Chapter 246 My name is Chiba Chiba! !

"It's really troublesome!!!" Yabuto's eyes were surprised. Shiori and Orochimaru didn't notice, but Bankotsu did. He didn't know why, but Yabuto would show this expression. It must be something he felt. , So he complained, and walked forward carrying Banryū.

"ahh!!! Help!" At the same time as running away, the boy was finally caught by the demon. His weak body was caught by the demon and his collar was about to go to his mouth. Throw it inside. It seems that this brat is really a big meal, but what makes people speechless is that such a big piece, swallowing that small brat, is it enough to stuff your teeth? ?

"It's so noisy!!!" Grasped by the demon, it was about to be swallowed, and then turned into demon's stool, the boy's legs kept kicking, but the sound was too loud , Making Bankotsu who came by was very upset, screamed, and directly stunned the boy, and the demon was also stunned.

"Go to hell!!!" Bankotsu, who was distracted by the noise, waved Banryū, and slashed directly down. The powerful energy hit the ground, and then a burst of purple lightning spread across the ground. To the demon, the demon still didn't react in a daze. He realized the moment he was hit by lightning.


The stern roar, with despair and sorrow, purple lightning with powerful destructive power, directly smashed the demon into pieces, and the hand holding the boy was also shattered. The boy was shocked by this force. Fei ran into a rock not far away. Although it was painful, he still didn't look at the scene before him incredulously.

He grows his mouth wide and his eyes go wide. He couldn't believe it. The Great Demon, who was chasing himself a moment ago and almost regarded himself as a big meal, unexpectedly hacked to death with a single knife at this big brother who didn't seem to be a few years older than him, and the power of that attack was really real. It's huge, you can tell from being shocked, if you hit yourself, I'm afraid you won't even have any scum left! !

"Hey!! brat!!! When do you want to see!!!" He put Banryū back on his shoulders, walked to the boy's body, grabbed the boy's back collar, lightly Song asked the young man to pick him up. The young man was suddenly taken aback, and then, the scene just now rises in the mind again.

"ahh!! Help! Don't eat me! I'm not delicious at all!!!" When Bankotsu caught him, the boy yelled and waved wildly. Because just now, that Great Demon was holding himself like this and wanted to eat him. Now he was caught by a person again, and just like before, the boy instinctively thought that this person was actually going to eat himself, so he hacked that person to death. demon.

At this time, the young man remembered what grandfather said to himself when he came. In this place, the most terrifying thing is not those fierce demons, but those who look like humans, watching Looking at this handsome big brother in front of me, he is just like what grandfather said. It must be the kind of terrifying demon that grandfather said.

"che! !! Who is interested in eating you ahh!!" He was so speechless by the boy's actions that Bankotsu threw the boy out directly, so he asked to eat his suspicion. You know, although he is now a demon, he is also a human. Okay, he still doesn't have the hobby of cannibalism.

"Aiya!!! It hurts!!!" He was thrown out by Bankotsu and hit the rock again. The boy couldn't help holding his head, his eyes filled with crystal liquid, he wanted to make a loud noise I asked this guy why he threw himself out suddenly, but suddenly he didn't dare to speak, thinking that the other person might eat him, but his eyes were full of grievances.

"brat! What is your name!!!" Looking at this boy, Bankotsu was speechless. Which planet came from such a strange thing! Vigilance is too low! ! There are wicked demons everywhere here, what do those eyes do? ? Who cares about him here.

"en? ?? I...I'm Chiba Zhenye!!!" Seeing this big brother's own name, suddenly sighed in relief, he thinks It shouldn't be a demon so boring and want to eat people Also ask what his name is, and then remember his name! ! After thinking for a while, there should be no danger, so I stood up, patted the dust on his body and pointed at himself with his thumb. What makes Bankotsu strange is that when the boy said his name, he had an unspeakable arrogance.

"Never heard it!!!" Looking at this brat, Bankotsu ruthless was hit. He was originally human. For the name of human, he had never heard of this life. He directly petrified the proud silhouette of the young man, and at the same time turned into dust in the thunder and was blown away by the wind.

"Let's go!!!" For this sudden boy, and a boy dressed like this, Yabuto actually seems to know his origin, because he himself is not of this World. It's just that soul is aware of this World, and this boy is obviously not a member of this World at all, whether it is hairstyle or dressing or the speechless Naruto cartoon watch.

However, Yabuto now only wants to find Naraku and then Kikyō. Besides, in the previous world, there is nothing worthy of his nostalgia. Maybe one day there will be a chance to go back. I will definitely go back and have a look, but not now, because he is Yabuto at this time! ! ! !

"Ah! ahh!! ahh!! !ahh!!!!! Alive... Alive!!! Uh!!!!!!" At the moment Yabuto spoke, there was no alertness at all Chiba suddenly realized that there were other people next to him, but when he saw Yabuto who was talking, his mouth suddenly grew bigger than before. Of course, his eyes were the same, just like when Tōtōsai and Sheath saw Totsuka-no. -Tsurugi is the same, but then he rolls his eyes and faints.

"This brat!! What the hell is doing?" Seeing Maiya Chiba suddenly yelled like being bitten by a ghost, Bankotsu was taken aback again, and just wanted to teach him a lesson, didn’t 't expect he rolled his eyes and fainted when Bankotsu fell silent again.

Hearing Chiba's words, Yabuto couldn't help being frowned. Looking at the boy's reaction, he seemed to know him. He felt a little familiar to him, but it might be because the boy was not from this world. For people's sake! He didn't even know this brat, but he seemed to have seen him before, and he was shocked! Is he scary? ?


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