Chapter 293 Fox Race Civil War! !

The battle of the same race between the ice city, Great Elder resented and resented, released the demonic energy, entered the state of demon transformation, and wanted to make the last fight. Hakuri faced the people of the same race, and there was no more fetters in his heart. , Amidst a disdainful sneer, he suddenly appeared in his strongest state, his nine tails danced freely, and the place he passed was completely ruined.

During the rampage, Great Elder saw Hakuri incarnate as a giant beast. Among the huge beast pupils, he was suddenly full of surprise. Looking at the nine tails that danced at will, Great Elder felt regretful in his heart. He didn’t want to be greedy for a while. Not only did it bring disasters to Fox Race, it also gave up the future of Fox Race. Nine tails...what does the nine tails represent? ? ? That is the symbol of true power.

In Fox Race, most of them use ice Attribute Power, and their way of distinguishing strength is different from that of average demon. They not only look at the size after demon transformation, but also look at what happens after demon transformation. The number of tails you have, there is no doubt that the more tails, the stronger the nature, which means the more demonic energy you have.

And the demon transformation state of the nine tails, in the familiarity of Great Elder, Fox Race has only appeared three times, and now it should be said that it is the fourth time, but what Great Elder does not understand is that according to the past His experience and what the ancestors told about the power to be able to cultivate to the realm of the nine tails, when you speak, you must have at least three tails, and you can have it after hundreds of years of training, but in his impression, Hakuri was a child Obviously there is only one tail.

Looking at Great Elder, Hakuri's eyes showed a trace of disdain. Of course he knew what Great Elder was surprised, and he couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He alone could explain all the doubts. At the beginning, Hakuri's father was also regarded as the hope of Fox Race, but he had no intention of being here, and fell in love with a woman of the same race with mediocre aptitude and ordinary origin.

For love, the two decided to leave Fox Race, but didn’t expect to be found. At this time, they were caught up with their child, which was Hakuri. During the period, they ran away for several years. Hakuri gradually became sensible. Hakuri father, who knew there was no way to escape, didn't want his child to be the same as himself, so he sealed Xiao Baili's power, and then the couple were captured back to Fox Race.

Hakuri has been transformed into gong and survived because of his young age, but he has always kept a secret. As for his parents, just like what happened to Hakuri and Tōran just now, all this has been It's all in Hakuri's heart, so whenever he displays another character in front of other people, in order to suppress this resentment, and all this has become the darkest history of Fox Race.

At this time, there is no need to suppress all resentments. This secret that has been hidden is even more unnecessary. When Hakuri was born, the power he possessed was sealed by his father, but this seal It’s useless for Hakuri now. In fact, as early as several hundred years ago, when he was just born, he had five tails. Only the first patriarch in the history of Fox Race has owned it. After hundreds of years, Hakuri The other four tails, which have already obtained more powerful power, have their current form.


After regret, there is endless anger and jealousy... Yes, it is jealousy. What is jealous is why a brat who was given up by him can reach this point. I don’t know how many years have passed in this life. I have a tail, and it is still a tail. What a irony ahh!!

However, Great Elder is still angry and resentful at most, and he can be a Great Elder. , How could it be impossible to figure it out? ? Just look at Hakuri’s expression and you can tell. There is no doubt that he was fooled. He was fooled by Hakuri’s father. If he had known that Hakuri had five tails since he was born, he would be impossible to have what he is today. Acting, in his opinion, Hakuri’s father did this to avenge himself and the others today.

roar!! ! ! !

Thinking of this, Great Elder seemed to feel that the Hakuri family were sorry for him. The beast's eyes were dissatisfied with bloodshot eyes, roared, opened his mouth, and the biting cold air came out, and there were countless icicle ice in the cold air. As soon as the arrow looked, it was a heavy hand. Hakuri didn't panic when he saw it. He swung his body slightly, and the tail behind him seemed to be given life.

The three tails came together and stretched out in front of you. The cold air hit the tail without any damage. The icicle ice arrows accompanied by the cold air hit the tail while being blocked and dropped. Immediately, the three tails were moving at the same time, suddenly swept out, and the powerful force directly dissipated the cold air, and at this time, the three tails on the other side were also activated at the same time.

The white tail, like an earthworm, can automatically control the length of the three tails with constant gaze. While the Great Elder’s attack is broken up and has not yet reacted, it directly bypasses the Great Elder’s waist and instantly He bundled up, and Great Elder reacted at this moment, struggling desperately, and his four claws swayed wildly.

I have lost most of his sanity. At this time, Great Elder's mind only has the idea of ​​killing the other person. The struggle of the claws is simply swaying randomly. To put it bluntly, it is a hooligan. Fighting posture. Hakuri did not relax because of this, and hit the three tails with strength, and instantly lifted Great Elder's huge body. With a violent wave, Great Elder suddenly threw away several ten zhang and fell to the ground.

The huge body fell on the ground. Because the ground was made of ice, the moment it fell on the ground was too strong and the ice surface was smooth. After the Great Elder fell on the ground, the body continuously slid backwards. The crash hit the buildings in the city, suddenly leveling the city, and in the end Great Elder himself was also covered under the pile of ice.

Boom! ! ! ! roar!! ! !

Not long after, the ice pile suddenly exploded violently, huge silhouette reappears, but at this moment, the snow-white body appeared to be riddled with scars, which was obviously injured by those sharp ice blocks, Great Elder He had already lost his reason, and the flow of blood seemed to arouse his ferocity even more. Loudly roared rushed to Hakuri again.

Boom! ! !

Hakuri gathered power on his two front paws. When Great Elder approached, the four paws suddenly made a violent noise. I saw that Hakuri did not stalemate with him, and the power of both paws was added again. The Great Elder's double claws stretched apart, and then he raised his head and moved forward extremely fast, biting the Great Elder's neck with one hand, and then both claws used force at the same time, and the Great Elder was thrown out again.

pu!! ! ! !

Great Elder fell a long way again, Hakuri put down his two front paws, flicked his huge head in disdain, and suddenly what was in his mouth was brushed out, I saw blood in the sky dancing with a piece of snow. -The white-haired piece of meat was threw away with disdain, and then no one cared about it, and it was destined to become frozen pork in the snow and ice.


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