Chapter 414, Royal Bird Princess

"Speaking of the boss! Where are we going??" In the dense forest, four silhouettes flew through the forest It is said that there are only three flying paths, and the other one is simply rushing, and it is not resisted by the trees next to it. It directly smashes away the obstacles in front of it, and there is no room to stop it.

"Go to Hōsen Swamp, Lord Yabuto said that the last jewel shard is in Hōsenki's hands and must be retrieved!!!" Marching forward, a slightly thin silhouette with an azure long head Hair, wearing azure dragon scales armor and carrying two swords that are not ordinary at first glance, this person is Kohaku, who received the power of Azure Dragon in Hōraijima not long ago.

The other three are the three of Luoyunque who inherited the other three divine forces. Although Kohaku is the youngest among them, it can be seen that Yabuto respects him, and Perhaps it is because of the power of Four War Gods itself! They did not consciously regard Kohaku as the boss, except for Luo Yunque, Suikotsu both called it that.

"Hot aura!!! It seems that something interesting happened before!!!" After Kohaku's words were over, Luo Yunque, who had not spoken next to him, also spoke, and saw him Lifts the head, moved towards From a distance, I saw a fire shrouded in the direction of the end of the forest, like dusk in the dark night, which involuntarily attracted a trace of his attention. It seemed that after the power of Vermilion Bird was obtained, He has a lot of interest in flames.

"This aura! It's Naraku.... Speed ​​it up!!!" When Kohaku heard the sound, he began to pay attention to it. Even if he immediately felt a little strange, Naraku's aura was absolutely impossible and he would forget Perhaps as a human, he couldn’t feel it before, but it’s different now. He doesn’t know how to feel it. Even without meeting, he can clearly feel that the aura in front is Naraku’s. Aura is very weak.

"Naraku?? Is that the guy you often talk about?? Interesting!!!" Hearing Kohaku's words, Luo Yunque was surprised. Hearing them say that Naraku is very powerful and very Difficult, didn’t expect to meet this guy as soon as he left Hōraijima, which caused a little fighting intent to rise from a falling cloud that had no battle strength just now. Look at the situation ahead, could it? This one is called Naraku, and it also uses fire? ?

Kohaku is not replying. If the person in front is really Naraku, then he must not be let go. He believes that with his current strength, he is definitely not under Naraku, even if the use of power is still Not familiar enough, but if the four of them are united together, Naraku will definitely not be an opponent.

ahh!!! Help ahh!! Demon is here! ! Hurry up ahh!!! ! !

In the village shrouded by fire, countless roar sounds of fear came, countless human villagers fleeing with their heads, I saw in the fire, countless monsters resembling Winged Dragon but with pale skin like dead people The bird was constantly launching attacks on the villagers. At this time, there were countless villagers on the ground falling to the ground. The water in the whole body seemed to be sucked up, leaving only skin and bones.

"hmph huh hmph!! Don’t fight, there are a lot of prey!!!” And above the village, the naked jade foot lightly ignited a cloud, and only saw a woman wearing a red dress.” With both hands exposed in the air, a silver-white winged shoulder is hung on his left shoulder. Under the black long hair, his scarlet eyes do not have a trace of pity, as if he is looking at the trivial ant.

"Earth Dragon of Wind Blade storm! ! ! ! "At this moment, I saw a sound in the forest, a violent storm rushed out of the forest, and all the surrounding vegetation was swept away. The power of the storm was not blocked, and it rushed directly into the air to sniper the strange bird. Going to the densest place, the powerful force directly twisted these strange birds into pieces, turned into blood mist and disappeared in the air.

"This is.... "The woman who stepped on the fire cloud under her feet, avoiding the storm that rushed into the sky, was shocked when she saw what she saw. This force is too strong. If it weren't avoided in time, I'm afraid that even she could be crushed. At the same time, she was surprised. She was also secretly angry that someone dared to stop her.

"who! ! "I was stopped. Although the woman was surprised by the strength of the other party, she was also very angry. She concentrated her realization in the forest. The place was destroyed by the storm. She wanted to see who was blocking her, but she turned her head and found that the four lanes were of different sizes. The black shadow appeared in the woods, and it seemed to have heard her silhouette, and all slowly moved towards the outside of the forest.

"Isn’t it Naraku? ? But that Saimyōshō should belong to Naraku! ! Where is that guy! ! "I saw the silhouette gradually appearing in the forest. The leader was a brat who was handsome but still a little tender. It was said that it was a brat. In fact, it was just a younger one. And beside him, there were other things. Three people.

One wears orange-red feather armor, flaming long hair, and a huge orange-red feather fan behind his back. The other side is wearing black and white fur, jet-black armor and tiger claw shape. On the shoulders, looks like a normal human, and at the end is a huge body, nearly three meters tall and a huge body, plus an unusually heavy armor on his body. He didn’t take a step. Will bring a slight vibration to the ground.

Is this guy released the attack just now??? To be honest, it links the four people together. The only thing that can be seen is the same. People’s foreheads are all inlaid with a round treasure, only the color is different. Looking at Kohaku at the front, the woman frowns involuntarily.

"You said Naraku? ? ? ? "Of course, these four people felt that Naraku Aura came to Kohaku four people, but when they arrived, they found that it was a woman attacking Human’s village. However, the group of poison insects Saimyōshō around him easily Let Kohaku think that this woman, even if it’s not Naraku, has a lot to do with Naraku.

"Don’t be sophistry! Those poison insects are the best proof, and... the Trident is full of Naraku's disgusting smell! ! ! "Kohaku, carrying the wind blade teeth, walked forward slowly, staring at the woman in the sky with stern eyes, and pointed at the woman with wind blade teeth and said.

"Although I don't know, you follow me. That half-demon, what is there to do, but because of that guy, stop me! ! Also hurt my people! ! I will never let you go! ! ! "Looking at Kohaku's arrogant appearance, the woman was furious and killed her people. She was unable to treat her mother. She even dared to be so arrogant. How could she not get angry.




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