Chapter 29 Human priestess

After knowing that he had misunderstood Yabuto, Shion looked a little ashamed. For a while, Yabuto and Shion got along very well. Harmony, and Shion somewhat understands Yabuto. She knows that this demon is different from other demons. Although he is unusually indifferent on the surface, he is different from the demon in her heart.

So, Shion also let go of the fear in his heart. In the days that followed, Shion surrounded Yabuto without listening. He was doing things about demon. Shion didn’t even notice that the shadow of demon was on him. His heart was getting smaller and smaller, and Yabuto didn't feel impatient. Although he still kept silent for most of the words, Yabuto also sincerely thanked this little girl who saved him.

Time flies quickly. Seven days have passed in no time. Shion enjoys going back and forth between Harano Villiage and the forest, often bringing things and medicine to Yabuto, and Yabuto’s injury is recovering quickly. The medicine brought by Shion works very well, plus the demon absorption ability itself is better than ordinary people, plus Dog Tribe's powerful recovery ability, the injury has basically recovered.

Today, Yabuto is still leaning against the big tree, waiting for Shion to arrive. This has almost become a habit in the past week. However, time has passed by noon, and Shion still has no Upon arrival, demon keen sense told Yabuto that something must have happened.

At this moment, Yabuto suddenly asked about a very strong demonic energy. Then, the whole sky darkened. Yabuto opened his eyes and looked towards the sky, and saw at least several hundred demons. Flying over the forest, and the direction was Shion's return to the village, Yabuto was suddenly startled, and then quickly got up, turning into a blood sphere thinking about leaving with the demon group.

At this time, in the Harano Villiage, there are bloodstained everywhere, can be seen everywhere dead bodies, including humans, and demons, and at this time, at least a thousand demons are rushing from in the sky. Down, and at this time, many young and robust human villagers on the ground, holding hoe, rake and other farm tools desperately resisting the invasion of the demon, to defend their village.



"ahh!! You hateful priestess!!!"


Among the villagers at this time, a young woman who is about 20 years old, looks cool and beautiful, wears light armor and holds a long sword. At this time, she is waving the long sword in the demon group. Wherever he goes, the demon is either dead or injured. The long hair that dances with the wind, with the cool temperament of not interested in mundane affairs, appears valiant and formidable looking in the demon group. Many demons seem to know this woman, after being injured. suddenly yelled.

But the woman obviously didn't care about the demon's scolding. After the demon's scolding, her head was directly pierced by a sword, and then she was chopped by the sword energy of long sword with a look of fear. Two halves, then, the woman rushed to the other demon.

Following the smell, Yabuto moved towards Harano Villiage and flew away quickly. When he arrived, he was surprised to find that there was a demon in all directions in a small village in front of him. Just take a look, that Densely packed is like the number of sand demon, at least several thousand.

But when he arrived, he was surprised to find that Shion was no longer in the village, but on the other side of the hill. In the end, Yabuto ignored the time of Harano Villiage and directly changed his direction. Leaving with the smell of Shion.

Actually, Yabuto doesn’t care about the life and death of Harano Villiage. Although he was once a human, he only cares about the human worthy of his attention, and the most important point is that he saw it from a distance A human miko is at war with a demon, and her spiritual power is very strong. According to Yabuto's observation, her spiritual power is at least above the original work of Kikyō.

Although Yabuto is also curious about who the priestess who has such a powerful spiritual power is, the most important thing for him now is to find Shion, and he does not want to cause trouble. If he goes to Harano Villiage at this time, he will definitely It caused the hostility of the priestess. After all, when the group of demons danced wildly, a demon of oneself suddenly appeared, not what the enemy could be.

At this time, on Gentama Mountain not far away from Harano Villiage, Shion kept avoiding the demon's chasing and killing. It was not that she was afraid. In the seven days of getting along with Yabuto, she had already walked out of the way. The shadow of demon is over, because she knows that not all demons are bad guys, although Yabuto still rarely talks to her during this time.

But she still knew something about Yabuto from Yabuto's mouth, and of course she also knew some things about Tōga. Only then did she know that there was such a precious family affection in the demon. Not all of them are extremely vicious, at least the same is true of Yabuto in front of him.

The purpose of her coming to Gentama Mountain today is to hear her Master say that there is a very effective healing medicine on Gentama Mountain, so she decided to find a healing medicine for Yabuto here, but didn’t When expect just found it, I found a group of demons flying in this direction. Of course, some demons also found Shion, so they gave up the purpose of this trip and started attacking Shion.

However, Shion at this time did not choose to escape, but faced it with a strong face. His Master is a famous priestess, and she also learned a lot of exorcism secrets from the Master. More importantly, My Master has said that using a mysterious force in my body is something that the demon fears.

Because of the previous shadows, Shion couldn’t use this power even if she had such power, but after these seven days with Yabuto, she was no longer afraid and launched a counterattack against the demon that assaults the senses. So she set up a big bow and began to attack the demon that was throwing at her with an arrow.

As a result, at the same time as the arrows were sent out, there was a purple light that wrapped the arrows. A small arrow actually tore the body of a 40-50 feet long demon, and Shion was also greatly enlarged. He was shocked, but he also recalled what Master said, and then he set up a bow and arrow to shoot at other demon.

However, the bow and arrow weapons were originally expendable. A dozen arrows were quickly used up, and dozens of demons were successfully eliminated, but they did not resolve the crisis. The mysterious power just now Most of the demon in the sky noticed that this force was suddenly repelled by them instinctively, so all changed directions and rushed towards Shion. It also formed a situation where the current situation was being pursued.

At this time, Shion is constantly running and breathing heavily. She has been running away for a long time, but in the face of hundreds of demon in the sky, her petite body seems weak. In the demon group, it appears as weak as a mouse in a cat group, and can only be played by the cat group.


"ahh!!!" At this moment, a demon with a snake body and three heads seized the opportunity and rushed towards Shion. The huge head just hit the foot of Shion. On the mountain road, suddenly the road collapsed, and Shion also screamed and fell from the mountain.


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