Chapter 407 separate action! !

"You don't need to listen!!! But to tell you frankly, the last piece of jewel shard is in his hands!!!" Hearing Inuyasha's retort, Yabuto was not angry and opened expressionlessly. the mouth and said. In fact, I’m not too happy in my heart. I say this to help you level up. I don’t care if I don’t appreciate it. I’m still yelling over there, there’s a jewel shard there. If you don’t believe you are not obediently submitting.

Inuyasha heard this, suddenly she had nothing to say, she could only draw a circle depressed on one side, while Sesshōmaru on the other side was looking thoughtful! ! He knows Hōsenki's name. Although he hasn't seen it before, he also knows that it is Great Demon from the same period as father, and he is a friend of father! Legend has it that Inuyasha's black pearl was obtained from him.

"This time!!! Kohaku is going with me!!! And there is also!!! If you want to restore Hiraikotsu and give it the power that can hurt Naraku, take it to find the old poisonous fairy! ! The specific location, just go to Myōga!!!" I scanned the crowd, finally fixed on Kohaku, and then said.

At this moment, I just thought of something, so I reminded them, after all, it’s different from original work now. The timid flea, Myōga, is not by their side now, and I don’t know he will I won’t rush back. It doesn’t matter whether there is Hiraikotsu or not, but I can only say that Sango without Hiraikotsu is just a burden.

"I got it!!" Hearing Yabuto summon, Kohaku would certainly not hesitate, but he really wanted to train alongside Yabuto, and he firmly believed that only Yabuto could defeat Naraku, so, Whenever, he will follow them.

"Let’s go!! Talking about what this guy is like!! I don’t say it clearly!!!" After Kohaku followed, Yabuto directly wrapped himself and Kohaku with a barrier. Leaving here directly, Inuyasha complained unhappily. He hates unfathomable mystery being manipulated most.

"Jaken! Bell!!! Let's go!!!" Sesshōmaru watched Yabuto leave, and took Tenseiga back to his waist, and immediately greeted Jaken and Rin to leave. His purpose was to find Naraku. Trace, after Magatsuhi was killed, what he wanted to kill most was Naraku, and now with Bakusaiga, he was more sure to destroy Naraku, but he had to go to a place before that.

"Inuyasha!!! What do you do now???" Seeing that Sesshōmaru also left, Magatsuhi's matter is also over. Kagome really didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only I'm fighting for Inuyasha's opinion. After all, Inuyasha is the backbone of their team ahh!!

"ahh!! No way! I can only stop listening to that guy, look for that Hōsenki!! !" Hearing Kagome's question, Inuyasha was helpless and knew that he did what Yabuto said. Although it was very upset, Yabuto would not harm him after all, and there was no motivation to harm him. I believe it was related to his own strength. Things! ! !

"I also decided to look for the poisonous immortal. Any way to restore Hiraikotsu, I have to try!!!" At this time, Sango and Miroku also came over. Almost repairing Hiraikotsu, she will not let it go. She won't let it go without seeking truth. Like Yabuto said, she can have the power to fight against Naraku. Even if it can be repaired, it doesn't matter if the power is worse than the original.

"What about Lady Kikyō???? And..." Miroku next to Sango asked. It seemed that he was obviously going to be with Sango, and he asked Kikyō. In fact, what he wanted to ask was Kagura and Kanna next to Kikyō. Kagura would not say anything, but Kanna looks like an enemy! ! He didn't know that Kanna had been persuaded by Kagura and lost contact with Naraku because of Yabuto's relationship.

"I decided to stay in the village, Shiori still needs to take care of it! Moreover, Naraku may be at a disadvantage at any time!!!" Kikyō's answer is naturally ready to come out, and there is not much to return to this familiar village. God, she won't leave easily. Besides, Shiori is still in a coma, and she can't leave.

Hearing what Kikyō said, Miroku was also sighed in relief. In fact, he was most worried about two things. One thing was that he was afraid that they would leave the village again. Although it has never happened before, this time, The matter is really serious, so I am worried that the village will become a target again. The second is Kagura and Kanna, but now with Kikyō watching, it should be okay.

"Hey!! Stinky wolf, what are your plans!!!" After already having a goal, Inuyasha did not forget this good friend. It is said that this time this guy appeared, which is considered to be a lot of help Busy, if it wasn't for his unfathomable mystery to stop Magatsuhi who grabbed the bell, the matter might not have ended so easily, and the village had helped a little this time.

"I'm here to find that guy! But he seems to be very busy!! But he should be back!! This Uncle will be aggrieved, stay in the village and wait for him!!! "Kōga suddenly remembered when he heard Inuyasha's words, he was here to find Yabuto, but Yabuto had already left, so I had no choice but to wait. After all, the next thing could not be done without sincerity.

In this way, the next group of people split up for the time being. After Miroku recovered, they set foot on the way to the residence of Dao Dao Thou together with Sango. After all, they had to find Myōga first, most of them He should have been with Dao Dao at the time, and on the other side, because the matter was temporarily resolved, and she suddenly thought that her world side seemed to be going to the college entrance examination, so she hurried back.

Because I was going to find Hōsenki with Yumaru, I did not object to Kagome leaving. Inuyasha and Yumaru also went on the road. In the village, only two sisters, Kikyō and Kanna, and of course Kōga Ayame and the Others can be regarded as a bodyguard for Kaede's Village, and a Shippō is also given as a gift. Of course, he is only responsible for making soy sauce.

At this time, in a luxurious Royal City far away from the village, within the barrier of light purple, Naraku floats in the sky, lying in a large character in the barrier, and has absorbed a lot Demon is gone, now the chest injuries are slowly converging, but his face is still not so good.

"That fellow Magatsuhi! Let's be wiped out!!!" Bai Ye said with his back leaning on the door and hands in front of his chest, saying that there is a kind of meaning of which pot is not opened or which pot is lifted. , But Naraku just complied in a low voice, and then he didn't speak any more, and Bai Ye didn't say much, turned his head and moved towards the door to look outside, not knowing what he was thinking! ! !


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