Chapter 291 Escape! !

Thunder lightning flashes, Lightning Dragon Flash crashes down, the sky-like lightning falls ruthlessly, and the Fox Race below mourns everywhere in this thunder hell, the original indiscriminate attack, in Bankotsu’s attack on demonic power As they became more proficient, they avoided the people on their side one after another, so only the Fox Race people were hit hard.

Third Elder and Fourth Elder kept dodge and dodge, but they were still not as close as the airtight thunder attack. They raised their weapons to block them. In the sound of blasting, the weapons shattered, and the powerful force impacted them, suddenly turning the two old The silhouette of Xianfei Zhenfei, the two people only feel pain all over the body, as if every cell has been pierced by a needle.

Bankotsu put Banryū down, and his body slowly descended. At this time, the Band of Seven people who were originally like wolves into the flock, under Bankotsu’s Lightning Dragon Flash, the speed of killing increased even more. At this time, the battle has reached the final key. At this time, Fox Race was defeated like a mountain, and almost all of the people present today have been wiped out.

When Great Elder saw this scene, his eyes were red, there was grief and even more resentment. Didn't expect, didn't expect his own greedy determination for a while, it brought the disaster of the Fox Race to the top, in his heart Make up his mind, with a touch of blood on his face, a swipe of an axe, countless icicles whizzed out, Yabuto opened his eyes when he saw it, and a burst of pressure broke out all over his body. All icicles bounced off, bounced out, and all hit the surrounding Fox Race Clan people.

"You two, hurry up! Take the children away!!!" But Great Elder was indifferent to all of this, and quickly rushed to the Third Elder's side, then blocked in front of them and said quickly At this time, Great Elder’s only thought was to hope that the two of Third Elder could leave quickly and take away the younger generation of Fox Race. They are not in this place now. As long as they leave, there is hope for the future of Fox Race. .

"hmph!! Where do you want to go!!!" Hearing the words of Great Elder, Bankotsu came carrying Banryū and stood in front of Great Elder, and immediately inserted Banryū in front of him, obviously thinking It’s not that easy to get out of here. At least you have to defeat Bankotsu first, but Great Elder knows that it is impossible. He asked himself to face the other two Elders. It was impossible to win, but this boy did it.

"Hurry up and go ahh!! This place is blocked by me, remember, after leaving, find a place to live in seclusion, as long as those children exist, Fox Race has a future!!" Looking at the ground still stunned Great Elder yelled involuntarily. The two were taken aback at the same time, and then glanced at each other, nodded, and then slowly stood up. The two looked at Great Elder, but found that his eyes were full of decisiveness, knowing that he had decided, no Hesitate to turn around and want to leave.

However, just as the two were about to leave, they saw Yabuto slowly stepping forward. Three Great Elders was suddenly startled, and Great Elder felt his axe trembling, but he There was no change in the determination in his eyes. He had already decided. He must protect the other two Elders and leave, otherwise everything in Fox Race would be over.

At this time, Great Elder's heart was extremely bitter. In fact, if this time weren't for his greed and his stubborn character in the past, how could he bring today's disaster? He absolutely didn't expect to let him While Hakuri went out for training, he could still know that many powerful companions. He didn't expect that when the prosperity of Fox Race came, it would make Fox Race almost annihilated.

He rushed to regret everything he had done, but it was too late to regret anyway. Now he knows that the only thing he can do is try his best to make up for it, and the only way is to imitate the first People, the former Fox Race also suffered a disaster, felt that this demon world was too dangerous, so the ancestors of Fox Race moved to this place.

Now, there is only one way to change everything, and that is to let the Third Elder and the Fox Race newcomers leave and find a place to live in seclusion. As long as these children are there, then Fox Race There is hope for the revival of this generation. Many newcomers who succeeded in transforming this generation need not worry about Hakuri at that time. The revival of Fox Race is no longer on their own, so as long as they pin their hopes, there will be no problem.

"Go ahh!!!!!" Looking at the two people who were stunned again, Great Elder loudly roared, then raised the giant axe and rushed to the Yabuto and the two, and the Third Elder was also here. With a loud roar, they came back to his senses, looked at each other and both moved towards outside the city. The ancestors of Fox Race were very smart. They set a refuge outside the city because they were afraid that the clan would be destroyed when the enemy came. The place is very secret, only clansman will know it.

Since just now, when Yabuto and the others arrived, Great Elder has secretly sent people to the new Fox Race newcomers with aptitude to the refuge. No matter which side of the battle wins, they will be against Fox Race. Favorable, as it is said to be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, even if Fox Race wins, there is no loss. If it fails, it can withdraw down the mountain as quickly as possible.

Seeing the action of the two, Suikotsu, who was the closest to him, immediately greeted him, but the two Elders insisted on leaving. They both flicked and fled from the two sides. Suikotsu didn’t know which one he should chase after. After hesitating, Two Great Elders had already run far. Yabuto looked at the backs of the two, with no expressions, and did not try to stop them.

clang!! ! ! !

"ahh!!! !!!" While looking at the two, a loud roar came, and the huge ice axe chopped down. Yabuto stood still on the spot without moving, and Bankotsu held the ground with his hand. The Banryū of Banryū was about to pull up Banryū to fight back, but saw a white silhouette rushing in quickly, only to hear a clang, sparks burst in the air.

"Hakuri!!!" Great Elder saw the person blocking his attack. It was Hakuri who was not someone else. He was holding the snow-white broadsword with one hand. It was Shirayukimaru who was yearn for something even in dreams. He was surprised. , But seeing Hakuri's whole body transpiration of demonic energy, the long-repressed power on Shirayukimaru exploded again, and the powerful force instantly shook Great Elder away.

"hmph! I'm disappointed! Didn't kill me!!!" coldly snorted, completely different from the past aura, the terrifying horror of the killing intent in his eyes, above the cold and holy Shirayukimaru , It also exudes a solemn killing aura, with the demonic power that has been suppressed in the body for a long time, the field is full of suffocating atmosphere.

On the other side, Luo Yunque’s hand has become pressed on Tōran’s forehead, and Hakuri’s seal has obviously been released. At this time, he is removing the seal for Tōran, and Tōran next to him, The long brocade box in my hand has already been thrown aside. Judging from the shape of the inside of the brocade box, it can be seen that it is a box for Shirayukimaru.


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