Chapter 296: Hōraijima of Red Lotus! (1)

"This place!!! This fog! So weird!!" Leaving the snow mountain, the number of members of Yabuto entire group this time can be said to be the largest in history. Yabuto down the mountain decided to return to Tōtōsai first. To go to the volcano in China, and then decide what to do next. However, on this day, when I was passing by a small village near the sea, it was covered by a thick fog. Luo Yunque couldn't help but said as he looked at the fog-shrouded sea. .

"It's really annoying!!!" Not only Luo Yunque, everyone saw this scene, even Bankotsu on one side could not be frowned when he watched it. Since he became a demon, he always will From time to time, he felt some sensations that he hadn't felt before, and his only sensation told him that something must be hidden behind the fog.

pēng pēng pēng bang!!!!

"Help ahh!!" At this moment, waves suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance. On the sea surface, huge energy balls erupted continuously, and the energy ball was carrying a powerful force. Everyone in Yabuto could clearly hear a tender cry for help. Kikyō couldn’t help but look at the beach in the distance. Amidst the sound of gunfire, everyone in Yabuto could clearly hear the sound of a tender cry for help. A young silhouette kept running away.

"Band of Seven except Bankotsu! Everyone is on standby!!!" Feeling Kikyō's worry, Yabuto walked directly towards the beach and said at the same time. Jakotsu and the others are not allowed to go because they are still human bodies after all. With such an attack intensity, that many people will easily become targets if they go, and Jakotsu and the others as humans do not have the absolute ability to avoid such intensive attacks. .

As for the others, Bankotsu and Black and White Impermanence are of course needless to say. Although the words of Hakuri are together, they are not his Yabuto's subordinates, so Yabuto will not order them to stay. I still have to follow up, this has nothing to do with him, of course it doesn't matter to him if he accidentally hangs up.

On the beach, a little girl with bare feet, who looks only four or five years old, with a black cloak on her body, only showing her dark face, running constantly on the beach, watching She looked embarrassed, but the ruthless energy ball continued to attack her.

"ahh!!!!!!" There are too many, little girl's simple footwork can't avoid all of them. Seeing in front of her, an energy ball that is bigger than her own body rushes towards her. The little girl closed her eyes in fright and didn't dare to look at it. After a long time, she didn't feel the coming of death. The little girl opened her eyes cautiously.

" are!!!" The little girl who opened her eyes realized that she didn't know it was time. She had been lifted up by one hand with a cloak, and she too I found that I was actually in the air, and there was a transparent red mask around me, which seemed to be protecting her. The little girl who reacted had time to look up and see who was the one who saved her. .

Hearing what the little girl said, Yabuto did not speak, and directly carried her down to the ground on one side. The barrier spread to the ground and flew. The ignorant has come to a safer place, and here, there is already Kikyō and Tōran were waiting. The moment they saw Kikyō, the little girl suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Elder Sister Kikyō!!!" After being surprised, the little girl rushed up immediately after Yabuto put her down, and plunged directly into Kikyō's arms. When she saw Yabuto, she was taken aback. 't expect this little girl will know Kikyō, and it seems that Kikyō knows him as well, and the relationship seems to be good.


"Careful!!!" At this moment, another energy ball blasted, and Karan, who was facing the sea, suddenly reminded loudly. But soon I knew that my behavior was unnecessary worry. Yabuto’s ability, how could I not know that something was coming here, turned around, stretched out his right hand, the faint blue flame ignited instantly, and the energy ball was in Close to the third of the palm of the hand, the energy gathered in the sphere is gradually melted by the flame, devouring thoroughly.

"Are you blue?? Why are you here!!!" Kikyō, who is holding a little girl, of course also knows this girl. The little girl's name is Lan, which is a half-demon After she took off the hat on her cloak, the ears of the demon were exposed. After hearing Kikyō’s words and only understood the name of Blue, Yabuto also understood that this girl was who, and only knew why she knew Kikyō. Up.

"Does it really appear????" Turning his gaze to the sea again, I saw a huge monster intermittent standing on the sea far away from the coast. Yabuto knew what it was. , I also knew that those guys were about to appear. At this time, two people appeared in Yabuto's mind.

"You stay here!!" After thinking of the end of these two people, Yabuto was frowned involuntarily, and then said with a cold expression, the diameter moved towards the beach, where the three A woman, except for the little girl, anyone can see the coldness flashing in Yabuto's eyes just now.

"Damn it! The guy who hides his head and shows his tail!! Look at this Uncle to punch you out!!!" On the sea, four silhouettes, Bankotsu Hakuri and Black and White Impermanence lined up on the sea, have all been taken out. The weapon, the guy in the sea, kept attacking, but didn't show up, and finally angered a few people. Bankotsu raised Banryū and started to mobilize the demonic energy in his body to launch an attack.

"hey hey hey! This is the prey of this Uncle, you get me aside!!" Seeing Bankotsu to do it, the same militant Hakuri, how could he miss this opportunity, sword swing Arriving in front of Bankotsu, the horizontal knife blocked Bankotsu, and at the same time, he squeezed Bankotsu with his body, which meant that he got out of the way.

While the two were arguing, they only heard a scream of ghost crying around. Bai Wuchang and Black Impermanence took advantage of the opportunity of the quarrel and launched an attack at the same time, one black one white two blade energy It blasted out at the same time, causing a huge explosion directly on the sea, and two blade energy rushed into the sea at the same time. When the two of Bankotsu saw this, they looked at each other, and then turned their heads at the same time.

"Xiao Hei (Xiao Bai)!! You two guys are stealing..." But this complaint was ignored by Black and White. These two guys are black-belly besides Meng Sao. It's very, if they can stay in King Susao's body for so long and haven't gone mad, you can know that the two people's complaints are obviously still paler, and they are directly immune.


"fuck!!!" I saw a loud noise, waves on the sea again, a huge fireball moved towards a few people rushed, black and white had already reacted, and immediately retreated, just some two weird things He suddenly woke up after the black and white receded, and quickly jumped away with a big curse. The fireball exploded on the beach, suddenly blasting out a deep pit.


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