Chapter 267: Family Love in Time and Space! (16)

"Sesshōmaru! You're welcome! There are many more miasma!! Let's wave it!!" Seeing that miasma was purified, Naraku was not irritated. For him, miasma is It is inexhaustible. No matter how many times Sesshōmaru cuts his tail, miasma will gush a few times. Anyway, the tail is not necessary for him. Just cut it off and I will recover.

"hmph!!!!" But Sesshōmaru obviously didn't eat his suit, separated from Naraku with force, swung out Tōkijin again, and hit the barrier again with the demonic energy bomb the size of Naraku barrier. Above, the powerful force crushed Naraku's tail again, and miasma spewed out again, but Sesshōmaru ignored it and raised his hand to swing the sword again.

"Damn it! Sesshōmaru! You leave me!!!" Sesshōmaru doesn't matter, Inuyasha can't stand it. Miasma keeps erupting, and it's his companions that will happen. Of course he is impossible to allow Sesshōmaru to do that He quickly appeared next to Sesshōmaru, slammed him away before he could even out his sword, and then swung himself to rush towards Naraku, but instead of using the unique skill, he attacked directly.

When Sesshōmaru saw this, he was suddenly angry, and each time Inuyasha came out to disrupt the situation. Obviously, the Young Master was very unhappy. The sword pointed to Naraku, and the blue sword glow burst out directly. The powerful Sword Force directly killed Naraku, of course, including Inuyasha, but at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly blocked the attack of Sword Force, and the two forces suddenly canceled out.

Kōga standing on a peak, Goraishi lightning flashes with dazzling rays of light in his hand, Sesshōmaru sees it, browses frowned, and feels unhappy. The person who recently meddling in other people's business is really not Generally speaking, Kōga's intervention made him think of the foxes some time ago, and he was brazenly coming out to spoil the situation. Now Kōga's reappears once again made Sesshōmaru irritated. Regardless of Naraku and Inuyasha in the battle, he directly swung his sword. Charged to Kōga.

Kōga was not surprised when he saw this, and he was not panicked. His purpose was to attract Sesshōmaru’s attention. This guy swung his broken sword and couldn’t kill Naraku. Kōga was naturally upset when he caused the companion below to face danger. Although he knew that this guy was not good for him, he still provoked his anger.

There is no way, instead of letting this guy mess up, it is better to fight him directly. This is also to buy time for Inuyasha. Usually it is not right, but I have to say that there is still a tacit understanding in the fight. At that time, he just hoped that Inuyasha would have a way to solve Naraku as soon as possible, otherwise the longer the current situation drags on, the more disadvantaged it will be.

"Really! At this time, they still have time to mess around!!" Seeing that the original battle was divided into two battlefields, everyone watching the battle was suddenly speechless, and Inuyasha didn't listen. The Tessaiga used Tessaiga to chop the barrier of Naraku, but it was useless at all. On the other side, Sesshōmaru and Kōga were a bit strange.

This time Kōga didn't try hard, but used the grandfather sparrow tactics, to fight for a girl... Uh... it was to fight for another place! ! After every attack, he will avoid Sesshōmaru with his own speed advantage. This is the tactic that Mao grandfather has learned from playing mahjong... No explanation! ! ! !

"ahh!!! !!!" At this moment, a cry of pain came out, everyone was surprised suddenly, the source of the sound was not someone else, it was Chiba and Kōga who were blocked behind the wall of flesh Hearing that one was hit by a Sesshōmaru demonic energy bomb, fortunately, Kōga used Goraishi to block it. The injury was not serious, but everyone was taken aback by the sound.

"hmph hum hmph! Inuyasha! It seems that the brat can't hold it!!! If you don't beat me, the brat will be crushed!!!" The moment he heard the voice, Naraku Laughing insidiously, watching Inuyasha who was still using the knife on the barrier in front of him, taunted.

"You hateful fellow!!!" Hearing Naraku's words, although he knew this fellow was hateful and shameless for a long time, Inuyasha couldn't help cursing. However, Naraku seized the opportunity at the time of incanation. With a move of his tail, a huge force slapped him out suddenly, and Inuyasha lifted the knife to the ground and hit the mountain wall heavily.

"Damn!!!" Kikyō heard Naraku's words, suddenly anger surged into his heart, opened the big bow and launched the sacred arrow again. Kagome saw it and said nothing, but he did the same with Naraku. Exasperated, he also opened his big bow, followed by an arrow, and two sacred arrows intertwined. Even Naraku frowned and had to treat it with caution.

Boom! ! ! ! ! Titicaca! ! !

The double sacred arrow power is amazing. During the stalemate, I saw the fragments on the barrier expand. When Sesshōmaru opened it, he instantly discovered the weak spot on the barrier, pointed by the sword, gradually blue sword The glow erupted, and the Sword Force blasted out again, moving towards the sacred arrow and the barrier where the stalemate rushed away, but there was movement from below....

"Wind Scar!!!" Inuyasha is indeed an unkillable cockroach. I don't know when he stood up unharmed, waving Tessaiga, Wind Scar broke through the sky, blue sword glow , Golden blade energy reflected each other, suddenly dissipated the remaining sacred arrow, and the two forces simultaneously impacted the crack on the barrier.


The sound of breaking, in Naraku’s surprised eyes, the barrier was smashed. The sword glow and blade energy penetrated Naraku’s body. Suddenly wiped out Saimyōshō’s nest and poison insect together, and Naraku was also beaten in the air. I was crushed, leaving only my head looking at Inuyasha and the others angrily, and at this moment...

"Good opportunity! Wind Tunnel!!!!!!" Saimyōshō’s lair was caught by Wind Scar After the Sword Force was wiped out, Miroku opened the Wind Tunnel unscrupulously, but it was not aimed at Naraku, but at the wall of flesh that was blocked by countless demons. Suddenly, the wall of airtight demon was pulled by the powerful suction. After that, a weak spot began to appear.

"Damn!! You guys don't think about it!! Let you see, I, the true power of Naraku!!!" Naraku, whose body is broken, is reorganizing his body quickly at this time, but the speed is not as fast as Wind Tunnel, because The flesh wall had begun to collapse, and he only recovered the neck to the arm, he couldn't let Inuyasha and the others succeed in rescue.

"Don’t think about it!!!" The words fell, and I saw that Naraku’s hand was shining with a dark purple light. Kikyō immediately recognized the thing in Naraku’s hand, which was Sacred Jewel, which of course was incomplete. However, what is in Naraku's hand at this time is not a fragment, but a whole piece of fragments, half of it, and the rays of light have appeared dark purple, Kikyō immediately knew what Naraku wanted to do, and immediately shot an arrow towards it. Naraku.

"hmph hum hmph!! It's late!!!" With a cold smile, Naraku threw the smashed pieces into his mouth. Suddenly, the powerful demonic power broke out, and an Evil Power was instantly sacred. The arrow's power dissipated, and then, the body debris spreading all around quickly moved towards true form and gathered, and in an instant, Naraku's body returned to its original state.


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