Chapter 26, Inuyasha and Tessaiga

In front of me, this baby who had no idea just now was almost killed, waiting for the earth-yellow water spirit to stare at Yabuto, and the point is that there is no trace of fear in his eyes, as if he thinks Yabuto is very beautiful, Inuyasha waved his little hand to slam Yabuto's face, and the two cute dog ears moved even more.

I don’t know why, Yabuto looked at Inuyasha, and then thought of Tōga, a hard to describe rise in the mind, and recalled that when his soul came into this body, the first What I saw at a glance was Tōga, and at that time, he was also in danger for himself in the mouth of a tiger.

Think about it, the three brothers are very strange. One has a father and a mother, but doesn't care at all. There is only power in his eyes. A two-life man, finally has fatherly love, desperately trying to keep the family relationship. And the last one, with maternal love, constantly concealed his true feelings, and wanted to be a true demon.

Speaking of which, Inuyasha and his own destiny are the same, one is mix-breed in the eyes of human and demon, and the other is mix-breed in the eyes of Dog Tribe and Wolf Tribe, but fortunately It is that they all have a father who loves them, and a father who cares for the children even if they die, even for children like Sesshōmaru.

"This child is called Inuyasha!!" Following Yabuto's eyes, Izayoi gently looked at Inuyasha in his arms and said gently.

Boom! ! ! ! !

Yabuto was about to speak, when a lightning bolt descended in the sky, an old man riding a strange cow and riding a white cloud soared into the sky, and then thinking of Yabuto and the two floating around...

"Oh!! Lord Yabuto, you are here ahh!!" The old man saw Yabuto suddenly froze, but then he reacted. It is not unreasonable for Yabuto to appear here. After all, he still understands his Young The Master’s, although it is terrifying to get angry, he is different from Sesshōmaru.

"What's the matter!!" The old man in front of him is not someone else, but the Tōtōsai who helped Yabuto build Firmament Armor.

"Lord Yabuto! Let the little man Myōga, let me explain it to you!!" Hearing Yabuto ask, Tōtōsai was startled, and then remembered his purpose of coming, suddenly sweating down his back. He came to complete the task assigned by Tōga, but this task was extremely sensitive to Inuyasha, Yabuto, or Sesshōmaru. Thinking of Yabuto's terrifying anger, Tōtōsai suddenly couldn't speak.

But at this time, the old man Myōga jumped out of Tōtōsai’s arms. Tōtōsai didn’t understand Yabuto, but Myōga knew that Myōga was attached to Tōga’s body on the way back to Demon City from Tōga. And Tōga also told him about Yabuto and told Myōga that there was no need to hide this matter from Yabuto.

"Lord Yabuto! Tōtōsai and I are here! The first is to send his wife and Lord Inuyasha to the place where human lives, and the other is that the master will pass his sword Tessaiga to Lord Inuyasha!!! "In fact, when I was speaking, Myōga was playing drums in my heart

Although Tōga told him that Yabuto is not interested in Tessaiga, after all, Tōga is no longer anymore. Who knows if Yabuto is really wrong? care.

"Tessaiga???" Hearing Myōga's words, Yabuto had actually expected it a long time ago. Now the two of them came to Inuyasha to implant black pearl with netherworld power, so that Inuyasha In the future, he can have the power to obtain Tessaiga from the cemetery of the Netherworld demon.

Seeing Yabuto whispered, there was no response. Tōtōsai and Myōga couldn't help but swallowed their saliva. They couldn't guess the Young Master's thoughts. If they could, they wouldn't be so. Tensed, they were really afraid that Yabuto would suddenly run away and tear them to pieces.

"Wait a minute! Myōga Tōtōsai! Give Tessaiga to Yabuto!! I only hope that Inuyasha will grow up peacefully!!" Izayoi is a smart woman who heard several people talking, she How can you still not know what Myōga and Tōtōsai are worried about?

Things are very clear. My husband passed many demon blades, yearn for something even in dreams, to his child, but Yabuto, who is also a Tōga child, didn’t. It was obvious that People mistakenly thought that they were favoring one another, and Yabuto saved their mother and child, and he really hoped that Inuyasha could grow up ordinary.

"This...Madam, you have to think clearly! Lord Inuyasha is a half-demon, he cannot be recognized by the demon, and he will be disgusted by the human. He is destined to be impossible for an ordinary life! With Tessaiga so that he can better protect himself!" Both Myōga and Tōtōsai seem to be embarrassed

This is what Tōga ordered. As Tōga’s most trusted retainer, what they say is very reasonable, half-demon is It shouldn't appear in the mix-breed of this World, no matter which tribe can recognize their existence.

After hearing these words, Izayoi also hesitated. Since being with Tōga, she has experienced the sadness of human and demon feelings. This is a kind of emotion that cannot be recognized. Inuyasha is also a product of the emotion of identification. Although she does not know what kind of power Tessaiga has, she can see from the expressions of Myōga and Tōtōsai that Tessaiga is a very important thing.

"I don't need!!!" When the three of them were embarrassed, Yabuto spoke, his voice still cold, but he couldn't hear any anger. As the words said, he really didn't need it. Tessaiga, even though he is desperate for strength now, he still won't be dazzled by such emotions.

As soon as the words came out, the three of them were suddenly stunned, I don't need it! ! These four words sounded so casual in their eyes, but at the same time so plain. Yabuto's expression was still plain and indifferent, without a trace of falsehood. Only then did Myōga finally understand what Tōga had told him, even if he put Tessaiga in it. In front of Yabuto, he would not take....

Tōtōsai is the most surprised person of this kind. He is the only one in the world who has seen Yabuto use Tessaiga. As the founder of Tessaiga, he knows the power of Tessaiga, which can be said to be Tessaiga. It was the Peak work of his life, and Tessaiga, whom he didn't expect to make Lord Sesshomaru addicted to, did not care about this Young Master's eyes.

As for Izayoi, at this time, she has only gratitude in her heart. You know, she is willing to give up Tessaiga because she does not want Inuyasha to be involved in the demon world dispute, but since such disputes cannot be avoided, she must be brave. Faced with, at least there is a chance of survival, and having Tessaiga is undoubtedly like a tiger that has grown wings.

She can also see from Yabuto and the others, the preciousness of Tessaiga, but as a human, plus Yabuto's mother and daughter for a long time, she is really unwilling and unable to compete This is Tessaiga, but didn’t expect Yabuto to give up. Maybe Yabuto really doesn’t need it, but she really appreciates Yabuto in her heart. She doesn’t think Yabuto doesn’t need this blade, but treats him as Yabuto’s. Patience.

Without worrying about the reaction of the three, Yabuto turned around and left. Tessaiga's power made him obsessed. He longed for such power, but he didn't need to exchange affection for him. Inuyasha is also his younger brother. , If Yabuto had a grudge about his identity before, then Tōga’s death made him even more cherish what he has now. Even though he seems indifferent on the surface, he has truly integrated himself into this World and regarded Inuyasha as his younger. brother.

"Wait a minute! You...your injury!!!" Seeing that Yabuto was about to leave, but thinking of Yabuto's injury again, Izayoi couldn't help but cried out worriedly.

At this time, Tōtōsai and Myōga were also surprised to find that Yabuto was injured, because the sky was too dark, and because of the gathering of thunderclouds, there was no moonlight. They did not immediately discover Yabuto’s. Injury, Yabuto is not too surprised to be injured. Although they understand Yabuto's strength, they must know that even Tōga cannot be considered a victory in the final battle, and Yabuto is not surprised to be injured.

What surprised them was that Yabuto was injured and rushed back, and the demon corpse around here was obviously caused by Yabuto. Not only did they rush back, but also Izayoi and Inuyasha for a long time. Now they understand why Yabuto won't fight for Tessaiga.


Yabuto ignored Izayoi, turned into a ball of light and disappeared in the eyes of a few people. He was almost unable to support him, but he didn't want them to watch He knew what he was like right now, so he chose to bear it silently.


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