Chapter 401 brings light to the fetters! !

boom~ boom~ boom bang!!!! xiu!

The eye of the wind keeps absorbing everything around, and the man who is devouring the right hand has no control. Wind Tunnel has the ability to direction, and he is the closest to Wind Tunnel. At the moment when the eye of the wind is generated, he is devouring him directly. As the man is devouring, the restlessness of the eye of the wind begins to stay and the surroundings are absorbed. Coming over, things that hadn't entered the eye of the wind lost their strength and fell down.

"But... damn ahh!!!!!" At this time, standing on the side, once again witnessed his father, and was caught by the damn Wind Tunnel devouring Miroku, and could not help but fall for a long time. I was in tears, looking at my father, who was well in front of me, the next moment was devoured by Wind Tunnel, leaving only a piece of dust and a huge pit, Miroku couldn't help crying.

"father!!! father!!! wū wū wū wū!!! ahh!! !!!" Looking at my father, he disappeared in front of his eyes, leaving nothing, little Miroku long ago The cry became a tearful person, however, just when he was sad, a burst of intense pain struck, and the little Miroku instantly held his right hand.

"Miroku! What's wrong with you!!!" Meng was shocked when he saw what was happening, and quickly went to check Miroku. At this moment, I saw Miroku's left hand tightly holding the right hand wrist. On the palm of the right hand, a burst of evil aura is constantly emitted, and my dream is shocked, while Miroku feels that my palm is like being opened by something, which is unprecedented. pain of.

"That's awful!!!" Dreaming was shocked and looked towards all around quickly. Finally, he finally found the prayer beads left by Miroku's father before a pile of broken wood. I quickly ran forward, picked up the prayer beads, and quickly wrapped Miroku around my hands.

Although, the prayer beads are too big at this time, but fortunately, it’s the same to make a few more turns. Can be used, quickly wrap Miroku's hands.

"Uh..." At this time, Miroku also seemed to lose the support of strength, and fell directly into weakness. Upon seeing this in his dream, he quickly supported Miroku and looked at the tears on his face again. Miroku frowned because of pain, sighed involuntarily, picked up Miroku, moved towards the temple, and there was only one left on the scene. It should be a bystander, but a person who is more painful than anyone else. .

"Damn! Damn!!! Why! Why ahh!!" After Mengxin embraced the little Miroku and entered the temple, everything around him disappeared, and the power that bound Miroku seemed to disappear. , And Miroku also seemed to have lost his strength, collapsed to the ground, with his fists, constantly beating the endless darkness under his feet.

"This Wind Tunnel!!! Everything is this Wind Tunnel!!! Without it, everything will not happen. Not only does it take away the life of father, it also threatens the lives of my companions!!!" stretched out My own right hand, looking at the right hand that is still braving evil aura, Miroku is full of resentment, and the dark side gradually develops in his heart, end! ! He wants to end all this, and he can no longer let his companions happen because of this Wind Tunnel.

Slowly stretched out the left hand, moved towards the prayer beads around the right hand, stretched out, to end all this, yes.... He wants to end all this, as long as he opens the seal of the Wind Tunnel and points the Wind Tunnel at himself, then everything is over. As long as he sucks himself into the Wind Tunnel, everything is over. Not only can he relieve his pain, You can also destroy Magatsuhi and save your companions.

Soon! ! It's over! ! ! The hand gradually approached prayer beads. At the moment when they touched it, Miroku kept telling himself in the heart to suppress his fear of death in his heart. Compared with his companions, his death is nothing at all, as long as the cherished companions Being there is the best comfort for him...

hua hua hua hua hua!! ! ! !

"Uh..." At the moment when Miroku was about to tear off the prayer beads, a burst of dazzling rays of light shone from behind, and Miroku was taken aback for a moment. What a warm feeling it was, and immediately. Feeling a soft, warm temperature on the back of the left hand, Miroku was stunned for an instant, feeling the warmth coming from behind, Miroku could not help but stop the movement in his hand.

"Monk Miroku! Didn't you say that you want to break the curse yourself? You can't give up ahh!!" The familiar voice, thinking back and forth in my ear, could not help but a picture appeared in Miroku's mind. When did I actually say to the person I cherish the break the curse and live with you forever...

"San...Sango!!!" Turning his head slowly, a delicate and beautiful face appeared in front of him, Sango dressed as a demon slayer, looking at him with a smile, stretched out With your hand, hold your left hand tightly, not allowing yourself to remove the prayer beads, and at this moment, Miroku felt his hand tighten again.

"Monk Miroku! But a great monk! How can I be defeated by such a small setback???" Turning his head and looking at it, it is also a familiar voice, and also a familiar person by his side , Also hold his hand tightly, don’t let yourself do stupid things...

"Kagome...Miss!!!" Miroku was stunned again. Here, in the darkness, they Brought this piece of light to myself, but it hasn't slowed down.... Miroku felt his left shoulder sank again...

"Miroku!!! You will be fine!!! You are the most amazing monk I have ever seen!!!" A small silhouette with a tail , Appeared on his shoulders and hugged Miroku's left shoulder tightly, preventing him from making any movements. Who would be the brat if it wasn't Shippō? ? ?

"Miroku! Choosing to escape from death is a weak behavior!! Stand up Miroku!!!" Just when Miroku was too late to speak, his hands sank deeply and saw a red The silhouette of, appeared in front of Miroku, put the hands of Sango and Kagome and said.

"Shippō...Inuyasha!!! You..." Looking at everything around, Miroku's eyes were already red, and tears could not help falling. It was too long... Since the father died, The strong Miroku has forgotten how long he hasn't shed tears (of course it doesn't count the previous time!! Unless someone is dead, my dad won't cry!! The bottle has nothing to say! hehe!).

Gradually, the silhouette of one after another appeared, the encouraging eyes of one after another, and the sound of encouragement. Since childhood, because of the departure of father, alone hides in the corner of the temple Here, even now, there are too many bonds between unconsciously, not for anything else, even for them, I can't give up lightly....

"We have always been ahh!!!!!" In the dark space, the sound of everyone at the same time shocked Miroku's mind. All the spiritual shackles in this brief moment were removed, and this The loud voice, as if in the darkness, opened a door of light. The rays of light that constantly poured in gave Miroku power. These silhouettes disappeared in the rays of light, but the power remained in Miroku’s. Mind.


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