Chapter 439 The decisive battle in front of the tomb! (9)

Is that guy absorbing Sesshōmaru's demonic power? ? Inuyasha, who was constantly approaching, looked at the demonic energy from Sesshōmaru Tōkijin, and continued to follow Tōkijin's contact with Mōryōmaru's sword body and was continuously absorbed by Mōryōmaru. Inuyasha was surprised that the Dragon Strike with such a powerful power turned out to be It can be absorbed, you know, not everyone can withstand the demonic power of Sesshōmaru.

"Useless Sesshōmaru!! With your insufficient power Dragon Strike, do you want to block my Blood Soul Burial???" Although the power of Dragon Strike continues to increase, but every time it increases One point will be absorbed by half a point, which is equivalent to consuming twice as much demonic power than usual, and the speed of demonic power condensing has also dropped a lot, and it is too late to resist the release of Blood Soul Burial.

dong dong!! dong dong!

"Uh...this is!!!" At this moment, Mōryōmaru's body suddenly changed. The body wrapped in the Meiōjū armor suddenly trembled, and at the same time, The Chizi who was in Mōryōmaru's body also felt this slight change. He couldn't help but stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe that everything was really the same.

"hmph! I, Sesshōmaru's demonic power, how can your humble body be able to seize it!!" Cold eyes engraved on the Mōryōmaru in front of me, Sesshōmaru's cold voice sounded again, and the demonic power in his hand again The output, suddenly, the sound of dragon's roar roared out, and the roaring power continued to erupt. It was Mōryōmaru who did not dare to bear the demonic power of Sesshōmaru, and the power of Dragon Strike was released again.

roar!! ! ! !

The Dragon's roar suddenly sounded, the crystal blue lightning dragon roared out, the powerful force spread to all directions, suddenly shook Mōryōmaru apart, and at the same time, the Meiōjū armor on Mōryōmaru's body began to crack , The deep green demonic energy rays of light spread out from the crack, which is the demonic power of Sesshōmaru originally absorbed. Once the armor is broken, the demonic power instantly disappears and returns to Sesshōmaru's body.

"Damn!! Sesshōmaru!!! Uh...this feels like..." He looked at Sesshōmaru in front of him bitterly. At this moment, Mōryōmaru's body was already shattered, but at this moment , Mōryōmaru's body has also changed, it is a familiar and fearful feeling.

In Mōryōmaru's body, the heart position where the naked child is located. At this time, the naked child who is being wrapped by a small barrier, suddenly begins to change on a piece of flesh wall in front of him, a picture like a human Something on his face slowly emerged from the flesh wall, and appeared in front of Chizi with a smile on his face. Chizi was suddenly shocked when he saw it.

"Naraku!!! are not dead!!!" The person who appeared in front of Chizi was not someone else, but Naraku. He originally thought he had received Naraku’s Sacred Jewel and formed a nearly complete form. After the Sacred Jewel, he can definitely absorb Naraku in the fastest time, but didn't expect it still gives Naraku a chance to take advantage of it. However, he obviously couldn't feel his power before.

"hmph hum hmph! It’s weird! Everything is under my control. To be honest, I really didn’t expect you to grow to this point. I almost missed I, Naraku, But! Just now you absorbed the demonic power of Sesshōmaru, but it became the reason for your failure." Naraku said with a sneer, looking at the naked child in front of him.

"Who do you think you are?? After combining the power of the Yabuto Hakusō sword, I devouring I, Naraku, and want to absorb the demonic power of Sesshōmaru. The armor of Meiōjū with the Hakusō sword is really good To call invincible, my intention is to devour you from the body. However, I didn’t expect the power of Yabuto Hakusō knife and the power of Sacred Jewel to be so strong. I also want to thank Sesshōmaru!!"

Yes. The Naraku itself really underestimated the power of Mōryōmaru at this time. After the two and a half Sacred Jewels merged, a powerful force was generated. Together with the resentment of the Hakusō knife itself, it was combined with the contaminated Sacred Jewel. You must know These two distinct things are all demon's resentment. There is a feeling of pity for the same disease, and naturally they are more perfectly combined.

It is precisely because of this that Naraku almost capsized. Fortunately, in the end, because of Chizi’s greed, he wanted to take Sesshōmaru’s demonic power as his own, which led to another result, Mōryōmaru itself. After receiving the power of the four souls and Hakusō, his body has reached the peak of this body. After absorbing Naraku, digestion by Sacred Jewel should be the best result.

But when he devoured Sesshōmaru’s demonic power, it was different. Sacred Jewel, Hakusō sword, Naraku plus Sesshōmaru’s demonic power, as well as those zeros that he had absorbed in the past to enhance the demonic power. The scattered demons, this force, has exceeded the capacity of the barrier of Mōryōmaru. You must know that the barrier itself was created by Hakudōshi. Although Hakudōshi is strong, it has not yet been able to create one that is better than himself. The stronger guy.

"Damn!!!" To put it bluntly, the most fundamental reason for the current situation is to support it! ! But now even if I regret it, it’s too late. I looked at Naraku in front of me with spiteful eyes. The eyes radiated evil light. Suddenly there were many sharp spikes around the flesh wall, which pierced Naraku’s face. However, I was pierced. Naraku was stunned, but there was no expression at all, as if it didn't hurt or itchy.

"As the heart of I, Naraku, you should know how stupid it is to do this!!! You should also know that there is only one way to kill I, Naraku, but can you do it? "?" Looking at the child in front of him coldly, Naraku opened the mouth and said with a facial expression. He didn't care about Nako's attack at all, and now his demonic power has begun to master the power of Sacred Jewel, and soon he can start anti-devouring from within.

The method Naraku said, of course Chiko knows that he is himself. He is the heart of Naraku. As long as he commits suicide, Naraku will undoubtedly die. However, as Naraku’s negativity, it also inherits Naraku’s negative emotions. Suicide is absolutely impossible. Besides, Naraku has already invaded his body at this time. How could he still have a chance to commit suicide? ?

"It seems that I have given up struggling! Let I, Sesshōmaru come to end your ridiculous life!!!" Seeing Mōryōmaru, whose armor fragments are constantly spilling in front of him, Sesshōmaru said with a facial expression. If this guy really devouring Naraku, as long as he doesn’t die, he will definitely show up when he faces his final blow. On the contrary, if Naraku dies, this blow will also destroy Naraku, and the result will be the same. .


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