

"Sesshōmaru!!! Don't mess around!!!" Yabuto didn't respond. He still stared at Naraku with killing intent eyes. The person who spoke was Inuyasha. Although he was impulsive and chaotic, he did not It means that he doesn't look at the situation. At this time, if Sesshōmaru moves, it is undoubtedly the most unfavorable situation, which is in the hands of Naraku.

"Stop your hands, Sesshōmaru! Although I am very upset!! But I can't let you mess around!!!" At this time Hakuri also stepped forward to block Sesshōmaru's body, he had not forgotten Sesshōmaru said However, when the matter is over, he will be killed. Although he behaves very horribly, he is not afraid. In this World, no matter who, he should have been prepared for death long ago. There is nothing to be afraid of.

"Good decision!! Now, Lord Yabuto!!! Next I will wait for you in my city! I will not hide, I will wait for you to come with jewel shard!! half A month’s time!!! Lord Yabuto must take good care of it!!! Oh yes!!! Except for your hands, the rest is up to you!! hahahaha!!!” Kanna slowly floated up with a wild laugh , Immediately merged into the barrier, Naraku disappeared with arrogant laughter.

In the meantime, Yabuto didn't say a word, but everyone could see the killing intent in his eyes, the nails stuck in the flesh, constantly suppressing his desire to catch up with Naraku. But they were all suppressed by Yabuto. Even if he asks jewel shard to exchange Kikyō, he has to run errands for him himself. How could Yabuto not be angry, but now is not the time to lose his mind.


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