Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine Chapters of Family Love in Time and Space! (8)

"en? What is the smell!!!" As the entire group was marching, Inuyasha stopped suddenly, and then quickly raised his head, only to see a feather boat flying in the sky in the night sky, and everyone switched. They started out one after another and immediately recognized that it was the feather boat used by Kagura. Kagura and the others had fought against each other many times, and they all knew that she was Naraku's Incarnation. Now she would appear in this place, which proved that Inuyasha and Kōga felt the Naraku. The aura may be true.

"This woman represents..." Kōga said when he saw this, it happened to have the demonic energy of the demon, and it happened that the taste of Chiba was the way to it, and the direction Kagura was approaching at this time was just right for her. It's Naraku's Incarnation again. You don't need to think about it, but something must have happened.

"What nonsense, stop her and ask, don’t you know??" Inuyasha has a quick temper, but he doesn’t have such a good patience. He thought that Naraku might really be a beast against Chiba. The son broke out. Although the relationship with Yabuto is not very good, but it is also brother. Okay! Something happened to the offspring of brother, how could he bear it.

"Wind Scar!!!" Putting down Kagome, pulling out Tessaiga and slamming Wind Scar, the golden blade glow directly rushed into the sky, and the powerful force rubbed fiercely in the air. Everyone on one side obviously felt Inuyasha's emotions at this moment very excited, otherwise, even if love came in disorder, he would not use Wind Scar casually.

"You fool!! What are you excited about ahh!!! If we hack her to death, we're going to ask who ahh!!" It's just that Kōga on one side can't take it anymore, all of a sudden. He grabbed Inuyasha by the collar and began to curse. In fact, what he said is right, Wind Scar's power is very strong.

They didn’t stop Kagura from hacking her to death. They wanted to ask Naraku what was the conspiracy and what happened to Chiba. Didn’t expect this idiot to use Wind Scar. , If Kagura had no idea and was hacked to death, then they would ask a fart! After listening to Kōga's words, several people also reacted, all looking at Inuyasha with contempt.

"You guy, give me less wordy!!!" Inuyasha opened Kōga's hand and said uncomfortably. Kagura is not a good solution. I remember that my entire group is sometimes caught by her. What a fool! Besides, this woman is not what you will say if you ask her casually. Rather than waiting for this woman to play around, it is better to teach her a little lesson first, and she will feel better even if she can't ask what she feels after a while.

"Uh...this is...Wind Scar!!!" Kagura in the air, originally going to find Yabuto at full speed, didn't expect to move forward, suddenly felt dangerous I approached, when I looked down, I realized that the blade energy with the golden-yellow storm was moving towards myself, and she recognized Inuyasha who had fought against Inuyasha many times.

However, Kagura is obviously not as unbearable as Kōga said. Seeing Wind Scar's arrival, he immediately knew that Inuyasha was in the vicinity. With a thought, the feather boat suddenly turned into ordinary feathers. Immediately, his body moved and flipped directly, and immediately avoided Wind Scar's attack and fell downward.

咻咻xiu xiu!!!!!

Kagura just fell, when it fell into the forest where Inuyasha and the others were advancing, counted until the air-splitting sound came, Kagura ducked one after another to avoid it, and saw countless numbers on the trees next to it. With several jade green leaves nailed, Inuyasha and the others stared at Ayame next to them slightly, they didn't expect that Ayame would actually do it. The look just didn't look like the original one.

"Sure enough, it's you this woman! Tell me what conspiracy you have this time!!" But they are stupefied, they still have important things to do. Inuyasha bears the brunt of it, holding up Tessaiga and pointing at it. Kagura had just landed in front, and Kōga was also glare like a tiger watching his prey on one side, Sōta and Hakkaku next to him brought the pack of wolves and surrounded all around.

"Inuyasha ahh!! I don't have time to pester you now! If you don't let me pass, the consequences will be very serious!!!" Kagura was actually very upset about Inuyasha's sudden shot. She will definitely teach them a lesson, although they may not be able to play, but they can still make them lose money and leave, but now she really has no time, but now it seems that Inuyasha they don't want to let her go easily.

"hmph! I want to see what the consequences are in my eyes!!!" This time it was not Inuyasha who spoke, but Kōga, although the Inuyasha gnashing teeth on one side warned him with his eyes, but Kōga ignored it, he hated everything related to Naraku.

"Really? Kikyō has escaped, but Naraku is looking for him now! I'm going to inform Yabuto now, if you delay here again, something will happen to Kikyō, I don’t know what will happen to Yabuto What??" Kagura didn't intend to waste time, and he suddenly thought that Inuyasha was also related to Kikyō and believed that he would help, so he deliberately said the matter.

The current form is very unfavorable. Although Kikyō and the others are likely to be found by Naraku, Kagura thought that Inuyasha and the others are nearby. If they help, they can definitely hold Naraku, when the time comes she has It’s time to find Yabuto, and it’s very uncomfortable to see their arrogant appearance. It’s good to scare them by borrowing Yabuto’s name.

"What?? Kikyō escaped!!!" Hearing Kagura's words, everyone was stunned, and Kagome said in surprise. The hope in my heart is true, but Kagura is Naraku's Incarnation, her words may not be believed.

"hmph! You are Naraku's Incarnation, why do we believe you!! Hurry up, what exactly does Naraku want to do after appearing!!! And also! Did you catch that brat!!!" After the surprise, , Inuyasha's face was full of unbelief. He didn't hesitate as much as Kagome. He would not believe anything related to Naraku.

After hearing Inuyasha’s words, everyone’s suspicion also occupied the hesitation. After all, Kagura is still Naraku's Incarnation. If Kagura is really released, Chiba’s clues will be lost, but there is still a little hesitation. , After all, if what Kagura said was true, then the time to save Kikyō was missed, and if Yabuto knew about it, things would be really big.

"So you know that brat! But Kagura, I don’t need you to believe it! I just want to be a free person, and I don’t want to succumb to Naraku. I let Kikyō go, just to destroy Yabuto. Naraku, that brat saved us. Now Kikyō is with that brat. Naraku has gone to find them. If you want to fight, I will accompany you, but I hope you don’t regret it!!!” I heard Inuyasha and the others mentioned Chiba, Kagura The tone was lightened. After all, that brat saved her and gave him a chance to be reborn, and now it is not only Kikyō who is in danger, but that brat is also dangerous. She really can't delay any longer.

"This..." Inuyasha and the others were stunned for a while. They really didn't know if they should believe Kagura's words....


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