Chapter 43: Go to Bat Clan

"Yumaru! Let’s go!!!" Yumaru, who was waiting boredly on a mountain trail, suddenly listened Behind him came Yabuto's unique indifferent tone. Although it was not the first time he heard it, it still felt like a chill in his back from behind.

"Yes! Lord Yabuto!!!" After complied, Yumaru silently followed in Yabuto's footsteps. He didn't know where to go next, but he knew that the things that shouldn't be asked, the best Don't ask. Yabuto has its own arrangements. Yabuto who entered Kaede's Village did not bring Yumaru, because he just wanted to take a tour of Kaede's Village. It was uncomfortable to take Yumaru in the air.

On this trip, Yabuto saw Onigumo, who had not yet become a demon, and suddenly reminded Yabuto of a good thing, as everyone knows Naraku’s major characteristics in original work, the first one is For regeneration, the second is to use miasma, and the third is a powerful barrier that is hard to break.

The purpose of Yabuto’s trip is to do one thing—barrier. Having a strong barrier can avoid many unnecessary battles, and it can also effectively improve the defense against attacks. Yabuto won’t The arrogance is already invincible in the whole world for his own strength, can effectively block the opponent's attack, and then be able to launch a more deadly counterattack.

And speaking of barrier, the most famous of original work is of course Bat Clan! The powerful barrier power in the original work is not lost to Naraku at all. The Blood Coral Crystal in the hands of half-demon Shiori also gives Inuyasha’s Tessaiga the power to cut the barrier. In the early stage, it was the only one that must break the Naraku barrier. Prepare weapons!

And Kaede's Village after Yabuto left! A person was also ushered in, and this person, not someone else, was the Inuyasha that Yabuto was looking for. It seems that because of Yabuto's relationship, a part of the butterfly effect was produced. Inuyasha seemed to come to Kaede's Village later than in the original work.

But at this time, Yabuto was on the way to Bat Clan. He didn't know that he and Inuyasha had passed by, but even if he knew it was nothing, he was not interested in interfering with the relationship between him and Kikyō. Gratitude, but he didn't know, because of his early arrival, all things have undergone some minor changes,

hua hua hua hua hua!! ! !

The roaring sea, huge waves constantly beating against the rocks on the beach, the sound of impact filled Yabuto’s ears, and the cool sea breeze gently brushed his face, suddenly let Yabuto relax, It has been a long time since he came to this World to enjoy such relaxation.

At this time, Yabuto has come to a small village by the sea, and this village is the village where Bat Clan is located. Looking at the dark cave not far away, Yabuto is slightly frowned. Bats are bats. It seems that both demon and ordinary bats like to live in these dark places.

Close to the cave of Bat Clan, the huge barrier protects the cave. Looking at the solid barrier in front of him, Yabuto naturally does not expect those bats to directly hand over the method of using barriers. Of course, he is also impossible to find it in a low voice. They ask, there is only one way! ! !

"Yumaru! back up!!!!"

"Yes! Lord Yabuto!!!" Yumaru did not ask much, because in Yabuto's cold voice, he had already Hearing the meaning of Yabuto, he stepped back a few meters wittily.

clang!! ! !

With a sound of iron friction, cold light suddenly appeared, Hakusō demon weapon suddenly unsheathed, and an unquenchable burst of purple demonic energy burst out, with a sudden wave, the powerful demonic power turned into a purple storm Swept Bat Clan's cave barrier.

Boom! ! bang bang bang!! !

While the powerful demonic energy hits the barrier, the violent sound resounds across the sky. When the powerful demonic energy storm hits the barrier, the huge aftermath spreads towards all around the mountain wall, suddenly the gravel flies, mountains burst and ground split, but the barrier of the protector cave was unscathed, which made Yabuto couldn’t help being secretly sighed, and Bat Clan’s barrier was really powerful.

although I didn't try my best with the strike just now, and it’s not a powerful unique skill, it’s just a blade energy sent out at random, but this power is enough to destroy dozens of demons. Up. didn't expect these Bat Demons are not very strong, but creating a barrier is not bad.

But it doesn’t matter to Yabuto whether it’s broken or not. His goal has been achieved. If the demons of Bat Clan can’t react to the huge shock just now, it’s really a little bit. Rotten.

Sure enough, a large group of Bat Demon flew out of it shortly afterwards. Yabuto's chirping voice made Yabuto annoyed, but it did not change at all. At this time, the Lord appeared, Tsukuyomaru and Taigokumaru, for Today’s Bat Clan leader, Tsukuyomaru has not fallen in love with human yet, so he has not been killed by Taigokumaru at this time.

"I don't know who your Excellency is!! We don't seem to know! Why attack us for no reason!!" Taigokumaru was taken aback when he saw that the man was just a young boy, then he asked politely . He didn't underestimate Yabuto, a person who can cause such a powerful shock is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person, and changing his appearance is never difficult for a demon.

"hmph! We are here for your Bat Clan barrier technique!!!" Yabuto did not speak, but Yumaru replaced Yabuto. He knew that at this time, his Young Master was too lazy He speaks a lot, so he can only do it for him. If he were to give him more courage at other times, he would not dare to do so. But at this time, Yabuto was by his side, and he had enough courage to speak out.

"What did you say!!" After listening to Yumaru's words, Taigokumaru and Tsukuyomaru were already at the same time, and they never thought that Yabuto's arrival was actually for their clan's barrier technique that is regarded as life.

"Impossible!" Taigokumaru, who reacted after being surprised, refused without the slightest hesitation, and Tsukuyomaru but looked thoughtful.

hu!!!! !

At the moment when Taigokumaru's words fell, suddenly, a huge murderous aura whizzed out, and Taigokumaru father and son suddenly felt that his whole body was surrounded by a penetrating chill, as if he had fallen into hell. At the moment they touched Yabuto's cold eyes, they couldn't believe that such a teenager could have such a powerful murderous aura.

Yabuto's cold gaze swept over the demons of Bat Clan present. Except for Taigokumaru father and son, the other lesser demons were already suppressed to breathe. As for Taigokumaru and Tsukuyomaru, they were not much better. , At this time they didn't even have the courage to look directly at Yabuto.


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