Chapter 404: The stalemate battle! !

Inuyasha arrived in time to rescue Miroku in crisis. At the same time, the Sword Force was purified by the Sword of Devil. Two powerful forces blasted out at the same time. Magatsuhi, who was forced out of his body, lost his body. The protection symbol, at the moment of crisis, Magatsuhi broke out in evil aura, and saw the ground shake for a while, under the next moment, the ground cracked, and countless demons spread out.

The tentacle divided into two, one side attacked Inuyasha and Miroku on one side, and the other side formed an impermeable flesh wall before the true form, and here is, sacred arrow The power to purify the Sword Force has also approached, and the two collided, and the flesh wall was constantly devouring by these two forces, and in a short while, it turned into countless pieces of flesh and weakened from the air.

At the moment, I saw the dark clouds full of evil aura in the sky, and countless demon tentacles sprang out again, constantly resisting the advancement of the two witch forces, and at this moment, I felt below The strange Inuyasha waved it together, Wind Scar tore the tentacles from the attack, and then looked up to the sky, clearly feeling that an evil aura belonging to Naraku was constantly spreading.

"That is! Naraku's evil aura! Is it there? To defeat him!!! Take advantage of it now!!!" Looking at the evil aura that is constantly spreading in the air, Inuyasha is convinced That is Naraku’s evil aura, not only Naraku’s evil aura, but also very powerful. Thinking of what happened during this period, the partners were either possessed or arrested. Inuyasha firmly believed in defeating Naraku.

dong dong!! ! dong dong!! ! ! !

"Enlightenment!!! Meidō Zangetsuha!!!" Hands clenched the blade hilt, the pulsating sound came out, Tessaiga's blade changed suddenly, and the next moment swung out, and a half-moon-shaped black blade shattered. Out of space, the next moment hit the source of the tentacles in the clouds, and the half-moon-shaped black blade suddenly turned into a huge circle, instantly cutting off all the tentacles, and the evil aura around the underworld was also exhausted. Quickly absorbed by Ming Dao.

Evil aura is gone! but……. Is Naraku really defeated so easily? ? Looking at the sky, being absorbed by the Underworld, and the bright moon reappears in the sky, Kagome couldn't help but worry. Although evil aura disappeared, her premonition told him that Naraku would not disappear so easily, and this power It doesn't seem to be released by Naraku itself.

boom~ boom~ bang!!!!

"Uh!!!" At this moment, the ground broke out with strong vibrations again, and all of a sudden, Miroku flew away. Going out, after all, the power was exhausted just now. The ground shook. He didn't even have the strength to stand. Upon seeing this, Inuyasha rushed towards Miroku, picked him up on his back, and quickly moved towards a safe place.

"Goraishi!!!" Just as the tentacle behind him was chasing after him, a silhouette flashed past, blocking Inuyasha and Inuyasha. Of course, only Kōga had such a speed, Goraishi. Following it, a burst of thunder and lightning rushed out, and the powerful force shattered all these tentacles, and lost Inuyasha who was hunting down, speeding up and moving on.

"Have you recovered again? Damn it!!!" Seeing the ground meat squirming constantly, the next moment began to gather again. Kōga was unhappy, but there was no love battle, and he retreated at the same time. , After all, he was just buying time for Inuyasha and the others, and here, something surprised happened...

"hmph hum hmph! It seems that this time, I won again!! !!!" I saw that when everyone did not reflect the meaning of Magatsuhi's words, I saw the panic voice of Jaken and the others from the other side. I turned my head and saw that they had already been counted. Surrounded by the tentacles, Jaken and Yumaru, one holding the bottle gourd in one hand, and the other holding the Staff of Two Heads in front of the bell and Shiori, it can be seen that they were also scared but did not retreat.

"che! !!!!" Seeing this, Kikyō quickly moved to the side, broke the Demon Sword's location and pulled the sword up, and quickly moved towards the bell and the others' location, and Magatsuhi also seemed to see Kikyō's intentions, and quickly differentiated other tentacles to obstruct Kikyō's progress, but before the two double-edged swords were all turned into scraps.

"Kikyō! I advise you not to mess around!!! If you use a big move, as long as I pull the tentacles away, you chopped them to pieces, but those brats are there!!!" Magatsuhi saw It was difficult to stop Kikyō from advancing, and the evil aura erupted. Before Kikyō was advancing, countless tentacles sprang from the ground again, forming a barrier to resist. Kikyō held the Demon Sword high, and Magatsuhi, who saw her intentions, opened the mouth and coldly. said.

Kikyō heard the sound of frowned, although her moves are the nemesis to the demon, but that does not mean that it is useless for humans or other types. She did want to split the barrier with annihilating slash just now. But what Magatsuhi said is not unreasonable. With her current strength, even if it is a powerful half-demon like Inuyasha, it may not be able to stand it without Tessaiga, let alone those children.

whoosh whoosh whoosh xiu xiu!!!!

And at the moment when Kikyō stopped, the other tentacles rushed towards the bell and the others, when Kikyō saw it, quickly I ran forward, but there was no time at all, and there was a wall of flesh in front of me, but at the moment of crisis, I counted until the air-splitting sound came and counted the small green streamers passing by, just like a sharp sword, instantly Cut off all tentacles.

At the same time, Jaken and Yumaru reacted, and they both showed their housekeeping skills at the same time... set fire! ! The flames of the two people are together, and the power is increased several times, directly devouring the severed tentacles. They dare not take the flames back, and they continue to increase the flames, fearing that once the flames are retracted, the tentacles will gather again. Woke up.

Boom! ! ! !

Kikyō saw it and looked to the other side, only to see Ayame who was dealing with the demon not far away, but also moved towards this side, he saw the bell and the others are okay for the time being, Kikyō seized the opportunity , Rushed forward, put the sword of purification in the mouth, the free jade hand began to seal, and then, the palm of the hand was pressed on the flesh wall, next moment on the palm, emitting white rays of light, next moment The wall of flesh was directly invaded by a mysterious force, which directly exploded a huge hole, but it did not hurt Kikyō.

"Damn!! Damn priestess!!!" Looking at the broken opening, Kikyō took the sword from his mouth. Immediately, the Two Swords waved at the same time, and the sharp double-edged sword swept across. , Instantly smashed the remaining fleshy wall, and then, Kikyō quickly moved towards Ling and they ran away. Magatsuhi was furious when he saw that, in all directions of Ling and the others, tentacles sprang from the ground at the same time, moved towards Ling and they rushed. go with.


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