Chapter 207 Chizi and Hakudōshi

"It seems that this barrier is more and more satisfying to you!!!" In a dark dense forest, In front of the swamp in the center of the dense forest, a naked man with a huge figure stood beside the swamp, and at this moment, the man’s body was covered by a thick green armor at the speed of naked eye, and the dense forest behind the man In the middle, a white silhouette came carrying broadsword.

"Do you feel it?? Naraku is injured! Yabuto guy is really not simple!!!" Hearing the voice coming from behind, the man didn't care, and he spoke slowly, as if he was talking. But it sounds more like ventriloquism. These two people, not others, are Naraku's Incarnation, Hakudōshi and Chiko who belong to the heart of Naraku! And this monster wrapped in strong armor is Mōryōmaru, the barrier of the naked child.

"hmph! Compared to this! Now is a good opportunity! Yabuto can't mess with him now, but we have to thank him!!!" Hakudōshi showed a cold smile upon hearing the sound. That was An extremely weird smile, if Naraku was in this place now, he would surely know what they were thinking.

"no!! To defeat Naraku, the current strength is not enough! We must absorb some more powerful demons, and Naraku still has the normal Sacred Jewel in his hands. He will recover soon! ! I'm not sure at the moment!! "Yes, two hearts as Naraku

dirty, are actually plotting against their true form, or they want to dominate the body as the heart, just like now Super empty like Mōryōmaru.

"What do you mean??" Although Hakudōshi is also Naraku's Incarnation, he is not very good at thinking. On the contrary, Chiko needs to be much smarter and more careful. He knows that he wants to replace Naraku. There is absolutely no So simple, this time Naraku seems to have been hit hard, but because the heart is no longer on its own body, plus the power of Sacred Jewel, it is absolutely impossible to be defeated so easily.

"Except for the fragments in Yabuto's hands, most of them are in Naraku's hands, and there should be some missing! Go find out! We need to use its power so that we can compete with Naraku! It’s not that simple for Chizi to even defeat Naraku. Only by getting a jewel shard can he have the ability to compete.

And he is also very cautious, Yabuto just beat Naraku half to death, his strength is deep and unmeasurable, and robbed of his jewel shard, he will surely usher in terrible revenge, when the time comes Not only was there no way to destroy Naraku and replaced it, but on the contrary, it also attracted a powerful enemy, Yabuto, who was not Naraku after all, and he did not have the ability to escape under Yabuto's hands.

"I understand!!" Hakudōshi of course also knows the stakes. There will never be a second chance against Naraku. If they fail to succeed once, they will have to wait for their extinction, so the sooner Finding out the remaining fragments is most beneficial to them. If Naraku recovers to find it in person, it will be troublesome, and now, Inuyasha and the others must also be searching everywhere.

"I have to find some powerful demons again!!! The fragmentation is up to you!!! And Inuyasha, they are a big trouble, use Kanna to hold them!!" All discussions are over. So Chiko manipulated the Mōryōmaru to leave, but then he thought that there would be trouble in the process of finding the debris, so Chiko said, let Hakudōshi use Kanna to block Inuyasha and the others.

"Huh huh?? Is that so???? These two guys are really restless!!!" After Hakudōshi's conversation with Chiko was over, his eyes slowly floated out of the forest and flew When they reached the position where they were talking, and at this moment, in a dark secret room far away from here, a monster man in a purple robe put one hand on his eyes, and opened the mouth to himself. mouth and said.

"Here ahh!!" On the cliff of Tōtōsai volcano, after the conversation with Tōtōsai, Yabuto still did not leave, but Tōtōsai did not stay. After all, he was afraid of Yabuto. With Sesshōmaru, as long as the two of them stayed for a while, he would tremble, but because of the matter of Mingdao, it is really necessary to confirm it. At this time, with a soft voice behind him, there was a cold voice, and Yabuto knew that Kikyō was coming.

"Everything is like a dream!!!" Kikyō approached, Yabuto took her hand, Kikyō did not resist, but moved closer to Yabuto's arms, relying on Snow White on the back of his head The tail is soft, so I don't feel it. In the warm arms, Kikyō murmured, referring to the experience of the past few days, really like dreams.

"Dream is good! The present world!! I only cherish the present, it is enough to be real now!!!" Feel the softness in my arms, even if it is a cold heart, I don’t know when Gradually softened, came to this World unexpectedly, got her heart, but was also afraid of losing, maybe this Sengoku trip may be just a dream, and you will wake up when you touch it.

"Night! Do you really have a future????" Chiba's arrival has changed too much, Kikyō firmly believes that his future is not necessarily painful, Yabuto firmly believes that he has the ability to change Everything, but at the moment of saving people, I felt the touch of family affection. It was a feeling I didn't have after Tōga died, but I understood father's feelings at the time. It was a responsibility and love for future generations.

"I don't know!! But I will use my hands to build it!!!" Yabuto really doesn't know what the future holds. Five hundred years later, in Chiba's impression, he is only in the statue and In the portrait, does that prove that he is no longer in five hundred years? ? Not sure, he is never arrogant, but at least he has to use his hands to create a future that belongs to two people, even if it's a minute and a second.

"And my hands!!!" What is going to be opened is not his own road, but a road of two people together. Kikyō is not willing to take it on his own, so in the future, both of them Will work together, her thoughts are the same, even if the future happiness is only one minute and one second, it is the sweetest.

This night, there is no more words, everything is in the hearts of the two, both of them are enjoying this rare peace, they all know that after tonight, there will be a greater test Coming, at least without knowing the life and death of Naraku, before Sacred Jewel's fate is over, the peaceful days are still too far away.

"Hold on! It's almost here, we must hurry or the big sister will be bad!!!" In the middle of the night, three silhouettes of different sizes broke the silence of the night. In front of the three of them was a volcano shrouded in the darkness of night. The eyes of the three of them were full of exhaustion, and at the same time there were injuries of varying degrees.


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