Chapter 433 The decisive battle in front of the tomb! (3)

"wū wū wū wū!!! But... Damn it! Your dispute, why do you involve us!!!" Ari, who lay on the head of the big iron chicken, weeping Ji, turned around abruptly, eyes that had not yet wiped the tears, and stared at Yabuto and the others closely. That's right, for her, if it weren't for these people and Naraku's grievances, and her mother and daughter would not be involved, her mother would not die! !

"Involved?? You said that you are too noble! If it weren't for your mother, who wanted to use Naraku in turn, how could there be such a result!! After all, it's just self-inflicted !!!" In the face of Ariuji, who was still questioning, Yabuto's expression was much flatter than that. To underestimate Naraku needs strength. Like this big hen, there is clearly no such strength, but Still naively want to use him, not courting death. What is it?

Listening to Yabuto’s words, Arioji was stunned for a moment. For a while, she didn’t know what to say and refuted, but what the other party said was not wrong at all. If she is facing other people, maybe she You can anger the opponent without the slightest hesitation, but none of these guys in front of you are simple characters, and even the four people who have fought with him before are very respectful of him, do you have the right to refute?

"Moreover, Naraku has found you, you have no way out! In order to get the jewel shard, your mother's death is already doomed!!" Yes, even if Ariuji and the others do not provoke Naraku , At most, it is just to let Naraku change its plan. In order to get to the present and the other world, the big iron chicken must die, and Naraku will also come to the door.

"Damn it! That guy..." After hearing Yabuto's words, Arioji could naturally think that her mother's blood had such an effect even she didn't know it, and it might even even her 'S mother doesn't know it, but Naraku knows it, and uses his mother's blood to open the door to the other world. If this is the case, it is true... Even if they don't plan to use Naraku, Naraku will come to the door a long time ago.

"Lord Yabuto!!! After the power of Goran was absorbed by Kyōkotsu, Hōraijima lost the guardianship of the giant beast. What do you think of her?" At this moment, Luo Yunque spoke, and then pointed Not far away, said the decapitated corpse of the big iron chicken. Although the strength of this big hen is not very strong, but the victory is huge, and can fly for a short time, the field of vision is definitely wide enough, and suitable for protecting Hōraijima.

"en? ??Kohaku!!! What's your opinion???" Yabuto groaned when he heard Luoyunque's words, and then turned to Kohaku, although Luoyunque is now considered to be The military advisor of Four War Gods, but, no matter how much Kohaku is the leader, Kohaku is not mature enough, so Yabuto would like to ask his opinion.

And Arioji also heard what Luoyunque said, and I don’t know what they want to do. Just by listening, it’s not difficult to understand that they are beating their mother’s idea, but their own mother is dead, isn't it? The dead body alone should be useless to them! Besides, don't they think that it is too arrogant to think about the remains of other people's mother in front of others? ?

"ahh!!! It should be possible to protect only! I think it is feasible!!!" After hearing Yabuto's words, Kohaku was taken aback at first, but he quickly understood Yabuto's intentions. After looking at it, Arioji, whose face was starting to be a little unpleasant, said. He didn't care about the change in Arioji's expression at all.

In fact, the meaning of Kohaku’s words is also obvious. The so-called protection is not an extravagant request that she can completely protect Hōraijima, and she does not have the ability to do it. In this world, there are so many powerful demons. Yes, it is impossible for this big hen to want to do it, but at least after she discovers the enemy's situation, others can clearly understand and can arrive immediately to minimize the loss.

"Really? But in your heart, it seems that you don't just think like this!!!" Kohaku's little movement just now, how sharp Yabuto's eyes are, how could he not see it, and for a while, I felt a little sigh. The child of this World is really precocious! Co-acting and tying is a kind of emotional ahh!! Hearing Yabuto's words, Kikyō, who hadn't spoken all the time, couldn't help but smile.

After listening to what Yabuto said, Kohaku couldn’t hear the meaning of Yabuto’s words. Suddenly blushed and turned his eyes to other places, not daring to let Yabuto and the others see. On the other hand, Luo Yunque and Suikotsu glanced at each other and reached a consensus tacitly. They didn't say much, they just wanted to laugh because of Kohaku's actions.

"In that case! That's it! Kyōkotsu! Move her head next to the corpse and put it as it is!!!" Although Kohaku has other thoughts, it is Luoyun after all What Que first proposed, and what both of them said makes sense. It seems that they saved the big hen. It not only adds a line of defense for Hōraijima. With their clan's bird-repelling technique, it is equivalent to putting yourself in the sky and getting a lot of double right. eye.

"What are you doing!!! Don't be near my mother!!!" Kyōkotsu certainly did not question Yabuto's order. After hearing Yabuto's order, he moved towards the head of the big iron chicken As he walked, Ariuji saw this and immediately became alert and wanted to drink Kyōkotsu who was coming. However, Kyōkotsu, who only ordered Yabuto's orders, could not stop! !

"If you want your mother to be safe, it is best not to mess around!!!" Seeing Kyōkotsu did not stop at all, when Ariuji was about to do it, Luo Yunque's voice sounded again After looking at Kohaku who hadn't spoken in order to avoid suspicion, he couldn't help but speak for him. When Luo Yunque looked at him, Kohaku began to avoid his eyes again.

"Uh...." Hearing Luo Yunque's words, Ariuji was stunned, and in this moment of stunned Kyōkotsu had already passed by her, she couldn't help turning around. , I saw Kyōkotsu step forward, raised her mother's head in an extremely crude manner, and then moved towards the direction of the corpse, without stopping at all.

"Don’t mess up, don’t understand? Lord Yabuto will save your mother!!!" Arioji couldn’t help but want to catch up and snatch her mother’s head. But she felt her shoulders sink. It turned out that Kohaku didn't know when she had come to her side. She pressed her shoulders without any effort. She could break free as long as she lightly startled.

However, looking at Kohaku's eyes, she seemed to have forgotten to break free, and even looking at those eyes made her believe that her mother could still save the nonsense, is there any help? ? is it possible? ? Even if the body of a demon is more tenacious, in comparison, most of the demon’s life gates, like humans, are the head and heart. The head has been chopped off, and the blood has been released. Can it be saved? ? ?


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