Chapter 427: Battle with the Bird Race!

Being defeated by a brat like this, the proud big hen suddenly felt unable to hold her face, slammed her wings, and countless flaming meteors were constantly released. Upon seeing this, Kohaku aroused the strength of Earth Dragon in her body. , The wind blade teeth penetrated the ground, and a vortex barrier suddenly appeared around the four of them. The continuously strong rotating force instantly bounced the oncoming flaming meteor away.

"Damn it!! This move again!!!" Seeing the Earth Dragon wind wheel that suddenly appeared around Kohaku and the others and blocked the attack, Arioji couldn't help but bitterly. She also saw this move last time, knowing that this move is not an ordinary attack that can break through, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"Damn brat!! Look at me directly swallowing you!!!" Arioji would hesitate, but a certain big hen would not be able to be provoked and insulted, and she couldn't say anything. Staying sane, the huge body jumped high, his head stretched down, and the huge mouth opened, it was about to devouring away with the Earth Dragon wind wheel.

"I should have said that I don't have a hobby like Naraku, and not everything is so easy to digest!!! Right! Her Highness the Princess!!!" Looking at the face. With the big mouth coming, Kohaku didn't choose to fight hard, retracted the wind blade, and jumped up high. Suikotsu and the three would also be interested, and each jumped away, and the big hen rushed out.

"You fellow!!! Don't be too arrogant!!!" After hearing Kohaku's words, Arioji didn't know where, what did Kohaku mean? When they met for the first time, they were collecting Human’s blood. This guy was taking his mother because he swallowed everything. In the end, he was poisoned by ghosts. He had to use Human’s blood to dilute and detoxify. Looking down on him.

The so-called unbearable, no need to endure, originally they were reluctant to fight against Kohaku and the others. After all, their goal was the guy named Naraku. It seemed that the relationship between the two parties was definitely not good. What, there is no need to be an enemy at all, but her mother obviously didn't think so. Kohaku and the others broke into their family's territory casually, which was a death crime in her opinion.

Since his mother can't help but make a move, it's useless to say anything. No matter how you say, this is the mother who directly respects. She is so insulted, if she doesn't speak, it really can't be said. , And she also wanted to clean up this arrogant human brat, so, after hearing Kohaku's ridicule, without the slightest hesitation, she raised Trident and drove through the fire cloud.

"Oh!!! I'm angry!!!" Looking at the oncoming Arioji, Kohaku turned sideways and looked quite relaxed. The arrogant Princess was even bigger. Angrily, the body that had passed by Kohaku quickly turned around and struck again. Kohaku saw the wind and his teeth moved forward and directly blocked Trident's wall. Under the strength of the stalemate, silk was rubbed on the two pieces of metal. Wire sparks.

On the other side at this time, Suikotsu and the three people, while avoiding the heavy attack of the big hen, while dealing with the surrounding wingbirds, there is no place to panic. With their current strength, they are not at all Fear of such an attack, even Kyōkotsu among the three was able to fight such a huge iron chicken.

"Hey! Big guy, you are too slow, eat too much and can't fly!" You know, Gangluo’s Force of Black Tortoise is not what brought him Pure defense and attack, you must know that Gangluo's huge physical strength in the past is now concentrated in this body that is less than Sanmu's height. On the other hand, Suikotsu, whose speed has been increased several times, is attracting attention. Even if the big iron chicken is powerful, it is also battered and exhausted.

"Let’s play with you too!!" On the other side, Luo Yunque holds a red evil ghost fan, behind which a pair of crimson fire wings are constantly burning, floating in the air. Surrounded by a large group of wingbirds, you know, this is the headquarters of the Aorji clan. The number of wingbirds here is far more than the amount that Aorji can go out to collect human blood, but the latter is not afraid of it. .

"Red evil ghost fan Chi Zhuhuang!!!" The red fan danced, and saw countless birds chirping out in the scarlet flame storm, suddenly entangled with the wing birds in the sky. After Luo Yunque released Fire Bird, he floated in place without any movement, and looked like he was enjoying a good show.

clang clang clang clang!! ! !

"How!! How do you respond? Her Highness the Princess!!!" I don’t know if it’s because of inheriting the strength of Azure Dragon and having the same arrogant personality as Ryura, and Or Kohaku, who dissolved all Heart Demon's original character, is like this. While playing against Arioji, he swept the changes on the court from the corner of his eye. It is completely that the four of them have the upper hand! !

"Shut up!! Worry about you for a long time!!" Although he was worried about his mother's safety in his heart, he knew that the brat in front of him was young, but he couldn't be careless, accidentally. Will be defeated. As a result, instead of being affected, the Euphorbia in his hand danced even more fiercely.

"en? ?? I remember I reminded you that this Trident is not good for you!! Can't you extricate yourself with strength????" I blocked Trident's blow again and felt On Trident, Naraku's aura is still constantly coming out, Kohaku couldn't help but speak, but his tone, anyone will hear it! even more how Now they are the enemy.

"My business, you don't need to worry about it!!!" Reminded by Kohaku "kindly", Arioji not only didn't care, but attached a hot flame to Trident and launched another attack , Kohaku is very helpless about this. These years, he is a good person and was misunderstood. If he used to explain it patiently, but now, he doesn't have much interest.

"Who wants to worry about your business! Our purpose is Naraku!!!" After hearing the sound of Kohaku curl one's lip, this woman really doesn't understand the appreciation. If others don't appreciate it, he can't just insist Make it cheap! !

"I'm always talking about this guy. I told you that that guy has been swallowed and there is no possibility of reappearing!!" She was very curious about the origin of this Naraku. There are that many powerhouses are looking for, and looking like this, they all seem to want to control him to death.


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