Chapter 419 opens Sesshōmaru of the other world! !

"Want to go through this gate?" After hearing Yumaru's words, Inuyasha slowed down, pulled out Tessaiga and wanted to fight, but heard the sound again, next moment, there was a tremor on the ground. The two huge stone statues began to shake, and immediately, the original gray body began to show color, and the next moment, Gozu and Mezu stepped out at the same time.

"What are these two guys, ahh!!" Looking at the two big guys in front of them, they started to move. Inuyasha finally knew the reason, so he wanted to go through the gate. In this world, I'm afraid it refers to the dead! It is a world of the dead, and only the dead can pass there. In other words, if the living wants to go, they must die, and the two of them can do it for them.

"Let’s talk! Do you want to go through the gate?" The horse face that received my long spear stepped forward and said, as if the two of them could only say these two sentences, and the other side The bull head holding crescent shovel is also glare like a tiger watching his prey. They will not hurt people casually, but they must be dead if they want to enter the back of the gate. If Inuyasha leaves, they will not be embarrassed, but...

"Nonsense!! Of course I want to Passed!!!” It’s just that Inuyasha is not someone who can obedily be soft. It’s not Yabuto who wants him to find what Hōsenki is doing. Just saying that this guy brought Sacred Jewel to this place is enough. The reason allowed him to enter this place. So this battle must be fought.

"Be careful! Lord Inuyasha!!! These two guys are not so easy to deal with!!!" At this moment, Myōga's voice sounded, because it was too small, so at first he hid It was on Inuyasha's hair, so he didn't find it. He knew that the reason why these two guys would guard the gate was not so easy to defeat, so he reminded Inuyasha out loud.

"Speaking of Myōga!!! When did you get here!!!" Inuyasha has rushed up. He never knows what fear is, but what made Yumaru shout is that someone does not Knowing when he had jumped on his shoulders, Yumaru's eyelids twitched while watching, and Inuyasha rushed forward. Although he had already rushed forward, no one noticed the blue veins on his forehead.

"Uh...Well! Stop it!!" Seeing this, Myōga couldn't help scratching his head cheeky, and changed the subject on Yumaru's shoulder. The latter resisted stomping him. Impulsively, he turned his gaze to the battlefield between Inuyasha and Gozu and Mezu, and saw that Inuyasha jumped high at this time, raising Tessaiga and falling down.


"ahh!!!" The horse face was the first to bear the brunt. He raised the huge golden long spear in his hand and blocked Inuyasha's knife. The sparks scattered in the dark cave. Inuyasha was taken aback when he saw it. Coming to this big guy is indeed not only big, but also strong enough. It is so easy that it can block his cut, but Inuyasha has always been strong when it comes to strength.

I saw Inuyasha yelling above, and with both arms at the same time, he pressed Tessaiga down heavily. The huge force pushed the horse back away. At this time, I saw the golden crescent sharp blade. Sweeping from top to bottom, Inuyasha saw it, quickly turned around, stepped on one of the walls, and slammed to avoid the blow.

Crescent shovel smashed heavily on the ground, arousing turbulent dust, obscuring the line of sight, but for Inuyasha, the nose is the best tool. In the smoke, you can easily find the bull's head. The existence of, jumped out of the smoke directly, taking advantage of Niu Tau's gap with crescent shovel, fell directly, with a clang, directly chopped on Niu Tau's forehead, Niu Tau was shaken by the powerful force.

"hmph!! How is it!!!" Inuyasha is absolutely sure of the bull's head. This time, he can definitely chop its head to pieces, and said proudly after landing. But the horse on one side was expressionless, as if he was not worried about his partner's accident, still staring at Inuyasha, only to see that a scene that shocked Inuyasha happened at this time.

"What!!!" I saw, Niutou put down the hand holding his forehead, and saw that the entire forehead had been cracked, and some rubble was falling, but there was a little bit on his face. There was no expression, the next moment, the broken part, unexpectedly began to slowly condense, and the gap part began to heal, and Inuyasha saw it, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Your knife is useless!!! Now, do you still have to go through the gate???" Ma Mian seemed to see Inuyasha's surprise, and said flatly. Their original intention was not to kill, but to guard. If the other party retreats when they find it difficult, they will definitely not stop it.

"Lord Inuyasha! They are the demon guarding the gates of the other world. With the sword of this world, there is no way to hurt them. Even if they are beaten up, they will be healed! ahh !! It hurts!!” At this time, Myōga spoke. He forgot to say it for a while, but before he finished speaking, it was time to see the blackened Inuyasha running in front of him and grabbed him and squashed him. Up.

"What do you mean by this kind of thing now!!!" Let go of your finger, and Myōga, who has been squashed, fell lightly. If it's really useless, then what does he do, cut and cut to death, pass and fail, run to beat soy sauce? ? In fact, Yumaru knew about the blackened Inuyasha, but his wise choice didn't say it. He didn't expect Myōga to say it first. Fortunately, he didn't have the impulse to say it.

"You are still so embarrassed ahh!! Inuyasha!!! Inuyasha!!!" At the same time that Inuyasha finished teaching Myōga, a cold voice came. The sound of footsteps coming from outside, a silver white silhouette, slowly appeared in front of Inuyasha and the others.

"Kill...Sesshōmaru!!! What are you guys doing here!!!" Seeing Sesshōmaru appearing, and being so arrogant as soon as it appears, Inuyasha suddenly couldn't help it, and stepped forward. Looking desperately, but Sesshōmaru was obviously not interested today. He entangled with Inuyasha and walked directly in front of Gozu and Mezu.

"Do you want to go through the gate too?? Do you want to or not????" Seeing Sesshōmaru who appeared unexpectedly, Gozu and Mezu still asked without expression, but compared to the face Expressionless, Sesshōmaru didn't lose to them at all, and gradually stretched his hand to his waist, as if he wanted to fight directly.


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