"No...no! Never let the demon wreak havoc on the human world again! You realize it!!" Although it has already been an arrow at the end of its flight, the advice in the eyes of the priestess is still More than that, the voice of decisiveness came out.

I saw that priestess was surrounded by strong light. Later, a blue illusory shadow that looked the same as miko sprang out from miko. Yabuto was surprised when he saw it. It turned out to be miko's soul. As soon as soul appeared , Rushed to the soul of Great Demon, the moment the two souls collided, a huge glare was produced, which suddenly covered all the surrounding sight.

"ahh!!! Damn it! I am not willing to! I am not willing to ahh!!" In the rays of light, a terrifying scream came out, it was the huge The sound made by the demon, and then Great Demon's body, turned into fly ash in the rays of light, and disappeared in this in the mortal world.

Shortly after, the rays of light dissipated, and miko's body was on the verge of collapse, but he insisted on not falling, and at the place where the two souls just collided, a long eye-sized pink The jade was exuding pink in the air, and then slowly descended and floated in front of Miko, who weakly raised his hand and held the jade in his hand.

At this moment, the few demons left around all rushed towards miko, but at this moment, miko no longer had the ability to raise the sword in his hand, and at this moment, Shion issued a cry out in surprise ......

"Demon big brother!!! Save Master! Quick ahh!! !!!" It was Shion who made the scene. The scene just now was covered by the strong light. Now he sees the demon rushing towards him. The Master suddenly screamed in panic, and immediately awakened Yabuto who was in shock.

Rushing to Yabuto in Harano Villiage, the waves in his heart have not stopped. On the battlefield covered by rays of light just now, he also did not see clearly, but the beads after rays of light dispersed surprised him Endlessly, Yabuto believes that he will not feel wrong. The jade has very powerful power, neither spiritual power nor demonic power.

If you read it correctly, that jade, there is no doubt that hundreds of years later, all demons are yearn for something even in dreams, and it is also the beginning of all evil, which is caused by being enshrined in Kaede's Village. Inuyasha and Kikyō only saw the grudge Sacred Jewel. That said, the priestess in front of me at this time is...Midoriko, the creator of Sacred Jewel.

Yabuto did not expect that the place where he was injured would be the village where Midoriko is located, and he also witnessed the arrival of Sacred Jewel. It seems that even if he is a foreigner, as the son of Tōga, he is still unavoidable. Get involved in the plot! !

In the original work, Midoriko's fleshy body was finally demon devouring, but at this time, Yabuto is here, let alone Yabuto can not be saved, Shion alone will not watch Midoriko being demon devouring. , So Yabuto is naturally impossible to die, and there are not many demons left. As they approached Midoriko, a bloodwhip directly understood their lives.

"Master!!!" After landing, Shion jumped from Yabuto's arms, then ran to Midoriko quickly, and saw that Shion was safe and sound, and Midoriko was sighed in relief, and then With a relieved smile, the severely injured body could no longer withstand the weakness, and fell slowly.

Just when Midoriko was about to touch the ground, she felt a collision with something, but she didn’t feel the pain. On the contrary, there was a warmth. She could feel that she was alone. With her strength, she looked up towards the person, Midoriko was surprised, because it was Yabuto who was not holding her.

Naturally, I don’t know Yabuto Midoriko. As for just now, all her eyes were on Shion. She had been vague, and she didn’t even notice the demon Yabuto. In the arms of the demon, she was instinctive. She wanted to fight, but she had no strength, she couldn’t fight, and she gave up, but the warmth from her cheeks made her feel a little warm. For the first time, she knew that the demon’s arms were like that. mild.

Yabuto doesn’t know why. When he saw the fallen silhouette, he instinctively wanted to support her and replace reason. Yabuto's actions suppressed the grudge against demon and priestess in his heart, and entered The softness in the arms made Yabuto's unwilling memories in the deepest part of his heart shake again, how long...how long did he not feel such softness.

dong dong dong dong!!

Just when the two of them had their own ideas, Yabuto suddenly felt a pulsation in his chest, but it did not come from Yabuto itself. I saw the inside of Firmament Armor, suddenly emitting a powerful purple light, which made Yabuto Both midoriko and Midoriko were taken aback, and Shion also stopped and stared at the scene in front of him blankly.

"Meidō Stone! Are you calling me??" It was the Meidō Stone who asked Lady Rintsuki to ask for the throbbing. Yabuto didn't expect Meidō Stone throbbed suddenly, and my heart secretly throbbed. He said that he was actually replying to Meidō Stone's throbbing.

dong dong!! !

It seems that in response to the night wind, Meidō Stone pulsated again. Upon seeing this, Yabuto took Meidō Stone out of his arms. At this time, he could feel Meidō Stone’s heart, so Yabuto I don't know why, I will use my most important thing on a human priestess.

Yabuto took the Meidō Stone and placed it in Midoriko’s palm under Midoriko’s weak and surprised gaze. At this moment, Meidō Stone and Sacred Jewel gave out dazzling rays of light, everyone on the scene looked at this scene in surprise, including the villagers who had been hiding under the command of Midoriko when Great Demon appeared just now.

At the same time that Meidō Stone rays of light are emitting, a blue light is pulled out by Meidō Stone from Sacred Jewel, and then Meidō Stone is inhaled into it. Soon the two rays of light dissipate and restore the original appearance. , Fell into Midoriko's palm again, and Shion, who reacted, quickly ran to Midoriko's side, holding Midoriko and crying.

"Shion! Don't be sad! Learn to take care of yourself in the future! Don't cry anymore!!" At this time, Midoriko no longer had the glamour of dealing with demon, and only cherished and cared for Shion .

"No!!! No!! Shion don't want the Master to leave!!!" After all, she is still a little girl. After the parting of her parents, now the best Master who treats her is leaving again, she can't stand it anymore.

"I.... I will take care of her!!" Looking at Shion and Midoriko who are sad, Yabuto is not quite clear. Why does he want to speak at this time? Just now Meidō Stone was in contact with him, he Knowing that, Meidō Stone drew Midoriko's soul from Sacred Jewel, and sent it to Netherworld.

In this way, Midoriko's soul is relieved, and there is no need to fight eternally with the demons in Sacred Jewel. It is also the only thing that can be done as the human self in the previous life! ! Perhaps it was the disappointment that saw Midoriko and Shion, or the selfless dedication of Midoriko’s life for human. Yabuto was also surprised that he actually used Meidō to improve his strength for a priestess and a little girl. Stone used up.


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