The 416th chapter begins! !

"Okay! So now! Let's talk! Where is Naraku???" Seeing Luoyunque and the others retreated, Kohaku stepped forward slowly and lifted Fengyafang from his shoulders Putting it down, Arioji looked up in the air slightly and said. Although he was underneath, he was not weak at all. On the contrary, it put a heavy pressure on Ari.

"But... Damn it! You fellow, don't underestimate me!!" Although surprised at the opponent's strength, he can put such a heavy pressure on himself before starting a war, but as a family of Princess, I have never been so underestimated before, ignoring this, and at a young age, the strength that can make the three powerful guys next to him obey, launching an attack again.

Boom! ! ! ! !

At the same time as the fire claws bombarded, Kohaku lifted the wind blade teeth lightly, a whirlwind rolled up on the blade, emitting a burst of rays of light, and at the same time, the flames came oncoming, powerful The force of, had a violent collision with the ground, and a cloud of smoke floated in the sky, making people unable to see the situation on the court.

"hmph! This is the price you dare to look down on me!!!" Looking at the smoke in front of you and the ground that is still burning, you can see that the temperature of the flame is not low. Seeing this, Aoruji smiled triumphantly. However, he didn't notice that the Luo Yunque three people next to him did not show a trace of panic, let alone expressing a trace of emotion, instead they had an expression of watching a play.

"You seem to be very proud?" At this moment, a voice rang out, and Arioji's eyes suddenly startled, as if she couldn't believe what she heard, but at the same time, only one sound was seen Powerful vigor rushed out of the flames, and the rotating force instantly blasted the flames away. Only in the center where the flames and smoke dissipated, a hovering semicircular shield continued to rotate.

Earth Dragon wind wheel! ! Utilizing the wind power possessed by the wind blade teeth, after penetrating the blade into the ground, a protective shield is formed from the ground. It is a protective unique skill, but if the enemy engages in close combat, it will also be rebounded by the shield itself. Power, and telling the rotating wind blade to cut, it is a unique skill with both offensive and defensive capabilities! The disadvantage is that the power is low.

Damn it! ! This guy, it’s not as simple as it seems, Naraku, that damn scoundrel, is the Trident given to me just to get me entangled with these guys? ? hateful! ! ! Seeing that her attack was blocked so easily, Arioji regained some sense. You know, this guy easily blocked her attack. If the four of them did it together, she would have no chance of winning at all.

"Now, let me ask you again! Tell us where Naraku is!!!" Pulling out the wind blade teeth inserted in the ground, the wind wheel shield slowly dissipated, he is not a The killer, even if he became a demon now, didn't change his character because of this. The reason for working with her was just because he wanted to know the whereabouts of Naraku.

"I don't know where that guy is! He just gave me the Trident!!! But I now know his purpose!!!" Although he was still unhappy with the other party's attitude, But Arioji still didn't dare to be too tough. Since they weren't asking for trouble, they didn't need to take things down.

Her purpose is to collect blood and then help her mother to dilute the ghost poison in her body. She also knows very well that Naraku handed Trident to her in order to use her to fight against this group of people. That's it, since he is using himself, then he doesn't need to hide anything. On the contrary, if these guys can find him, let them go to meet force with force, it will only be good for him and there is no harm.

"so that's how it is, then there is no need to continue the battle!! Let's go!!!" After hearing Arioji's words, Kohaku turned to speak after thinking for a while. Immediately after inserting Feng Jianya back in his back, he moved towards the other side of the village and left. When the three of Luo Yunque saw this, they looked at each other, did not speak, and followed along together.

"Oh! That's right!! Naraku gave the Trident! One word of advice!! It's better to throw him away!!" As he moved forward, Kohaku stopped suddenly, and then half turned his head and said. Although this demoness came to human’s village to kill people, it is also related to Naraku, but it should be related to Naraku. His and Yabuto's goals are both Naraku, and other things should not affect Lord Yabuto's plan.

Kohaku knows that Arioji doesn’t need to lie. After all, he also knows Naraku. He is definitely not the one who will leave traces when doing things. Since he wants to use this woman, he will definitely Wait until the time is right to show up. Rather than fight for an inconclusive answer, it is better to let this woman go and see what the hell is happening in Naraku.

"Uh...this guy!!!" From the very beginning, he was passive, and he had been facing the arrogance of the other party, and now he left casually, as if he was not there. The same, I simply ignored her. This made a proud Princess gnash the teeth with anger, but there was no way. She absolutely believed that if it were not for telling the matter by herself, the other party would definitely not give up so easily. Will not "kindly" remind myself.

puff puff puff puff pu!! ! ! !

In the stinking quagmire, in a decaying wood, I saw a blue silhouette of water hidden in the barrier of light purple, from the forest to the quagmire, if Yabuto and If the others are here, you can definitely recognize this person, it's Naraku who is not someone else.

"The legend has a demon with ears that can be clearly understood anywhere! Downwind ears! Did you know I'm coming??" When Naraku arrived, the blisters grew bigger and bigger in the quagmire. , Immediately, a huge wave rolled up, and an old man with long ears in a mess appeared in front of Naraku. Naraku said with a smile when he saw it.

"ahh!! Even if you can't hear it, your unique and powerful demonic power is something that many demons fear! Legend has it that Naraku, who specializes in devouring demon to enhance power, is not about devouring me, to have it My power!!" Facing Naraku, this strange old man didn’t panic. He said so. In fact, his ability was clearly understood long ago. Naraku didn’t come to trouble him, otherwise he wouldn’t be so. Calm down.

"I'm not interested in your ugly body!!!" Naraku wasn't surprised when he heard Shunfeng's words. If he didn't know his purpose, he wouldn't be interested in coming to him. It is precisely because of his ability that he has the value of allowing himself to visit the door in person.


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