Chapter 425 Naraku VS Big Iron Chicken! !

"Naraku! You guy, you really are using us ahh!!" On the mountain where the Princess of the bird Ariji race is located, looking at the Naraku floating in the air in front of you, it is pretty devilish and pretty There was a trace of anger on his face. It can be seen that because of Naraku's design, he was full of anger at the guy in front of him, and he was about to swallow it.

"You can't say that! Didn't you use it greedily because you felt the power of my Trident????" Naraku couldn't help but reveal it when he looked at the ill-looking Ariuki in front of his eyes. With a sneer, he himself was using them, admitting that it had no effect on him at all, even if he admitted, how could they have a way to fight against Naraku? ?

"Less nonsense! Even without this Trident, I still have a way to collect enough blood, forget it! It doesn't matter!!! Anyway, someone has done what I want to do!!! "After hearing Naraku's words, Ariuji disturbed unhappily, and then inserted Trident on the ground as if she didn't care, and then said mockingly.

"But thanks to you too!! The blood collected by those guys killed by those in your city just happened to be poisoned by my mother!!" He didn't say anything. Naraku, Ariuji couldn't help but become even more proud. In her opinion, Naraku's current appearance is precisely because he has been said to be critical and has nothing to say.

"Really? That's really a pity!!!" After hearing Arioji's words, Naraku's expression did not change at all, still with the faint smile, and on the other side, Ah Shiruki thought that Naraku was just doing her best now, and she didn't care at all. She did not exaggerate. Although the blood collected in Naraku city was not much, she also managed to collect a lot of blood successfully, so that his mother's disease was cured.

"Naraku!!! My mother said it! She really wants to cheat you hu!!!!" Looking at Naraku with a cruel smile on her face, I saw the next moment, hidden in The big eyes in the mountain suddenly exudes a murderous aura, and the wing birds flying around are all shocked by this murderous aura. The moved towards the surroundings are torn apart, as if they are involved in it.

hōng lóng lóng lóng Long! ! ! ! boom!

Is it finally open? ? The gate of this world to the other world! ! ! The mountain suddenly began to shake, and the violent vibration caused the mountain itself to crack, and countless splashes at any time, Naraku saw it, there was no evade, the splashing stones, all hit his barrier, no It caused him the slightest harm, and Naraku didn't panic about the powerful demon that was about to appear in front of him.

"Naraku, although I don’t know what you are trying to use our mother and daughter, but now you are of no value to us, and using our price, you can’t just pay Affordable!!" At the moment the mountain collapsed, a pair of huge white wings burst out of the mountain, with green mouths, purple eye sockets, and the cockscomb on the head was formed by the light-blue flame, which is the Princess of the bird. Ji's mother big iron chicken.

At the same time, this huge iron chicken is also a medium that connects this world to the other world. His blood will flow out a guide to the other world, because Naraku does not The way to go through the gate guarded by Gozu and Mezu, so it needs the power of this big iron chicken. This is why he will let Arioji collect blood to help her heal her injuries, because there is only the purest blood. To be able to open that path.

"Naraku! I have to say that you have chosen the wrong target for use!!!" Facing Naraku in front of him, Big Iron Chicken still doesn’t know what Naraku’s so-called use is, but what kind of use it is. As he dared to use her Naraku, the big iron chicken did not hesitate and opened his big mouth. Then, a huge pillar of fire suddenly protruded from his mouth and rushed towards Naraku.


The pillar of fire hits Naraku’s barrier, and the powerful impact forces Naraku with the barrier to the ground. The flame instantly completely devouring the barrier, and even the ground within the range. After a while, the flame Gradually dissipated, I saw the continuous smoke above the ground, plus a layer of red liquid attached to the surface of the ground stone, it is not difficult to see how high the temperature of the flame is, even the rock has been dissolved.

"hmph! What a stupid guy!!!" Looking at the mess on the ground, Arioji showed a sneer, and she couldn't help but feel a little smug in her heart. This is the price of using their mother and daughter. , And at this moment, a familiar voice came, and Arioji was stunned suddenly.

"Where are you attacking???" Arioji and Datieji who reacted, both turned to realize behind them, and saw Naraku floating intact behind them, still there. With Serene's expression, next moment, Naraku removed the barrier, and three sharp thorns stuck out behind the big iron chicken.

Although she is huge and gives her powerful strength, it also has obvious shortcomings. For example, now, she has no ability to avoid Naraku's attack, regardless of his pair of wings. , But there was no way to fly fast. Facing Naraku's weird and tricky surprise attack, Big Iron Chicken couldn't avoid it at all.

"Don’t underestimate our Naraku!!! This level of attack is impossible to defeat our mother and daughter!!!" I saw the crisis, cold light flashed, and Ariji held Trident in his hand. Then, with continuous swings, all the long thorns released by Naraku were directly smashed, and Naraku's offensive was instantly resolved, and at this time, the big iron chicken who escaped was not watching in place.

"scoundrel! Just use this move to solve you!!!" I saw the big iron chicken angry roar, two chicken feet supporting the body, spreading two huge wings, an instant, one Orange rays of light shrouded the whole body, and the wings were wrapped in flames. Then the flames on the wings formed a shooting star-like attack towards Naraku.

Bang bang!!!!

When Naraku saw this, he couldn’t help but sneered, and retracted his tentacles. The barrier around his body was instantly erected. The flame meteor hit the barrier and made a violent explosion. Ariuji smiled triumphantly. A person can survive this move after his mother makes this move, but Naraku within the barrier does not have a trace of panic.

"With your level of flame, there is still no way to crack my barrier!!!" Naraku was disdainful of the big iron chicken's attack. Speaking of using flames, in the entire demon world, there is only one person who can make him jealous, but only with these two mothers and daughters, they have to fight him! It's really too tender.


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